Hermit Crab

Chapter 37: 038. Cause and effect in the world (completion) gnaws at the birthday


038. Cause and effect in the world

With Wei Yuhuan, Xie Xiaojiang is no longer short of money. He is not really worried about recovering the money. He just can't understand why a person would be so hateful!

Wang Daxiang was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he lost face in front of women. Now when he was pressed by Xie Xiaojiang, he completely collapsed and said: "There is no reason in the world! If you want to ask, just ask the last person who treated me like this! How could I I worked as a construction worker in City S for a year, and the contractor owed me a full year's salary, and he completely disappeared. Why did I owe him this? Why can't I get the money? , my wife abandoned me because of this, and my children had no money to eat and go to school! How do you know what I was living on at that time?" Wang Daxiang became more and more excited as he spoke, and in the end he even got wet in his eyes, "Xie Xiaojiang, I'm sorry for you. ! But who should I ask to collect my debt? It’s not me, it’s the society!”

Xie Xiaojiang was shocked and speechless for a moment. When he thought that he had secretly lived in Wei Yuhuan's house and committed illegal crimes, he felt that he was the same as Wang Daxiang.

When Wei Yuhuan saw that Wang Daxiang had defrauded people of money and still didn't repent, and he was so arrogant in looking for reasons from others, he was so angry that the veins on his arms were throbbing, and he just wanted to punch him two more times, but as soon as he raised his fist, he was stopped by Xie Xiaojiang: "Forget it, stop fighting."

Wei Yuhuan took a deep breath and let go of him.

Wang Daxiang got free, quickly got up, and looked at them with disgrace. He didn't dare to run anymore, but he didn't dare to imagine that Xie Xiaojiang would let him go, because he had indeed deceived the innocent Xie Xiaojiang.

Just when he was worried about how to collect the money, Xie Xiaojiang suddenly looked at him and said: "Wang Daxiang, if you don't have the money, I don't want you to pay it back."

This development was beyond everyone's expectation. Wang Daxiang stared at Xie Xiaojiang in disbelief.

Xie Xiaojiang paused and continued: "I'm going to vent my anger by beating you today. I just want to advise you that being deceived and hurt is not a reason to commit crimes and make money. But, this society is indeed very dirty. It's very dark, but it also has a bright side. If one road doesn't work, then find another one. Don't do anything illegal. Today you deceived me and ran away. Tomorrow you deceived others but you may not have such good luck. You can do evil things. If you do too much, you will be punished sooner or later."

Wang Daxiang: “…”

After saying this, Xie Xiaojiang was about to pull Wei Yuhuan away. Wei Yuhuan suddenly thought of something, turned around and asked, "Which construction site did you work at?"

Wang Daxiang was stunned, and said with a twisted face: "Fengcheng Construction!" He will never forget the 30,000 yuan of hard-earned money this unscrupulous company owed him. Since then, his life has plummeted.

Wei Yuhuan's eyes flashed, his lips moved slightly, but in the end he said nothing and took Xie Xiaojiang back to the car.

After setting off again, Wei Yuhuan asked Xie Xiaojiang: "Why let him go?"

Xie Xiaojiang was silent for a moment and said: "Because I have made mistakes before, but you let me go."

Wei Yuhuan: "..."

Xie Xiaojiang: "If you had handed me over to the police, I wouldn't be who I am today, so I also want to try to forgive Wang Daxiang once."

Wei Yuhuan thought to himself, then you should thank your parents for making you so cute. If you look like Wang Daxiang, I will not let you go...

Xie Xiaojiang thought for a while and asked: "Do you know about the construction in Fengcheng?"

"...Hmm." Wei Yuhuan smiled bitterly. Sometimes he was really surprised by Xie Xiaojiang's keenness and intelligence.

Xie Xiaojiang asked: "Is it related to the Tingshan Greenland residential investment project you mentioned last time?"

"Yes," Wei Yuhuan did not deny it, and also explained, "Fengcheng Construction is one of the construction contractors in the construction of Tingshan Green Space. It is responsible for the detailed construction of the middle and later stages of the project. Because the funds were not in place at the time, the project was interrupted for a time, not to mention people with surnames like Workers like Wang couldn't even get paid by the contractor, so they couldn't pay wages. Later, when the funds were reversed, we gave the full amount of money to the real estate company. They were the superior unit responsible for recruiting and managing the construction team. It’s not my turn to ask how the person in charge handled the money.”

Xie Xiaojiang looked out the window and sighed: "Then whose fault is it, Huan Yu?"

"We purchased the land from the government at a high price, so naturally we cannot sell it at a loss, otherwise it will be the nearly a thousand employees of Huan Yu who will not get their wages and wait to be laid off." Wei Yuhuan paused, stretched out his hand to hold Xie Xiaojiang's hand, and said frankly, " Of course, I am also indirectly responsible."

I didn't expect that there are such inextricable connections between them.

Indeed, if Wei Yuhuan had not made a thorough analysis of his original decision, there would have been no Tingshan Green Space, no Fengcheng construction, Wang Daxiang would not have suffered wage arrears, and he would not have deceived Xie Xiaojiang. Then Xie Xiaojiang would not have In desperation, she would break into a private house and appear in front of him...

Maybe there really is something pulling them together, just like everything in the world and the cycle of cause and effect.

If this was a mistake at the beginning, then Wei Yuhuan was willing to compensate Xie Xiaojiang for this mistake for the rest of his life.

Xie Xiaojiang shook his head, held Wei Yuhuan's hand instead, and said, "Don't take the responsibility on yourself. I asked too naively."

Yes, the world is so complicated. No one can be black and white, and it is impossible to say clearly what is right or wrong.

"Wei Yuhuan, I'm so lucky that it was your house that I stayed in at that time."

"I'm also glad that that person is you."

"Even if what I did was wrong?"

"Even if it's wrong."

As long as you are the right person, as long as we are walking on the right path now.

End of text

Extra: Sister

At the end of the year, Xie Xiaoxi and his brother were reunited for less than ten days, so every time they separated, they felt as reluctant to part as if they were parting.

Wei Yuhuan witnessed it twice and couldn't bear it. He simply suggested to Xie Xiaojiang that his sister should be taken to S City to attend a boarding high school, so that the two brothers and sisters could see each other every weekend.

Xie Xiaojiang was both surprised and worried when he found out. There was no need to explain the surprise. The worry was because he was afraid that Xie Xiaoxi would not be able to accept it after knowing about his relationship with Wei Yuhuan.

Of course, Wei Yuhuan didn't want an outsider to disturb his and Xie Xiaojiang's loving life, but she was Xie Xiaojiang's sister after all. Since he loved Xie Xiaojiang, he would naturally regard Xie Xiaojiang's sister as his own.

"I only have one condition. If she wants to come over, you must let her know our relationship in advance. I can't stand pretending in front of her, and I can't even touch you." Wei Yuhuan said.

Xie Xiaojiang was confused: "She knows she won't be able to accept it!"

Wei Yuhuan raised his eyebrows and said, "How do you know she can't accept it? Don't look at the little girl now. I'm sure she knows more than you."

Xie Xiaojiang: "..."

No matter what, you still have to give it a try. After all, the education level in S City is much higher than that in their hometown. Given this opportunity, how could Xie Xiaojiang arbitrarily make the decision to give up for his sister

One of the May Day Labor Day happened to be Xie Xiaoxi's birthday. Xie Xiaojiang did some psychological construction and asked his sister to buy a train ticket to S City, and he and Wei Yuhuan took her around the city. Wei Yuhuan also gave her a mobile phone as a birthday gift on the day she arrived, which made the little girl feel flattered.

In those days, Xie Xiaojiang and Wei Yuhuan did not deliberately keep a distance in front of her. Instead, they were just like when they were getting along outside. They also wanted to observe how Xie Xiaoxi would react to this.

When eating, Wei Yuhuan wiped the vegetable stains from the corners of Xie Xiaojiang's mouth with his own hands. When crossing the road, Wei Yuhuan subconsciously pressed his palms against Xie Xiaojiang's back. When getting in the car, Wei Yuhuan would carefully check whether Xie Xiaojiang was wearing a seat belt... In addition to not kissing in public, The ambiguous attitude between the two people when they get along can be felt by one person as something is wrong. However, after a few days, the introverted and shy Xie Xiaoxi still looks calm and composed.

It wasn't until the day he sent his sister to the train station that Xie Xiaojiang summoned up the courage to say: "Xiaoxi, brother wants to tell you something."

Xie Xiaoxi: "Huh? What's the matter?"

Xie Xiaojiang: "Well, I don't know if you can see it, but your Uncle Wei and I..."

"Oh," before Xie Xiaojiang finished speaking, Xie Xiaoxi interrupted him, nodded calmly, and asked, "Are you a couple?"

Xie Xiaojiang: "... (=口=)..."

Xie Xiaojiang blushed and stammered: "You, when did you see it?"

Xie Xiaoxi: "I guessed it when he went to see you on the first day of the first lunar month this year."

"How did you guess it!?" If what Xie Xiaojiang brought back was a woman, it would be fine if it was discovered, but Wei Yuhuan is a man!

"Many girls in the class are reading Danmei novels, which are love stories between men and women..." Xie Xiaoxi glanced at her brother, stuck out her tongue, and whispered, "Brother, Uncle Wei is really good to you."

Xie Xiaojiang said frantically: "Now that you found out, you didn't even ask me a question, leaving me alone and nervous."

Xie Xiaoxi: "I'm afraid you will be embarrassed if I tell you."

Xie Xiaojiang felt that he had no shame to ask any more questions... My sister is really a terrifying creature! Tat

When Xie Xiaojiang sent Xie Xiaoxi off and returned home, he told Wei Yuhuan what his sister had just answered. Wei Yuhuan laughed loudly and said, "I said she knows more than you!"

In this case, it would be no problem for Xie Xiaoxi to come to school in S City, and Wei Yuhuan quickly made preparations for the transfer.

A few days later, Wei Yuhuan added Xie Xiaoxi's WeChat account. As soon as she said hello, she received a bunch of photos from Xie Xiaoxi. They were all photos of Wei Yuhuan and Xie Xiaojiang that she had captured when she visited S City on May Day. At the end, he also sent: "Uncle Wei, you and my brother are a perfect match. Thank you for being so kind to my brother. [Heart]"

Wei Yuhuan: "..." What should I do? Suddenly I feel like I have an extra daughter. My daughter is such a caring little cotton-padded jacket! Tat

At the end of August, Xie Xiaoxi officially transferred to City S for his sophomore year of high school.

At first, Wei Yuhuan was worried that the house was not big enough and wanted to live in another one. However, Xie Xiaojiang was already used to living in Chunjiang Huajingyuan and did not want Wei Yuhuan to be too extravagant and wasteful. Moreover, Xie Xiaoxi would only come back on weekends and would not take up much space, so he proposed to move the original place to another one. Wei Yuhuan had no choice but to renovate Xie Xiaoxi's study into a bedroom.

Xie Xiaojiang personally cooked a banquet at home to welcome his sister's arrival. Worried that it was not lively enough, he even called Zhao Yan.

Zhao Yan had heard Xie Xiaojiang say that his sister was "underage" before, and he had always thought that this little girl had a baby face like his brother, and looked like a junior high school student at most. When he arrived, he rang the doorbell, and it happened that Xie Xiaoxi went to open the door. door.

That day, Xie Xiaoxi wore a goose-yellow dress with some lace on the edge. She was a sixteen-year-old girl in her prime, with no makeup on her face, like a hibiscus. Her delicate and graceful face was adorned with a pair of big, bright eyes. , pure and touching, when she saw Zhao Yan, she said with a smile: "Hello, brother."

My brother’s classmate is also my brother, so Xie Xiaoxi did not call him wrong.

However, Zhao Yan was so stunned by the sweet "brother" that he called him, and his eyes never left Xie Xiaoxi's body from the moment he walked in.

…Why can other people’s sisters be so beautiful! So unscientific! Tat

End of extra chapter

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