Hermit Crab

Chapter 29: 030. Save 10 million


030. Save 10 million

Shortly after school started, Xie Xiaojiang realized that he seemed to have become a "celebrity" in the finance department.

Xie Xiaojiang did not live on campus. Firstly, he had no roommates, and secondly, it was not convenient for him to attend social activities organized by classmates at any time, so he had very few acquaintances at first.

After a few days of classes, he was gradually recognized by his classmates. It turned out that the photo of Wei Yuhuan driving a Porsche to take Xie Xiaojiang to report that day had been secretly taken and posted on the campus website. Gossip in school has always spread quickly, and with the development of the Internet and social media today, the news spread like wildfire.

This immediately made the place lively, and all of a sudden, many more classmates came rushing over to chat with him and make friends with him.

Xie Xiaojiang would chat with Wei Yuhuan about school matters every night. When mentioning this, he asked Wei Yuhuan how he should introduce himself to his classmates: "Many people ask about my family background. I'm afraid they won't believe me if I tell them the truth. If I say you sponsored my schooling, I'm afraid someone will misunderstand me."

Wei Yuhuan joked: "Just say I'm your father."

Xie Xiaojiang burst out laughing: "You look so young, who would believe you? You should be more reliable as a brother."

Wei Yuhuan smiled and said, "Then just call him brother."

Xie Xiaojiang changed his tone and said: "Oh, brother~"

Wei Yuhuan felt his whole body heat up again when he called him "brother". He reached out to hug him, tried to suppress his emotions, and reminded him in a deep voice: "I won't stop you from socializing, but remember to be careful and see clearly which people are really worth associating with and which people just want to take advantage of you."

He doted on Xie Xiaojiang, so he always thought that this little guy was innocent and was afraid that he would be deceived. But he forgot that Xie Xiaojiang had much more social experience than his peers. To him, his classmates were the truly "innocent".

"I know, don't worry." Xie Xiaojiang hugged Wei Yuhuan and stood on tiptoe to kiss him.

Wei Yuhuan lowered his head and kissed his lips, then tickled his nose and asked lovingly, "Is the money enough?"

Although Xie Xiaojiang is not "working" now, Wei Yuhuan still gives him red envelopes depending on his mood and regularly transfers money to his salary card, ranging from a few hundred to a few thousand, and sometimes tens of thousands, as if giving money is the best way for him to express his love for Xie Xiaojiang.

Xie Xiaojiang did not stop him. He had been used to living in poverty before, and was essentially a money-grubber. Now that someone gave him money every day, how could he not be happy? Wei Yuhuan gave him as much as he wanted, and he saved it all. Looking at the rising numbers in his passbook, he smiled foolishly every day in his dreams.

"That's enough. Guess how much money I have now?" When they were alone together in private, he liked to act coquettishly towards Wei Yuhuan.

Wei Yuhuan pretended to be ignorant and asked, "Eighty thousand? One hundred thousand?"

"Almost 150,000!" Xie Xiaojiang smiled and said, "Are you stupid? You don't even know how much money you gave me."

"Little bastard!" Wei Yuhuan couldn't help but give him a slap on the face, but deep down he liked his unbridled attitude. The more Xie Xiaojiang dared to say anything in front of him, the closer their relationship was, and the easier it was for them to get along.

"Why are you saving it? Why don't you spend it?" Wei Yuhuan asked.

Xie Xiaojiang rolled his eyes and said, "When I save up 10 million, I will buy your company. I will be the boss and you will work for me."

"Pfft...!" Hearing his childish talk, Wei Yuhuan was so adorable that he picked him up and held his butt like a child.

Xie Xiaojiang screamed with laughter, and then he hooked his arms around Wei Yuhuan's neck and wrapped his legs around his waist, so that he didn't fall off. "What are you doing!"

"You want to buy Huanyu for 10 million? You're dreaming," Wei Yuhuan asked with a raised eyebrow, "Or have you been planning to become my boss's wife so early?"

Xie Xiaojiang puffed up his face and said, "If you don't want me, I'll save up money to buy Wang Daqi's Hongrui and let him be... Ugh!"

"Don't even think about it!" Wei Yuhuan kissed Xie Xiaojiang's lips, blocking all the words that would make him jealous back into the little thing's stomach.

After a lot of commotion, Xie Xiaojiang received a text message from the bank telling him that two hundred thousand yuan had been deposited into his account. He was dumbfounded: "Why, how could it be so much?"

Wei Yuhuan put down his phone and said, "I'll help you save up 10 million as soon as possible."

Xie Xiaojiang felt a little uneasy, lying on Wei Yuhuan, blinking his big eyes: "I was joking, actually I don't know how to spend it, so I can only save it."

Although Xie Xiaojiang was a money-grubber, he didn't have high demands for material life. Besides, Wei Yuhuan had already bought all his underwear for him, and Wei Yuhuan paid for all his meals and movies with his credit card. What else could he do with his money? He would just go to the supermarket and buy groceries after class.

But buying vegetables doesn't cost much. When Xie Xiaojiang went to luxury stores with Wei Yuhuan, he was a coward who didn't dare to speak. But when he arrived at the vegetable market, he was a fighter with full blood. He bargained for everything. He would talk to the vegetable market vendors for two kilograms of cabbage, just to get him to give him an extra head of garlic and two bunches of green onions. Wei Yuhuan saw it once and was deeply shocked. He went back and gave him 10,000 yuan, feeling very distressed.

But even so, Xie Xiaojiang's frugality is already ingrained in his character and cannot be changed in a short time.

Wei Yuhuan said: "If you don't know how to spend money, then learn to spend it. You are studying finance now, and the most important thing you can't do without is money. Otherwise, even if you have money in the future, you won't be able to invest well and make correct judgments if you are afraid to spend."

Xie Xiaojiang understood: "You mean you want me to put my knowledge into practice?"

Wei Yuhuan: "You are smart. What is taught in school is all on paper. Stocks, securities, financial management, and investment all require you to find the right feeling through practical experience. With the money I give you, you can learn to trade stocks, buy some foreign exchange and gold, and play however you want."

Xie Xiaojiang worriedly asked, "What if we lose money?"

Wei Yuhuan: "If you study the books for this semester carefully, you will know that putting money in the bank is equivalent to depreciation. It is normal to lose money. Learning is supposed to pay tuition."

Xie Xiaojiang thought carefully about what Wei Yuhuan said, and he had no way to refute it: "I will study it and ask you if I don't understand anything."

Wei Yuhuan smiled and said, "Well, don't feel pressured. You have to spend money on socializing at school, so just spend it. Don't ask dad for more if you don't have enough." Campus life with money in pocket is the most exciting. Wei Yuhuan will make up for what Xie Xiaojiang lacked in his life and let him know how much his life will change with his involvement.

Xie Xiaojiang rubbed Wei Yuhuan's face lovingly: "I understand." Anyway, the favor he owed Wei Yuhuan would not be repaid in a short time. His life was still long, so he would remember it and repay him little by little in the future.

In just a few months, Xie Xiaojiang made a lot of "friends". Before, whenever there was something happening in school, the counselor who Wei Yuhuan had arranged a relationship with would call him personally to inform him. Now, he receives all kinds of campus information reported by his classmates every day, and he can naturally get the first-hand information about all activities and classes on social networks.

However, things in the world are not always smooth sailing, and the ivory tower life that Xie Xiaojiang imagined is not so carefree.

No one knew who had found out through incredible means that Xie Xiaojiang was a student who invested in the admission. The admission requirements of prestigious schools were already very strict, and Xie Xiaojiang's backdoor admission was too unfair, and he immediately became the target of public criticism from the children of poor families.

But this matter is not so bad. Most people who dislike Xie Xiaojiang only dare to complain and slander him in secret, and still appear to be falsely enthusiastic on the surface.

Before one wave of rumors subsided, another wave of rumors arose. Not long after the news spread, even more unbearable rumors began to spread on campus, causing almost all the students who had originally flocked to Xie Xiaojiang to avoid him.

Xie Xiaojiang didn't notice it at first, but he noticed that many of his classmates looked at him strangely, and a circle of space would automatically form around him during class.

Two days later, when Xie Xiaojiang finished his class and went to the cafeteria to eat alone, Zhao, a classmate who used to be on good terms with him, couldn't help but follow him and quietly asked, "Xie Xiaojiang, have you heard?"

"What did you hear?" Xie Xiaojiang was confused.

The man's name was Zhao Yan. He stared at Xie Xiaojiang and asked in a low voice, "Some people say you are a mb. Is that true?"

Xie Xiaojiang was stunned for a moment, and asked stupidly: "What is MB?"

Zhao Yan almost fell down. He coughed lightly and said with a strange look on his face, "MB is a money boy, commonly known as a male prostitute, who usually makes money by selling his body."

Xie Xiaojiang's face changed when he heard this, and he was a little confused: "Who told you that? Why haven't I seen it?"

Zhao Yan scratched his head and said awkwardly, "No one posted it on the campus network. The administrator will delete it. Someone sent me a text message saying that your brother is not your biological brother at all, but the one who supports you. Many classmates are also spreading the news. I don't know who was the first to spread it."

Xie Xiaojiang was in a daze and suddenly lost his appetite.

Seeing Xie Xiaojiang's reaction, Zhao Yan became more certain of the "guess" in his heart.

However, instead of showing a disgusted expression, he comforted Xie Xiaojiang with a sympathetic look: "Xie Xiaojiang, don't worry, even if you are, I will not discriminate against you."

Xie Xiaojiang shook his head instinctively and retorted: "I'm not..."

Zhao Yan expected Xie Xiaojiang to deny it. Even if it was true, how many people would have the courage to admit such a shameful thing

"I believe you. In fact, when I first met you, I felt that you were very simple and honest, and you didn't put on airs, which made people feel particularly fond of you." Zhao Yan smiled shyly.

Xie Xiaojiang was a little touched and was about to say "thank you" when Zhao Yan changed the subject and said, "But every time you mentioned your 'brother', your expression would be very different. You would smile, very sweetly, you know... So, I have always suspected that you might be gay."

Xie Xiaojiang: “…”