Hermit Crab

Chapter 9: 009. Drink and talk


009. Drinking and talking

After entering the box, Shao Qi and the other man sat on both sides of the coffee table, Wei Yuhuan sat in the middle. Xie Xiaojiang, who followed behind, stared at the double sofa occupied by Wei Yuhuan and stood awkwardly on the side.

"What are you doing standing there?" Wei Yuhuan patted the empty seat next to him and called him, "Come and sit down."

Xie Xiaojiang looked at Wei Yuhuan's handsome face and felt that he was smiling with ill intentions.

But now that you're in, do you still have to act shy like a grown-up girl

Xie Xiaojiang put on a smiling face and moved over: "Boss, if you don't mind, then I'll take the seat!"

How could Wei Yuhuan not see the other party's vigilance? When he got close, he couldn't hold back and stretched out his hand to pull him to his side.

Xie Xiaojiang: “…” Nnd, it doesn’t feel good!

The two people on the side looked at them with interest without interrupting.

Qi Muying was about to ring the bell to ask for tea, but Shao Yongyang said, "I suddenly feel like drinking."

Wei Yuhuan glanced at him and smiled secretly: "It's all right, just drink." That's right, why drink tea? Drinking can liven up the mood!

Qi Muying said, "We can't just drink. We have to order some side dishes. Let's see if there's crayfish sauce, duck wings, drunken chicken feet, or something like that."

Xie Xiaojiang quickly jumped up: "Yes, yes, yes, I'll get it!"

I haven't even sat down yet, but I'm already rushing out...

As soon as Xie Xiaojiang left, Shao Yongyang could no longer hold back and laughed wildly, leaning forward: "You are too impatient. Look how scared you just made me!"

Qi Muying: "That's right, be civilized, be civilized, take your time!"

Wei Yuhuan really can't be blamed. Half a year ago, he watched this little thing run away right under his nose, and he has been holding a lot of resentment in his heart for half a year. It would have been fine if he had completely forgotten about it, but the other party appeared again when he was about to forget about it. Now that anger is surging up, it is even more intense than before!

Wei Yuhuan's performance was considered good. He didn't grab the man's neck and ask "Do you still remember Landlord Wei on the bank of Fengjiang River?"

However, the friend's reminder is not wrong. Anyway, everyone knows that this guy works here and there is no rush. The monk can run away but the temple cannot. Don't scare him. Otherwise, before you can get a few words out of him, he will be treated as a pervert!

Wei Yuhuan took a deep breath and calmed himself down.

Shao Yongyang stood up and asked with a wicked smile: "What do you want to drink? Vodka or whiskey?"

"Vodka, please," Wei Yuhuan paused, and added, "and a dozen beers."

Shao Yongyang exclaimed: "Depth charge? You are so cruel!"

Wei Yuhuan curled his lips and smiled sinisterly: "It's better to be prepared. What if that kid doesn't drink foreign wine? Let's drink beer first, and then add some foreign wine slowly."

"Insidious! Despicable!" Shao Yongyang raised his middle finger, then raised his thumb after showing contempt, "But I like it."

Wei Yuhuan: “…”

Qi Muying thought for a moment and asked, "What if that kid can drink a lot?"

Shao Yongyang rolled his eyes: "There are three of us, are we still worried that we can't get a little brat drunk?"

Qi Muying: "No matter how many of us there are, we will definitely drink together, so essentially, it doesn't matter whether he's one on three or one on one."

Shao Yongyang slapped his head and said, "You're right!" He fumbled in his coat pocket and took out a small bag of powder. He covered his mouth and asked in a low voice, "How about we just give it some medicine?"

Qi Muying: "..." Why would this guy carry something like this? (=_=)

"This is a bit too much." Wei Yuhuan also frowned. It was true that he wanted to teach that little guy a lesson, but this method was too despicable and contrary to his style.

Qi Muying also agreed: "Yes, it is better for us to abide by the law."

"We've come all the way here and we're still abiding by the law~" Shao Yongyang complained in a low voice and reluctantly put the small bag back.

As they were talking, Xie Xiaojiang came back, followed by a little girl in a pink "Bud" uniform. Both of them were holding trays in their hands, and on the trays were the side dishes that Qi Muying had just mentioned.

Xie Xiaojiang placed the side dishes on the coffee table one by one, and the girl was helping. Soon the wine came up. Xie Xiaojiang diligently opened the wine and looked for a glass, as if he was deliberately delaying time and sat back.

Wei Yuhuan had just listened to his friend's advice, so he let him be busy. When he had nothing to do, he looked at him with a smile and motioned him to come over and sit down.

Xie Xiaojiang: “…”

The girl who had just served the dishes was standing by waiting for orders. Shao Yongyang found her annoying and wanted to ask her to leave.

Xie Xiaojiang's black and white eyes rolled around and he said, "Boss, I'm not a professional drinking companion. I think you should keep Xiaotao. Otherwise, if you don't drink enough, Manager Wang will scold me."

Upon hearing this, the girl named "Xiao Tao" immediately smiled brightly at the three men and said "Hello, boss" in a crisp voice. She looked quite pretty.

Shao Yongyang, who had no moral integrity, immediately said, "Then stay and have a couple of drinks with me!"

Wei Yuhuan didn't care. He had no plan to do anything to Xie Xiaojiang here. At most, he would wait until the kid got drunk and then interrogate him thoroughly, exposing the bad things he had done half a year ago and making him apologize to him and beg for mercy. If this scene was seen by others, it would be embarrassing for the little guy himself, haha.

"Do you know why I asked you to come in for a drink?" Wei Yuhuan also revealed his purpose.

"Why?" Xie Xiaojiang was stunned. He wanted to know the reason!

Wei Yuhuan glanced at him with a smile: "Because you look like a... friend I know."

Xie Xiaojiang: “…”

Wei Yuhuan patted his shoulder and said, "So you don't have to be too nervous. I called you in just to chat with you."

"Oh..." Was I overthinking it? Xie Xiaojiang scratched his head. Seeing that they didn't chase Xiaotao away, he breathed a sigh of relief. It was always safer to have someone with him than to go alone.

"Would you like to drink some foreign wine?" Wei Yuhuan asked slowly, deliberately making the atmosphere gentle and polite at the beginning.

"I'm fine with anything." Xie Xiaojiang was no longer burdened and relaxed a little.

All right? Wei Yuhuan was a little surprised. He turned his hand from the beer can to vodka and poured him a glass directly from the small cup: "Do you want to drink this?"

"What is this?" Xie Xiaojiang asked stupidly.

Wei Yuhuan snickered. He didn't know anything and yet he said "anything is fine". He was really bold. "Try it."

He handed the wine glass to Xie Xiaojiang, and watched him put the glass to his lips. Just like when he tasted the scrambled eggs with tomatoes, he first licked it with the tip of his tongue, and then squinted his eyes like a cat: "This wine is so spicy!"

This was the first time such a scene was played out in front of him at such a close distance. Wei Yuhuan felt his heart starting beating wildly again - this little crab was so cute!

Xie Xiaojiang pursed his lips and drank the small glass of wine, smacking his lips as he drank: "It's so spicy, it's killing me!"

Wei Yuhuan couldn't help laughing. He kept drinking even though the food was spicy. It seemed that he was a greedy drinker. His hands kept pouring him another glass.

Xie Xiaojiang felt embarrassed: "Boss Wei, why are you pouring wine for me? I should be pouring wine for you."

Wei Yuhuan generously placed the bottle in front of him: "Okay, pour it."

Xie Xiaojiang held the bottle and looked at it: "What kind of wine is this?"

Wei Yuhuan: "Vodka."

Xie Xiaojiang showed a surprised expression, and did not hide the joy of trying something new: "This is vodka? This is my first time drinking it!"

Wei Yuhuan looked at him with a smile, and suddenly had the urge to reach out and rub his head.

Xie Xiaojiang "professionally" poured some wine for Wei Yuhuan, Shao Yongyang, and Qi Muying, then raised his glass and said, "Thank you three bosses for your hospitality. After today, I will also be a person who has drunk vodka, hehe."

Shao Yongyang laughed secretly and thought to himself that after today, no one will know who you are!

In order to distract Xie Xiaojiang's attention, the three of them pretended to chat about some gossip around them. Xie Xiaojiang listened carefully with his eyes wide open, seeming to be curious about everything.

After listening for a long time, Wei Yuhuan only clinked glasses with him occasionally and asked him to eat more, and there were no other strange behaviors. Only then did Xie Xiaojiang completely relax and began to enjoy the food and wine in front of him.

Being in the same room with the bosses, not only does he not have to serve them servilely, but he can also drink good liquor like vodka. This treatment is unprecedented for Xie Xiaojiang.

He touched the roll of red banknotes in his trouser pocket, and felt elated. The more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and he drank two more glasses of wine.

It is said that the bosses who come here are stupid and have a lot of money. Today he really experienced it. The money comes too easily. No wonder the sisters who work well in "Hanbao" are so radiant every day!

Wei Yuhuan was chatting with his friends, but he would glance at Xie Xiaojiang from time to time. He saw that the little guy had lost his initial caution and restraint and was gnawing on chicken feet and smacking his lips, looking very happy.

Wei Yuhuan was both angry and amused, wondering if this little thing could be so easy-going no matter what situation it was in

He opened a can of beer and poured it into a large cup, then added a little vodka to it and pushed it in front of Xie Xiaojiang calmly: "Try this."

Xie Xiaojiang had never tried this way of drinking before, and he looked very curious, so he raised the cup and drank.

Seeing this, Xiao Tao pretended to tease him, "Xie Xiaojiang, can you hold your liquor? Don't get drunk or no one will carry you back~!"

Although Xie Xiaojiang works as a receptionist outside, he has a cute appearance and a sweet mouth, so he has a good relationship with many of the female waiters in the store. The girls treat him as their younger brother, and Xiaotao is one of the ones who is relatively familiar with him.

Just now she was entertaining guests outside when Xie Xiaojiang suddenly ran to her and said that he had met three abnormal guests who wanted him to chat with them. He was a little worried and asked her to go over and take a look.

Xiao Tao came without saying a word. She had seen the world and knew that mixing foreign liquor with beer would have a strong aftertaste, especially mixing it with strong liquor like vodka. Some bosses would pour a small cup of vodka directly into a large beer glass and let the person drink it in one gulp. This way of drinking is also known as "depth charge". People who can't drink much would fall to the ground after drinking one glass.

Now, seeing that Xie Xiaojiang was obviously being coaxed into drinking by this customer, she was afraid that he might not know his limits, so she gave him a slight reminder.

But Xie Xiaojiang didn't understand what she meant at all. He waved his hands and said generously, "I'm fine."

Generally, drunk people will say that they are fine. Xiao Tao was a little worried that Xie Xiaojiang had drunk too much, but she reminded him once and told him not to mention it a second time. If the guests found out, she would be the one in trouble.

Shao Yongyang noticed it immediately. Seeing that the situation was going as they had planned, he certainly couldn't let this little girl ruin his buddy's good deeds, so he brought up a separate topic to draw Xiaotao's attention.

Qi Muying also felt that the time had come, and slowly intervened between Shao Yongyang and Xiao Tao, leaving some space for Wei Yuhuan and Xie Xiaojiang.

Wei Yuhuan sipped his drink slowly while casually talking to Xie Xiaojiang: "Your accent doesn't sound like a local. Where are you from?"

Xie Xiaojiang did not hide it: "I am from Suqian, Jiangsu."

As the saying goes, alcohol makes cowards brave, and it is true. After a few glasses of wine, although Xie Xiaojiang was not drunk, his whole body was hot and his brain was excited. He had long forgotten the "careful words and actions" that should be followed when facing guests.

Wei Yuhuan nodded and asked, "How old are you? Why do you look like a minor?"

Xie Xiaojiang said straightforwardly: "Haha! People who know me say that I look young, but I'm already 22 years old this year!"

Twenty-two? Eight years younger than me, he is indeed a child!

"At your age, you should be in college, why are you working in a place like this?"

"Just short of money." Xie Xiaojiang thought, is this guy stupid to ask such a question? Most of the girls working in Hanbao are under 25 years old. Who would come to work in such a place if they had money? It's really a blessing that the emperor is ignorant of the sufferings of the people.

Wei Yuhuan captured a detail that when Xie Xiaojiang answered this question, the main reason was "lack of money".

He remembered that he went to a foot massage shop with his friends to get his feet massaged. The man who massaged his feet was also a very young man. Wei Yuhuan asked the same question at that time, but the man's answer was "I'm not good at studying." Indeed, in China, if a boy is good at studying, his parents will sell everything they have to support him even if the family has no money. After all, knowledge is the only way to change one's destiny.

"If you are short of money, would you still go to school?" Wei Yuhuan asked again.

"Of course." Xie Xiaojiang said as a matter of course.

Hearing this answer, Wei Yuhuan felt an inexplicable sympathy in his heart. However, young people who could not afford to continue their studies and came out to work were everywhere in City S. He was not here to be a long-legged uncle today.

Wei Yuhuan did not delve further into the issue. He clinked glasses with Xie Xiaojiang and continued to ask, "Are you an only child? Who else is in your family?"

"And a younger sister." Xie Xiaojiang drank one cup after another and spoke without thinking. However, he was a little puzzled. Why did President Wei ask so many questions, as if he was checking someone's household registration

"When did you start working here?"

"It's been about half a year."

"How much does it pay to work here?"

"Two thousand eight hundred per month, food and accommodation included!" Xie Xiaojiang seemed a little proud when answering this question, with his head held high.

Wei Yuhuan laughed, wondering what was there to be proud of with such a small salary.

But this "food and accommodation included" is really thought-provoking...

Wei Yuhuan narrowed his eyes and asked with a smile: "Before that, where did you live?"