Heroic Wife Reborn

Chapter 150: 150 The sweetness of red bean paste


Yu Xiaoxiao sat in the carriage with her own bag of steamed buns in her arms, and with food in her hand, Her Royal Highness would be in a good mood, and said to Gu Xinglang, "Jing Mo gives us food every time, they are nice."

Gu Xinglang had nothing to say, because Jing Mo invited him to eat three times and gave him more than 20 bean paste buns. He said that Jing Mo was a good person. Besides his wife, there would be no other person in the world.

After Yu Xiaoxiao finished praising Jing Mo, she worried about her family Xiao Gu again, saying, "You don't like sweets, this is a bad habit." Sugar is one of the important sources of calories and carbohydrates needed by the human body. Brother doesn't like it? In the anthropological concept of Jade Little, sweets are wonderful foods that can make people feel good, how can anyone not like it? Looking at Gu Xinglang, thinking about the young man's smiling face on weekdays, Her Royal Highness, who is unaware of his facial paralysis, thinks that the little brother of the Gu family doesn't like to laugh, that's why he doesn't eat sweets.

In fact, Gu Xinglang didn't want to talk to his daughter-in-law about the topic of eating anymore. In the days after getting married, he and his daughter-in-law talked about his injuries the most, from the morning to the evening, that is, this ate. The meaning of life has never been in the food, Gu Sanshao, and now he feels that he is in a crisis in his life. Apart from the great enemy of Yongsheng Temple, what is he going to do to connect with his daughter-in-law? The couple can chat. What about topics other than food

"I've decided," Yu Xiaoxiao didn't understand the sadness of her own Xiao Gu, slapped her hand, and said, "I heard Xiao Wei say that there is an old candy shop on Nanpu Street in Beijing, and his pine nuts are from Beijing. The best candy in there, I want to eat it."

Gu Xinglang said, "Think about it now?"

Yu Xiaoxiao nodded, looked at Gu Xinglang and said, "Why would anyone not like sugar? You don't like it because you haven't eaten it before. This time I'll treat you to sugar, you can eat as much as you want."

Gu Xinglang shook his head in a hurry and said, "I have eaten."

"That's because you eat less and don't feel the taste of sugar."

"Little one, how is this possible?"

"I'm here for your own good," Yu Xiaoxiao reached out and pressed Gu Xinglang's shoulder, "Don't struggle, Xiaowei."

"Princess," Xiaowei responded from the car window. Xiaowei felt guilty. He was the one who owed money. He really told the princess about this old sugar shop. He was sorry for the concubine.

"Tell eldest brother, let's go to Nanpu Street, and I'll treat him to some candy," Yu Xiaoxiao told Xiao Wei.

In fact, there was no need for Xiaowei to report, and Gu Dashao, who was riding in front of the carriage, listened to the conversation in the carriage without saying a word. Gu Xingnuo wanted to laugh but held back, and waved at Xiaowei who was about to talk to him. He asked Gu Xinglang who was sitting in the carriage: "Xinglang, you want to eat pine nuts candy."

Under the gaze of his daughter-in-law, Gu Xinglang said against his will, "Brother, let's go to Nanpu Street."

Yu Xiaoxiao didn't worry about her family Xiao Gu anymore, she said how could anyone not like sweets? The dead dog man in her family will fight hard for a piece of kung fu! (Your Royal Highness, that's because if the instructor doesn't work hard, you will starve to death! ==)

Seeing Yu Xiaoxiao sitting next to him from the opposite side, Gu Xinglang gave up his struggle and smiled, and said, "Princess, isn't the imperial meal in the palace delicious?"

Xiaozhuang and Xiaowei both pricked up their ears outside the car, and they also wanted to know this question.

"It's delicious," Yu Xiaoxiao thought about the meals in the palace, and the saliva secreted in her mouth seemed to increase all of a sudden. "It's just that the portion is too small, and I can't eat enough."

"Can't you get enough to eat?" Gu Xinglang guessed like this, but he really heard this from his daughter-in-law, and Gu Sanshao was still shocked. The dignified eldest princess is really hungry every day in the imperial palace

"If I eat a few more bites, Mammy Wang will cry," Yu Xiaoxiao thought about her time in the palace, which was actually a sad story for her, "I still don't understand, I need food to eat. Do you want Mama Wang to pay?"

Gu Xinglang said, "Mother Wang really can cry?"

"Yeah, she kept saying that if I get fat, what should I do if I can't marry? What if the concubine doesn't like it? Uh, what else did she say?" Yu Xiaoxiao thought back carefully, Wang Ma had really talked to her too much. Many times in her life, her memories were very confusing. Her highness was upset and complained to Gu Xinglang: "She is really enough, Mammy, she is worried that I won't be able to get married, and now I'm married. She still doesn't know where her man is!"

Gu Xinglang reluctantly said, "Mammy is in the palace, it's very difficult to get married." No matter how hungry his father-in-law was, he wouldn't be able to attack Wang Mammy like that.

"Cut," Yu Xiaoxiao hated Wang Mammy's incompetence and said, "there are so many guards in the palace, she doesn't like it? I tell you Xiao Gu, Wang Mama, she is... "

"I see, we won't talk about this anymore." Gu Xinglang reached out and covered his daughter-in-law's mouth. He couldn't say any more. Besides, Mammy Wang probably died to prove her innocence.

Xiaozhuang and Xiaowei feel that you are the princess who is sincere enough. If this goes on, can the image of these imperial palace personnel be better

Yu Xiaoxiao broke Gu Xinglang's hand covering her mouth, and asked Gu Xinglang a very serious question: "If I eat into a big fat man, you will be like what the mammy said, you will dislike it, or Will my heart be hooked by the wild flowers on the roadside? In other words, what do the wild flowers on the roadside mean? Do you like the little wild flowers on the long roadside?"

"Pfft!" Young Master Gu couldn't hold back this time, and burst out laughing.

Xiaozhuang and Xiaowei always felt that the guards in the Gu residence looked at them like they were looking at idiots.

Gu Xinglang took a deep breath, before answering this, he had to control his facial expression.

Yu Xiaoxiao patiently waited for Gu Xinglang to speak. She probably didn't understand the life that Wang Mammy talked to her anyway, and Gu Xinglang was unlikely to understand it if she came here. It is too embarrassing to understand a woman who is deeply mired in menopausal syndrome.

Gu Xinglang glanced at the street outside the car window. There was a cluster of small yellow wildflowers swaying in the wind and rain. Gu Sanshao smiled and shook his head. He took it into his arms and whispered, "Don't listen to Mommy, I like everything you become."

Yu Xiaoxiao has nothing to worry about now, the corners of her mouth are raised, and she says, "This is what you said. If I become a fat man in the future, you have to..."

"Then I will also become a fat man," Gu Xinglang said, lowering his head and pecking at Yu Xiaoxiao's face.

Yu Xiaoxiao didn't have the habit of applying grease and powder, her face was always clean, and at the age of thirteen, when a girl's skin was pink and tender, Gu Xinglang felt that he had touched a piece of soft fat, soft and delicate, so he touched the one that was not on. Rouge also has rosy lips, soft and sweet with a red bean paste.

Note to readers:

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