Heroic Wife Reborn

Chapter 121: 121 Goodbye in the rivers and lakes, never see you again


What is a zombie and what is a lipstick, people in the Buddhist hall don't know, but they can hear a kind of schadenfreude from Yu Xiaoxiao's tone.

After discovering that his young master was poisoned, Bei Ji immediately sealed several key points of Master Fenglin, preventing the poison from entering the meridians of Master Fenglin's body with the blood flow. But Rao Shibei monk moved quickly, the poison was too strong, even if it was diluted by Yu Xiaoxiao with a pot of water, the poison still made Master Fenglin not only unable to move, but also in severe pain.

Monk Beiji looked at Yu Xiaoxiao and said ruthlessly, "Your Highness Princess, if my young master has something to do, you can't afford it."

"What?" Yu Xiaoxiao completely hated the monks in Yongsheng Temple, "Is Fengtian his father or his mother?" Yu Xiaoxiao asked the monk Beiji: "What does it matter if he is dead or not? We invited him here from Fengtian. ?"

"You," Monk Beiji had not been strictly ordered by his young master not to fight with Princess Linglong, and now he would have come up to fight Yu Xiaoxiao, "you are also a princess of a country, speaking so vulgarly, Fengtian Yu's is nothing more than that!" Bei Ji angrily rebuked Yu Xiaoxiaodao.

Yu Xiaoxiao had a hard time listening to such half-literal words, but she could understand that this monk should be greeting her family.

Cheng Guan held Yu Xiaoxiao's hand tightly behind him, preventing Her Royal Highness from going forward, and whispered to Yu Xiao: "Princess, now is not the time to fight for anger."

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at Young Master Fenglin coldly. In fact, with Young Master Fenglin's appearance, even if his lips were black, it still gave people a strange and enchanting beauty, but in Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes, this man was tall and handsome. It's better to die like this. There's no manly appearance at all. How wicked are the parents of this guy? Wouldn't it be over to just turn this product into a girl? "You'd better leave quickly," Yu Xiaoxiao said to Master Fenglin, "Aren't you a Yongsheng Temple? Hurry up and return to your temple, and let your master resurrect you. We will meet again in Jianghu and never see each other."

"Yu Linglong!" Several monks from Beiji shouted Yu Xiaoxiao's name together and cursed their young master to die. Isn't this princess afraid to offend their Yongsheng Temple

"Come to fight if you don't agree," Yu Xiaoxiao was also angry.

Bei Ji and a few people stared at Yu Xiaoxiao with wide-eyed eyes.

Yu Xiaoxiao glanced at the people in the Buddhist hall and said, adding fuel to the fire, "Where's the one with the rotten eyes? No way, let him join together, we'll decide whether to win or lose."

Bei Ji took a deep breath and looked back at Master Fenglin, Princess Linglong is so untidy, how are they going to endure it

Chengguan Guoshi saw that it was about to start a fight, so he hurriedly stood in front of Yu Xiaoxiao, still holding Yu Xiaoxiao tightly, looked at Fenglin Shaoshi and said, "Master, the princess is the royal family of Fengtian, You'd better discipline your subordinates."

Beiyuan sneered at this moment: "Cheng Guan, even the Zhuri royal family would not dare to treat the young master like this, what is a small Fengtian?"

Yu Xiaoxiao also sneered, she doesn't like to waste saliva, and only likes to solve problems with hands. It is rare for her to be venomous, and she said to several monks who wanted to rush up to bite her to death: "No matter how young Fengtian is, we are also normal human beings. You look like you are developing normally, but you are all dead children."

Has anyone scolded family members like that? !

When Lian Cheng watched Yu Xiaoxiao's words, he felt uncomfortable for a moment.

"You are different," Yu Xiaoxiao did not forget the national teacher, and said to the national teacher Chengguan, "I will take care of you in the future and will not leave you alone."

Cheng Guan still felt uncomfortable, but was healed by Her Royal Highness.

Monk Beiji couldn't bear it any longer, he shouted, and with a little bit of toes, he rushed over to Yu Xiaoxiao.

Yu Xiaoxiao took Cheng Guan by his hand and walked back, and the national teacher, Huang Shenjian, was guarded by Her Royal Highness Princess behind him. Yu Xiaoxiao clenched her hands into fists and waited for Bei Ji to rush to her. Wen Dou was hard to say. Wu Dou Yu Xiaoxiao was very confident. How could humans in this world be her opponents

"Beijing!" Master Fenglin suddenly shouted sharply on the couch.

Monk Beiji heard Master Fenglin's shout, and stopped three steps away from Yu Xiaoxiao as if he had been casted by a spell.

After Master Fenglin shouted this, he seemed to have exhausted all his strength. After breathing heavily on the couch for a long time, blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth, and he opened his mouth suddenly, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his throat, putting the pure white monk robe on. Big dirty.

"Master!" Several monks in the Buddhist hall exclaimed at the same time.

Bei Ji couldn't care about Yu Xiaoxiao any longer, so she ran to the couch of Master Fenglin, reached out and tapped an acupuncture point on Master's chest.

Yu Xiaoxiao whispered to Cheng Guan, "He was fine a few hours ago, why is he like this now? He was born with poor health, so is he going to die now?"

Master Guo Shi didn't know what the hour was, but after listening to Yu Xiaoxiao's question, Cheng Guan Guo Shi covered his mouth and coughed, and whispered, "Because the young teacher saved Concubine Zhao, so the princess hates him?"

Yu Xiaoxiao shook her head and said, "I don't care about other people's emotional lives." Concubine Zhao and Wen Fenglin just have a baby, and it's none of her business. If they have a baby with Gu Xinglang, it's like she Gotta have a headache.

Gu Sanshao, who was sleeping, sneezed at this moment.

Madam Wang listened to the sneeze outside the house, and she was so frightened that she was afraid that the concubine would wake up. The princess ran out all alone in black in the middle of the night. If the Gu family asked what the princess was up to, Mammy Wang felt that her lie must be unsatisfactory!

"The people at Huguo Temple are loyal to you," the skinny old monk walked in front of Yu Xiaoxiao and Cheng Guan, looked at Cheng Guan and said in a low voice.

Cheng Guan said, "Master Wangsheng, what do you mean by that?"

"Young master doesn't want to embarrass you," said the old monk Wangsheng, "I want to give you a decent look, but I didn't expect you to change your medicine."

Cheng Guan frowned, "Where did you come from?" He asked the old monk Wang Sheng.

The old monk Wangsheng said: "Chengguan, you are standing here, the young master was poisoned and fell on the couch, what do you want the poor monk to say?"

"It's impossible," Cheng Guan said immediately, not to mention that he didn't have the will, that is, he had the will. The accompanying monks around Master Fenglin were all master monks from Yongsheng Temple. How could he have the ability to exchange poisons?

The old monk Wangsheng shook his head and said, "Fortunately, the young master's poisoning is not deep, otherwise this matter will not end."

Cheng looked at Master Fenglin who was still bleeding from the corner of his mouth. Who was helping him in private, or should we say who was fighting against Yongsheng Temple in private

"If the presiding master calls you back to the temple," the old monk Wangsheng said to Chengguan at this time: "You better prepare early."

Cheng Guan suddenly smiled and said, "Thank you, Master Wangsheng, for your suggestion, I will make preparations earlier."

Note to readers:

Today's first one is offered. It seems that leaving a message is counted as a result again. Parents, please leave a message to Meiguo. The plum fruit code is useless. Parents, please don’t throw away the plum fruit.