Heroic Wife Reborn

Chapter 170: 170 The eldest princess and the seventh highness are a compatriot


"Big brother!"

The former pirates rushed forward, screaming, to save their master.

Yu Xiaoxiao raised her foot and stepped on the shoulder of the boss, and her feet in deerskin boots were very close to the boss's throat.

The former pirates stood still, silent for a moment.

"Brother and sister," Gu Ershao, who was sluggish on the top of the tree, came to his senses and shouted to Yu Xiaoxiao, "Kill this grandson!"

"Well," Yu Xiaoxiao responded to her second brother Gu's words: "Second brother, I will avenge you."

Xiaowei thinks that he may not be able to look directly at the second young master Gu in the future. Let the princess take revenge for you. Second young master, do you want to be shameless

The big boss yelled at Yu Xiaoxiao, "Are you Gu Xingyan's younger brother and sister?"

Yu Xiaoxiao nodded: "Yes."

Who can Gu Ershao's younger brother and sister be? The head of the family thought for a moment, and said in a trembling voice, "You, you are Princess Linglong."

"Yes," Yu Xiao: "Tell me, what's going on?"

The head of the family continued to vomit blood. He had heard that Princess Linglong could do martial arts, but why did your princess practice martial arts so brutally? Can it be done? !

When the second master heard that Ergouzi recognized this girl as Princess Linglong, or did he give the token and map to the princess, the second master was in a dark spot, could he pretend that this never happened

Yu Xiaoxiao saw that the head of the family did not speak, and her voice became a bit harsh, and said, "If you don't speak, you will die."

The second master walked out of the crowd tremblingly and looked at Yu Xiao: "Princess, this, this is a misunderstanding."

Yu Xiaoxiao's face was still paralyzed, and she said, "You call kidnapping a misunderstanding?"

Xiaowei said at this time: "You kidnap the seventh highness and the second young master, wait to die!"

The little thing is really the seventh prince. The big boss is glad that he did not obey the order of the master in the palace. "Princess," the big boss shouted to Yu Xiaoxiao, "I didn't kidnap, I sent a letter to the Gu residence."

The second master said, "Yes, I handed the letter to the princess myself."

"You clearly said that it was a letter to greet my grandfather!" Yu Xiao: "Wait, greetings, you are actually saying, you are greeting Xiao Gu's family, right?!"

Her Royal Highness suddenly showed murderous aura, and the first and second masters were going to pee. Is it wrong to greet Old Marshal Gu

"Do it," Yu Xiaoxiao said to Xiao Zhuang Xiaowei, "We want to kill people."

"Ah!" Yu Ziyi, who didn't know when he woke up, called out in Xiao Wei's arms.

Hearing the cry of the little baby, the big guys looked at the seventh prince of the dynasty together, and saw His Highness slapped.

"Do it," Yu Xiao said, "Xiao Qizi also thinks that they should kill people."

"Yah," Yu Ziyi cried and applauded.

The babble of His Highness the Seventh Highness echoed in the valley, but none of the adults spoke. In the future, who would dare to say that the Seventh Highness and the Eldest Princess are not the same mother

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at the second masters and snorted coldly. Humans who don't know the plot are really sad. This guy threw a torch and burned his sister to death back then. In terms of viciousness, this guy is invincible in the world.

The sound of hoofs came from outside the valley.

The eldest master heard the sound of hooves. There were at least thirty horses. The eldest master's lips trembled and his voice trembled as he said, "How, how is it possible?" There are several hidden culverts along the way, and there is no acquaintance to lead the way, people from outside the mountain can't get here at all. Princess Linglong, these three goods are also highly skilled in martial arts. The masters have their own way of finding their way, but if they enter the thirty or so people at once, this is a ghost here!

Yu Xiaoxiao had already thought of kicking the head of the boss's neck with one kick. Hearing the boss talking like a slapstick, Her Royal Highness asked one more question: "How is it possible?"

The master said, "How could outsiders find me here?"

Yu Xiao: "The second master gave me a map."

The blood in the big boss's heart was flowing like a river, he remembered, the second boss and the second dog had both told him that they invited the maid from Gu's house to join the team in the mountains. How good eyes do these two people have to be able to get along? The princess looks like a maid!

The second master looked at Yu Xiao with tears in his eyes: "Princess, listen to my explanation."

"Explain?" Yu Xiaoxiao said angrily, "You didn't give me the money to buy the pig's head meat. You wrote to greet my family, Xiao Gu, and said that there are fat rabbits everywhere in the mountains. What happened? I didn't see a single rabbit, you You lied to me!"

That's not the point, okay? !

Xiao Zhuang Xiaowei wanted to kneel for his own princess.

"Where's the rabbit?" Yu Xiaoxiao asked the second master.

The second master said: "I, I will take you to arrest."

"Where's my pork head?"

"Eat, eat."

Yu Xiaoxiao looked down at the big boss and asked, "What do you eat?" Originally, Yu Xiaoxiao, who had a fat rabbit, didn't care that the second boss took her money. Even if there was no rabbit, she wouldn't care about the working people. She bought her pig head meat, made up the story of the fat rabbit, and also tied up the second brother, the little seventh son, and Wei Wei, how could Her Royal Highness not care about it

The head of the family quickly shook his head, and intuitively told the head of the family that if Her Royal Highness the Princess knew that he ate pork head meat, his life would definitely end.

"Who ate that?" Yu Xiaoxiao asked angrily.

The former pirates kept their mouths shut, and even if they were killed at this time, they couldn't admit to eating pork head meat.

Li Yuanle immediately stood at the entrance of the mountain, looking at the mountain in front of him, and asked Gu Xinglang stiffly, "Qinghui, can you tell me what happened?"

Gu Xinglang was sitting in the car, and his face was a little stiff. His wife was standing with a group of people who were all wounded. There was a man with a bloody face buried in the ground. Not far away was a big black bear and two The little black bear, one fell down under a tree with a crooked neck, and there were two sitting on the top of the tree. Normal people couldn't explain this scene. The Crooked Neck Tree is quite far from Gu Xinglang's place, which made Gu Sanshao unable to recognize his second brother immediately.

"Should we fight or not?" a brother asked Gu Xinglang.

"Go ahead and have a look," Gu Xinglang said.

The group walked forward.

"Princess," Xiaowei reminded Yu Xiao after seeing who was coming, "The concubine is here."

"Xiao Gu!" Yu Xiaoxiao waved at Gu Xinglang.

When the second boss and his brothers looked back, they didn't know Gu Xinglang, but they also knew Li Yuanle!

General Li came to the front, glanced at the second masters, and sneered: "Meet again, what about Xiong Xiong? Is he dead?"

The second masters were preparing to die heroically, dragging their bruised bodies and holding their heads high, uh, without saying a word when they died.

Yu Xiao: "Li Xiaoge, what is Xiong Xiong? You are also looking for Xiong?" Yu Xiaoxiao pointed to Xiong Xiong, wanting to eat bear's paw, she already has it here.

Li Yuanle still couldn't accept the title of Li Xiaoge. He got off the horse and walked to Yu Xiaoxiao. When he saw that the princess was stepping on the man buried in the soil, General Li Shao didn't bother about the title of Li Xiaoge. He smiled at the big boss. Said: "Xiong Xiong, you went into the ground before you died?"

Note to readers:

Today's last update, see you tomorrow. Thank you for your support for Meiguo. Good night, dear friends.