Heroic Death System

Chapter 65: I am not a mermaid


Shang Ke and Hailang, the little dolphins, are checked by medical staff every few days. This is understandable. After all, dolphins have experienced a devastating epidemic. It is difficult to say whether they still carry that deadly germ.

Fortunately, so far, he and the little dolphin are in excellent health. Base personnel carefully reviewed the research materials and records left by their predecessors and learned that dolphins are emotional creatures. Excessive restrictions and stimulation can make them feel depressed and even commit suicide. The lifespan is generally 710 years shorter than that of wild dolphins, and the mortality rate is about 5% higher than that in the natural environment.

The brain of dolphins is second only to that of humans and larger than that of orangutans, and can carry out advanced neurocognitive processes of problem solving, self-perception and emotional processing. That is to say, if dolphins' brains are developed to the level of humans, they can also possess intelligence, creativity and social awareness no less than that of humans.

Therefore, the base personnel take special care of Shang Ke and Hailang. Even if inspection and research are required, they try to take gentle measures and proceed step by step.

Compared with the world in which Shang Ke once lived, people's attention to dolphins is very different, and they are like serving as children. Once they found out that the two dolphins were unhappy, everyone would immediately enter a state of tense preparations.

The good news is that the two dolphins are very well-behaved, not only did not bring any burden to the base personnel, but often made them laugh. In half a month, they won everyone's love.

The outer waters of the base are connected to the sea. The underwater world is not much different from the natural sea. There are various aquatic creatures living there. The sluice gate will be opened every two weeks. Close the intranet to prevent the dolphins from running back to the sea.

It's not that the base personnel want to keep them in captivity, but that they are too precious to be released into the sea. In the past, dolphins lived in groups, with dozens or hundreds of groups, or even more than tens of thousands, enough to fight against other dangerous creatures in the ocean, but now there are only two left. When they encounter a ferocious shark, they are bitten and killed in minutes.

"Flame, Hailang, Mr. Qin is here to see you again." Dr. Cui, the head of the base, shouted with a smile.

At this moment, two dolphins, one big and one small, were swimming their backs on the water with their belly open. When they saw Qin Yuan coming, Shang Ke immediately flipped over, put on an elegant swimming posture, and swam to the shore, smiling and looking up. Head yelled at him.

"Gift." Qin Yuan asked someone to put a half-human-high rubber duck into the water, a huge lump of Huang Cancan, which almost blinded Shang Ke's eyes.

Shang Ke glanced at it in disgust and turned it aside with his pelvic fins. On the contrary, Hailang, a little guy who has never seen the world, seems to like it very much, and excitedly ran to the middle of the water to play with the yellow duckling.

"Don't you like it?" Qin Yuan took a tablet from his assistant, opened a webpage, and handed it to Shang Ke, "Let's see what you like, and buy it for you later."

Dr. Cui next to him saw this with a dull expression. Mr. Qin actually let a dolphin choose goods online? !

I originally thought that the flame would bite the tablet into my mouth as a toy, or fly it as a dangerous item, but I didn't expect "it" to actually look like it!

I saw the flame put his head close, stared at the dazzling product pictures on the screen with wide eyes, and then pointed at a squid with his pelvic fins and called a few times, Qin Yuan put it into the shopping basket without a word. Then, he chose a shark and a ship model respectively.

Dr. Cui looked at this person picking toys, and suddenly felt that he couldn't understand the world. A dolphin actually kept pace with the times and learned to shop online

After the flame selection was completed, Qin Yuan handed the tablet back to the assistant.

The assistant smiled and praised: "This dolphin is really smart."

It's not just smart anymore! Dr. Cui said with surprise: "'It' chose squid as the dolphin's favorite food, and sharks are the enemy that threatens them."

"What about the ship?" the assistant asked curiously.

"There are many fishing boats at sea, but they don't have much awareness of protecting the cherished marine life, and countless marine life die at their hands every year." Dr. Cui affirmed, "The flame has a very precise ability to understand and identify. ."

"But," the assistant hesitated, "it's understandable to choose food, but what about choosing things that threaten them?"

Dr. Cui was taken aback, yes, why

Qin Yuan thoughtfully looked at the little dolphin who was playing with the little yellow duck not far away, then turned his eyes to Shang Ke, but saw "it" turned his head 45 degrees, threw a "wink" at him, and then drilled into it. Entering the water, the next moment jumped out high, and turned a beautiful somersault in the air, and countless water droplets spread out to all around, shining like crystals in the sun.

Qin Yuan stared at the graceful figure of the flame, ignoring the water droplets splashed on his face. The flame's eyes were curved, and he shook his head in the water, looking like he was begging to be touched.

Qin Yuan looked at his "watery" head and moved his fingers, but in the end he didn't extend his hand.

Shang Ke glanced at him dissatisfiedly: I took the initiative to let you touch you, and I won't let you touch me if I want to touch you in the future, hum!

He leaned back, sank into the water belly up, turned over, and swam away in a hurry.

Qin Yuan's face was a little collapsed, and a trace of annoyance flashed in his eyes...

In the afternoon, the toys that Shang Ke selected were delivered. Qin Yuan and Dr. Cui stayed on the shore, wanting to see Shang Ke's reaction.

Shang Ke first fluttered the squid, but he didn't know what material it was made of. It was soft. After being shot into the water for a while, it floated up again. After biting it, it was quite tough, which was very suitable for grinding teeth.

Then, he called the little dolphin over, patted the shark with his pelvic fins, and taught it, "Remember what this guy looks like, and run away when you encounter such a guy in the future."

The little dolphin revolved around the shark toy ignorantly, then leaned in to push it with its short beak, and suddenly pushed a depression out of the shark's belly, causing it to jump to the side in shock.

Shang Ke pushed the ship model over again, and Erti gave a face, making sure that it understood the danger.

Dolphins are curious creatures. When they see moving objects such as ships, they always like to catch up and take a look. Many dolphins have lost their lives because of this.

In Shang Ke's opinion, the little dolphin beside him is the only remaining national treasure in this world. He is just an outsider, and he may be heroic in two years. Until then, he wished he could protect it. Although he can't really understand the world of the dolphin, he tries to follow his own way, telling it how to avoid danger.

Qin Yuan's assistant saw the two dolphins muttering in the water, fluttering at a few toys, and asked curiously, "Dr. Cui, what are they doing?"

Dr. Cui answered somewhat uncertainly: "It looks like... exchanging ideas?"

Qin Yuan: … He is happy.

Qin Yuan stayed at the base for a day and did not leave until the evening. Before leaving, he copied the video of the two dolphins.

A number of cameras were installed underwater, previously to observe the activities of other aquatic creatures, but now mainly to film the life of two dolphins. Playing, playing, jumping, tumbling, intimacy, eating, sleeping, tricking... These pictures are enough to make a dolphin life record. If these videos were released, I don't know how much shock it would cause.

Qin Yuan temporarily blocked information about the dolphins, mainly to avoid harassment from reporters, experts and some fanatical fans. Dolphins have very acute hearing, and noises that are too loud can make them uneasy. More than two hundred years ago, humans trained dolphins to participate in performances. Not to mention some of the coercive methods used in the training, the applause and cheers of the audience alone may also become the inducement to accelerate the death of dolphins.

Qin Yuan will not repeat the same mistakes, not only because of their preciousness, but also because of their smartness and cuteness. As the number of contacts increased, Qin Yuan's liking for this creature increased day by day. From watching once every three or five days, it gradually developed to reporting every day.

"What are you doing?" As soon as Qin Yuan walked into the base, he saw several researchers surrounded by flames, one of whom was holding a needle in his hand.

Qin Yuan's face was gloomy. He remembered that the flame had only taken a blood sample yesterday. He reminded Dr. Cui that the number of samples taken should not exceed 4 times a month, and the interval between each time should be at least 5 days, and it must be in the case of ensuring the health of the flame.

Qin Yuan strode over, and there was a gloomy wind all over his body.

A researcher immediately explained: "Mr. Qin, I'm sorry, we didn't want to hurt the flame. It was Dr. Cui who ordered us to take samples. He found that the flame's physical condition seemed a little wrong, so he wanted to confirm it further."

"Not right?" Qin Yuan's expression changed slightly, "What's wrong? Sick?"

"The doctor did not specify, but it should not be sick."

Qin Yuan frowned and said coldly, "You guys don't move, wait until I ask Dr. Cui."

After saying that, he glanced at the flame again, and then strode towards Dr. Cui's laboratory.

Shang Ke looked at his back, soaking in the water lazily blowing bubbles.

To tell the truth, except that he can't swim freely in the sea now, he is basically living the same life as the emperor. The base personnel waited on the front and back of the horse. Every time they sampled him, they were careful, for fear of hurting him. If they found any discomfort, they would immediately stop.

This makes Shang Ke both gratified and distressed. Fortunately, even if he leaves in the future, the little dolphin can be properly taken care of. The trouble is, with the level of attention he is now, how should he sacrifice himself heroically to mankind as food

But after a long time, Qin Yuan and Dr. Cui came out together.

Dr. Cui ordered: "Continue to take samples, be careful."

Qin Yuan's face was sullen, and he didn't say a word, his eyes fixed on the researcher's movements.

The researcher was frightened by his sight, his fingers were trembling, the needle was stretched halfway, and he actually dropped his hand and fell into the water.

Qin Yuan's face darkened, his gloomy eyes turned into two sharp blades, swooping at the researcher.

It can be seen that the researcher was so nervous that he was afraid that he would hurt himself when he brought it back, so he bypassed several researchers and turned to dive underwater. Everyone thought that "it" didn't want to cooperate today, and was about to propose to come again next time. Who knows, "it" came out of the water again after a while, still holding the needle that fell into the water just now.

"It" put his head in front of the researcher, put the needle in his mouth into his hand, and looked at him with bright eyes, as if to say: It's okay, come on.

The researcher looked at "it" and the needle in his hand, and suddenly wanted to throw it away. Why do humans make such dangerous "weapons"? In the face of the flame's completely trusting eyes, they can't do it at all, okay

And the flames, what's the matter with your appearance of being slaughtered by others? Don't you know that people are evil? Dare to be a little wary!

With the dolphin's naturally smiling face, Shang Ke raised half of his body out of the water and waved his pelvic fins, as if urging them to be quicker.

The researcher was speechless for a while, secretly heartbroken by the simplicity of the flame.

Qin Yuan stared at the interaction between the flame and the researcher, feeling a little uncomfortable for some reason. He automatically replaced the researcher with himself in his mind, patiently calmed the flame, gently stroked "it"'s back, and carefully inserted needles for "it", "it" would use The pelvic fins slap his arms, and he touches his chest with his head...

Thinking about it, Qin Yuan suddenly felt that being a dolphin breeder was simply too happy. Unfortunately, he couldn't swim at all and was doomed to be incompetent for the job.

After Shang Ke finished the needle, he felt that Qin Yuan didn't seem to be in a good mood, so he raised his tail and threw a splash of water.

After successfully attracting Qin Yuan's attention, he immediately began to swim, danced a strange circle dance in the water, and then rushed out of the water to perform a difficult backflip. Finally, he stuck his head out of the water and looked at him with a smile: How is it? Grandpa dances well, right? Is there a feeling of being frightened by a dolphin? Ask for a smile, ask for flowers, ask for a like!

Qin Yuan: ... Why do you seem to know what "it" means

"Very good." Qin Yuan's tone was calm, but his eyes were soft, and the cold air on his body disappeared.

Shang Ke swam a few times in the water, and then used his eyes to seduce him: Do you want to come down and swim? You can enjoy the unique dolphin escort~~

Qin Yuan suddenly felt that the sea water under his feet was full of temptation, and wanted to jump in and try.

It seemed that God intended to meet his request, and someone behind him accidentally bumped him, knocking him directly into the water.

"Ah, BOSS!" Qin Yuan's assistant was shocked. Just now, he was too focused on the performance of the flames. When he got close, he stumbled and bumped into Qin Yuan.

The whole base knew that Qin Yuan couldn't swim, so not long after he fell into the water, several people immediately jumped down to save people.

However, after they got into the water, they saw that Qin Yuan was "robbed" by the dolphin!

It can still be seen that Qin Yuan fell, and he was so excited that he rushed over immediately, got under him, supported him and swam far away.

Qin Yuan took a few sips of water, and when he stabilized his mind, he realized that he was lying on the back of the flame, half of his body was on the water, and the other half was underwater. The whole person seemed to be floating on the water. Then, the flame tilted his head and screamed at him, then jumped vertically and rushed into the water.

Qin Yuan hugged the flame's body, held his breath, and let "it" walk with him. Qin Yuan slowly opened his eyes, and in front of him was a piece of blue water, sparkling with waves, and countless small fish swimming around, like a magical world.

After a while, Shang Ke held him to the surface again. After waiting for him to breathe for a while, take him back to the water again. Qin Yuan noticed the intention of the flame, his nervousness gradually calmed down, and his body began to relax. He attached one hand to "it"'s dorsal fin, letting himself float in the water, and followed "it" to swim underwater.

Qin Yuan has never learned to swim since he was flooded once at the age of nine. Apart from the fear of water, it turns out that the underwater world is not as scary as he imagined.

At this time, the little dolphin Hailang also swam over, and was very dissatisfied with Qin Yuan's action of lying on the flame, and slammed into him angrily.

Qin Yuan's waist hurt from being hit, and he hugged Shang Ke subconsciously.

Shang Ke's body hovered in the water and took Qin Yuan upstream. One person and one dolphin were intertwined, and in the light of the blue water, Miaoman's figure was outlined.

When the rescuers saw this scene, they couldn't help but admire them. They were worried that Qin Yuan would be in danger. Now, it seems that he and the dolphins are having a good time.

Shang Ke sent Qin Yuan back to the shore, and rubbed his head against his cheek: Is it fun? When you learn to swim in the future, we can play in a few more poses.

Looking at the flame in his arms, Qin Yuan secretly put learning to swim on the agenda.

A few days later, Qin Yuan stood at the beach wearing a swimsuit, and said to Shang Ke seriously, "I have learned to swim, and I believe that I will become a qualified dolphin breeder soon."

Shang Ke looked at him in amazement. He learned to swim in a few days

He swam toward the middle of the water, then turned back and called him a few times: Come, let me see the results of your learning to swim.

Qin Yuan said nothing and jumped into the water.

Dr. Cui, assistants and other staff on the shore were all confused.

Qin Yuan, who was always neat and serious, actually jumped into the water in a swimsuit and played with the dolphins. This picture is too beautiful, some of them dare not look at it...

On the same day, Mr. Qin, who claimed to have learned to swim, was pulled out of the water by the crowd after swimming for an hour because of cramps, and he was rushed to the hospital.

Shang Ke: His man can't be so vulnerable...