Heroic Death System

Chapter 62: A+A


Shang Ke woke up from Lein's bed, his whole body was in a daze, and when he heard the sound of the bathroom door opening behind him, he looked back and saw Lein walking out with a bath towel around him, his muscles strong and strong, revealing a soothing expression. Frightening explosiveness.

"Awake?" Lein walked to the bed and asked, "Are you hungry? Want something to eat? I'll have someone prepare it."

Shang Ke didn't answer, just kept staring at him, his eyes swept over him, as if he was looking for something.

"What's wrong?" Rein asked in confusion when he saw his subtle eyes.

There is no mole, this man doesn't even have a mole all over his body! This is simply unscientific, how can there not even be a mole on one body? !

Shang Ke intuitively thought that he was the person he was looking for, especially last night, the feeling was even stronger. Otherwise, he wouldn't admit that he was wrong because he was drunk, and then roll the sheets indulgently. However, he did not have that mark on him. Is there really an exception to something that exists in five consecutive worlds

Shang Ke didn't give up, pulled Rein's right hand and checked it carefully.

Rein let him hold his right hand, his deep eyes wandering over him.

Looking at it for a while, Shang Ke actually found a trace of abnormality. There was a lighter pattern on the palm of Rein's palm. At first, he thought it was a broken palm. Now it seems that it is a wound left a long time ago.

"Have you been injured before?" Shang Ke raised his head, his eyes flashing.

Rein moved his gaze to his right hand and replied, "I got scratched when I was learning to assemble machinery when I was a child."

Shang Ke secretly took a deep breath, pointed at his palm, tried his best to remain calm and asked, "Before the injury, was there a mole here?"

Rein nodded: "Well, during the treatment, the mole was also removed."

Clean up, clean up, clean up, clean up, clean up, clean up! Do you know how important that mole is? Without that mole, your whole body has lost a lot of standards, right? Without that mole, with your solitary, indomitable, arrogant, scumbag, who would like it!

In the past two years, he has been conflicted, tangled, angry, confused, and self-abandoned, just because you cleaned up that precious mole!

Shang Ke's eyes became extremely sharp as he looked at Rein, and his fingernails were pinched into his palm. If it weren't for the thick skin of Rein, it is estimated that the blood would come from pinching.

Rein thought he was angry about sleeping with him last night, and said firmly: "Phil, get used to my hugs early, besides me, you will never have another person to sleep with you in the future. ."

"..." Although his identity was confirmed, he still felt bad for him. As long as he thinks of the experience of being raped by him before, Shang Ke feels that he cannot easily forgive him.

He shook off Lein's hand, turned over to pick up the scattered clothes, and found that they were either torn or stained with suspicious stains and could not be worn at all.

Seeing this, Rein opened the communication and ordered the housekeeper to bring a set of clothes and prepare some food by the way.

Shang Ke went straight to the bathroom to freshen up, and when he changed his clothes, he found that he was marked by the man again. Shang Ke gritted his teeth. After the last experience, he easily erased the mark this time.

Seeing this, Rein didn't say much, but felt that his mark was not enough, and he must go deeper next time. The pheromone on Shang Ke is very special, and other Alphas do not reject him. At least four or five Alphas in the army are interested in him. Therefore, Rein always wanted to leave his mark on him to prevent him from being missed by others.

After eating, Shang Ke received a new task before he could figure out how to rectify Rein.

Shang Ke stood up and said with high fighting spirit, "I'm ready to fight."

Rein found that there seemed to be a strange look in his eyes, as if he had been injected with new vitality. Although I was also very interested in fighting before, but it is never like this... Brilliant.

Rein was so moved that he followed and walked side by side with him...

Under the leadership of Rein, the 45th Legion rushed to a new battlefield to fight the Zerg to the death.

For three full years, Shang Ke followed Lein to the border region, went through dangerous situations, and completed one dangerous mission after another. Since confirming Rhein's identity, Shang Ke has completely put aside his worries, fought bravely, full of vigor, and his status and prestige in the army have risen steadily, becoming Rhein's most effective deputy in frontline combat.

"Drink!" Shang Ke killed a bug that was about to attack Rein with one knife, and a lot of blood was sprayed on Rein's back, but he didn't turn around and focused on dealing with the bug in front of him.

The two were back to back, surrounded by black insects.

This time, they were ordered to transfer the camp, but they were raided by burrowing insects on the way. The team consisted of more than 500 people, and now only a few dozen people are still holding on.

"The Kesso River is over there, rush over." Lein shouted.

Dozens of people responded with a sound, rushed away from the burrowing worms that came over, and jumped towards the turbulent Kesuo River. Shang Ke was also thrown into the river by Lein.

Burrowers cannot swim, but there are dangerous aquatic zerg lurking in the river. Rein and others must swim to the opposite bank as soon as possible to avoid attracting the attention of underwater creatures.

However, it backfired. They jumped into the river at the wrong time, just after encountering a red-bone fish king and a fish after mating. The two fish were disturbed by the human beings who fell into the water, and their descendants were sprayed into the river, and they were extremely angry. You must know that the red-bone fish only comes into estrus every three years, and the fertility rate is not high.

They rolled their huge bodies and made harsh sound waves in the water, and everyone immediately bleeds from seven holes, excruciating pain.

Shang Ke was also dizzy due to the shock, and a large amount of river water poured into his mouth and nose, choking him almost to the point of losing his breath. Rein's face was solemn, he tightly guarded Shang Ke, and quickly swam towards the opposite bank.

The two big fish devoured several soldiers in a row, and then charged straight at Monk Lein.

Rein's expression froze, his pupils contracted slightly, holding Shang Ke in one hand and a weapon in the other, turning to face the two menacing red-bone fish...

I don't know how long it took, Shang Ke woke up in a burst of pain, a violent coughing sound came from his throat, and a lot of blood and some filth were coughed out.

The coughing continued for a long time before it stopped, he calmed his breath, looked up and looked around, and soon found Rein's figure not far away. He was lying on the ground, the armor on his body was shattered, his back was bloody, and there were several scratches with deep visible bone on his right leg, which looked extremely terrifying.

Compared with him, Shang Ke's injuries are hardly worth mentioning, mainly because of the relapse of the old disease caused by the sound waves, and the whole body is weak.

Shang Ke took a breath and stumbled to Rein's side to check his condition and make sure he was still breathing before finally letting out a sigh of relief.

However, his injuries are serious and must be treated as soon as possible, otherwise he is likely to be left disabled for life. Shang Ke looked around, the surroundings were empty and silent, no trace of other people was found, and he didn't know how the other comrades were doing.

Shang Ke groped around on his body, found two tubes of medicine and a compression bandage, and quickly treated Lein's wounds.

Shang Ke scolded secretly, looked up to observe the orientation and terrain, then carried Lein on his back and walked towards the camp. Unexpectedly, just after taking a few steps, Shang Ke spat out a mouthful of blood, his legs softened, and he almost fell to the ground. He gritted his teeth, stabilized Rein on his back, and moved on.

He must find a safe habitat before sunset. Night is when Zerg is most active. With their current state, if they encounter a large number of Zerg, they will surely die.

After walking for more than an hour, Shang Ke couldn't find a suitable place, so he had to take Lein up a pine valley tree. This tree can emit a smell that makes the Zerg disgusted. There are generally no large-scale trees around it. Insect activity.

Shang Ke carefully placed Rein between the branches and fed him a tube of nutrient solution. There were only four tubes of nutrient solution on them, Shang Ke gave Lein one tube, and he only drank a small half tube. According to his judgment, the two were at least three days away from the nearest camp, and the four tubes of nutrient solution could not support it for long.

At this time, Rein woke up leisurely, looked around, and immediately understood their current situation.

He moved his body, and the severe pain made his face sink.

"Don't move around, take a good rest, and keep your spirits up, and you will have to travel tomorrow." Shang Ke stopped it aloud.

Lein looked at Shang Ke and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Shang Ke shook his head.

The light was dim at night, and Rein didn't see that Shang Ke's front was stained with blood.

"Yeah." Rein's expression softened a little, and then he changed his words. "This operation should have been foolproof. The investigation has been done in advance, but there is still a sneak attack. This is not accidental."

"I think so too." Shang Ke frowned, "But, who would count us?"

"It's not 'us', it's me." Rein's eyes flashed with murderous intent, "I am afraid that my achievements in the past few years have touched the nerves of some people. This victory, I should be promoted to major general."

At only 34 years old, Rein is very likely to become the youngest major general in history. This is undoubtedly a huge threat to some people.

It was still visible that he was full of murderous intent, his face tense, he suddenly turned over and sat on the tree branch beside him, then lay back, patted his chest, and said with a smile, "Do you want to lean on?"

Rein was stunned for a while, probably because no one had ever let him "rely on" like this before, and he was a little maladjusted. After hesitating for a moment, he still slowly leaned over, put his face on Shang Ke's chest, and wrapped his arms around his waist.

Shang Ke hugged him with one hand, reached into his hair with the other, and gently massaged him.

Rein's body gradually relaxed, and most of his strength was on Shang Ke, like a big cat falling asleep, completely different from his usual rigor and solemnity.

Feeling the gentle breath of Shang Ke, Rein felt the satisfaction without desire for the first time.

In the darkness, a trace of blood slowly flowed from the corner of Shang Ke's mouth, and there was a slight spasm in his muscles.

Between the shadows of the trees, the two figures are intimately attached to each other, and the surroundings are quiet, only the gentle night wind brings the faint insects...