Heroic Death System

Chapter 44: Everyone loves little mushrooms


It was still possible to use the time to simmer a pot of mushroom soup to finally confirm that Yan Lu had lost his memory.

The calamity failed, the past was gone, and it was like a new life. For Shang Ke, this is undoubtedly a good start.

Yan Lu stared at Shang Ke while drinking the soup.

Shang Ke didn't know what he meant by staring at him when he drank soup.

After drinking a pot of soup, Yan Lu said slowly, "I think you are better."

No matter how delicious this deity is, I won't let you eat it! It's sad enough to be a mushroom, isn't it? There is also a guy who is always thinking about eating you, and this guy will really eat him in the future!

Shang Ke felt that if he wanted to cultivate him into a generation of gods, he had to let this emotionally weak guy know all the good things in the world, so as to correct his distorted outlook on life and world.

Therefore, Shang Ke decisively decided to take him out to travel, to experience life, punish evil and promote good, and light up the brilliance of human nature while searching for immortals and asking questions.

A few days later, Shang Ke stored all the things in the storage ring, and after saying goodbye to all the mushrooms in the cave, he took Yan Lu on the road.

"Come on, Xia Liangcheng will be here soon." Shang Ke turned to greet Yan Lu behind him.

Yan Lu followed slowly behind, quietly looking at Shang Ke's energetic back. Although he didn't remember anything, he was very familiar with the aura of the person in front of him. I don't know how many days and nights, he was by my side.

Yan Lu thought, did he plant this mushroom before? Are you good at growing mushrooms before? Actually, a mushroom essence that can be transformed into a human form was planted. (Shang Ke: Haha, I think too much.)

Yan Lu stepped on his right foot and instantly appeared beside Shang Ke, walking side by side with him while smelling the mushroom fragrance.

Although Shang Ke's current cultivation level is not high, he can still fly short distances, but with Yan Lu, he can only choose to walk. After Yan Lu failed to transcend the calamity, his cultivation base was completely lost. However, his body has been tempered by the Eighth Heavenly Tribulation, and has been reborn. The demons he cultivated in the past were destroyed, and then he was still able to use various spiritual things to cleanse the demonic energy, and the spiritual energy in his body was self-generated and full of righteousness.

In other words, Yan Lu has the body of a demon and the spiritual roots of a fairy family. With his aptitude, no matter what kind of righteous cultivation method he cultivates in the future, he can achieve great success.

It seemed that Shang Ke could embark on the road to becoming a god as long as he found a good kung fu for him. However, the reality is always cruel.

Xialiang City is a small remote town with a population of less than 50,000 people, but it is surrounded by green mountains and beautiful waters, and it is full of spiritual energy. Mountain people often pick Xianzhi Lingcao, so cultivators occasionally come here to shop for treasures.

Shang Ke, who was disguised, walked in the crowd, slowly introducing the situation in Xia Liangcheng. Yan Lu looked around casually, and when he saw something he liked on the stall next to him, he reached out and took it. When Shang Ke found out, this guy was holding a fan in his left hand, a few tassels and ornaments hanging on his arm, and a fruit in his right hand, nibbling happily.

Shang Ke asked, "Have you paid for these things?"

"What is money?" It wasn't that Yan Lu didn't know what money was, but he didn't care at all. In his opinion, as long as he has the ability to take anything, it is his.

"Buy and sell, buy and sell, and barter is fair, how can you not ask for it yourself?" Shang Ke took him and turned around and walked back, "Let's go and pay for these things."

Yan Lu was noncommittal and followed behind Shang Ke, watching him tirelessly find the owners of the various vendors and pay all the money one by one.

Shang Ke looked at his purse, these things just now actually cost half of his property.

He said to Yan Lu: "In the future, I will find a way to make money, or I will have to sit and eat."

"No, just grab a few people and you'll have it." Yan Lu turned his eyes on a few gorgeously dressed people and said lightly, "These people have fat heads and big ears, stagnant qi in their bodies, and they must always be greedy for pleasure. , take their money, and maybe let them live a little longer."

Shang Ke: "... That's also other people's money, so it's wrong for us to rob it."

"You are a mushroom, why are you more disciplined than an ordinary person like me?" Yan Lu gave him a sideways glance.

Does this have something to do with his mushrooms? Also, where are you ordinary? You were born to subvert the world, okay

Shang Ke said speechlessly: "Why do you have to use illegal means for something that can be obtained through legitimate means?"

"Because it's the easiest and most direct." Yan Lu took it for granted.

Shang Ke finally realized how wrong this guy's three views were. He felt in his heart that it was right to bully others and rob people...

The two did not settle down in the city, but chose a place to sleep in the mountains outside the city.

The ones that have become mushrooms can usually absorb the essence of plants and trees, as well as foods such as grains, beans, nuts, Chinese cabbage, etc. In another world, they are supplemented with vitamin b1.

And Yan Lu, a non-human and non-devil guy, has also been inedible. He can eat if he wants, or not if he doesn't want to. Recently, he wanted to eat mushrooms and asked Shang Ke to continue cooking mushroom soup for him.

At night, Shang Ke could find a clump of wild mushrooms, and then turned into mushrooms and mixed in with them, with the same color as them. This saves space and facilitates cultivation, and also has a good protective effect.

But Yan Lu can find him at a glance, and once he finds him, he likes to stare at him intently.

Mushroom Shang Ke shivered, leaned toward a big mushroom next to him, and hid in the shadow of the big mushroom.

Yan Lu was a little dissatisfied, and reached out and took off the big mushroom, and Shang Ke was exposed to someone's hungry eyes again.

mushroom:"… "

Yan Lu didn't seem to think it was enough, so he took off all the mushrooms around Shang Ke, leaving only one mushroom standing alone on the trunk.

mushroom:"… "

How much money does this guy owe? ! Can't let him be a humble little mushroom quietly

Shang Ke couldn't bear it any longer, and reincarnated into a human form. Yan Lu immediately picked up the clothes on the ground, wrapped him, and placed him in his arms, rubbing it, um, it was still so good, it smelled and felt good.

"What are your hands doing?" Shang Ke asked.

"Touch the mushrooms."

Blue veins burst out on Shang Ke's forehead: "What's there to touch? I'll be the same as you after I transform into a human figure."

"It's completely different." Yan Lu touched and compared, "Your hair is softer than mine, your body is thinner than mine, your skin is whiter than mine, your legs are thinner than mine, and this... is also smaller than me."

Yan Lu stared between Shang Ke's legs and affirmed, "It looks similar to your body..."

Shang Ke was outraged! Where almost? Much worse, okay

He broke free from Yan Lu's arms, jumped to the top of a tree several times, and then turned into a mushroom, arrogant to the stars.

Yan Lu caught the clothes that were floating down and fell into contemplation. Should he take him off, or should he take him off

At this moment, the sound of fighting and anger suddenly came from a distance.

Shang Ke looked at the reputation, and saw the sword light flickering over there, the spiritual energy was disordered, and it seemed that a group of cultivators were fighting.

Yan Lu also heard the sound, jumped up to the top of the tree, crouched on the trunk beside Shang Ke, and watched the battle from a distance.

It seemed that five cultivators were chasing and killing three cultivators. The three were obviously lost, and they were quickly defeated. One of them rose up with his sword, leaving his two companions and fled in the other direction. Except for one of the five cultivators who was seriously injured, the other four all chased after them.

"Go, go have a look." Shang Ke returned to human form, picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on, then quickly swept over there.

Yan Lu naturally followed.

Only three people remained at the scene of the fight, one was dead and the other two were seriously injured.

Shang Ke walked to one of the injured and asked, "Are you okay? Is there any medicine on your body?"

When the injured person saw Shang Ke, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then he returned to his senses and took out a medicine bottle from the storage ring with difficulty.

Shang Ke took it, took out a pill from it, and fed it to him. Then he turned around and was about to treat another wounded, but saw Yan Lu squatting aside with nothing to do with himself, his expression indifferent and no waves.

Shang Ke didn't think too much, walked over to check the injured person's condition, and found that he had died out of breath.

Yan Lu took off the storage ring of the deceased, probed it with his divine sense, and then put it in his pocket.

Shang Ke opened his mouth, just as he was about to educate him, he thought that this is the world of self-cultivation, and even if they don't take things from dead people, others will take them. Although he hoped that Yan Lu would follow the right path, sometimes he couldn't be too pedantic.

Shang Ke did not find that a needle was inserted into the neck of the deceased. This person did not die of serious injuries, but was punctured by a needle that Yan Lu picked up at random.

"Cough, thank you two for helping." The man who was given medicine by Shang Ke just now sat up, clutching his chest, and his face had recovered a little blood.

"You don't need to thank him, it's just an effort." Shang Ke smiled at him.

The man's expression was stunned, the young man in front of him was white-haired and purple-shirted, and his body was light. On his beautiful and unparalleled face, there was a kind of slightly lazy eyes, the corners of his eyes were slightly raised, and there was a bit of flattering. Smile, such as colorful clouds in the sky, dazzling eyes.

"In the next Yu Wenjie, I don't know how the two are called?" Although he asked two people, his eyes were always on Shang Ke.

"This is Shang Ke, this is Yan Lu." The reason why Shang Ke dared to call out the name "Yan Lu" is because today's cultivation world has long forgotten this former devil. Even if there are people who still remember him, most of them only remember his nickname "Yan Luo Mozun".

Shang Ke asked Yu Wenjie about what happened.

Yu Wenjie is from the Feixing Sword School and was ordered to escort a treasure to Yunxiao City. Unexpectedly, the news leaked, and he was attacked by other cultivators in the middle. Four brothers died one after another, and only he and the one who escaped just now were left.

Shang Ke asked, "Have your treasures been taken away? Do you need our help?"

Yu Wenjie smiled bitterly: "The mission failed, and my colleague died tragically. I'm afraid I can't track down the whereabouts of the treasure alone. Please send me to the nearest town so that I can notify my colleague to come and help."

"No problem." Shang Ke showed a bright smile.

To establish the correct three views for Yan Lu, let's start by helping this unfortunate fellow Taoist.