Heroic Wife Reborn

Chapter 138: 138 Young women in the Monk Temple


"Princess," the monk from Yongsheng Temple couldn't wait any longer, and asked Yu Xiaoxiao, "Where did the lightning strike?"

Yu Xiao: "Oh, even after a few kitchens, it's still an elixir furnace room. Father, did the monk also practice elixir?"

Xianzong listened to Yu Xiaoxiao's question and said, "Why can't the monk practice pills?"

The monk from Yongsheng Temple heard that Yu Xiaodan furnace room was also hit by lightning, his face changed greatly, he could no longer care about the father and daughter in front of him, he tapped his toes on the ground, and quickly headed to the northwest of Huguo Temple. Fang ran.

"No one was hurt," Yu Xiaoxiao shouted to the monk.

Xianzong said: "You just leave him alone, your business is done? Is it really over?"

Yu Xiaoxiao waved her hand and said, "The house is gone, what evidence is there..."

"Okay," Xianzong interrupted Yu Xiaoxiao and said, "It's alright, we can go back to the palace. Uh, I'm going back to the palace, you and Gu Xinglang can go back to the palace, and don't enter the palace if you have nothing to do in the future. , just think about the father and emperor in my heart."

Yu Xiao: "Is this the end?"

Xianzong smiled and said: "It's all thunderstruck, isn't it reasonable for the young master to be frightened and fall ill?"

Yu Xiao: "That poison?"

"The house is down," Xianzong looked at his daughter, why is this daughter so stupid? Without any evidence, you Wen Fenglin said who the murderer is, who is the murderer

At this time, the commander of the inner guard pointed to a broken wall in the west, and said to Xianzong: "Sir, the wall there is down."

Xianzong followed the commander's hand and glanced westward, where a wall was missing.

Yu Xiao: "Maybe he was knocked down."

Xianzong said: "The other walls are all good, why is that one wall down?"

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at Xianzong and the inner guards and guessed, "Because the quality of this wall is not good enough?"

As long as the courtyard wall of the imperial palace does not fall, Xianzong will not think about the quality of the building, and without taking Yu Xiao's words to talk about it, Xianzong and the inner guard commander said: "Go back and let the Ministry of household allocate some money down. , let the national teacher repair the courtyard wall, it's not good to hurt people, right?"

"The minister leads the decree," the commander said when he was busy.

"Okay," Xianzong and Yu Xiao said, "Let's go pick up Gu Xinglang, and then go back to their respective homes."


"Help me—"

Just as the group turned to leave, a woman's cry for help came from the west courtyard wall.

In the torrential rain, this hoarse cry was mournful and helpless.

"Woman?" When Xianzong heard the cry for help, his first reaction was not to save people, but to say in surprise: "Huguo Temple opened today? I remember clearly not."

Yu Xiao: "There is a woman in the temple, I just saw one wearing a skirt."

Xianzong looked at his inner guard commander and said, "What's going on?"

The commander had a straight face, how could he know why there were women in Huguo Temple

Yu Xiao: "Actually, monks are also men. You should be able to understand your father."

"Okay, shut up," said Xianzong, "Don't learn from that soldier Gu Xinglang all day long. No monk is a man. Who taught you this?"

The internal guards all sympathized with Gu Sanshao, what is the matter with the concubine

"The woman is still calling for help," the commander said, "Your Highness, what do you think?"

"Go and save people," said Xianzong. How could he, a wise and kind emperor, do such a thing that he would not save him? Besides, why there are women in Huguo Temple, Xianzong would like to know this, er, this is the main reason.

The inner guards led the order to save the people, but they did not see the gang in a hurry. They escorted Xianzong and Yu Xiaoxiao to the courtyard of the wall, and then a few inner guards stepped forward to carry bricks to save the people.

Yu Xiaoxiao also stepped forward to help. With her strength, it would not be difficult to move bricks to save people.

But Xianzong pulled Yu Xiaoxiao and said, "What are you doing?"

Yu Xiao: "I'm going to save people."

Xianzong said: "Who are you saving? Identity!"

What Xianzong means is, you are a princess. Did the royal princess move bricks with a group of big inner guards in the heavy rain? But Xianzong said the word identity, and Yu Xiaoxiao couldn't understand the meaning of the two words she fainted, and said, "Wait here, I'll be right back."

Xianzong couldn't hold his daughter anymore, so he could only get angry at his inner guards: "Are you all standing here and watching?!"

The big inner guards rushed forward together, blocking Yu Xiaoxiao and going behind.

"There's..." Yu Xiaoxiao pointed to a pile of broken bricks and wanted to call out that there was someone there, but without saying the herringbone, the feet of a few big inner guards stepped on it.

A big inner guard stepped on the broken bricks, looked at Yu Xiaoxiao and asked, "Your Highness Princess, what are your orders?"

Yu Xiaoxiao heard the breathing of someone under this pile of broken bricks, but at this moment, looking at the big feet stepping on this pile of broken bricks, Her Royal Highness can only say: "There are people below, whether they are dead or not, you guys Dig it."

Xianzong hummed in the back: "What kind of good thing can a woman in a monk's temple be? Dig with a shovel."

The inner guards dare not speak out, where are they going to find a shovel now

Yu Xiaoxiao saw that she couldn't squeeze into the front line of disaster relief, so she could only stand by Xianzong's side again, and said, "It's hard, I can save people in a few strokes."

"You've done all the work, do they all go home and drink white water to live?" Xianzong taught his daughter: "Being a man must leave a way for others to live!"

Yu Xiaoxiao stood and thought, and after thinking for a long time, she couldn't think of any necessary connection between her saving people and being a bodyguard for her faint-hearted father. Just as she was about to discuss this issue with Xianzong, she heard a large inner bodyguard talking to her and her. Xianzong shouted, "Your Highness, it's an old woman."

When Xianzong heard that she was an old woman, he was immediately disappointed. He originally wanted to see Chengguan's jokes, but now he dug up an old woman. What kind of smile does this make him see? Even if a monk is a man, he can't attack an old woman, right

"Your Majesty, Princess," Gu Xinglang's voice came from behind the father and daughter.

Yu Xiaoxiao turned back in a hurry, and saw a few big inner guards carrying her Xiao Gu.

An inner guard walked on the left side of the reclining chair and held an umbrella for Gu Xinglang, and another guard held a bigger umbrella to cover the feet of the concubine, but that was how Xianzong saw Gu Xinglang running When he came, he became angry and told his son-in-law, "You don't want your feet anymore?! Who asked you to come?"

"Why are you so fierce?" Yu Xiaoxiao was unhappy, looked at Xianzong sideways and said, "Why can't you come to Xiao Gu?"

Gu Xinglang said, "Your Majesty, Princess, something happened to the young master."

Um? The father and daughter's eyes suddenly lit up, is Wen Fenglin finally dead

"Your Highness," the chief of the inner guard at this time shouted to Xianzong under the broken wall: "There are two young women here."

Note to readers:

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