Heroic Death System

Chapter 90: Covenant Keeper


Shang Ke officially took over the Yuejia industry. After suffering repeated blows, no one dared to compete with him for this position.

Lu Xiufan was originally prepared to escort him and do everything in his power to help him clean up the Yuejia property, but Shang Ke's actions again exceeded his expectations. The first thing he did when he entered Yuejia was to hire a large number of promise-keepers.

Before that, Shang Ke had been collecting relevant information, especially the investigation of the keepers. They lack feelings, but they are strong in principle, loyal to contracts, efficient in work, and have no selfishness. Of course, their abilities are high and low, and their specialties are also different. The first batch of contract-keepers hired by Shang Ke were all above 2 stars, with a certain knowledge base, and were able to complete tasks that were not very professional.

The Yue family is now unstable and in chaos, and there are not many people willing to help Shang Ke, so he simply uses the promise-keepers in an all-round way, roughly sorts out the family property, and then starts to rectify it bit by bit according to the priorities.

He doesn't care about other people's criticism and small actions that go against the grain. Those who do not obey only have one word, "go away", and some cumbersome industries are given up by him without hesitation. Reorganize the industrial organization to focus on important matters.

The covenant-keepers he hired became his most reliable and profitable enforcers. No one was more loyal to his position than them, and no one was more rewarding and punishing than them. Although this ruthless way of doing things will inevitably offend many people who want to opportunistically, but the truly capable and practical talents support it. The promise-keeper has created a pure and free working environment for them. As long as the task is completed on time, the promise-keeper will not care about other trivial matters. Those who perform well will also be given high rewards.

This approach made the family's assets shrink by 20% in a short period of time, scaring the other members, but they dared not speak up, because Shang Ke, the promise-keeper, didn't care about them at all. 's complaint.

The way he handles family affairs is like cutting out a tumor, cutting the knife neatly and ignorantly of short-term pain. For him, even if there is only one company left in Yuejia in the end, it will not affect his mission, so he dares to do what others dare not do, and he does it very beautifully.

Hiring so many promise-keepers at one time, and all of them were arranged in important positions, this move caused a sensation in the entire empire, and even Lu Xiufan was shocked by him.

Just when everyone was waiting to see the promise-keeper finish the Yuejia game, he slowly recovered the decline, from chaos to stability, from losses to profits, and he was on the right track step by step. Soon, everyone found out that the people who keep the promise are different from ordinary people in their ability to work. They have a strong sense of time and never arrive late or leave early. Even if their personal abilities are insufficient, they are diligent in study and will adjust their study direction and work goals according to the needs of employers. They do not corrupt, do not bribe, do not show favoritism, do not complain, do not hold grudges, strictly enforce the rules, and are fair and just.

People often compare them to robots, but never really realize the value of "robots". For hundreds of years, it is unknown how many capable covenant-keepers have been enslaved, extinguishing the fire of their short lives.

"Sir." When the prison guard saw Lu Xiufan, he immediately gave a military salute.

Lu Xiufan ignored it, looking through the glass window to Mrs. Chang and Yue Xuan in the claustrophobic room.

The two have been locked in a claustrophobic room for more than half a month, without being arraigned or punished. They would still shout for a few days, but now they look depressed and absent.

"Let's start." Lu Xiufan ordered the two doctors behind him.

The two doctors agreed and walked into the claustrophobic room with several assistants.

"What do you want to do?" Mrs. Chang saw a group of people suddenly walk in, grabbed her son and dragged her out. She immediately rushed over and hugged Yue Xuan.

"We just want to give your son a health check." A doctor replied with a facial expression.

"My son is healthy and doesn't need any tests."

"Really?" said another doctor. "Based on our observations, it seems that your son is infected with some kind of virus and needs urgent treatment."

Mrs. Chang vaguely realized something, and cried out with a pale face: "No, my son is fine, you let him go!"

"Mother, save me." Yue Xuan also panicked and struggled desperately.

"Get out of the way, don't get in the way of our work." Several powerful men ignored the shouts of the two, pushed Mrs. Chang away, and dragged Yue Xuan out.

"I'm the Mistress of the Yue Family. Even if I'm guilty, the judgment should be made in accordance with normal procedures. You have no right to use lynching." Mrs. Chang completely lost her former nobility and slammed the closed door of the claustrophobic room.

"Mother, mother—" Yue Xuan's shout gradually faded away until it disappeared.

Madam Chang slipped to the ground in despair, leaning weakly against the metal door, her head lowered, her hair disheveled, and two malicious eyes shot out from her eyes...

In an operating room, Yue Xuan was tied to the operating table with a dazzling white light above his head. When he saw a familiar instrument, his eyes filled with endless fear. This kind of equipment is exactly the kind of equipment that turns Yue Ze into a promise-keeper.

Finally realizing what he was about to face, Yue Xuan let out a desperate roar...

During this period of time, although Shang Ke has been busy with his family affairs, he still returns to Lu Xiufan's mansion every day to report the results of the day to him, and perform his escort duties by the way.

Lu Xiufan was also very busy, but he would come back on time every day to listen to Shang Ke's reports, and by the way exercised his right of escort.

The two cooperated tacitly, and in some respects, they reached the realm of water and milk blending.

Life was too harmonious, and Shang Ke almost forgot that his mission was to meet the requirement of "die heroically". Just when he began to struggle with how to die beautifully, danger came without warning.

Shang Ke walked out of the office building and brought two new recruits to the parking lot.

These two contract keepers are the few technical talents he has recently discovered, and he intends to arrange them in Yuejia's technical development team.

Shang Ke drove them to the Science and Technology Park, followed by two escort vehicles. This was the bodyguard that Lu Xiufan had arranged for him, accompanying him every day to protect his safety.

Halfway through the journey, Shang Ke suddenly heard an electronic beep, and the automatic driving mode was switched to manual mode, and then began to accelerate.

Shang Ke was secretly startled, and immediately controlled the direction to prevent the car from veering off the lane or hitting an obstacle. However, except for the direction, all other operations are out of control, and the speed is still increasing.

Apparently, his car had been tampered with!

Looking at the speeding scene outside the car, Shang Ke's pupils contracted, and he used his superb driving skills to calmly drive at a high speed.

"Young Master Ze, what happened?" The guard's voice came from the contactor. They noticed that Shang Ke's car suddenly accelerated, and they were keenly aware that the situation was not good.

"The car is out of control." Shang Ke replied simply.

After saying this, there was a sudden noise in the contactor, and then the response was completely lost.

Communication was cut off, and the escort car behind him was also thrown out of sight.

Shang Ke's speed has reached the upper limit of this car, and the body is like a flashing shadow, and it begins to die at the speed of death in the building complex.

If it's just him, there's nothing to be afraid of. But there were still two promise-keepers sitting in the back seat. They were pulling their seat belts and looking straight, without a trace of tension on their faces. Their bodies swayed from side to side with the vibration of the body, looking like two dolls.

No matter what, save their lives.

Shang Ke checked the driving energy, and only 3% was consumed. The car was just taken for maintenance today, and it was fully charged with energy. It is estimated that it was passive at that time.

At the rate of energy consumption, he would have to keep it that way for 36 hours! Even if he didn't make any mistakes in the middle, he wouldn't be able to fly the whole way alive!

Shang Ke controlled the direction and drove towards the outer city, which was sparsely populated and had a wide field of vision, quickly thinking of countermeasures in his mind.

At this speed, jumping is definitely not going to work.

So, is there a way to speed up the consumption of energy

It is still possible to turn on all the energy-consuming devices in the car, such as lights, music, air conditioners... However, this consumption does not play much role at all.

Shang Ke's spirit was highly concentrated, and cold sweat continued to ooze from his forehead. After 40 minutes of continuous driving at this speed, the body starts to get overwhelmed, and the brain is also a little dizzy. Looking at this situation, let alone 36 hours, even 3 hours is probably not enough.

The maximum speed of the buoyancy car can only be reached by professional racers when they are fully equipped, and it cannot last for more than 5 hours, otherwise it will cause damage to the body.

The buoyancy car flew out of the city and into the relatively empty suburbs.

Shang Ke's eyelashes trembled slightly, and sweat seeped into his eyes along the corners of his eyes, but he didn't dare to be distracted.

There was silence all around, except for the screeching sound of the frictional airflow of the body. The two keepers in the back seat had white lips, cold sweat dripping, and unnatural twitching of the facial muscles. One of them had blood flowing from his nose.

Shang Ke's blood pressure was also rising, his blood vessels seemed to burst, and he was in constant pain.

He looked at the energy consumption and there was still 90% left. He wailed in his heart, he never thought that being full of energy would be such a maddening thing!

The car was moving fast, but time passed very slowly.

I don't know how long it took, Shang Ke's ears and nose also flowed blood, his eyes were mixed with sweat, and his vision was gradually blurred.

no! You must find a way to save yourself!

At this moment, the line of sight suddenly widened, and a huge lake appeared in front of him.


Shang Ke's eyes lit up, and an idea came up in his heart.

He drove the buoyancy car, shuttled back and forth around the lake, calculated the height and position, and then said to the promise-keeper behind him: "Jill, Yun Ling, listen to my instructions later, I will let you jump and you can jump."

While talking, Shang Ke opened the lock of the right door, tilted the body, and with its superb technology, lowered the height little by little during high-speed driving.

"Right now, Jill, jump out of the car!" Shang Ke yelled.

The promise-keeper known as "Jill" did not hesitate, pushed the door of the car and jumped down, his body drawn a white wave on the lake, and then sank into the water with a "thump".

But for a moment, Jill emerged from the water, Shang Ke breathed a sigh of relief, and prepared to follow the steps just now to help Yun Ling escape.

However, when Shang Ke looked through the rear-view mirror, he found that Yun Ling was already in a semi-conscious state and did not respond to his calls...