Heroic Death System

Chapter 9: It only takes 72 hours to fall in love with you


The moment he was hit, Shang Ke's soul escaped from his body, but he didn't immediately return to the system space. But it's too soon, wait at most ten minutes before you can completely leave this world.

"Save him, no matter what method you use, I will save him!" Ravel grabbed Benny's wrist, his eyes were terrifyingly cold: Benny ignored the pain in his wrist and said patiently, "Your Majesty , Please feel sorry, Cage is indeed powerless. If he is forcibly treated, it will only damage his body, is this what Your Majesty wants to see?"

Ravel slowly released his hand and turned his gaze back to the boy on the ground. In the transparent ice, the boy smiled, his eyes were soft and fresh as ever. A few minutes ago, he was standing beside him, holding his hand, and sending flowers to the martyrs with him. The next second, he watched him die in his arms.

This fool, who can't even walk by himself, still wants to save him!

Ravel kept repeating the picture of Cage standing in front of him in his mind, and his ice blue eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of mist.

If he was a little more responsive and a little more agile, he... wouldn't he die? Knowing this, he would not have brought him to this memorial service anyway. In the end, he didn't even have time to say a word.

"Your Majesty." Kahn came over and whispered, "It's not safe here, my subordinates will escort you back to the palace."

Ravel was silent for a moment, then said, "Send an ice coffin here."

Soul Shang Ke squatted beside Ravel, thinking that this guy didn't want to refrigerate Cage's body forever, right

He poked the ice corpse on the ground, and his fingers went straight through the ice, touching the corpse's skin, and immediately felt a suction. Before he could react, he was sucked back into Cage's body.

[Congratulations to the host, the additional task is completed, and the resurrection is successful, the system will give you 15 days of detention time.]

What a fool! Can you live like this

I thought that the paralysis of the hands and feet was bad enough, but I didn't expect that there would be even worse. Staying in an ice corpse state for another 15 days? I slapped it!

Shang Ke wanted to cry but had no tears, he only hated himself for being cheap, what if he had nothing to poke at!

He looked through the ice and met Ravel above him. Ravel's eyes moved slightly, his body leaned forward, and then he heard a low voice: "Cage?"

Hehe, I'm sorry, I can't move my hands, I can't speak, I can't blink, I can't shake my head, I can't answer your call.

"What's wrong with Your Majesty?" Benny couldn't help asking when he saw Ravel's expression was different.

"I don't know why," Ravel looked into Shang Ke's eyes and said, "I think he is still conscious."

"Impossible, the ice demon will freeze even his brain, how can..." Before he finished speaking, Benny also noticed Shang Ke's eyes, which were still very stagnant just now.

Benny's eyes widened in disbelief.

Ravel turned to look at him and asked in a serious and slightly suppressed voice, "He's still alive, isn't he?"

Benny was speechless.

"Save him." Ravel said firmly, "Save him!"

Benny looked at Cage in the ice, gritted his teeth, nodded and said, "I'll try my best."

The strength of Cage's vitality is rare in his life, and maybe this time he can create another miracle. The success rate of thawing depends on how long he can hold on.

But after a while, the ice coffin was transported over.

Because the ice demonized body is very fragile, special methods must be used to transport it to ensure that it is intact.

Ravel ordered someone to carefully lift the frozen Cage, rekindling hope in his heart, and just wanted to rush to the hospital as soon as possible.

Benny was on the side by calling the hospital to inform the hospital to prepare for the relevant treatment.

When the reporters outside saw this scene, they couldn't help but have a bold guess in their hearts. Could it be possible for Cage to be saved? This is big news!

They raised their cameras one after another, ignoring the chaos of the scene and the strict precautions of the guards, and shot like a needle in a hole.

Cage's body was moved into the ice coffin, and the guards pushed it toward the shuttle, followed by Ravel and Benny.

[Additional task 2: Help Ravel escape the bomb attack. If you complete this task without dying, the host can choose to stay in this world and squander his life.]

System, I have endured you for a long time! Is it over yet? ! You TM turned into a corpse to help Ravel escape the bomb attack and show me!

Shang Ke was out of anger while lying in the freezer. The living have dignity, and the corpse also has it!

At this moment, there was a sudden noise outside the ice coffin, it seemed that someone had fallen, and then caused a chain reaction.

Then, the ice coffin was hit hard and made a "bang", and then Ravel's roar was heard: "Don't!"

Shang Ke is sure that these are definitely the most passionate words that Ravel has ever shouted.

Then, the sky was spinning for a while, his body tilted and fell, and with the sound of a shattering sound, his consciousness was completely plunged into darkness.

Finally, freed...

Ravel watched helplessly as Cage rolled out of the overturned freezer, shattered into pieces of ice crystals, mixed with blood, and shone dazzlingly in the sun.

Everything around seemed to stand still, and Ravel stood rigidly in place, his pupils seemed to have lost focus.

Just as he was about to move, he suddenly heard a loud vibration not far away, and a shuttle was wrapped in flames caused by the explosion.

The shuttle was exactly the tool that was going to be used to transport the ice coffin, and because it was in a hurry, it was not checked in time. Ravel will definitely get on this shuttle later, if there is no accident in the middle, he and Cage in the ice coffin will be blown to pieces.

"Your Majesty, Cage saved your life again." Benny said solemnly, "I think this is his last wish."

Broken to pieces, to protect the king.

Ravel's vision was blurred, and the only color in his eyes disappeared with the withering of the sky red flame.

His world is only black and white from now on...

[Congratulations to the host, the task is completed. Although the body is broken in the end, and there is no possibility of resurrection, you can still get triple rewards.]

"Thank you so much!" Shang Ke almost cried, this mission only lasted twenty days, and in the end he died so much that there was no scum left, "System, don't tell me that future missions are so cruel?"

[No, because the first world has extra benefits, so you can spend it so easily, and you have successfully brought the art of death to the extreme.]

"This is also called an extra treatment?! It's still easy to spend?" Shang Ke couldn't believe it.

[Of course, the tasks in the first world can be completed while sitting, standing and lying down.]

Shang Ke's expression was blank. Aren't his three tasks completed "sitting", "standing" and "lying"

Sitting to be tortured, standing to block the gun, lying down and shattered... Hehe, it really is an extreme and artistic death.

[From the second world onwards, this extra privilege is gone, and it is entirely up to you to find death.]

Why does this sound so unpleasant? What does it mean to "find death by yourself"? Do you think he likes courting death? Also, what's so hard about finding death

[Please remember, the host, that your death must meet the "heroic" conditions, and an ordinary accidental death will be regarded as a mission failure. If you choose to commit suicide or die, and violate these two principles, the system will give you corresponding punishment.]

"Isn't the punishment just increasing the number of tasks?"

[Please don't be careless, if the mission keeps failing, the punishment will continue to accumulate, and the host is likely to enter the infinite death cycle.]

Shang Ke: "..." Well, the consequences are indeed serious.

[Now, ask the host to receive the reward.]

Finally there is something pleasant.

[The first world, complete one main task and two additional tasks, physical +10 (+5+5), memory +20 (+10+5), mental power +15 (+5+5), beauty +15 (+10+5), lifespan +5 (+1+2), the points in parentheses are additional quest rewards.]

"Isn't there still a skill?"

[Yes, there are two other skills to choose from to learn. ] The system will expand all skill options, there are seventy-seven kinds. There are some skills that Shang Ke has never even heard of.

He thought about it and decided that it was more reliable to improve his strength first, so he chose "martial arts" and "magic".

[Sorry, the host's physique has not yet reached the standard for learning martial arts and magic.]

"What? Are there any physical limitations?"

[Among all options, only the skills that are lit can be selected, and the skills are grayed out, indicating that the host has not yet met the conditions for learning.]

Shang Ke looked at the skill options again, and among the seventy-seven skills, only "Instrument", "Cooking", "Painting", "Performing", "Racing", "Make-up", and "Swimming" were lit up.

"Can I see my body data?" he asked.

[The host is in a soul state and cannot view body data. Only when the host returns to its own body can the physical fitness of the host be detected.]

[Has the host decided which two skills to choose?]

Shang Ke thought about it carefully, and finally chose "Cooking" and "Musical Instruments".

[Choose to confirm, and then you will enter the Bailian space.]

"Hundred Refinements Space?"

[All skills need to be learned and mastered in Hundred Refinements Space before they can be fully mastered.]

Shang Ke felt that this arrangement was very reasonable. Skills obtained out of thin air would never have the sense of solidity.

However, what Shang Ke didn't expect was that it took him ten years to enter the Hundred Refinements Space this time. Although the later system explained that the time ratio of the Hundred Refinements Space was different from the outside world, he was still depressed enough.

Who can bear ten years of learning to cook and play a musical instrument? ! And you are not allowed to leave until you reach the master level. Cooking is good, his time is mainly spent on musical instruments. Fortunately, he only chose two kinds of instruments, the piano and the flute. If he chooses more, it is estimated that he will not be able to come out for decades!

After ten years of hard training, Shang Ke officially entered the second world.