Hermit Crab

Chapter 34: 035. Being spoiled and arrogant


035. Become arrogant due to being spoiled

Xie Xiaojiang analyzed his inner thoughts in confusion and sincerity: "I feel like I got a great bargain. The life of luxury, the studies now, including you, all of this was not supposed to be mine."

Yes, if it weren't for Wei Yuhuan, he might still be living in a corner of the city, working from home to make a living. Even the life of an ordinary college student like Zhao Yan seemed like an unattainable dream to him.

But now everything has changed. He just stumbled into this house by accident and saw pairs of slippers and pajamas, a bedroom decorated like a bridal chamber, and dried rose petals that could not hide the room's luxury and former beauty. Originally, those things had nothing to do with him, but now they were filled with his scent.

Xie Xiaojiang had thought about losing it all, especially after meeting Lou Ze. He had also thought, what if Wei Yuhuan changed his mind and no longer liked him

In the past, Xie Xiaojiang always thought that the initiative in these matters was in Wei Yuhuan's hands. No matter whether it was himself or Wei Yuhuan's former lovers, he was the only one who could choose others, and no one else had the right to criticize him.

If Wei Yuhuan no longer liked him, he would no longer provide him with a place to stay or a job, nor would he give him money, let alone take such good care of him as he did now.

Therefore, Xie Xiaojiang felt like a man who had picked up a treasure on the roadside. He carefully treasured it, fearing that the "owner" would come and take back everything he had... and Cong Yuan was that owner.

He was so panicked at that moment, yet he also felt so lucky - it was a good thing that the idiot gave up Wei Yuhuan first.

And now that I have caught it, I will not let it go easily.

"Little fool," Wei Yuhuan kissed him jokingly, feeling both warm and distressed, "It's what you are destined to have, so just accept it with peace of mind and don't let your imagination run wild."

He was not having any crazy thoughts. Xie Xiaojiang curled his lips, hugged Wei Yuhuan, and wanted to do it again, as if only through the most intimate physical contact and sexual exchange could he alleviate his inferiority and anxiety.

Wei Yuhuan never refused Xie Xiaojiang's advances for sex, and after hearing such a sweet word that hit the nail on the head, his love for Xie Xiaojiang was almost overflowing.

He thought he was completely in the hands of this little thing. His heart, which had been wandering and ups and downs for more than ten years, slowly landed as the two embraced and overlapped, and took root in Xie Xiaojiang's soft and strong heart.

After making love, Xie Xiaojiang collapsed on the bed dejectedly, and then he recalled that Wei Yuhuan had helped him clean up the mess in the afternoon.

Xie Xiaojiang felt that he had brought shame to Wei Yuhuan and felt very guilty, but from beginning to end, he had never been criticized by Wei Yuhuan. This was so strange: "Do you think it's uncultured of me to hit people?" he asked.

"In a civilized society, it is better not to use force if possible, but we have to analyze the specific situation. It is reasonable for you to use force in today's situation. I can completely understand that. However, you have to know right from wrong, bottom line and measure." Wei Yuhuan expressed his opinion seriously and teased him, "But I really didn't expect you to have the courage to do it alone. You are so small. Aren't you afraid of being beaten up instead of beating up others?"

Xie Xiaojiang snorted: "Although I am short, I never lost a fight when I was a kid."

"Oh?" Wei Yuhuan asked curiously, "Why, have you practiced it before?"

Xie Xiaojiang raised his wrists in front of his chest and made a grabbing gesture, and said with a smile: "You called me a little crab, right? I have claws."

Wei Yuhuan was amused by his cute appearance, hugged him and kissed him hard: "Yes, yes, how could I forget, my little crab is awesome!"

Xie Xiaojiang felt numb in his heart, and said softly and coquettishly: "Dad, you are so good to me, you will spoil me."

Wei Yuhuan laughed and said close to his nose, "Spoil me if you want. I just like the way you walk sideways."

"Really?" Xie Xiaojiang pretended not to believe it.

Wei Yuhuan: "When have I ever lied to you?"

Xie Xiaojiang rolled his eyes, thinking that you have lied to me so many times. First you told me that we would be even after drinking, then you lied to me that you would remove the cameras in the house, and now you are hiding so many secrets about your lovers from me... Humph, you are a sweet-talking pervert.

Thinking of Cong Yuan, Xie Xiaojiang's jealousy surged in his heart again. He rolled his eyes and wanted to test whether Wei Yuhuan's words "like to walk sideways" were true, so he kicked him lightly in the quilt and said, "Then you go to sleep tonight, I'm still jealous."

Wei Yuhuan, who dug his own grave, was choked and speechless. Seeing Xie Xiaojiang looking at him and watching his performance, he felt both bitter and sweet in his heart - it was over, he even liked Xie Xiaojiang's arrogant look, was he hopeless

"Okay..." Wei Yuhuan obediently moved to the edge of the bed and looked at Xie Xiaojiang with a resentful face.

Xie Xiaojiang raised his eyebrows, but didn't show any mercy and actually fell asleep.

The lights were turned off and the room was so quiet that only the breathing of the two people could be heard. After an unknown amount of time, Xie Xiaojiang, who was already drowsy, felt the mattress move slightly. Soon, a big hand gently embraced his waist.

Before falling into a complete sleep, Xie Xiaojiang's lips curled up into a triumphant smile.

… He knew, how could this old man bear it

Xie Xiaojiang's beating incident reminded Wei Yuhuan of a suspicious point that he had overlooked before - whether it was Lou Ze in the past or Cong Yuan now, they knew much more about Wei Yuhuan's private life than what he had revealed to them.

Wei Yuhuan is a person who attaches great importance to personal privacy. Although he has had several lovers at the same time, in order to take into account everyone's feelings when they are with him, he will never mention one lover in front of another.

Lou Ze is fine, but as for Cong Yuan, Wei Yuhuan doesn't think he has the ability and awareness to investigate himself, but he says outside that Xie Xiaojiang is a bastard. What a strange perception.

Wei Yuhuan was not stupid. After careful consideration, he guessed what went wrong. Yes, it was his closest secretary, Li Xiuya.

Wei Yuhuan entrusted Li Xiuya to find and purchase the villa for Lou Ze, and also asked Li Xiuya to arrange the Chunjiang Flower Garden for pursuing Cong Yuan. Over the years, Wei Yuhuan really trusted him too much.

Thinking back to the lovers he had dated after hiring Li Xiuya, he found that there were no less than five partners who broke up for various strange reasons! Wei Yuhuan only realized at this moment that the seemingly calm Li Xiuya had actually done so many unknown things in secret.

After taking a look at Li Xiuya's nearly perfect resume and his performance in recent years, Wei Yuhuan was having a headache about where to start. But when he thought that he might have also spread rumors in front of Xie Xiaojiang, Wei Yuhuan made up his mind. No matter how capable this person was at work or how well they got along in the workplace, he probably couldn't keep him any longer.

"What are you looking at?" Xie Xiaojiang tiptoed over like a rabbit. He had already gone to the company to accompany Wei Yuhuan to work.

One year after returning to school, Xie Xiaojiang was able to do more and more things to help Wei Yuhuan, so when he saw him frowning, he was eager to help him solve his problems.

Wei Yuhuan quickly covered what he was reading with a document - he didn't want Xie Xiaojiang to know about what happened to Li Xiuya.

"Tingshan Green Land Residential Investment Project?" Xie Xiaojiang read the name of the file stamped on it, without realizing that Wei Yuhuan had already made any changes.

Wei Yuhuan also took the opportunity to flip through the information and explained: "This is a real estate project that Huanyu invested in two years ago. However, it was a relatively unsuccessful investment."

"Ah? Why?" Xie Xiaojiang thought that all the investments made by Wei Yuhuan were profitable.

Wei Yuhuan said, "Huanyu spent a huge amount of money to win the bid for the government-provided land. However, two years ago, the housing prices in City S hit a bottleneck. After the bidding design was released, all the houses that were originally thought to be sold quickly were unsold. The capital turnover was too slow, and the building could not be built. The construction unit defaulted on the payment several times, and the workers also made trouble. It was all reported in the news. As a result, Huanyu delayed the listing for half a year."

Xie Xiaojiang: "What about now?"

Wei Yuhuan pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed, "The housing market rebounded at the beginning of this year and has basically turned around, but the negative impact at the beginning cannot be compensated by this little profit."

Xie Xiaojiang seemed to understand, but he felt a little distressed when he saw Wei Yuhuan's depressed look. Everyone only saw Wei Yuhuan being popular and influential, but they could not feel the pressure of a man in his thirties to shoulder such a large company.

Xie Xiaojiang walked around behind him, put his arms around him, and imitated the way Wei Yuhuan usually comforted him, saying in a deep voice: "Don't worry, I'm here."

Wei Yuhuan: “…”

Xie Xiaojiang thought that he had to make himself stronger so that he could help Wei Yuhuan share the pressure in the future.

Wei Yuhuan was amused by his lover's childish behavior. Although he complained in his heart, "What use can you be?", he had to admit that such a simple sentence warmed his heart and all his worries disappeared for a while.

The two were kissing with their necks hooked, when suddenly someone knocked on the door. Xie Xiaojiang, whose lips were numb from the kiss, quickly jumped away and ran out, saying "Zhao Yan and I are going to have dinner."

When Xie Xiaojiang left the house, he saw Li Xiuya staring at his lips with a strange look. He felt as if he had been caught cheating. His face felt hot and he quickly slipped out. Before closing the door, he heard Wei Yuhuan say to Li Xiuya in a serious tone: "I was just about to talk to you..."

Shaking his head, Xie Xiaojiang ran downstairs in two steps to find Zhao Yan.

With Wei Yuhuan's approval, Zhao Yan has joined Huanyu and was assigned to work in the Financing Department as an apprentice to an experienced senior, which can also be considered an internship.

When Xie Xiaojiang found him, he was taking notes seriously. Xie Xiaojiang slapped him on the shoulder. He was so scared that he shouted, "Oh my god, Xie Xiaojiang, you scared me to death... Hey, did you eat spicy hot pot or put on lipstick? Why are your lips so red?"

Xie Xiaojiang: “…”