Heroic Death System

Chapter 25: You are my belief


"No comparison." Shang Ke replied to Max's challenge simply and clearly, then turned around and continued to pack his things.

Max frowned, playing with his short knife while staring at his busy back. Suddenly, he took out a silver coin from his pocket and flicked it towards Shang Ke's leg.

Shang Ke's body instinctively made a dodging action, but the reaction speed was too slow, and he was shot straight.

He bent his knees and almost fell to his knees, and the dishes in his hands fell to the ground and shattered.

Pupu was startled, and ran to Shang Ke's side, hugged his leg, and glared at Max angrily.

Max looked at the little girl beside Shang Ke's legs with a strange expression: "Osari, you..." He didn't expect that Osari was so weak now that he couldn't even hide a coin.

Shang Ke turned to look at him and asked, "Do you have to fight?"

He asked very calmly, and there was neither embarrassment nor flinch in those thick black eyes, as if he was just asking a sparse and ordinary thing.

Max was asked such a question, but he didn't know how to answer.

"Captain Max." At this moment, a figure appeared in front of Shang Ke and said lazily, "If your hands are really itchy, why don't you try a few tricks with me?"

"Are you... Kaxiu?" Although Max had graduated, he was still concerned about the rising stars of Guangsong Academy. Kaxiu's double shadow sword is very famous among this freshman.

"I didn't expect the captain of the guard to have heard my name." Kaxiu smiled, but his eyes were full of anger and killing intent.

Max looked at him, then looked at Shang Ke behind him, put away the short knife, and sneered: "Forget it, bullying the weak is not my style."

After speaking, he greeted his companions and turned to leave.

"Shang Ke, are you alright?" Kaxiu walked over to Shang Ke and asked with concern.

"It's okay." Shang Ke smiled.

Kaxiu hesitated for a moment, and finally couldn't hold back: "Are you really Osari?"

"My name is 'Shang Ke' now." Although he replied, he also indirectly admitted his identity.

Kaxiu looked at his slightly staggering footsteps with regret flashing in his eyes.

When he first entered the academy, he heard the names of the "Academy Double Stars", one was the unfathomable Tylor, and the other was the talented Osari. The two of them have won numerous honors for the college in various joint school competitions. In those four years, Guangsong Academy won the "first" in almost all awards. I don't know how many people idolize the two of them, and they can't be more worshipped.

However, Osari, who had a bright future, disappeared after graduation, and appeared five years later, but it was such a scene. His strength was greatly diminished, his glory was gone, he was abducted and sold by human traffickers, and he had no power to resist the challenges of his once defeated generals.

How much sacrifice did this man make? How many years has he endured silently? Is it really worth it to absorb demonic energy for others at the expense of oneself? Most of those who have been invaded by demonic energy are weak-willed and psychologically dark people. Is it really worth saving their lives with everything they have

He originally had extraordinary talent, a great future, and strong strength, and he might even become a leader of the party in the future. Today, he can only push a small car and earn a meager living allowance by selling lunch boxes every day. (Shang Ke: Correction, my earnings are not "meager", please don't underestimate my lunch, okay?)

Seeing him being humiliated by the Max Guard Captain just now, Kaxiu was furious.

He can't wait to rush out and tell others: "Osari is not weak, he is stronger than anyone!", but he is worried about causing him trouble. After all, people with demonic energy have always been feared by the world. They have only one way to deal with the invaders - kill or kill.

Kaxiu opened his mouth and wanted to ask him: Do you really not care at all

Shang Ke turned around and said with a smile, "Kaxiu, shall we go home?"

That smile is like the warm sun in winter. The eyes are bright, without a trace of decadence, shining like a jewel with dazzling brilliance.

At this moment, the anger and injustice in Kaxiu's heart suddenly evaporated like water vapor.

As the saying goes, "poor people must be hateful", but a strong person does not need to be pitiful, because he has never lost courage and hope.

"Well, go home." Kaxiu showed a slightly shy smile, his eyes warmed slightly, he held Pupu's little hand, followed Shang Ke's side, and slowly walked towards home.

One day, everyone will understand how powerful this man is. His strength is not in force, but in spirit.

"I can't believe that that person is Osari, who was as famous as you back then." Quincy said with surprise, "How could he be like this?"

Tylor leaned against the tree trunk, watched their disappearing backs, and remained silent.

Quincy said again: "If it were me, I would never set foot in the king's city for the rest of my life, so as not to be embarrassed."

Tylor glanced at him, stepped forward, and walked straight to the other side.

"Hey, wait!" Quincy didn't notice Tylor's expression, and continued to say enthusiastically, "I estimate that tomorrow the news will spread throughout the entire academy. In the past, the genius was on the streets. I don't know how many people will come to watch. …”

As Quincy said, Osari's identity was quickly known. That lunch box prince turned out to be the genius Osari who made countless "firsts" for the academy.

This disappearance caused a sensation in the academy, and the next day many people flocked to see what happened.

Shang Ke did not stay out of the house because of his identity exposure. On the contrary, he tripled the price of the lunch box, but halved the quantity.

"Is he Osari? My brother beat him by one term, and said his name almost every day."

"Has Osari really given up on his beliefs?"

"A person like this deserves to be as famous as Lord Tylor?"

Everyone pointed at Shang Ke, curious, excited, mocking, and even more excited to see the genius of the past.

Kaxiu stood behind Shang Ke, he really didn't understand why he insisted on coming out to set up a stall knowing that someone would fall into trouble. Although he is not very rich, it is more than enough to support two more people!

At this time, several young people walked up to Shang Ke's car, and one of them said in a strange manner: "Senior Osari, I have visited your stall several times but failed to recognize your identity. It's really rude."

While carving the fruit, Shang Ke asked, "Do you want to buy a lunch box?"

"Buy, of course I have to buy it." The young man exaggerated, "I've packed all your lunch boxes today."

"A total of 213 gold coins, thank you for your patronage." Shang Ke replied without looking up.

The young man was stunned and asked subconsciously, "213 gold coins, why are they so expensive? You only sell 100 boxes every day, each with 25 silver coins. A hundred boxes are at most 25 gold coins."

"Today, the price of lunch boxes has increased, with 75 silver coins per box."

"That's 75 gold coins in total."

"The other 138 is the IQ fee."

"IQ fee?" Cun Tou looked blank.

Shang Ke asked lightly, "Are you a second-year student of Guangsong Academy?"

"That's right. How do you know that?" Inun Tou puffed out his chest and looked proud.

Shang Ke sighed and replied, "You are wearing a school uniform with blue sleeves. Anyone with a normal IQ should not be wrong. Unless you borrow someone else's school uniform."

The surrounding people burst into laughter.

Inun Tou's face turned red, and he said angrily, "I just forgot that I was wearing a school uniform for a while, what's the fuss about."

Shang Ke smiled and said again: "I also know that your grades are not good, oh, sorry, it should be very poor."

"Have you investigated me?" Inun Tou looked shocked.

Shang Ke sighed again: "What do you think is worth investigating for someone who has failed six subjects in one semester?"

Cun Tou was completely detoured by Shang Ke: "How do you know that I have failed six subjects in a row?"

"You said it three days ago when you bought a box lunch here."

"Three days ago?" Cuntou's mouth twitched. Do you remember what a passer-by said casually three days ago? !

"There are only nine main subjects in the academy. If you fail six subjects at a time, you are considered amazing. It's not too much for me to charge you some IQ fees, right?"

The crowd laughed again.

Inun Tou was so angry that he vomited blood, and a blond man next to him saw his companion slumped and said in solidarity: "Osari, you have fallen to this point yourself, what qualifications do you have to ridicule others?"

Shang Ke looked at the blond male protagonist, then looked at the girl beside him, and asked, "Your name is 'Kenli'?"

"That's right." The blond man stroked his hair and raised his eyebrows. "I'm from a noble family and have excellent grades. I'm afraid you can't find a reason to ridicule me."

"Oh?" Shang Ke disagreed, "So, what about your relationship problems?"

"Emotional issues?" Kenli's expression changed slightly, and he glanced at the girl beside him subconsciously.

Shang Ke smiled at the girl and said, "Your necklace is really beautiful. Kenli gave it to you, right?"

"Thank you, yes." The girl was flashed by Shang Ke's smile, and she couldn't help but smile back.

Shang Ke continued: "Unfortunately, I saw the same necklace on another girl."

He must be disdainful: "What can the similarity of the necklace mean? This necklace is not unique."

"Yes, it is indeed not unique." Shang Ke shrugged: "But unfortunately, your hands are relatively cheap, and a declaration of love was engraved on the necklaces of the two of them. Although the content is slightly different, the handwriting is the same. .Your girlfriend's necklace says 'I miss you all the time' and another girl's necklace says 'I love you all the time'. I have to say, your vocabulary is really lacking."

The girl looked at Ken Li in disbelief, then ripped off the necklace around her neck, kicked him again, and walked away angrily.

"Shanshan!" Ken Li was in a hurry, and chased after him.

Shang Ke turned his attention to the other companions in Bu Tou, who subconsciously took a step back and did not dare to provoke any more, for fear that the other party would also charge their IQ fees by the way.

"Hahaha." Everyone laughed.

But after laughing, he couldn't help but secretly startled. With such a small necklace, what kind of eyesight and memory does it take to recognize it? And it's been such a long time, and it's a stranger who has nothing to do with it. How on earth did Osari remember this information

Shang Ke turned a deaf ear to the laughter around him, and said calmly, "Although I'm not very powerful right now, I'm still a few blocks away from you in terms of IQ and character. Come on and teach me a lesson when you get full marks in all subjects?"

After a while, he stopped the knife, slowly raised his head, and looked directly at the crowd: "Barbarism and ignorance can only succeed for a while, but they can never make the brave surrender and the wise bow their heads."

Saying that, he gently placed the carved fruit on the table.

The laughter of the crowd gradually ceased, and their eyes followed his slender fingers and fell on the fruit.

Just a few minutes after they were talking, this fruit was carved into a blooming peony by Shang Ke. The petals were layered, gorgeous and complex, and nuanced. The faint fragrance filled the air, making people feel relaxed and happy.

The king of flowers, there is no way to compete.

This is... the power of faith!

Although he couldn't sense the power of faith in him, he was able to attach his faith to foreign objects! So pure, so fresh, so gorgeous.

Everyone looked at the plainly dressed and smiling young man in front of them, and suddenly felt that the mountain was still unfathomable, and there was no contempt.

This is the style of the geniuses of yesteryear! Even if the force is no longer, it has not diminished the spirit of the year. When talking and laughing, there is wisdom; between behaviors, it is full of elegance.

Kaxiu has been standing behind Shang Ke. He was already ready to fight, but who knew that it would be useless. Shang Ke solved the crisis with just a few words, and also gained a large number of nc fans, and the lunch box is even more It was snapped up with lightning speed.

Tylor, who was hiding in the forest, stared deeply at the young man surrounded by everyone, his heartbeat seemed to be a little faster than before.

The Osari he once knew was like a sharp blade, powerful but without depth. Today, although his body is weak, he is like a pearl that has washed away the splendor, the brilliance is flowing, and the condensed and hidden sharpness makes people unable to take their eyes off.

What did he go through to bring about such an earth-shaking change

It must be an unimaginable tempering for ordinary people, right

On the way home, Kaxiu glanced at Shang Ke from time to time.

Shang Ke looked back: "If you have something to say, say it."

"Hey, it's okay." Kaxiu touched his nose, his eyes were full of smiles, obviously in a good mood.

Shang Ke glanced at him strangely, not knowing what he was smoking.

"Shang Ke." Kaxiu suddenly leaned into Shang Ke's ear and whispered, "Let's be a family in the future."

"Isn't it right now?" Shang Ke raised his eyebrows and said, "You give up, I don't plan to move from your house."

"Haha." Kaxiu hugged him abruptly, slapped him heavily on his face, then picked up Pupu and ran into his yard briskly.

Shang Ke inexplicably wiped the saliva from his face and scolded with a smile, "Nerve."

Since that day, Shang Ke's popularity has soared. Although there are still many people who are secretly sneering and ridiculing, the rude behavior has not appeared. On the one hand, it is because of his charisma that he has conquered some people, and on the other hand, it is because Tylor and Kaxiu and others have warned others.

Kaxiu was okay to say, but no one dared to despise Tylor's words.

So, Shang Ke lived very comfortably these days, selling boxed lunches, teasing Pupu, chatting about gossip... Until seven days later, an old man came to the door.

"Teacher Gamow." Shang Ke gave the old man a student salute.

Gamow is Osari's mentor and the headmaster of Guangsong Academy.

He stroked his beard, looked at Shang Ke gently, and asked, "Osari, how long are you going to sell the lunch box?"

"What does the teacher mean?" Shang Ke asked tentatively.

"Come back to school with me and be a guest lecturer at Guangsong Academy."

A hint of surprise flashed in Shang Ke's eyes: "Teacher, how can I be qualified to be a guest lecturer at the academy now that my strength has been greatly reduced?"

"There is no shortage of martial artists in the academy." Gamow said with a light smile, "I asked you to teach knowledge and spread culture, not combat skills."

Shang Ke was silent.

Gamow added: "You are the best of all my students. I used to think so, and now, it is even more certain."

Shang Ke didn't hesitate for a long time on Gamow's proposal.

He bowed deeply and said with a smile: "As long as the teacher is not afraid that the students will mislead the children, the students will naturally be willing to give it a try."

"Haha." Gamow was in a good mood, and the years of estrangement disappeared in a few conversations.

Gamow looked at the young man in front of him with both admiration and regret. He admired his state of mind, and regretted his strength. Although I don't know why he has become so weak, this does not affect Gamow's evaluation of him. On the contrary, he felt that the current Osari was more powerful than before.

The news of Shang Ke's upcoming appointment as a guest lecturer at Guangsong Academy quickly spread, causing a commotion in the academy, with opponents and supporters divided equally. They all wanted to see how Osari would perform.

Tylor is an honorary professor of the academy, while Osari is a visiting lecturer of the academy. The former "Academy Double Stars" reunited again after a lapse of 5 years.