Heroic Death System

Chapter 92: Covenant Keeper


After three days of hospitalization, Shang Ke felt much better. In addition to being easily exhausted mentally, all other aspects have recovered well.

Lu Xiufan walked into the ward and saw Shang Ke was leaning on the pillow, looking down at the documents, and there were two promise-keepers sitting beside him, looking at him expressionlessly.

When the three saw Lu Xiufan coming in, they raised their heads at the same time. The two promise-keepers just glanced at them, then continued to stare at Shang Ke. Shang Ke naturally looked at him and greeted him silently.

Lu Xiufan looked at the three of them, and a strange feeling rose in his heart. The two promise-keepers entered the ward with his permission. It was nothing special when they met alone before, but when they and Shang Ke stayed together, the differences between the two sides were highlighted.

The two promise-keepers had dull expressions and dull eyes, immersed in their own world like autistic children, and lifeless. But Shang Ke is completely different from them. Although his face has few expressions, his eyes are very clear, as if he has infinite space to accommodate everything he has seen.

Lu Xiufan vaguely realized that his previous cognition was somewhat biased. He thought that all promise-keepers were the same, but in fact, Shang was different.

"It's time to rest." Lu Xiufan said to him.

Shang Ke looked at the time and replied, "Please give me another 15 minutes."

This is the time he has set with the two keepers, and even if he wants to end it early, the two keepers will not agree unless he forces the suspension with an order.

Lu Xiufan patiently stood by and waited.

"According to the specific operation..."

15 minutes later, before Shang Ke's words were finished, the promise-keeper had already started to pack his things.

"... The plan made in advance is implemented." Before they left the ward, Shang Ke finally finished speaking.

After in-depth contact with the real promise-keeper, Shang Ke found that the promise-keeper is really not qualified enough. At least in terms of time control and almost obsessive-compulsive-like execution ability, he is more than a star and a half behind. Every time, a plan must be made in advance, and the timing is accurate to the second, otherwise, only the back of the promise-keeper will definitely be obtained. No wonder they're called "robots" who absolutely get things done and never do unplanned things.

Of course, if he ordered them to stay, it was okay to give new orders, but he tried to avoid this situation, so as not to develop a habit of laziness.

"Ozawa, there is a question we must talk about." Lu Xiufan sat beside Shang Ke with a serious expression.

"what is the problem?"

"I'm your employer, you must follow my orders, especially when it's dangerous." Lu Xiufan said sternly, "Like the accident a few days ago, I asked you to jump out of the car, why didn't you jump?"

Shang Ke was silent for a while, then calmly said: "I am the employer of Jill and Yun Ling, and I have an obligation to protect their safety, just like you protect me."

"Then," Lu Xiufan stared at him, "If I and they were in danger at the same time, who would you save first?"

Where have I heard this question? How is it different from the "mother and wife who fall into the water at the same time, who will I save first" circulating on the Internet

Shang Ke was struck by lightning, but he still answered solemnly, "Save the Lord."

"But you chose the promise-keeper at the time."

"Because adults are not in danger of life. In this case, saving lives should be a priority." Shang Ke was right.

"For me," Lu Xiufan said, "your life is also my priority!"

Shang Ke stopped talking.

"Promise me, Ozawa." Lu Xiufan held his hand and said with bright eyes, "If you encounter danger in the future, consider your own safety first."

"Sir," Shang Ke replied briefly, "your life is above everything else." Therefore, he did not accept this order.

Lu Xiufan was shocked, stared at him quietly for a moment, then hugged him in his arms, and said in a low voice, "Your life is the same."

In the past few days, Lu Xiufan had been summoned by the Queen several times in a row. Seeing that Shang Ke was in good health, he was summoned to the palace to meet the Queen.

In the inner courtyard, in addition to the queen and the prince, there is also an old man, who is the head of the Chang family, Chang Si.

"Your Majesty." Lu Xiufan gave a slight greeting.

Chang Si also got up and gave Lu Xiufan a salute.

After a few polite words, the queen asked Mrs. Chang and Yue Xuan with a bit of blame in her words. As Lu Xiufan's status as a prince, he really shouldn't interfere in the internal affairs of other families.

"This is not an internal affair. Mrs. Chang and Yue Xuan are suspected of murdering Yue Ze, the elder son of Yue, and I am interrogating him." Lu Xiufan replied.

"Really? But I heard about the lynching you used against them." The Queen said solemnly, "Their identities are different from ordinary civilians. The interrogation should be made public, and people from the Yue and Chang families are eligible to observe."

"Yes." Unexpectedly, Lu Xiufan did not refuse.

The next day, Mrs. Chang and Yue Xuan were taken into a special interrogation room, and the Yue Chang family were allowed to visit.

When Mrs. Chang saw her father, her first words were: "Father, please call the shots for us, Wang Jue forcibly performed a virus removal operation on Xiao Xuan and turned him into a promise-keeper."

Chang Si's face sank, and he turned to look at Yue Xuan next to him. Seeing that his expression was dull, he was no different from the promise-keeper.

Chang Si immediately angrily asked the Queen to request a physical examination for Yue Xuan. If it is determined that he was forcibly turned into a promise-keeper, he must ask the Queen to be fair.

The queen responded with a simulacrum, and then gave Lu Xiufan a cryptic look. The latter looked indifferent, as if the matter had nothing to do with him.

Chang Si took Yue Xuan to the Royal Hospital to conduct a contract-keeper identification test, which usually involves virus analysis and neuronal reflex shocks on the patient's brain.

Yue Xuan sat in a metal chair and was subjected to an identification check. Not long after the instrument was activated, Yue Xuan, who was originally sluggish, suddenly shouted, his expression became grim, and he struggled desperately in the chair. The expressions of the people outside all changed, and looking at him, he was not a promise-keeper at all!

The device made a harsh alarm sound, and the doctor immediately turned it off. Several medical staff walked over to help Yue Xuan out, but he suddenly bit the arm of one of them, and his eyes were as fierce as evil spirits.

"Xiao Xuan!" Several members of the Chang family immediately exclaimed.

"Ah!" Yue Xuan let out a roar like a wild beast, biting anyone he saw, looking like a madman.

Mrs. Chang shouted anxiously: "You guys, save people!"

With the help of other medical staff, the doctor injected Yue Xuan with tranquilizers, and finally let him calm down.

"What's going on?" Mrs. Chang asked.

The doctor's face was also not good-looking, and he asked: "He is not a promise-keeper at all. Why do you ask for a promise-keeper identification test? Don't you know that this will cause damage to the normal brain?"

The doctor reminded them to do a routine examination first, but they refused, believing that Yue Xuan had become a promise-keeper and just wanted to see the appraisal report as soon as possible.

Unlike ordinary people, the neurons of the promise-keeper will not respond to the stimulation of the instrument, but normal people are sensitive, and a little stimulation may cause huge emotional fluctuations, but the emotional performance of different individuals is also different. Excited people are more excited, sad people are more sad, fearful people are more fearful, angry people are more angry...

And Yue Xuan, the deepest memory in his consciousness is fear and anger. After being stimulated by the instrument, it is immediately doubled and stimulated, instantly driving him into madness.

The doctor was about to give Yue Xuan another comprehensive examination when he suddenly opened his eyes, stretched out his hand to grab the doctor's neck, and made a resentful voice: "I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

The doctor's face was blue, his eyes were bulging, and he was about to be strangled to death. The people behind him rushed forward to rescue him, and finally broke Yue Xuan's hand and gave him a sedative at the same time.

Yue Xuanruan fell on the bed, but his eyes were still open, and the fierce light in his eyes looked particularly terrifying.

The doctor coughed a few times and said angrily in a hoarse voice: "Now I can be sure that the second son of Yue is by no means a promise-keeper, and his feelings are very 'rich'!"

The expressions on the faces of everyone in the Chang family suddenly looked good, and their doubtful eyes drifted towards Lu Xiufan.

Lu Xiufan sat on the bench and stared coldly at the farce in front of him.

"In that case, you can handle the next things yourself." The Queen got up gracefully and walked away accompanied by the Prince.

Although there was no displeased expression on her face, there was dissatisfaction with the Chang family in her tone.

"Your Excellency Wang Jue, what did you do to Xiao Xuan?" Madam Chang looked directly at Lu Xiufan.

Lu Xiufan said indifferently: "It's just to treat people with their own way."

After saying that, he turned to leave.

At that time, Mrs. Chang injected Yue Ze with psychoactive drugs, which caused him to go mad, and then he was treated as a person with a mental virus infection and forcibly underwent surgery to remove it, becoming a promise-keeper. And he also injected Yue Xuan with a psychoactive potion, but this potion would not make him mad, but would make him lose consciousness for a short time.

Mrs. Chang was preconceived and thought that Yue Xuan had also become a promise-keeper, so she directly asked the doctor to identify him as a promise-keeper, but instead it stimulated his nerves and made him go crazy. This madness, under the effect of that psychoactive potion, will become permanent unless they actually perform a removal operation on him.

In fact, the effect of this medicine is only half a month. In the past, they used a tube of psychotropic medicine to make Yue Ze go crazy, and then turned him into a promise-keeper; now he uses a tube of medicine to make Yue Xuan fake dementia, and then let them send him to the end of madness with their own hands.

A tick for a tick, but to blame.

But this matter is not over yet, Shang Ke was attacked in eight or nine times by the Chang family, how should he return them a big gift

A layer of icy frost covered Lu Xiufan's eyes.

Walking into Shang Ke's ward, the warmth of the room immediately made him feel peaceful.

Shang Ke was sketching something on the screen of his brain.

Lu Xiufan took a closer look and found a calendar on the screen, with the numbers from the 2nd to the 10th circled by him.

"What is this?" Lu Xiufan sat on the edge of the bed and hooked his waist with one hand.

Um? It seems that he lost a lot of weight, and he must make up more for him when he looks back.

"This is the number of days I'm missing from work." Shang Ke said with a straight face, "I have to make up for it in the future."

Lu Xiufan raised his eyebrows: "How do you plan to make up for it?"

"There are currently two options." Shang Ke replied, "One is to work two more hours a day until the working hours are made up; the other is to exchange quality for quantity and exchange working hours with special services."

Without any hesitation, Lu Xiufan resolutely chose the second option.