Heroic Death System

Chapter 18: My heart beats for you


Seeing his lonely expression, Jian Chenfeng wondered if he was being too aggressive? But if he doesn't force it, this guy may never understand or accept his intentions.

"Yu Mo." Jian Chenfeng took the cup from his hand, leaned over and kissed him on the lips, feeling his retreat, he immediately held the back of his head and aggressively deepened the kiss until he was gasping for breath But he was relieved when he was out of breath.

Jian Chenfeng looked at his misty eyes and whispered, "Let me take care of you, and let me love you well."

Stop tempting him with this tenderness! What if he can't hold back and agree? !

Shang Ke took out the pillow from behind and shoved it between him and Jian Chenfeng, isolating any source of evil that might let him fall.

Jian Chenfeng didn't push too hard, straightened his body, and asked, "You will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow, will your parents come to pick you up?"

"Yeah." Shang Ke nodded while hugging the pillow.

"Tomorrow I'll go to your house for dinner with you first, and then take you home, back to our house." Jian Chenfeng's tone was beyond doubt.

"My illness is cured, and I don't need to live with you anymore."

"I'll give you two choices, one is to come out tomorrow and then go home with me; the other is to go home with me first and come out when the time comes."

Shang Kerang: "This is also called choice? There's no choice at all, right?"

"Why not? The time to come out is up to you."

Shang Ke: "..." Hehe, you are really reasonable.

In the evening, Jian Chenfeng had something to do temporarily and did not stay in the hospital. Shang Ke was enjoying himself, lying on the bed alone watching TV.

At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Jian Xin walked in from outside.

"Jian Xin?" Shang Ke asked in surprise, "Why are you here?"

He stood up, intending to go over to help her.

Jian Xin took a step back and looked at Shang Ke with red and swollen eyes: "Did you say something to Donglin?"

"Huh?" Shang Ke didn't know why.

"He doesn't want me anymore, he said he wants to give me to you." Jian Xin covered her face and cried.

"Hey, don't cry." Shang Ke comforted, "My brother loves you very much and won't want you."

Jian Xin raised her head, with anger in her eyes: "Jiang Yumo, what are you doing? Why are my brother and Donglin facing you?"

"They have no less affection for you than me." Shang Ke continued to enlighten, "Everyone cares about you very much."

"Care?" Jian Xin mocked: "My brother spends more time with you than me, and Donglin gave up on me for you. This is also called concern? You had a brain tumor before, so they should care about you, but now your The operation has been successful, why do you still take away what should belong to me?"

"Sorry, I didn't expect to hurt you."

"I didn't expect it? When will you, Jiang Ershao, consider other people's feelings?" Jian Xin said angrily, "Jiang Yumo, listen, I will never like you, a hypocritical little person! No matter what lies you make up, Don't even think about separating me from Donglin."

After speaking, Jian Xin turned around and walked out of the ward.

Shang Ke was worried about her accident, and quickly followed her. As for what she said just now, Shang Ke didn't take it to heart. In this world, only the people he really cares about will hurt him.

The two turned the corner one after the other, and just happened to bump into Jiang Donglin who came to deliver something to Shang Ke.

As soon as he saw Jian Xin and Jiang Yumo, he subconsciously returned to the elevator and closed the elevator door.

"Donglin!" Jian Xin rushed over and kept pressing the elevator button, but failed to stop the elevator from descending.

Shang Ke really wants to kneel to Big Brother Jiang, why are you so pretentious when you are in a relationship? There's nothing I can't talk about, but I'm still playing the trick of you chasing me and hiding.

At this time, it was still visible that Jian Xin rushed into the safe passage and immediately chased after him.

As soon as Jian Xin went downstairs, she saw a familiar car passing by.

She chased and shouted, "Donglin, Donglin!"

"Jian Xin, stop chasing, it's dangerous!" Jian Xin's speed was astonishingly fast, but Shang Ke didn't stop him for a while.

Seeing her running out of the hospital and rushing onto the road, Shang Ke had a strange feeling in his heart: the time to complete the additional task was coming.

Jiang Donglin seemed to see Jian Xin in the rearview mirror, so he hurriedly braked and stopped the car on the side of the road.

He opened the car door and was about to turn back to find Jian Xin, but saw a truck behind her, rushing towards her at a very fast speed.

"Jian Xin!" The monk Jiang Donglin shouted at the same time.

However, Jiang Donglin only took a step, but Shang Ke flew over without hesitation and hugged Jian Xin.

Hearing a "bang", Shang Ke could only feel his body rise into the air, subconsciously protecting Jian Xin before landing, enduring most of the impact force.

Jian Chenfeng finished his work early and planned to stay in the hospital tonight to accompany Yu Mo. Then when he rushed to the hospital, he was greeted with a nightmare.

He watched helplessly as Yu Mo and his sister were hit by a truck, rolled off the ground, and finally hit the guardrail in the middle of the road.

At that moment, Jian Chenfeng felt as if his heart had stopped beating.

Shang Ke violently spurted out a mouthful of blood, dyeing Jian Xin's hair and clothes red.

Jian Xin was completely dumbfounded, and shrank stiffly in Shang Ke's arms, her throat was dry and she couldn't make a sound. Seeing Jiang Yumo's mouth full of blood, her vision gradually blurred, and her tears flowed down uncontrollably.

Jian Xin always felt that Jiang Yumo was just a cynical second-generation ancestor, with no other advantages except his face, and she was always troubled by his pursuit. However, she did not expect that this person would rush up to protect her. Even Jiang Donglin hesitated for a moment, but he did not turn back.

"Jian Xin, are you... alright?" Shang Ke asked weakly.

He was covered in blood at this time, his arm was broken, his right foot was twisted unnaturally, and he could not move.

Seriously injured so far, she even asked if she was okay? !

She was protected by Jiang Yumo in his arms, and only suffered a little scratch, and he almost endured all the impact for her. This feeling, this sacrifice, made Jian Xin cry uncontrollably.

"Yu Mo, Jian Xin!"

Jian Chenfeng and Jiang Donglin rushed to their side one after another, with expressions of horror on their faces.

"Brother, I'm fine, hurry up, save Jiang Yumo." Jian Xin said in tears.

Jian Chenfeng stretched out his hand and planned to lift up Jian Xin, who was on Shang Ke's body. Who knew that Shang Ke would spit out a mouthful of blood as soon as he moved.

"Don't move for now." Shang Ke lay on his side on the ground and said weakly, "Let the medical staff handle it."

Jian Chenfeng withdrew his hand and looked at Shang Ke with red eyes.

Blood flowed down his right forehead and through his eyes, almost staining half of his face red. He half-squinted his eyes, the gentleness in his eyes was the same as before, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and a shallow smile emerged in the blood, with an indescribable charm.

Jian Chenfeng didn't understand why he could still laugh, as if he could face it calmly regardless of life or death. This kind of open-mindedness and freedom made Jian Chenfeng both astonished and uncomfortable.

Could it be that there is nothing in this world that he misses

At this moment, the doctor and nurse rushed over from the hospital, and after emergency treatment, they carried Shang Ke and Jian Xin on the stretcher respectively.

"Broken spine, multiple fractures on the body... The situation is in crisis, and immediate rescue is needed!"

"Hey, what is this?"

Shang Ke's shirt was torn open, revealing his blood-stained chest. On the blood-stained right chest, a blooming flower faintly appeared, like a raging flame, dazzling and dazzling, causing the surrounding people to be amazed.

Jian Chenfeng's breath stagnated, his heart tightened, and something seemed to be touched in the depths of his soul.