Heroic Death System

Chapter 75: I am not a mermaid


Shang Ke slowly opened his eyes and felt a burst of pain in his head. After the pain was relieved, he realized that he was in a huge glass water tank. There were several researchers standing outside the water tank. long.

He immediately realized that the situation was not good. He remembered that he was swimming underwater before he fell unconscious, and then a pain in his lower back seemed to be shot into some sharp object, and then he lost consciousness. Obviously, he was plotted by the research team leader.

Strangely, the progress of the dolphin research project has been relatively smooth, and he can no longer cooperate. Is it necessary to use this method

"Haha, flame, or should you be called 'Haiyan'?" The research team leader looked at Shang Ke in the water tank as if he was admiring some artwork.

Shang Ke understood as soon as he heard it, the research team leader already knew his identity, and he wanted to monopolize this result.

He glanced around and found that this was not the original research institute, and he did not know what means the research team leader used to smuggle him out of the aquarium. He is in a dolphin state at the moment, with a huge body. Generous portion.

"From today, you are the most important experimental subject of our new research team, and we will definitely not waste every cell in your body." The research team leader stood behind his back and said calmly, "As long as you cooperate well and assist us Complete the experiment, and all of humanity in the future will thank you for your sacrifices and contributions."

Do you dare to say a few words less? Long-winded to death!

Shang Ke turned around and ignored him. He dared to face all kinds of death, but even if he wanted to die, he had to die heroically, and he would never take advantage of such a person in vain.

The research team leader seemed to have anticipated that he would not cooperate, so he had a small water tank pushed out. Hearing the movement, Shang Ke looked back and found that the two little mermaids were also caught by them. When the little mermaid saw Shang Ke, he immediately put it on the water tank and looked at him eagerly.

Shang Ke frowned. Did the research team leader send someone to bring the aquarium to a nest while Qin Yuan was going abroad

"Okay." The research team leader patted the small water tank and said with a smile, "I want to see the process of your transformation from a dolphin to a human, so let's start now."

Although there was a smile on his face, the threat in his tone was very obvious.

Shang Ke was not interested in showing his nakedness in front of this group of people, but the little mermaid in their hands seemed to have no choice.

"Don't want to?" The research team leader clicked a button, the water temperature in the small water tank began to rise, and the little mermaids in the tank crowded together, looking at Shang Ke ignorantly.

In fact, the research team leader wants to see that Shang can be transformed, and there are other methods, such as injecting medicine. But he just wanted to suppress Shang Ke's wildness and let him be honest.

Unexpectedly, Shang Ke would not eat his tricks at all, only to hear a loud "bang", and the dolphin in front of him actually started hitting the water tank with its body. One after another, as if not dying. The water tank kept shaking under his impact, causing a series of water waves.

"Stop!" the research team growled.

Shang Ke ignored it and continued to slam hard.

"Damn it! Inject anesthesia." A researcher immediately clicked a few times on the operating table after the research order.

A drill-shaped metal instrument was raised above the water tank, and then a laser beam was fired at Shang Ke.

Shang Ke's body was nimble, and he quickly climbed to the top, dodging the laser beam, and screaming from his mouth. This kind of screaming can't be heard by humans, but it can affect the normal operation of electronic equipment. The metal instrument whistled a few times in his screeching sound, and then went on a glorious strike.

The people outside the tank were all stunned. They didn't expect the dolphin's whistling to have such destructive power.

The research team leader looked gloomy and ordered: "Inject the anesthetic directly into the water and see how long he can last!"

He and this dolphin were exhausted, and if he did not get dressed, he would definitely not cooperate in future experiments.

A researcher hesitated: "Team leader, should we choose a more gentle approach? Dolphins are more emotional animals. Excessive torture may make him commit suicide."

"Don't treat him as an ordinary dolphin." The research team leader said coldly, "Do as I did, starve him for a few days before proceeding with the next step."

The researcher had no choice but to do as he did.

Shang Ke sank at the bottom of the water. Although he had already made plans to become an experimental product, he was willing to sacrifice himself heroically for mankind, but it was definitely not in such a humiliating way.

Under the influence of anesthesia, Shang Ke fell into a coma again...

Qin Yuan hurried back to China, and after checking the surveillance, he couldn't believe that the flame and the little mermaid were secretly crossed into Chencang under heavy guards. You don't have to think about it, you know that all this can be done, except for the research team leader who has internal authority. no one else.

"Depson, you'd better pray that the flames are all right!" This time he really had murderous intentions. As long as he thought of the torture that the flames might suffer, the anger in his heart could not be contained.

Qin Yuan asked people to spread the news that the flame was caught by the research institute. On the one hand, they denounced their inhuman behavior and used public opinion to put pressure on the upper levels. On the other hand, they sent more people to find the trace of the research team leader. Qin Yuan had investigated his background before and dared to snatch Haiyan from him. There were only a handful of forces he could rely on. A certain research institute under their banner must be where the flames were imprisoned.

As soon as the news of the disappearance of the flames was announced, it immediately aroused the anger of the people around the world. Actually using the flame as an experiment? It has saved so many people in the huge waves. Like a child, it simply trusts and gets close to human beings, but in exchange, it ends up being an experimental product

I originally thought that when I rescued it from the fishermen, I would not be treated like that again in the future. I could live happily in the aquarium, but I didn't expect that in the end, I would still be unable to escape the evil hands of humans! This time, under the guise of scientific research, the flames were blatantly shut up.

Shouldn't the so-called research be conducted under the supervision of the people? A sneaky experiment, obviously preparing to use some unconventional disgusting methods.

The information of the research team leader Depson was quickly found by the public, including some very secret information. The most criticized thing is Depson's experimental methods, which can be described as omnipotent. I don't know how many animals were tortured to death by him. His reputation in the field of scientific research is not very good, but because of his excellent technology and background, he has the ability to intervene in many important scientific research projects.

When they learned of this information, the people were all terrified. If the flame falls on such a person, will he be able to come back alive? What research is so finally worth sacrificing the world's only two rare dolphins

But within two days, protests were organized around the world, demanding that Depson return the flames safely. The dozens of people whose lives have been saved by the flames have spared no effort to fight for the rights of the flames.

The dolphin's fan group radiates from all fields of the world, from the rich and powerful to the pawns of the merchants. The harem is huge and its strength is amazing, which has indeed shaken some people.

Depson did not expect that Qin Yuan would dare to use the power of the public to smack the country in the face, completely disregarding the country's position, knowing that his research was approved by the country, and obstructing research is undoubtedly against the country.

Depson obviously underestimated Qin Yuan's influence. Since Qin Yuan dared to do it, he was not afraid that the people above would come and trouble him.

With the support of public opinion, Qin Yuan took armed forces and rushed into Depson's research institute without any scruples...

Under the dual pressure of public opinion and Qin Yuan, Depson was finally abandoned by the forces behind him. He was unwilling to hand over the flame. Seeing the results of the experiment that changed human history, his heart was trembling and his blood was flowing. boiling.

He forcibly transported the half-conscious flame to the test bench, took out a scalpel that was blazing with cold light, and looked at him gloomily...

When Qin Yuan arrived at the research institute, it was still a step too late. What appeared in front of him was a tragic scene that broke his heart.

The flame was lying on the experimental bench, most of the skin and flesh on his body had been stripped away, almost two-thirds of the blood had been drained, and it was shrunken dryly, and the muscles had lost their elasticity, and it looked like it had been eaten by birds and beasts. fish carcasses.

Qin Yuan's whole body froze in place, his brain buzzing, unable to believe that the "corpse" in front of him would be his flame, the always happy and lively flame. Time seemed to stand still at this moment, and he did not dare to confirm his life and death.

Until a surprise voice broke the silence: "BOSS, it still has breath!"

Still have breath

The voice seemed to come from the distant sky. Qin Yuan gradually regained his sanity. He staggered over, leaned over the flames, and found that he was still breathing.

Qin Yuan's heart seemed to be beating again, and he said excitedly, "Come here, prepare for first aid immediately!"

Shang Ke was starved for three days, and his whole body was weak. However, because of the effect of the anesthetic, he didn't feel much pain when he was cut by Depson.

However, when he woke up and saw his own miserable state with his own eyes, he really wanted to poke his eyes. Where is this cute dolphin, it's just a dried fish that's been peeled off! I'm afraid plastic surgery can't save him, he can only hope for his strong recovery ability.

The only good thing is that Depson didn't dig out his internal organs, otherwise he would never have survived.

MD, fortunately he is a dolphin. If he is a humanoid at the moment, he will definitely leave a psychological shadow!

"The little mermaid has been rescued, you don't have to worry." Qin Yuan sat by the water tank, looking at the weak flame, his heart ached.

A warm color flashed in Shang Ke's eyes, and he waved his pelvic fins slightly.

Qin Yuan put his hand on the glass, leaned his head over, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, flame."

He lowered his eyes, hiding the sparkle in his eyes.

Shang Ke looked at him helplessly, knowing that this man had broken his heart for him. He wanted to tell him: It's not your fault, it's my own death. In order to stay, I will work hard to complete the task, work hard to survive, and then spend my whole life with you.

Qin Yuan looked at the clear eyes of the flame, even though he was scarred, his eyes were still so warm, and he even comforted him in turn.

This made Qin Yuan feel more uncomfortable and hated Depson even more.

It's a pity that the bastard escaped and took the flesh and blood that was cut from the flame!

Qin Yuan will not let him go, even if the world is turned upside down, he must be found out, and all the pain he inflicted on the flames will be doubled back.

Shang Ke was seriously injured this time, Qin Yuan originally planned to keep it a secret, but eventually leaked the rumors. How can those medical staff who like flames see the tragic state of the flames? Within two days, a lot of photos of the flames were leaked.

Although I guessed that the flames might be tortured, I didn't expect it to be so severe.

For a time, people all over the world were furious. They used their respective powers to seek Depson from heaven and earth.

Depson's research project on dolphin genes is bound to be successful, and he intends to find a secret place to conduct research, and when the research results come out, he will make a high-profile appearance and make it public.

However, Shang Ke made an unexpected decision.

"Let's share the news that dolphin genes can improve fertility to the world." After the injury improved a little, Shang Ke underwent a transformation. This was the first sentence he said to Qin Yuan after the transformation.

As an experimental dolphin, instead of becoming a pawn for a few people to satisfy their selfish desires, it is better to walk into the eyes of the world aboveboard. Under the checks and balances and supervision of various forces, be a magnanimous and sacrifice-spirited great dolphin.

If the research bears fruit on him, then the waves and the little mermaid may have a chance to be free in the future.

As soon as Shang Ke said this decision, the voice of the system came from his mind: [Complete additional task 1 - Find Mermaid, and give away 10 years of residence time.]