Hermit Crab

Chapter 32: 033. I’ll take care of it for you


033. I'll take care of you

When Wei Yuhuan rushed to the hospital, Xie Xiaojiang was sitting on a waiting chair in the corridor, surrounded by a gloomy atmosphere that kept strangers away.

His chin was a little bruised, there seemed to be a small cut on his forehead, his hair was messy, and the Burberry wool scarf he wore when he went out in the morning was lost somewhere.

Just half an hour ago, Xie Xiaojiang was grabbing Cong Yuan's collar with one hand and holding the blood-stained broken wine bottle with the other, looking like he was determined to fight him to the death, which scared almost everyone.

When some people saw Xie Xiaojiang taking action, they also wanted to rush over to help Cong Yuan fight back, or intervene and pull them apart, but none of those who took action got anything good out of Xie Xiaojiang.

No one expected that Xie Xiaojiang, who usually looked harmless, could be so lethal in a fight, especially the ferocity when beating people, which made those scholars who were only good at talking shudder.

This sudden physical conflict broke out after a girl quickly shouted "Call the police". Zhao Yan came to his senses and immediately pulled away the furious Xie Xiaojiang. The pacifists in the other camp also quickly stopped those who wanted to fight back. Cong Yuan had several bleeding spots on his body and had to receive medical treatment in time. The farce was finally stopped.

A friend of Cong Yuan threatened Xie Xiaojiang not to leave, saying that the matter was not over yet.

Zhao Yan didn't dare to take Xie Xiaojiang away like that. Those people were all seniors. No matter what they said before, it was Xie Xiaojiang who started the fight impulsively. If the other party wanted to hold them accountable, they would definitely be in trouble. If they wanted to run away, they would never have a good time in school again.

They were half threatened and half dragged to the hospital. Zhao Yan quickly thought of asking Xie Xiaojiang to call his brother. Such a big thing had happened and they had no way of solving it by themselves.

But at that time Xie Xiaojiang had not calmed down yet. He seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit. He didn't say anything and just wanted to continue beating people.

Zhao Yan reluctantly took out the phone from him, and with a twitching eye, he pressed a contact in the call log with the note "Dad Wei".

Wei Yuhuan was in a meeting when he received the call. He was just about to ask Xiaogou if he had finished the exam when he heard a strange voice on the other end: "Excuse me, is this Mr. Wei? I am Xie Xiaojiang's classmate. Xie Xiaojiang beat someone up. We are now in xx hospital." The man hesitantly said that Xie Xiaojiang was not in a good condition and asked if he could come over.

As soon as he heard the key words "hospital" and "bad condition", Wei Yuhuan's face turned pale, he interrupted the ongoing meeting and drove over as fast as he could.

Then, he saw this scene.

He was relieved at first, at least Xie Xiaojiang was still sitting in front of him intact, not unconscious, not bleeding. Then he walked straight towards him, wanting to know the details.

When Xie Xiaojiang saw Wei Yuhuan, his eyes flashed and he instinctively shrank back, especially when the other party was seriously checking his injuries. But he quickly regained his stubborn and rebellious expression, pursing his thin lips and keeping people at a distance.

Only Wei Yuhuan carefully caught the fleeting look of confusion and fear in his eyes.

Yes, Xie Xiaojiang realized that he had caused trouble. He beat people up and stabbed one of the annoying guys until he was covered in blood. Those people shouted that he should pay the price.

Wei Yuhuan asked Xie Xiaojiang what happened, but Xie Xiaojiang was speechless. He has never been good at making complaints or seeking redress for himself.

I remember one time when I was in junior high school, because his gambler father owed money to a classmate's family, that person insulted him in school, saying that the son should pay for the father's debt and asked him to bark like a dog. In anger, he beat the other person's front teeth and, as a result, his parents were called to school as a result.

Xie Xiaojiang didn't start the trouble, but when his father found out that he had beaten someone, and the victim was the son of a creditor, he slapped him twice in front of that classmate without saying a word.

This happened many times. No matter what he did, as long as his parents were called, he would be in trouble for the family and it was wrong - this rule was like a conditioned reflex, deeply rooted in his mind.

So there was nothing to explain. Although Xie Xiaojiang did not regret taking action, he still panicked instinctively when faced with Wei Yuhuan's questioning.

After all, Wei Yuhuan is not his biological father. If the other party knew that he was such a "troublemaker", he might not like him anymore... What's more, the person who was beaten the worst by him was the one Wei Yuhuan had pursued before.

Seeing that Xie Xiaojiang remained silent, Wei Yuhuan could only ask Zhao Yan, but it would be better to ask him about this matter. As the saying goes, a bystander sees more clearly, and he, who had watched the whole process, told Wei Yuhuan the whole story in almost every detail, including when the rumor about "Xie Xiaojiang is a bastard" started on campus, what was Xie Xiaojiang's attitude, until today when he met such a group of people in person, how they insulted Xie Xiaojiang, and when did Xie Xiaojiang start to fight back...

Wei Yuhuan listened carefully, his brows furrowed deeper and deeper, and his heart felt as if someone was pulling it hard.

Xie Xiaojiang had never told him about these things. Ever since he entered J University, this little guy only reported good news but not bad news. He thought he was very happy, but he never expected that Xie Xiaojiang had to endure so much criticism alone.

Xie Xiaojiang didn't hear clearly what Zhao Yan said. His brain was buzzing, and the blue veins on his arms were still throbbing. The adrenaline surging in his body due to anger had not decreased much, and deep in his heart he was confused and conflicted. He was waiting for Wei Yuhuan's verdict in a daze.

However, after hearing everything, Wei Yuhuan just sat down next to him, gently put his arm around his shoulders, and then stroked his head with his hand, saying softly: "Don't be afraid, no matter how big the problem is, I will cover it for you."

In an instant, Xie Xiaojiang's eyes became sore, his tense shoulders slowly relaxed, and his pretended strong expression collapsed bit by bit. He slowly moved closer to Wei Yuhuan's arms, like a child in urgent need of comfort, revealing a fragile and confused look.

This sudden change left Zhao Yan, who was standing aside, dumbfounded.

Just a few minutes ago, this guy was waving his pincers fiercely, intimidating anyone who tried to get close, but now, with just a few simple words from Wei Yuhuan, he let down all his guard and huddled up obediently.

… It’s amazing! (=_=)

Wei Yuhuan comforted Xie Xiaojiang for a few more words, and then asked Zhao Yan to take him to see those people who were stabbed by Xie Xiaojiang with the wine bottle.

They were queuing up to be bandaged one by one. Another uninjured classmate was standing at the door of the clinic. When he saw Wei Yuhuan, he was so nervous that he couldn't speak. It seemed that he didn't expect that Huanyu's boss would come in person for such a small matter. Although they wanted to investigate Xie Xiaojiang's violent behavior, they couldn't help blushing and speechless when they thought about how they had just talked about the main person.

Wei Yuhuan glanced at him, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where is Cong Yuanren?"

He had guessed from what Zhao Yan had said that the person who had the dispute with Xie Xiaojiang was Cong Yuan. Apart from Cong Yuan, he couldn't think of any other J University student he had pursued.

The man pointed to the emergency room. Cong Yuan was the most seriously injured. Some of his wounds were quite large. It was said that he was currently being stitched by a surgeon in the emergency room.

In a hurry, they went to the nearest general hospital to the school. The emergency surgical operating table for minor trauma was very simple and the door was ajar. The doctor had just finished stitching Cong Yuan's last wound when Wei Yuhuan pushed the door open.

When the doctor saw Wei Yuhuan's aura and dress, he didn't chase him away, but went aside to pack up his tools.

It was winter and there was no air conditioning in the clinic. Cong Yuan took off his shirt and lay on the cold trolley. His face was pale, and it was not known whether it was due to excessive blood loss or cold. He looked very pitiful.

But he should be thankful that he was wearing a lot of clothes when he was beaten, and the wine bottle did not pierce deeply. Most of the wounds were just flesh wounds. The bigger cracks were concentrated on the neck and the back of the hands, and there were patches of red medicine on the ground, which looked horrible.

However, Wei Yuhuan found that Cong Yuan's face was intact. Xie Xiaojiang was a real man, remembering the principle of not hitting people in the face when he was impulsive.

Now it seems that although Xie Xiaojiang was also injured, he was the one with the least injuries.

Wei Yuhuan breathed a sigh of relief, but still did not dare to take it lightly. He decided to wait until he finished his business and then go back to take him for a full physical examination.

Cong Yuan was also extremely surprised when he saw Wei Yuhuan, "You..." He thought Wei Yuhuan came to see him specially, and he couldn't help but smile bitterly, turned his head and said softly, "Your little lover is really amazing." It sounded like a plain sentence, but it was actually a needle hidden in it, revealing a deep grievance and resentment.

Wei Yuhuan also twitched his lips, but his tone was not smiling at all: "Yes, he is very powerful. This is the first time I know that he beats people so brutally."

Cong Yuan didn't understand the deep meaning of Wei Yuhuan's words. He thought that his injury made Wei Yuhuan realize Xie Xiaojiang's true face. He felt a little happy in his heart: "Your taste is getting worse and worse. You treat such an uncultured person as a treasure?" Cong Yuan curled his lips sarcastically. He didn't care about Wei Yuhuan's reaction and just asked: "How do you want to solve this matter?"

Wei Yuhuan felt amused. He came here to seek justice for Xie Xiaojiang, but where did this man get the confidence to think that he was here to compensate him

"How do you want to solve it?" Wei Yuhuan raised his eyebrows and asked, wanting to hear what he had to say.

Cong Yuan sighed and pretended to be generous, "I consider myself unlucky in this matter. It was you who pursued me first. I can understand that he is upset. I will graduate soon, and I don't think I will have much contact with your lover in the future. You can ask him to come in and apologize to me, and forget about this matter. You can take him back and educate him again. Oh, by the way, you should pay for the medical expenses, right?"

Wei Yuhuan nodded: "Don't worry, you won't lose a penny of the medical expenses." After a pause, he added, "But it's unlikely that Xie Xiaojiang will apologize to you. Let's not talk about whether he is willing or not. I can't bear to see him humiliated and wronged."

Cong Yuan was stunned and looked at Wei Yuhuan with a frown.

"But he is my man. Since you asked me to do so, I will give you an explanation." Wei Yuhuan hesitated for a moment and said, "Well, I will apologize to you on his behalf. After all, he was the first to attack, so he is indeed in the wrong..."

Wei Yuhuan stepped forward and looked at Cong Yuan lying on the hospital bed. "Next, let's settle what you have to confess." As he said that, he stretched out his hand with lightning speed and slapped Cong Yuan twice. The man's face was tilted to one side, and the wound that had just been sutured burst again as his neck was pulled.

—Wei Yuhuan filled in the position that Xie Xiaojiang didn't play.

The doctor who was about to leave was so anxious when he saw this, but was stopped by Wei Yuhuan's next words, "Old and new injuries will all be charged to the medical expenses. Just use the best needles and the best medicine." He pointed at the wounds on Cong Yuan's body and said coldly.