Heroic Death System

Chapter 38: Let me protect you


Clyde's revenge came sooner than he could imagine. Less than half a month after the party, Mr. Ferger was inexplicably laid off by the company, and then Mrs. Ferger's flower garden was vandalized, and then Shang Ke and Feng Feng. Jun's bicycle was stolen, and other belongings were often lost.

Soon after, the guy Clyde appeared before them, proudly showing off his "great achievements" and offering to let them go as long as they stayed with him for a few nights. As a result, he and his friends were beaten by Feng Juan again. Feng Jun was not afraid that they would call the police. Several big boys were beaten by a twelve-year-old boy, and it would be embarrassing to say it.

"He's really busy." Shang Ke said.

"Then let him get busy." Feng Jun replied.

So, the two cooperated and put those "pornographic photos" on Clyde's campus network, Facebook and various public websites in batches. They only released pornographic photos of Clyde and adult women, and a small number of minors were packaged and sent to the police station. The so-called not to make a move is already, once he makes a move, he will no longer have the power to resist.

I believe that Clyde will not have the energy to harass them for a long time to come. As for the family income, Shang Ke and Feng Jun are not worried for the time being. In addition to the monthly zf subsidy, they also earn a small amount of money by doing odd jobs such as performing arts, writing small programs, and designing websites.

Besides, the Fergers are optimistic people who will soon pick themselves up and get back into their new jobs.

"Have you found out who it is?" In the office of Xingji Technology Company, a middle-aged man glared angrily at a technician sitting in front of the computer.

"Mr. Cawthorn, the other party is obviously a good hacker and has not left any traces." The technician said to himself, "But please rest assured Mr. Cawthorn, as long as he appears again, I will be able to track him."

Cawthorne thought for a moment, then asked the assistant beside him, "Do you know who Clyde has offended recently?"

This question is too embarrassing for Mr. Assistant. Clyde is offending people almost every day...

He considered it for a while and replied, "I don't know exactly who offended, but I heard that he taught a few people some time ago."

"What did you teach?"

"The Weinman family's youngest son, his classmate Jerry, and two junior high school students."

A gloom flashed in Cawthorn's eyes, and he ordered: "Send someone to give them some fun. If that person is among them, he will definitely shoot again."

In the evening, Feng Jun carried a bag of fruit and stood at the entrance of the alley, waiting for him.

At this moment, five or six well-built men suddenly appeared in front of him. They quickly surrounded and attacked Feng Jun without saying a word.

These people are well-trained, and they are above Feng Juan in both size and strength. After all, Feng Jun was only twelve years old. After struggling with them for a few minutes, he finally lost and was forcibly taken away by these people.

When Shang Ke came to the appointed place and saw the fruit scattered all over the place, his expression changed instantly.

He immediately took out his mobile phone and turned on the tracking system, but Feng Jun's mobile phone signal disappeared midway. With a low curse, he rushed home quickly, turned on his computer, called up the city map, and began frantically searching for Feng Jun's traces using the electronic surveillance in that area.

After a long time, Shang Ke found what he wanted and found that Feng Jun was attacked by several people, and then he was taken to a black Ford and drove all the way to the south. After dozens of minutes, he disappeared from the monitoring range.

Shang Ke gritted his teeth, took out his mobile phone and called Detective Rowan: "Detective Rowan, Ian has been kidnapped."

"What? Are you sure?" Rowan was shocked.

"Okay, I saw with my own eyes that he was forcibly brought into a black Ford with a license plate of tn46..." Shang Ke estimated that the license plate was useless, but he still tried to tell what he knew.

"Okay, I'll send someone to investigate right away. You come to the police station, and I need to make a detailed record for you."

"Okay." Shang Ke hung up the phone, brought his notebook, and rushed to the police station immediately.

"Why are you alone? Didn't Mr. Ferger come with you?" Rowan asked in surprise when he saw him running over alone.

"They're not in the city right now, so they won't be able to come back for the time being." Shang Ke looked at Rowan, "Let's find Ian first."

Luo Wen no longer delayed, and carefully asked Shang Ke, the time, place and other circumstances of Feng Jun's disappearance.

"Do you know who Ian has had a grudge against?"

Rowan's question gave Shang Ke a flash of inspiration. start a feud? They've only had a feud with one person recently, and that's Clyde! But he had no way to tell the truth, otherwise the pornographic photos would not be able to be concealed, and their method of dealing with Clyde was illegal after all.

Shang Ke thought for a moment and replied with three words: "I don't know."

Rowan was about to ask again, when a colleague outside the door informed him: "Rowan, we found the target vehicle in the surveillance."

"Really?" Rowan stood up immediately and took Shang Ke to the monitoring room.

"Is it this car?" Rowan confirmed to Shang Ke.

Can still nod. He had seen this video for a long time, and when the black Ford disappeared from the surveillance, he could no longer track its whereabouts.

Rowan quickly arranged the task, while investigating the owner of the license plate, while preparing to lead someone to pursue it.

"Shang, you leave the police station and other news." Rowan said to Shang Ke.

"No, take me with you, maybe I can think of anything else."

Rowan thought about it and agreed.

Shang Ke followed Luo Wen into the car and sat in the passenger seat.

As soon as Luo Wen started the car, he saw Shang Ke took out a notebook from his backpack, put it on his lap, and quickly opened it.

"What did you take out the computer for?" Rowan gave him a strange look, and several people in the back seat also looked at Shang Ke.

Shang Ke ignored them, tapped his fingers quickly, and began to track Clyde's parents. Clyde himself has now been detained, so the only people who attack Jun Jun can be his relatives.

Shang Ke hacked into Xingji Technology's server last time and left a back door, so this time he entered easily.

Although Luo Wen didn't know much about computer technology, he couldn't help but be shocked when he saw Shang Ke's skillful operation and the pictures displayed on the screen.

Shang Ke doesn't care about exposing his hacking skills, Feng Juan's safety is what he cares most about right now.

He activated the Zerglings and quickly searched the internal network of Astral Technology, while capturing Cawthorn's cell phone signal.

Then, Shang Ke took out his mobile phone, plugged in the earphones, and just put it on, the phone screen prompted the call to cut in, and Cawthorn's voice immediately entered Shang Ke's ears: "... I see, let's lock it in Renner first. The warehouse in Hong Kong will release people in a few days.”

"This kid has hurt a lot of us, and we want to teach him a good lesson."

"As long as you don't get crippled, the rest is optional."

"No problem, boss."

The phone was turned off over there, but Shang Ke was not idle either, his fingers flickering on the keyboard quickly. There are hundreds of warehouses in the port of Renner. You can first check the warehouses under the name of Xingji Technology or Cawthorn, and the result is 0. He then searched with the names of Cawthorn's assistants, secretaries and other cronies, and finally locked on a target.

Rowan paid attention to Shang Ke while driving. He looked focused, his fingers were flying, and pages quickly flashed on the computer screen.

The more Rowan looked, the more frightened he became. Even if he was a computer idiot, he would react at this moment. This kid actually hacked into other people's websites and easily accessed other people's information.

He is only thirteen years old! How can you have such superb hacking skills

"Detective Rowan." Shang Ke suddenly said, "Here."

He points to his computer, which shows an electronic map of Renner Harbor.

"How did you find out?" Rowan couldn't help but ask. After only ten minutes, he actually found the specific location

"Sorry, Detective Rowan, I didn't tell you before. In fact, we had some holiday with Clyde some time ago, so I guess this incident has something to do with them."

Luo Wen's thoughts turned sharply, and he asked in surprise: "Did you send those pornographic photos?"

Shang Ke nodded without denying it.

Rowan was really convinced: "They know that you did it? So this time it's revenge?"

"No, I shouldn't know." If he knew, Cawthorn wouldn't just imprison Feng Jun for a few days, or even send someone to kidnap him. There are ways to deal with them.

"Then why did he send someone to kidnap Ian?"

"Probably want to... lure snakes out of their holes." A sharp light flashed in Shang Ke's eyes. When Feng Jun is rescued, he will fulfill that man's wish.

Luo Wen looked at Shang Ke at the moment, sitting upright, his eyes dark, and his maturity and wisdom were faintly revealed, not like a thirteen-year-old child at all. Only for the important people, will the hidden edge be revealed.

Maybe he... never really knew the kid

Luo Wei didn't continue to ask questions, speeding up the car, and according to the clues provided by Shang Ke, he went straight to the destination.

Shang Ke looked ahead and said silently in his heart, "Jun Jun, you will be fine, I'm here."

In the warehouse, Feng Jun was beaten until his nose was blue and his face was swollen, and his whole body was injured, but he held on to it and didn't cry out.

"Don't pretend to be dead, call me!" The man kicked him fiercely in the stomach.

Feng Jun arched his body and stared at him coldly.

The man was stunned, and he was kicked violently again.

Feng Jun endured the severe pain, and the image of Shang Ke flashed in his mind: No, he can't die here! He didn't want to leave Coco!

He opened his eyes suddenly, and quickly searched around with his blurred vision.

Suddenly, his pupils contracted, and he found an iron rod in the corner not far away.

Feng Jun stretched out his arm, firmly grasped the foot that was kicked towards him, and pushed it up hard, and the man immediately fell to the sky.

Feng Juan took the opportunity to jump forward, grabbed the iron rod, swept aside, hit the other person's foot joint, and then stabbed his head again.

"How dare you resist, come on!" The remaining three or four Chao Feng Jun came to besiege him.

Feng Jun stared at them coldly, a trace of ferocity flashed in his eyes...

A few dozen minutes later, when the police broke in, they saw Feng Jun knock the last person to the ground.

He held a rusty iron rod in his hand, covered with blood and stains, and there were five or six groaning strong men lying on the ground.

He turned his back to the direction of the door, tilted his head slightly, and under his sweat-soaked hair revealed a beast-like eye.

The policemen were stunned by his gaze, and an inexplicable chill arose in their hearts. He is still just a child, why does he have such fierce eyes? Compared to the muscular guys on the ground, this kid looks more like a sociopath! So, are they here to save the meat ticket, or are they here to save the kidnappers

"Jun Jun." When the atmosphere was deadlocked, a crisp voice broke the silence.

Shang Ke jumped out of Luo Wen's car and was about to run towards Feng Jun, but was stopped by Luo Wen: "Wait, don't go over first."

The kid had a murderous aura about him, and he might attack anyone who came close to him without realizing it.

Luo Wen's stop was still a step slower, and when he reached out, Shang Ke had already run several meters.

He scolded secretly and quickly chased after him, for fear that he would be injured by Feng Jun.

However, what he feared did not happen.

"Jun Jun." Shang Ke opened his arms and embraced him without hesitation.

Hearing a familiar voice and seeing a familiar person, the anger in Feng Jun's eyes disappeared instantly, and the iron rod in his hand fell to the ground.

He bowed slightly, rested his head on Shang Ke's shoulder, and slowly revealed a reassuring expression on his face.

Feng Jun was much taller than Shang Ke, but at this moment, he was leaning on Shang Ke like a child, and then passed out in his arms in relief...