Heroic Wife Reborn

Chapter 158: The secret of 158 wooden signs


After Yu Xiaoxiao took a bath and changed her clothes, Madam Wang took her own princess into the penthouse next to the bedroom of the princess and the concubine. Madam Wang made up her mind today. God, how much has her princess done? At least she has to know who is the princess' enemy and who is the princess' friend.

Yu Xiaoxiao entered the ear room, and first took down the meat bones and pine nut candies that she brought back, as well as cloud cakes.

Madam Wang said with a sullen face, "The bones have been sent to the kitchen, and the pine nut candy is in the room. Princess, do you call that rotten noodles cloud cake?"

Yu Xiao: "It's raining, so the cloud cake is like that, mammy, can you save it?"

Madam Wang had just talked to her own princess for a few words, and she couldn't hold it anymore, she said, "Princess, don't talk to the slaves about food first, let's talk about..."

"Ah," Yu Xiaoxiao interrupted Wang Momo's words, "I also bought a pig's head back, where is Xiaozhuang?"

After Xiaozhuang and Xiaowei were sent back by Gu Xinglang to change their clothes, they were ordered to stand in the corridor to reflect on their mistakes. When they heard Yu Xiaoxiao shout, Xiaozhuang quickly responded, "Princess, what's the matter?"

Yu Xiaoxiao sat in the room and shouted, "Where's my pork head?"

Mammy Wang's ears hurt a bit, and her heart hurts a little bit. Pig head meat, how long has it been since her princess got married, and pig head meat has been eaten. The girl who grew up with brocade clothes and jade food is now eating pig head meat! "Come in and talk!" Wang mama roared outside the door.

When Xiao Zhuang heard Wang Ma's roar outside, he was in pain and asked Xiao Wei, "Can I not go in?"

Xiaowei rolled his eyes, now that he has entered this courtyard, he has nothing to say.

"Xiao Zhuang!" Grandma Wang roared in the room.

"Hey, here!" Xiao Zhuang could only respond to the sound and ran to the ear room.

Xiaowei drew a circle on the ground with his toes, standing in the corridor watching the rain outside the corridor.

"Xiaowei!" Grandma Wang shouted again.

This time Xiaowei is also in pain, why every time he trains people, Mammy Wang trains him and Xiaozhuang together

Madam Wang looked at the two brothers standing in front of her with a long face and said, "Who accompanies the princess to buy pork head meat?"

Xiao Zhuang Xiaowei shook his head together.

Mammy Wang said, "I still don't admit it? Didn't you say that the princess would know about pork head meat?"

"I know," Yu Xiaoxiaochong raised her hand and said, "Mammy, the pork head meat from Big Brother Niu's house is delicious. Xiaozhuang, where is my pork head meat?"

Xiao Zhuang said, "In my room, princess, do you want to eat again now?"

Yu Xiao: "Send Xiao Gu there and let him and his friends taste it."

Mammy Wang glared at Xiaozhuang, if Xiaozhuang dared to go, she would dare to directly knock this guy's leg off.

Xiaowei said, "Princess, it's not time for dinner yet. I'll send the pig's head to the kitchen, and let the master heat the pig's head first, and then eat it at night."

Yu Xiaoxiao nodded, that's fine. If Gu Xinglang and his friends eat now, she's not present, and the pig's head is obviously nothing to her. If you eat it for dinner, then she can eat a few more pieces. .

Mammy Wang looked at Xiaowei and said, "You don't need to send it, Xiaosha!"

Xiaosha, who was waiting outside the door, hurriedly responded, "Mother."

Madam Wang said, "Send the pig's head in the small house to the kitchen and tell the cooks, sir, that the concubine will eat it for dinner."

"Yes," Xiaosha took his life and ran away.

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at Mammy Wang's bluish face and said, "Mammy, are you unhappy again today?"

The flesh on Wang Ma's face trembled, she is not happy every day now!

"Women are always angry and grow old quickly," Yu Xiaoxiao said concerned about Mammy Wang: "You can't do this, think about being happy, mama, you are quite young."

Xiaowei sighed, will Mama Wang be even more unhappy when she hears this

Mammy Wang said, "Princess, you should first tell the servants, who is Big Brother Niu?" With the concubine following him out, her princess can have another big brother Niu coming out. This is a completely useless rhythm for the consort. Yet? After all, he is also a general who leads troops to fight. Even if he looks good, why is it useless

Xiao Zhuang Xiaowei still just thinks that he doesn't exist, and the concubine is not in a hurry, why are they in a hurry

Gu Xinglang, who was complained about by Wangmao again, sat at the wine table with his brothers. Gu Sanshao was injured and couldn't drink alcohol, but Li Yuanle and the others all came up and poured a few glasses of wine first. I'm down.

"Why did you come back to Beijing together this time?" Gu Xinglang asked the brothers.

One of the brothers said: "We made an appointment and came out of the army where we stayed together. I didn't expect that the day we came was coincidental, and it was the happy event that the old man, the eldest brother and the second brother were restored to their posts."

Li Yuanle asked, "What is the Holy Master going to do with Zhao Beicheng?"

Gu Xinglang shook his head and said, "Zhao Beicheng is still locked in the Heavenly Prison, and the sage has yet to say anything about him."

"I haven't got an answer yet?" Another brother said dissatisfiedly: "It's been a day's work, isn't it enough for the saint?"

Gu Xinglang suddenly became embarrassed. Brothers, they don't understand the pain of the Sage right now.

Bo Zhao turned the chopsticks in his hand and said, "With Zhao Qiuming here, Zhao Beicheng can't die. Who wants to have a good old man?"

Gu Xinglang poured the wine for Bo Zhao again and said, "Let's not talk about Zhao's father and son, how many days can you stay in the capital this time?"

Li Yuanle said: "Stay for three or four days and you will reach the top. If you stay any longer, I'm afraid that the sage will find us unpleasant."

"If there is nothing to do tomorrow, you can follow me to Yunshan Mountain," Gu Xinglang said.

The brothers were all stunned. At this time, they could go hunting in Yunshan Mountain and have a happy day, but now Gu Xinglang has injured his feet and can't walk. What are they doing in Yunshan Mountain

Gu Xinglang said, "The princess wants to go hunting in the autumn of Yunshan Mountain."

One of the brothers said: "The princess wants to go, that's fine. Then you can sit under a tree with the princess to blow the breeze, and our brothers will go hunting for some wild animals, and we will bake and eat in the mountains. "

Gu Xinglang took out the wooden sign given to Yu Xiaoxiao by the second master, put it on the table, and said to the brothers, "Have you seen this thing?"

Li Yuanle took the wooden plaque in his hand. After seeing the patterns and characters hot on the wooden plaque, General Li's face became serious. He had been stationed in the East China Sea with his father, and he had seen such wooden plaques before. Li Yuanle said: "This is the nameplate of the pirates who ran rampant in the East China Sea. Xinglang, how could you have this?"

"Someone gave it to the princess," Gu Xinglang said, "Are you sure this is from the pirates in the East China Sea?"

Li Yuanle passed the wooden sign to the other brothers and said, "A gift for the princess? After my father killed these pirates, a lot of them died, but some of their bosses didn't die. Hey guys ran away, my dad searched for them for years, but couldn't find them, they came to the capital?"

"Want to die?" Bo Zhao said in disbelief, "These thieves came to the capital? Are their heads broken?"

Note to readers:

Today's second one is here.