Heroic Death System

Chapter 6: It only takes 72 hours to fall in love with you


"Do you agree to let Roy replace Gabriel and inherit your father's business?"

Agree, so agree! Did Ravel also see through Gabriel's narrow-minded and unusable nature

Seeing him nodding, Ravel didn't say more, just patted his head.

It was only then that Shang Ke noticed that there was actually a black mole on the palm of his right hand. It is said that people with moles on the palm are not only rich and noble, but also have leadership skills. Some people say that this is because the love in the past life has not yet happened, and they are staying in this life to meet their lovers. However, Buddhists generally believe that people with moles on their palms are the fate of the gods.

The latter two cannot be studied, but Ravel in front of him is definitely a winner in life with both wealth and leadership.

Shang Ke didn't know that, in fact, Ravel had all three.

"It's over, go back, I'll accompany you to eat." Ravel pushed Shang Ke back to the ward and instructed the nurse to bring the meal over.

Ravel will eat whatever Shang Ke wants to eat, even if there is only a bowl of white porridge, he will eat without changing his face. For this, Shang Ke still admires him.

Although his food has improved these days, his body is actually so weak that he cannot take in much nutrition at all. No matter how energetic he looks, his body is getting thinner and thinner.

Dr. Benny said that every extra day he lived was a new miracle, and if it were anyone else, he would have been unable to hold on to it for a long time. He knew why Cage insisted, and he wanted to witness the founding of the new empire with his own eyes.

For the first time, Ravel hesitated, not wanting to announce the news, for fear that once his wish was fulfilled, he would die without any hesitation.

Ravel can't bear to let go...

In the evening, Ravel returned to the mansion.

Kahn stepped forward and said, "The subordinate has Gabriel under house arrest in the guest room. What does the general plan to do?"

Ravel looked cold and strode towards the guest room.

"Let me out, I'm the son of General Utre, you can't do this to me!" Gabriel's noisy voice came from the guest room.

The guard was indifferent. Seeing Ravel and Kahn approaching, he immediately bowed and saluted and opened the door.

Seeing Ravel coming in, Gabriel asked excitedly, "Your Excellency, you are finally back. Please tell me why you put me under house arrest?"

Ravel didn't answer, just motioned to Kahn to play the video from the hospital.

When Gabriel saw it, his face changed, and he gritted his teeth: "My actions are indeed inappropriate. But if you know how Cage treated me before, you can understand what I did."

"I don't need to know how he treated you before." Ravel said indifferently, "I only know that you insulted and hurt people while Cage was seriously ill in bed. Who gave you the courage to treat you like this? A hero who just went through a hardship?"

"Hero?" Gabriel said dismissively. "If he had stayed peacefully on Tamar, none of this would have happened. You could have won without him. He's what he is now, and he brought it on himself. Yes. Why is he considered a hero?"

"Why?" Ravel motioned to Kahn, "You tell him."

Kahn looked at Gabriel coldly and said, "Maybe the appearance of Master Cage was an accident, and his arrest was also an accident, but his subsequent performances are enough to be called 'hero'. . He paid the price for his choice, and stood firm for our cause. As you said, we might have won without him, but his appearance has diverted the enemy's attention and won The time for the counterattack has been reduced, and many casualties have been reduced.”

He paused, then said, "Master Gabriel, if it were you, could you do better than him?"

"Why not?" Gabriel raised his chest and said, "I have always been better than him, harder than him, and more suitable than him to inherit my father's career."

Ravel's eyes gathered a frost, thinking that Cage was insulted by such a shallow person, he felt unbearable.

He said coldly: "Kahn, let him have a taste of torture and see if he can really do better than Cage as he said."

After speaking, he turned and walked out of the room.

"Wait, Your Excellency Ravel, I am the heir of General Utre. Are you not afraid of causing public outrage when you treat the descendants of heroes like this?"

Karn showed him pity. This guy doesn't know yet that his heir's position will soon be lost. In fact, since the death of General Utre, the Pic family has been in name only. What Ravel retains is their family's name and merits. If Cage dies, who will inherit Piccolo's surname depends entirely on Ravel's meaning.

Gabriel was originally the most suitable candidate, but unfortunately he committed suicide, and he couldn't even bear the anger for a while.

Kahn took a syringe from the guard and said to Gabriel: "Cage was once injected with ten times the sensitivity of perception. I will give you a half-fold this time, and only use five times the dose."

Gabriel looked at the syringe in Kahn's hand, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes...

That night, in the guest room of Ravel Beppu, there were bursts of shrill screams, which continued for a long time.

The next morning, Kahn came to report the situation.

"He only lasted for 2 hours." When the video was turned on, Gabriel began to beg for mercy five or six minutes after being sentenced, tears and snot flowing together, looking extremely embarrassed. This kind of reaction is not surprising, after all, five times the pain is not something that ordinary people can bear. Kahn didn't dare to hit hard yet, otherwise Gabriel might not last even an hour.

"How did Cage do it?" With Gabriel for comparison, Kahn was extremely shocked that Cage was able to survive ten times the pain of abuse. This is not only physical torture, but also a test of will.

Ravel had no interest in the process of Gabriel's abuse at all. He turned to Kahn and said, "I will stay in the hospital today."

Kahn was stunned for a moment, and said hurriedly: "Tomorrow is the opening ceremony of the country."

"I know." Ravel said lightly, "You send the gown to the hospital in advance. I will leave the hospital and go directly to the ceremony square."

"But your safety..."

"I believe in your ability to do things." Ravel patted Kahn's shoulder in encouragement, then walked out of the study and went straight to the hospital.

Kahn looked at his back speechlessly: As a leader, is it really good to be so willful? !

When Ravel arrived at the hospital, Shang Ke was trying to raise his arm, trying to pick up the fruit on the table.

Ravel immediately glanced at the nurse beside him with sharp eyes: "Why don't you help?"

The nurse hurriedly said, "Master Cage wants to try it for himself."

Shang Ke nodded to him, indicating that he meant it. Although his fingers can't move yet, his arms can move a few times.

Successfully picking up the fruit, he gave Ravel a pleasant smile and handed the fruit to him.

"Send me?" Ravel asked.

Shang Ke nodded.

Ravel took the fruit, and he didn't dislike it. He took a bite and ate it seriously.

Seeing Shang Ke staring at him, he picked up a piece of cut fruit from the fruit bowl and handed it to Shang Ke's mouth.

Shang Ke opened his mouth and bit down.

The two were eating and feeding, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

After breakfast, it was still a bit strange that Ravel didn't seem to want to leave.

"I'll stay with you today." He opened the video and said, "After breakfast, watch the show for 2 hours, rest for 1 hour, and then have lunch. After lunch, I'll take you to the garden, pick flowers, and watch butterflies. , listen to music. After 2 hours, drink tea and snacks in the pavilion, and then return to the ward to rest. After dinner, dressing change, body care, and routine check-up.”

Like handling official business, Ravel arranged his schedule for today, and he was still stunned for a moment.

"If you have any comments, you can remind me with body language at any time." Ravel looked at Shang Ke seriously, as if waiting for his response.

Shang Ke couldn't help but laugh, thinking that this man is quite cute sometimes.

Ravel stared at him intently, his icy blue eyes filled with his smile.

Shang Ke nodded to him, expressing his agreement with his arrangement.

Only then did Ravel look away, turn his head to help Shang change the channel, and then select an entertainment program at his suggestion and watch it with him.

The show was very funny, at least it made Shang Ke amused several times, but Ravel had the same expression from beginning to end, and the corners of his mouth didn't move.

Shang Ke really doubted whether his facial nerve was defective.

"What's wrong?" Ravel turned around and asked, sensing Shang Ke's gaze.

Shang Ke shook his head, indicating that it was all right.

Ravel looked at the time and said, "It's time for you to rest."

With that said, he got up and helped Shang Ke to lie down. Seeing his eyes wide open, he reached out to cover his eyes: "Go to sleep. I'll call you in an hour."

Shang Ke: He doesn't want to sleep at all!

Lying in bed, inwardly active for 1 hour, then got up to have lunch with Ravel, and it was time to relax after lunch. Ravel, in the sound of music, picks flowers for him... I don't know if it's because Roy gave him a bouquet of flowers yesterday, so Ravel thinks he likes flowers...

In short, on this day, Ravel really completed his schedule step by step. At night, he actually planned to stay in the hospital overnight.

As the leader of the new empire, is he a little too busy? !

However, it feels good to have someone "sleep with me" at night. Seeing that the time to leave is coming, he will spend one day less in this world. Although the time is very short, it is not in vain to know Ravel as a friend.

Shang Ke looked at Ravel lying on the other bed and said silently: Good night, my friend.

The next morning, as soon as Shang Ke opened his eyes, he saw Ravel in a fancy dress and a crown, and he instantly felt like he was at the dance scene.

He opened his mouth and said, "Today is the day of the founding ceremony. After more than ten years of hard work, we will finally usher in a new era. Cage, this is an honor that belongs to all of us, please wait and see."

Ravel looked solemn and imposing, like a born king.

Shang Ke could see that his heartbeat accelerated a little, and a strange brilliance appeared in his eyes unconsciously, like the rising sun, stirring Ravel's blood.