Heroic Wife Reborn

Chapter 196: 196 Xianzong who ate dinner for nothing


Xianzong blurted out a sentence and asked, seeing that all the people around were bowing their heads, wishing they didn't exist, Xianzong suddenly reacted, he said in front of so many people that his son-in-law and his daughter-in-law sleep more. Xianzong patted his forehead, His Majesty the Emperor believed that he must have slept too late, and his mind was a little unclear.

Xiaowei held a small one in his hand, to prevent the comatose one from being killed by the people in the palace, and his mind was exhausted, so he asked Xianzong: "Sir, what about the concubine?"

Xianzong sees an imperial doctor.

The imperial doctor could see that although the sage had a bad expression, he still cared about the body of the concubine very much, so he said: "The sage, let's find a place for the concubine to rest first, and the minister will prescribe a tonic for the concubine."

Is there a place where Gu Xinglang can live in the harem? Xianzong had a headache and said, "He can't move now?"

The imperial doctor said, "Sir, it is best to let the concubine wake up first."

This is the meaning of this kid who must spend the night in his imperial palace. Xianzong looked at Gu Xinglang and became more and more angry. What was he trying to marry his daughter to this kid

Xiaowei looked at Xianzong with a pleading look on his face. His princess was very skilled in medicine, but God knows where the princess went. At this moment, apart from the imperial doctor, Xiaowei can't trust any other doctor.

"Send him to the study," Xianzong gritted his teeth and said, "Let the imperial hospital send a few more people to show the concubine's foot injury. Remember, the concubine's foot injury can't be missed."

"The minister obeys the decree," the two imperial physicians hurriedly followed the decree.

The dark guard, who had Gu Xinglang lying in his arms, slammed Gu Xinglang into his arms with both hands.

Xiao Wei also got up.

Xianzong glanced at Xiaowei and said, "Are you injured too?"

Xiaowei's clothes were used by Gu Xinglang as a hand towel, and it was stained with blood, "Sir," Xiaowei hurriedly knelt down and replied, "The slave was on the spot of blood when he was saving people in the Lanshu Pavilion. "

"Okay," Xianzong is not a very curious person. He raised his hand to Xiaowei and said, "Get up and go to the study with your master."

Xiaowei didn't mention Yu Ziyi when he saw Xianzong. Xiaowei ran away with his friend while holding Yu Ziyi.

Jingzhong watched Xiaowei take Yu Ziyi away, but Jingzhong didn't dare to speak to Xianzong again this time.

After a while, the general of the Imperial Army who was in charge of putting out the fire in the Lanshu Pavilion ran over and told Xianzong: "Sir, the fire in the Lanshu Pavilion has been put out. Two study rooms on the second floor were burned down, and the rest of the study rooms are safe."

Xianzong said, "Just burn down two rooms?"

The general of the Custodian Army said, "Yes."

This is the blessing of the ancestors and the ancestors. Xianzong felt that he was afraid that this night, he finally heard good news. Looking at such a big fire and such a big smoke, two study rooms were burned down. This is not a column Bless the ancestors, what else could this be

The general of the forbidden army said: "Sir, except for the two nannies who were killed on the flower terrace in the courtyard, no one else was injured or killed."

"Where's the corpse?" Xianzong asked.

The general said: "If you go back to the sage, the body has already been carried out of the courtyard of the bookstore, and is ready to be sent to the Department of Fear Punishment."

"Go and have a look," Xianzong walked towards Lanshu Pavilion.

The general hurriedly said: "Sacred Master! This minister has already found out that the people who were killed were the King next to the Holy Master, the two maids Xu."

When Jing Zhong heard that the two aunties were dead, his body trembled.

Xianzong asked the general under his command, "So what?"

The general said, "The sage does not need to look at the corpse. This is filth, and it is not good for the sage's eyes to be polluted."

"Are you afraid that I will be afraid of seeing the dead?" Xianzong said angrily, "Will I be afraid of seeing the dead? Joke, lead the way."

The general of the forbidden army could not persuade Xianzong, and wanted to find Jingzhong to see what to do. After looking for it, the general found that everyone was standing, and the chief Jing was kneeling alone.

"What are you looking for?" Xianzong asked the general.

The general was busy walking diagonally in front of Xianzong, leading the way to Xianzong.

"Jingzhong, follow," Xianzong took a few steps forward, feeling that there was one person missing by his side, and then he remembered Jingzhong and shouted.

Jingzhong hurriedly responded to the presence of the servant, got up from the ground, and walked behind Xianzong.

The corpses of the two maids were covered with white cloth and placed outside the courtyard gate of the bookstore, surrounded by many guards.

Xianzong went straight to the front and said, "Open the cloth."

The general nodded to his subordinates, unable to persuade the sage, what could he do

A forbidden soldier bent over and lifted the white cloth from a corpse.

Even Xiaowei can't bear the picture, how can Xianzong be able to bear it? Looking at the headless corpse in front of him, the exposed throat, minced flesh, blood and brains mixed together, dyeing the clothes dark brown, and condensing the soft fabric into hard lumps, His Majesty the Emperor couldn't hold back, and immediately spit it out.

Seeing that Xianzong vomited, Jing Zhong and the others rushed forward together, calling for the sage, the sage, and the imperial physician, the chaotic mess.

"Arrest someone for me!" Xianzong pushed away the people surrounding him and said angrily, "I must catch this assassin for me!" Killing his valet like this, Xianzong felt ruthless at this moment. He slapped him hard, and he had to look at the owner when he hit the dog. This stalker made it clear that he was provoking him!

"The minister obeys the order," the general of the forbidden army knelt down to give the order.

"Gu Xinglang may have been hurt by this assassin too." Xianzong was still angry after thinking about it. He was overworked and fell into a coma. Xianzong now believes that his son-in-law was following the assassin, "Bastard. !" Xianzong cursed: "I must take this slasher and put him to death!"

"Sage, please calm down," Jingzhong advised Xianzong.

Xianzong glanced at the headless corpse on the ground again, bent over and vomited.

Jing Zhong hurriedly stroked Xianzong's back and said, "Your Highness, let the servants send the corpse to the Department of Fear Punishment."

Xianzong finally stopped vomiting and said, "Let Dali Siqing bring the criminal officer into the palace and let him investigate."

A eunuch took the order and ran to the palace gate.

"Take the people away," Xianzong said again.

The four Imperial Guards hurriedly lifted up the corpses on the ground and walked to the Fear Penalty Division.

Xianzong took a big breath of air, and then spit it out, and he had to spit out the yellow bile water. The royal meal he ate tonight was considered a waste.

"Huh?" Just when Xianzong regretted the meal he had at night, he heard his daughter's voice, "What are you doing?"

"Crack!" Xianzong knocked on his head, it's really painful to live!

Yu Xiao said as he approached, looked at his faint-hearted father, and at what was being carried by the guards, he stretched out his hand and lifted the white cloth, saying, "What is this? A corpse?"

Xianzong just raised his head to talk to his daughter, when Yu Xiaoxiao lifted the white cloth and let Xianzong see the body again, Xianzong really began to vomit yellow bile.

"My head exploded." Yu Xiaoxiao looked at the corpse in front of her and said, "Is this a cane?" She didn't kill anyone, Wuhuan didn't kill anyone, and it's impossible to just burn the head off in a fire. Her Royal Highness the princess intuitively thought that this was the work of her faint-hearted father.

Note to readers:

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