Heroic Wife Reborn

Chapter 164: 164 took the mother to the autumn hunting


No matter how busy the parties were this evening, for example, after seeing the medicinal materials sent by Xianzong, his expression was calm, but his mood was difficult to calm down to Master Fenglin who had not slept all night. Yu Xiaoxiao shared a bed with Gu Xinglang. Asleep, slept till dawn.

In the early morning of the second day, the rain that had been falling overnight also stopped, and the people of Beijing ushered in a good autumn weather.

Gu Xinglang got up early and asked the servant to carry him to see the old man.

Like Master Fenglin, the old man didn't close his eyes all night and looked at Gu Xinglang with bloodshot eyes.

Gu Xinglang hurriedly asked, "Grandfather, did something happen again?"

The old man waved at Gu Xinglang and told this boy that your second brother and His Highness the Seventh have been lost? This kid knows, the princess knows it too, is this still worth it? The old man said, "I drank a lot yesterday, nothing happened, why did you come here early in the morning?"

Gu Xinglang told the old man that he was going to enter Yunshan with Yu Xiaoxiao.

The old man just nodded and said, "Take care of the princess and go home early."

"Yes," after Gu Xinglang agreed to the old man, he was carried out of the old man's study by two servants.

"Eldest young master," the servant in front walked out of the study door, saw Gu Xingnuo standing under the porch at a glance, and hurriedly called out to Gu Xingnuo.

Gu Xingnuo stood a little far from the old man's study and waved to Gu Xinglang.

"Go to my eldest brother," Gu Xinglang ordered the two servants.

The two servants carried Gu Xinglang to Young Master Gu's front, and then retreated to the corridor to wait.

Gu Xingnuo sat on the railing under the corridor, looked at Gu Xinglang and said, "Why do you suddenly want to go to Yunshan Mountain?"

Gu Xinglang had a headache when he heard this question from his eldest brother. What happened was so unbelievable, and what he said was so unbelievable.

"Can't tell the big brother?" Gu Xingnuo asked.

Gu Xinglang took a deep breath, and took Yu Xiaoxiao sitting at the entrance of Nanpu Street Hutong to eat the pig's head. He met the second master and the second dog, and then split half of the pig's head out. He was invited by the second master to enter Yunshan. Gu Xingnuo said it again,

After listening to his third brother's words, Gu Xingnuo didn't speak for a long time.

Gu Xinglang said, "I know eldest brother doesn't believe it."

Gu Xingnuo slapped the porch twice and said, "Everything that happens to the princess..." Gu Dashao didn't know how to describe his little brother and sister, anyway, normal people don't encounter this kind of thing.

Gu Xinglang said, "Big brother, second brother hasn't come back yet?"

Gu Xingnuo turned to look at the courtyard behind him. At this time, this one also remembered to ask the second child, is this all conscience back

"Where did the second brother go?" Gu Xinglang asked.

Gu Xingnuo said, "Is it the princess who asked His Highness the seventh?"

"Uh, no," Gu Xinglang shook his head.

"Go, go home early," Gu Xingnuo didn't want to say anything, and waved at Gu Xinglang, it's enough for him and the old man to worry about this family's affairs.

Here in Yu Xiaoxiao, Mammy Wang also decided to follow her princess to Liyun Mountain today. Mammy Wang made up her mind that she would follow Yu Xiaoxiao closely so that she could re-educate her princess anytime, anywhere.

Xiao Zhuang whispered to Xiao Wei, "Aren't you asking for hardships? The princess runs, we can't catch up, can she catch up?"

Xiaowei said angrily, "Why are you worrying about it?"

"Mammy, do you want to ride a horse or ride a car?" Yu Xiaoxiao asked Mammy Wang while standing in the corridor.

Mammy Wang twitched the corners of her mouth. Is there any Mammy Gong riding a horse? "The slave and maid are in the car," Wang Ma and Yu Xiao.

"That's fine," Yu Xiaoxiao said immediately, "Mummy and I will take the car with Xiao Gu."

Mammy Wang's mouth twitched again, but she didn't mind, as she was afraid that the concubine would have an opinion, "Princess," Mammy Wang said, "it's fine for a slave to sit on the top of the sedan chair, or to walk outside the car."

"Ah?" Yu Xiao: "Can a horse run fast while walking?"

Seeing that Yu Xiaoxiao still couldn't grasp the point, Xiaowei could only open his mouth and said, "Princess, just arrange a carriage for Mammy."

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at Mammy Wang's figure. Is it because she was afraid that Mammy Wang's figure would be too big for three people to sit in a car? (Her Royal Highness is always in a rhythm that can't grasp the key point==)

Gu Xinglang came back from the courtyard of the old man's study at this time. He saw Yu Xiaoxiao and Wang Mammy standing together and talking. He glanced at Wang Mama's face. Gu Sanshao wisely didn't ask what they were talking about. Yes: "Princess, are you ready? I told my grandfather that we can go out."

"Let's go then," Yu Xiaoxiao announced loudly.

A group of people brought the objects into the mountain, Yu Xiaoxiao and Gu Xinglang took a car, Wang Ma and Ma alone took a car, Xiao Zhuang and Xiao Wei took a group of guards on their horses and left Gu Mansion, heading west of the city. went.

Outside the west city, Gu Xinglang's brothers arrived one after another with their guards. Not to mention passers-by looking at these people in awe, it was the soldiers guarding the west city gate, watching the gang of people with dogs and eagles. The major generals and retinues did not dare to come forward to provoke them.

After Gu Xinglang and Yu Xiaoxiao also exited the West City Gate, and several parties gathered together, General Li shouted in a deep voice, "Let's go!"

Yu Xiaoxiao was excited with Gu Xinglang in the car: "Fat Rabbit, Fat Rabbit!"

Gu Xinglang had no choice but to take his daughter-in-law into his arms and coaxed, "Yes, let's go catch the rabbit."

A major general laughed outside the car and said, "Your Highness Princess, this time we're not just going to hunt rabbits."

"Huh?" Yu Xiaoxiao said, "What else is there in Yunyun Mountain?"

"Just hunting rabbits," Gu Xinglang said hurriedly. He knew that there were such beasts as bears and tigers in Yunyun Mountain, but he didn't want his daughter-in-law to have another fight with the bears and tigers. No matter how unbelievable his wife's martial arts skills were, he was not afraid of what would happen. Afraid of ten thousand.

"Don't worry, princess," said another major general, "With us here, what kind of prey can't be hunted?"

Mammy Wang heard it really in the car behind. From what Mammy Wang heard, this group of people was recruiting her princess to go crazy in the mountains, "Cough!" Mammy Wang coughed hard.

A few major generals were stunned when they heard Wang Mama's coughing. How could Gu Xiaosan take his daughter-in-law into the mountains to hunt in autumn, catch the pirates in the East China Sea, and bring a woman

Gu Xinglang sat in the car and said, "Princess's nurtured mammy went into the mountain with us this time."

As soon as Gu Xinglang said this, the brothers did not dare to speak. The nurturing mama in the palace, the royal family is responsible for the care of the elderly when they get old, who would dare to provoke them

In the caravan on the official road, passers-by saw Gu Xinglang and the group, and they all moved aside, letting the group of Gu Xinglang go first.

At this time, in front of Gu's residence, Zuo You heard Gu Xingnuo say that Yu Xiaoxiao and Gu Xinglang were out of the city, and immediately hung his face. He was delayed in packing his luggage yesterday and was unable to leave on the same day, thinking that he would be able to say goodbye to the princess when he left today, but he didn't expect Yu Xiaoxiao to not be at home.

Gu Xingnuo whispered to Zuo You, "After Marshal Zuo returns to White Tiger, be careful."

Zuo You raised his head to look at the lintel where the four-character plaque of the Marquis of Zhenguo was hung again in the Gu Mansion, and said in a low mood: "This is natural, don't take care of the eldest son, you are worried."

Note to readers:

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