Heroic Death System

Chapter 83: Covenant Keeper


After a car race, Shang Ke's address book contained the numbers of a group of noble children, including Prince Yiyun's.

Yi Yun took Shang Ke out of the arena surrounded by the crowd. As soon as he walked out of the gate, he saw Lu Xiufan standing straight in front of him, with a solemn aura, which made the sunlight on him seem to turn cold.

Two sharp eyes swept across, and the people who were laughing and chatting instantly became quiet, and they all restrained their expressions and saluted him cautiously.

Lu Xiufan nodded to them, then looked at Shang Ke.

Shang Ke bowed slightly towards Yiyun, turned and walked towards Lu Xiufan.

As Shang Ke approached, the people not far away were surprised to find that Lu Xiufan's temperament seemed to have undergone some subtle changes, such as the blade of a knife was sheathed, and the chill melted away.

Lu Xiufan lowered his head and asked, "Have you had a good time?"

"Happy." Shang Ke was calm and calm, and there was no emotion on his calm expression, but his slightly rosy complexion made him a little more angry.

"When did Uncle Wang come?" Yi Yun came over and asked with a smile, "Did you watch Shang Ze's game?"

"Just arrived, no." But he has already made a copy of the game video.

"His performance was outstanding, and he was the MVP of this game." Yi Yun praised him generously.

"Yeah." Lu Xiufan replied simply, and there was a sense of naturalness in his tone.

Yi Yun sneered to himself, with a face that was frozen, but the sun couldn't get up. Look at Shang Ze, although he is also paralyzed, he is much warmer than him.

"Go back to the palace, Your Majesty has arranged a family dinner tonight." Lu Xiufan reminded him.

"Got it." Yi Yun turned to say goodbye to the others.

Shang Ke helped Lu Xiufan open the car door, and Yi Yun also sat up.

Lu Xiufan's black wheel took the lead, followed by several escort vehicles, heading for the palace.

Halfway through the trip, a voice suddenly came from the in-car communicator: "His Royal Highness, Your Excellency Wang Jue, there is a car accident ahead, please slow down and let's clear the passage."

"Received." Shang Ke replied, slowing down the car.

Not far away, there was a lot of noise, and there were many buoyancy cars hovering up and down, mostly people watching the fun.

The security guards in charge of security haven't arrived yet, and the car accident should have happened not long ago.

But after a while, the guard sent another message: "His Royal Highness, Your Excellency Wang Jue, the person who had the car accident was the young master of the Yue family."

Young Master Yue? Isn't it the kid named "Yue Xuan" that I met on the field? Yi Yun frowned and turned to look at Lu Xiufan.

Lu Xiufan asked, "How is the other party's injury?"

"It looks quite serious, with blood all over his body," the guard said.

"Shang Ze, go out with me to have a look." Although the status of the Yue family is not as good as before, it is still a famous family.

Shang Ke took out the spare medicine box from the car and got off with Lu Xiufan. Due to his identity, Yi Yun could only stay in the car and watch the situation outside through surveillance.

The guards cleared the way, and Lu Xiufan and Shang Ke quickly arrived at the scene of the accident. After approaching, I realized that it was a serial car accident. Four or five cars were crowded together, and everyone in the car had been carried out. The least injured people sat on the side, waiting for the security team to come and deal with it. The two seriously injured were lying on the ground, and one of them was Yue Xuan.

He was covered in blood, half of his body could not move, and a painful moan came out of his mouth. He noticed that someone was approaching, Yue Xuan turned his head to look, saw Shang Ke, and immediately shouted in horror: "You, what do you want to do?"

Lu Xiufan's eyes darkened slightly, and he said to Shang Ke, "Help him check the injury."

Shang Ke squatted down and put the medicine box on the ground.

"No, get out of the way, stay away from me!" Yue Xuan raised his hand and waved at him.

Shang Ke avoided it without a trace, and a few blood stains splattered on his face.

Lu Xiufan stared at the blood stains on Shang Ke's face, feeling very dazzling, and shouted sharply, "Press him down, don't let him move."

The two guards stepped forward immediately and restrained Yue Xuan's hands and feet.

"Let go of me, let me go!" Yue Xuan looked at Shang Ke's blood-stained face and his emotionless eyes, and shouted in fear, "Help, he wants to kill me, cough, cough. , he's going to kill me."

Yue Xuan spurted a few mouthfuls of blood from his mouth, his body was in constant pain, and his brain was dizzy, but because he was afraid that Shang Ke would take the opportunity to take revenge, he had been stubborn and did not dare to faint.

Lu Xiufan watched with cold eyes, a little doubt about the relationship between the two.

Shang Ke looked at Yue Xuan with a distorted expression, his face was calm: Yue Xuan, don't worry, not only will I not kill you, but I will do my best to save you. Yue Ze, who has become a promise-keeper, has no nostalgia for the past and no resentment. He can save his enemies without any grudges. But the more you are, the more you can't, you have ghosts in your heart, and you have a small temperament. In the future, you will repay your virtue with resentment and suffer the consequences.

Shang Ke skillfully helped Yue Xuan with first aid, without any hesitation or mistakes. By the time the medical staff arrived, Shang Ke had already treated the injury properly.

After the medical staff checked, they praised: "Thanks to your timely treatment, otherwise the injured person would have died before we arrived."

After listening to the doctor's words, everyone realized that Yue Xuan was injured so badly. When I saw him yelling just now, I thought there was no big problem

Shang Ke didn't respond to the doctor's compliment, took off his gloves, picked up the medicine box, and returned to Lu Xiufan's side.

"Let's leave the following matters to the security team and the medical staff. Let's go." Lu Xiufan led Shang Ke away from the chaotic car accident scene.

Shang Ke opened the rear seat door, and after Lu Xiufan got in the car, he waved to Shang Ke.

Shang Ke leaned closer, and a wet towel was stretched out to help him wipe off the blood stains on his face.

Shang Ke, who was wiped with a watery face: "..."

Like Yiyun struck by lightning: "..."

Is the hand that just wiped Shang Ke's face really the uncle's? ! Don't try to blind him, to be honest, it's actually a monster disguised as a human hand!

After Lu Xiufan and the others left, Yue Xuan was also sent to the hospital. Because the treatment was timely, he was out of danger, but he suffered multiple fractures and needed a period of recuperation. The reason for the car accident is very simple. Yue Xuan, who had made a fool of himself in the car race before, was getting angry. As a result, he encountered a sports car that was grabbing the road on the way home, and was thrown a string of virtual emoji with mocking effect.

Yue Xuan was naturally furious, and immediately asked the driver to catch up. The two cars began to race on the street. As a result, both of them were not too strong in their driving skills. They collided when turning a corner, causing a chain of car accidents.

"Mother, I met him." Yue Xuan lay on the bed weakly, looking at his mother for help.

Mrs. Chang touched his head and reassured: "Don't worry, who did you say you met?"

"Yue Ze!"

Mrs. Chang frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

Yue Xuan then told his mother about today's events one by one, but concealed the fact that he deliberately let people do something in the car race and was rescued by Shang Ke.

Mrs. Chang thought for a moment and said, "Don't worry, Yue Ze is a promise-keeper. Even if you return to the family, you will not be able to shake your position as heir. What you need to do now is to have a good relationship with the capital's dignitaries."

Yue Xuan said with an ugly face: "Yue Ze stole my limelight in the car race and indirectly caused me to be rejected by others. How can I have a good relationship with them?"

"Silly child, didn't you just say that you were rescued by Your Excellency Wang?" Mrs. Chang pointed out, "Should you come to the door to thank you in person after you recover?"

Yue Xuanruo realized something, a vague figure appeared in his mind. He was confused at the time and didn't pay attention to Lu Xiufan. However, as a prince, he would come to save him in a condescending manner, perhaps not as inhumane as rumored...

After returning to the mansion in the evening, Lu Xiufan, after taking a bath, lay on the bed with a refreshing body, watching the video copied from the racing track during the day.

Within a minute of the start of the race, he saw a car deliberately approaching Shang Ke's car and tried to knock him off the track several times.

Lu Xiufan's eyes turned cold, and he quickly checked the driver's information. His employer was Yue Xuan who met at the scene of the accident today.

Is it him again? The previous doubts came to mind again, what is his relationship with Shang Ke

The race continued, after Shang Ke got rid of Yue Xuan's car, he galloped all the way, and won the championship with his superb driving skills and excellent pre-judgment ability. When he got off the race car, his elegant posture and high-spirited appearance made Lu Xiufan's heart move. After freezing the picture, he stared silently for a long time.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Lu Xiufan closed the video and replied, "Come in."

Shang Ke pushed in the door with the tray in hand, walked to Lu Xiufan's bed, placed the refreshments on the tray on the bedside table one by one, and then bowed to leave.

"Wait." Lu Xiufan patted by the bed and said, "Sit down and talk to me."

Shang Ke put down the tray and sat beside the bed.

A smile flashed in Lu Xiufan's eyes. If it were someone else, he would definitely not dare to sit, but he sat very naturally.

"Shang Ze, do you know Yue Xuan?" Lu Xiufan asked.

"I know." Shang Ke told him frankly.

"What is your relationship?"


Lu Xiufan paused for a moment, then said suspiciously, "As far as I know, Yue Xuan has only one half-brother named 'Yue Ze'."

"'Yue Ze' was my previous name. After I became a promise-keeper, I changed my name to 'Shang Ze'."

Lu Xiufan asked in a deep voice, "Who changed your name? How could you be sent to the distribution center?"

Yue Ze is a child of the family, and even if he becomes a promise-keeper, he cannot be sent to the distribution center.

"Stepmother, I don't know."

Lu Xiufan looked at Shang Ze who had an indifferent expression, and a dark energy gradually condensed in his eyes. He didn't even need to think about it. However, Shang Ze, who has become a promise-keeper, is no longer competitive, so why send him to the distribution center? Don't they know what kind of abuse a covenant-keeper might suffer? If I hadn't met him, with Shang Ze's beauty, I'm afraid he would have already become the ban of some dignitaries.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiufan was apprehensive for a while, and at the same time an uncontrollable anger rose in his heart.

He finally knew why Yue Xuan targeted Shang Ze so much, because he was one of the culprits who sent Shang Ze to the distribution center, and he was afraid that Yue Ze would retaliate against him. It's really ridiculous, Shang Ze has no resentment at all now, so how can he take revenge? It's just that he saved others by himself and was guilty of being a thief.

Knowing this, he would never let him save people no matter what.

"Shang Ze." Lu Xiufan held his hand and asked seriously, "Do you want to go back to Yue's house?"

Shang Ke looked at him and asked, "Don't you want me?"

How could it not be! Lu Xiufan felt that his heart was stabbed hard by the "sexy" words.

"You are mine for the rest of your life." He didn't know if he was talking about a lifetime contract or something else, but when he said this, he had a mysterious sense of satisfaction, "Since you have If you leave me, that's my person, and I won't let you be wronged again in the future."

Very good, it's up to you in the future! Shang Ke gave his man a compliment in his heart.

Then I heard him say, "Would you like to sleep together?"

Lu Xiufan invited him with a straight face.

According to the professional conduct of the covenant-keeper, there seems to be no reason to refuse the invitation of the employer. Shang Ke felt that he should lie down righteously and quietly be a qualified bed warmer. So promise, just lay on a bed and sleep, no big deal!

Although the soul had already spontaneously lied down into Lu Xiufan's bed, Shang Ke still tried his best to maintain his paralyzed expression, looked at the man in front of him calmly, and desperately resisted the masculine temptation of Hong Guoguo.

Just when Lu Xiufan thought he would agree, he suddenly turned on his portable brain, called up a work contract, carefully read the terms above, and finally said, "Sir, there is no 'sleep with you' in the contract. one."

Lu Xiufan: "..."

He imported the work contract into his brain, and then quickly added: [With the consent of the other party, you can accompany you to eat, sleep, accompany...] Writing this, he suddenly paused, his heart uncontrollable The ground jumped a few times, and after thinking for a long time, he still added [… accompany to make love.]

After adding this, he passed the contract to him and said, "Go back and ask Butler Fei to notarize it."

Shang Ke looked at the new terms silently, especially the last three words, and he had to pretend that he didn't care, and couldn't show any contempt for his obvious sinister intentions.

"Now, come here." Lu Xiufan patted the bed next to him.

Shang Ke accepted the contract and said, "Wait for the new contract to take effect."

Lu Xiufan: "..." You agreed to be obedient to your employer

Shang Ke got up and said, "Do you have any other orders, sir?"

"… there is none left."

Shang Ke picked up the tray, bowed out of the room, and left Lu Xiufan lying on the bed depressed, unable to sleep.

Lu Xiufan came to the capital this time mainly to investigate a major leak. The matter involved several dignitaries and officials, seriously jeopardizing national security and technological dominance. If the pests cannot be cleaned up as soon as possible, state secrets will be leaked continuously, which will eventually lead to irreversible consequences.

Lu Xiufan knew very well that the deeper he investigated this matter, the more dangerous he would be. But if he didn't investigate, no one in the entire empire would dare to investigate.

After a day of dealing with the officials who were pregnant with each other, Lu Xiufan walked out of the palace with a solemn expression, and looked up to see Shang Ke standing beside the car, quietly waiting to pick him up home.

Lu Xiufan's eyes warmed and he quickened his pace a little.

Shang Ke took him and drove all the way to the mansion. Turning the corner, I saw an unfamiliar car parked outside the gate of the mansion in the distance.

Lu Xiufan narrowed his eyes and quickly recognized the identity of the visitor, it was Yue Xuan who had not appeared for a long time.

"Your Excellency Wang!" Yue Xuan immediately greeted Lu Xiufan's car with joy.

Lu Xiufan didn't even open the car window, and said to Shang Ke, "Don't bother."

When the gate of the mansion opened, Shang Ke drove the car straight in.

Yue Xuan wanted to follow, but was stopped by the guard. He stomped his feet, unwillingness flashing in his eyes. After staying at the door for another half an hour, seeing that the host really had no intention of seeing the guests, he had to leave.

In the next few days, Yue Xuan came to the door almost every day, but unfortunately he never saw the master. In the end, he had no choice but to block Shang Ke.

"Come with me." Yue Xuan stated his intention bluntly.

Shang Ke looked at him lightly, without any expression.

"My father was hospitalized and was transferred to the Capital Hospital the day before yesterday. Shouldn't you visit?"

Getting sicker? Shang Ke had to doubt the authenticity of this news.

"This is the case and ward number." Yue Xuan put the information on the roof of the car, "You may not come with me today, but don't forget, even if you become a promise-keeper, you still have Yuejia on you. blood."

After he finished speaking, he left in a hurry without waiting for Shang Ke to react, as if staying for a while would be a torment.

Shang Ke opened the information and looked at it, then stuffed it into the car and ignored it.

After dinner, Lu Xiufan suddenly asked, "Come to Capital Hospital with me tomorrow."

Shang Ke looked up at him.

Lu Xiufan said calmly, "I need a health check."

Are you cheating? You obviously have a family doctor!

Lu Xiufan knew that the keepers had no feelings, but even if there was only a 1 in 10,000 chance, he didn't want Shang Ke to regret it in the future.

Still speechless. Lu Xiufan, where is your usual shrewdness? This is obviously a trap to lure you!

According to the information prompted by the system, Yue Xuan fell in love with Lu Xiufan at first sight. Who knows if someone will provoke a rotten peach to come back

Also, he remembered that he had already hid that document, how could Lu Xiufan know about the more submitted

Shang Ke went back to his room and found the document from the bottom of the cabinet, making sure that no one else had flipped it. From this point of view, Lu Xiufan should have gotten the news from other sources.

Shang pointed his eyebrows with his finger, how will he deal with it tomorrow

While thinking about it, Lu Xiufan's call came from the inside.

Recently, he asked him to go to his room every night to "talk", but neither of them talked a lot, so sometimes they would drink tea together quietly, watch movies quietly, surf the Internet quietly, play chess quietly...

I don't know if Lu Xiufan was intentional or not, but he always felt that this guy's clothes became less and less. In the past, his sleep was always wrapped tightly. Later, he started to cover it halfway, and then he just wore bottom pants and upper body. Completely naked, with a large piece of lean muscle, dangling in front of his eyes, don't you know how annoying it is? ! Has Nima considered the mood of facial paralysis? If it goes on like this, he will be defeated! When it's time to QJ you, don't regret it!