Heroic Wife Reborn

Chapter 135: 135 Good Friday of the Master


"Wait for me," Yu Xiaoxiao said to Xiaozhuang and Xiaowei.

When Xiaozhuang stayed on the wall, Xiaowei jumped down from the wall with Yu Xiaoxiao and whispered to Yu Xiao, "Princess, are we really going to do it?"

Yu Xiao: "I don't hit him."

Xiaowei breathed a sigh of relief, Master Fenglin was still lying there, and they beat up another monk from Yongsheng Temple. This hatred became deeper and deeper, and it was not good for them to Fengtian.

Yu Xiaoxiao didn't have Xiaowei's heart of worrying about the country and the people, and she swayed to the corner of the wall where Beiyuan was hiding.

Beiyuan was discovered by Yu Xiaoxiao, he didn't panic at all, and didn't salute Yu Xiaoxiao, but asked Yu Xiaoxiao in a mocking tone: "Have you taken medicine, Your Highness Princess?"

"Presumptuous!" Xiaowei scolded Beiyuandao.

Beiyuan said disdainfully: "This is what Her Royal Highness said, Princess, is the poor monk right?"

Yu Xiao: "Yes, I wanted to take medicine, but I found out that I forgot to take medicine today." After saying this, Her Royal Highness is very satisfied. It seems that such a skill as nonsense can only be said. ,too easy.

Xiaowei didn't dare to laugh, at this time he couldn't ruin the aura of his princess.

Monk Beiyuan, like Master Fenglin, had never seen a shameless guy like Yu Xiaoxiao before he came to Fengtian, and of course, the two guys sitting in the dormitory of his young master were the same! "Then the princess can go back with the poor monk to see the young master?? Bei Yuanqiang asked while holding back his anger.

Yu Xiaoxiao stretched out the collar of the Beiyuan monk's robe.

Beiyuan turned to one side, dodged Yu Xiaoxiao's hand, and said angrily, "Is Your Highness Princess trying to hurt someone again?"

Beiyuan was able to dodge his own blow, which surprised Yu Xiaoxiao.

Xiaowei saw Beiyuan put his hand on his waist, and quickly pulled out the saber from his waist and shouted, "What do you want to do?!"

This time, Xiao Zhuang also unsheathed his sword and jumped off the wall.

Beiyuan sneered, he knew that Yu Linglong was highly skilled in martial arts, and he just wanted to see this princess from Fengtian. After Xianzong had come to the door to make amends, this one would dare to do anything with him. (Speaking of Master Beiyuan, which eye did you see that His Majesty Xianzong was here to make amends? Mo!)

Yu Xiaoxiao misunderstood the meaning of Beiyuan's sneer at the moment. In the eyes of Her Royal Highness, the monk was going to fight her and Xiaozhuang Xiaowei in a one-on-three fight. "I won't hit you," Yu Xiaoxiao said to Beiyuan, "I'll take you to your young master."

"What did you say?" Bei Yuan put his hand on his waist, where his soft whip was wrapped around.

Yu Xiaoxiao looked to the side and said, "Why is there a woman over there?"

The gate of Huguo Temple is not open today, how could there be a woman? Beiyuan subconsciously followed Yu Xiaoxiao's eyes and looked over.

"Sample!" Yu Xiaoxiao sneered, this time Her Royal Highness's shot was exactly the same speed as she used to slash zombies back then.

Bei Yuan was distracted, and he couldn't even make a move to escape, so Yu Xiaoxiao grabbed the collar of his clothes, "You!" Bei Yuan said angrily to Yu Xiaoxiao.

Yu Xiaoxiao picked up Beiyuan and threw it to Master Fenglin's bedroom, saying, "Let's go."

Xiaozhuang and Xiaowei raised their heads and watched Beiyuan fly away like a meteor.

Xiao Zhuang said, "Princess, this monk won't die, right?"

Yu Xiao: "He loves him to death, let's find the kitchen."

The monks were all thrown away by their own princesses, so Xiaozhuang and Xiaowei had nothing to worry about, and followed Yu Xiaoxiao to the northwest of Huguo Temple.

In Master Fenglin's dormitory, the two sides of the "negotiation" had given up on verbal communication. Master Chengguan knew that Gu Xinglang's foot was seriously injured and protected him in front of Gu Xinglang. Seeing that the national teacher had chosen to protect Gu Xinglang, Xianzong could only close his eyes, sighing that it was really meaningless to be an emperor, while waiting for the big ears of the monks who were under rage.



Gu Xinglang and Master Fenglin shouted at the same time.

Xianzong felt a palm wind blowing towards him. His Majesty the Emperor stood very strong and didn't move. For his daughter, he took this slap!

At this moment, the sound of heavy objects falling from the roof of the bedroom came with a "bang dong" sound.

The big guys were stunned together and looked up at the roof.

When Xianzong raised his head, he said to himself, "Linglong is going to demolish the house?"

Beiyuan's body smashed a hole in the roof and fell to the floor of the bedroom.

Xianzong stretched his head to look at Beiyuan, and patted his chest. Fortunately, the monk was still panting.

"Beiyuan?" After being stunned for a moment, Master Fenglin asked Beiyuan angrily, "What's wrong with you?" I also knew that this must be Yu Linglong's handwriting again!

Beiyuan's face was pale, and he struggled to move his body on the ground full of rubble, opening his mouth and making no sound.

Everyone looked closely, and a thin iron bar pierced the throat of the monk Beiyuan, which was shocking.

Xianzong blinked his eyes and said, "Didn't Master Beiyuan go to take care of Linglong? Why did you run up to the roof? Hehe, it seems that Master, your childish innocence is still alive."

"Shut up!" Master Fenglin collapsed at this moment, and shouted at Xianzong.

"Master!" When Xianzong didn't respond, several monks exclaimed at the same time after Master Fenglin scolded Xianzong.

Master Fenglin vomited blood on the mattress.

Gu Xinglang looked at Master Fenglin coldly, and said, "Master, don't worry, Master Beiyuan hasn't died yet. It seems that the thin iron didn't hurt his trachea, Master is very lucky."

Xianzong said: "Bless the Buddhas of Yongsheng Temple, Master Beiyuan, you can't be so naughty in the future, it's too dangerous to go to the roof."

"Who hurt you?" Master Fenglin asked Beiyuan with blood on the corner of his mouth.

A monk took a pen and paper and walked to Beiyuan, but could not speak, but Beiyuan could write.

Xianzong, Gu Xinglang, and National Teacher Chengguan, the three of them stared at Beiyuan. Xianzong has even made up his mind, Beiyuan just wrote his daughter's name, as long as there is no evidence, they will deny it!

However, Beiyuan just looked at Master Fenglin and made a few sounds in his throat.

The monk holding the pen and paper hurriedly looked at Beiyuan's hands, and said anxiously to Master Fenglin, "Master, Beiyuan's hands are broken."

Beiyuan passed out at this moment, and a thin iron rod passed through his throat, blocking the blood from the wound, so everyone could only see the wound, but not a trace of blood.

Oh, mother, the ancestors and sects bless, Xianzong is relieved now, this one can't speak, can't move his hands, then consider himself unlucky, "come here!" Xianzong shouted outside the bedroom: "The imperial doctor comes in! "He has to let this master, he will never be able to give his daughter to him in this life.

"Where is Yu Linglong?" Master Fenglin spit out a few mouthfuls of blood, glaring at Xianzong and asked.

Xianzong looked at the young master Fenglin at this moment, and sighed in his heart, what does not eat the fireworks of the world, banish immortal characters, really should let the little girls outside who are fascinated by this young master, the little ladies come and see, this The young master of Yongsheng Temple has red eyes, blood on the corners of his mouth, and an angry look on his face. Is this still an immortal figure? It's just a girly little white face!

Note to readers:

The third is more.