Heroic Wife Reborn

Chapter 202: 202 Miss Xianzong of the Queen


Yu Xiaoxiao felt that what her faint-hearted father said was right, she set the fire, but she definitely did not kill people. Wen Fenglin, who could collude with Xiao Qizi and set fire to the cruel female emperor in his last life, would have this person in this life. The courage to send someone to kill her father! "Kill him!" Her Royal Highness patted the coffee table.

"Be quiet, be quiet!" Xianzong waved his hand to his daughter and said, "Is this something that can be shouted about?"

Yu Xiao: "Send someone to arrest him. Is killing the emperor a capital crime?"

"Who can I send?" Xianzong said.

Yu Xiao: "Police, oh no, people from Dali Temple."

"I didn't find the rapist," Xianzong stopped talking to his daughter about what the policeman was, and said, "How did you convict Wen Fenglin?"

Yu Xiao: "There's no one else but him. Who don't you arrest him? Aren't you the emperor? You were so domineering and ruthless when you arrested Xiao Gu, can't you and Wen Fenglin do it again?"

Xianzong said to himself in his heart, I can't beat this guy!

Yu Xiaoxiao thought for a while, and said to Xianzong, "Why did you let the assassin run away?"

Xianzong also slapped the coffee table and said angrily: "Do you think your father thinks? Even if we caught this assassin, even if this assassin confessed that Wen Fenglin is the master, I can't arrest Wen Fenglin."

"Wow?" Yu Xiaoxiao called out. (hat)

Xianzong glanced at Gu Xinglang who was sleeping on the bed, and said to Yu Xiao, "Speak human words."

"Why?" Her Royal Highness didn't understand.

"Because he is the young master of Yongsheng Temple." Seeing that his son-in-law was not awakened, Xianzong was relieved and turned his head to Yu Xiao with a serious face: "We are such a small country, how can we fight against Yongsheng Temple?"

This conversation started to make Yu Xiaoxiao feel congested and couldn't do anything, so what are they talking about

"I thought about the two of us going to the Taimiao Temple," Xianzong discussed with Yu Xiaoxiao.

The Taimiao, Yu Xiaoxiao had been there the day before the marriage, and knew that it was the place where the tablets of the ancestors of the Yu clan were held. What kind of peerless magic weapon is hidden in it, the kind that can smash the Yongsheng Temple into scum as soon as it is shot

Xianzong spoke in a lower voice and said, "Let's go talk to your mother."

Yu Xiaoxiao waited for her dizzy father's text. When she was alive, this guy didn't talk about life with the queen. How many days has the queen been dead? Does this guy remember to talk about life with the queen

Xianzong said: "I ordered someone to escort Wen Fenglin back to Yongsheng Temple. Your mother struck him to death with a thunderbolt after he left Wangxiang Pass. What do you think of Linglong?"

Can this stupid human still look straight? Yu Xiaoxiao turned her head to one side, and after a long time, this guy came up with such a solution!

"Father, go and talk, I'm afraid your mother may not agree." Xianzong still discussed with Yu Xiaoxiao: "Linglong, please beg your mother well when the time comes."

"I beg, my mother will be able to take care of me?" Yu Xiaoxiao was angry.

Xianzong said: "Look, when your mother saw that you were disrespectful to Concubine Zhao, she became angry and thundered. That time, because of Xiaoqi's matter, your mother was also angry again. It can be seen that the person your mother is most concerned about is you. "

Jade little...

Gu Xinglang was woken up by his daughter-in-law's wow just now, and then pretended to be asleep and it was very hard, Gu Sanshao now wants to get up and shut up his father-in-law! So stupid, how did this old man think of it? The ruler of a country that he swore his allegiance to to the death turned out to be an idiot, and Gu Sanshao was very heartbroken.

Yu Xiaoxiao has a facial paralysis, so Xianzong can't see his daughter's mood at this moment, so he should discuss with Yu Xiaoxiao: "Let's go to the Tai Temple tomorrow?"

With such a father on the stall, how can people play in this world? !

Yu Xiaoxiao clapped her hands and patted the coffee table into slag.

Xianzong looked at the wood scum all over the place, the back of his neck was cold, Xianzong shrank his neck, his bones were not much harder than this wood, his daughter slapped him on the body, and he was the one who turned into scum at this moment. .

"My mother's descendants are all dead, you can let her rest in peace," Yu Xiaoxiao took a deep breath and said to Xianzong, "You don't have to worry about Wen Fenglin."

Xianzong said: "I don't care, who cares?"

"Wuhuan came to the capital," Yu Xiao: "I just..."

"Wait," said Xianzong, "who are you talking about?"

"No joy."

"Is that the national teacher of Zhuri?" Xianzong asked, shouting in his heart, no, it must not be? Is this thing coming too? Fengtian is really not a good place for brothers and sisters to meet again after a long absence!

Yu Xiao: "Yes, it is Wuhuan National Teacher."

Xianzong is desperate for this ruthless world. The arrival of a Wen Fenglin has made him want to die. Now Wuhuan has also come, so he must die.

Yu Xiaoxiao glanced at her faint-hearted father and said, "What kind of expression do you have? Let me tell you, father, we don't need to worry about Yongsheng Temple."

Xianzong's tears, yes, do the dead still need to take care of the living

"Why are you still crying?" Yu Xiaoxiao also had a headache looking at Xianzong. She was obviously a human, but she couldn't understand who was also a human. What was the situation? "I saw Wuhuan just now. I think he also wants Wen Fenglin to die. Let Wuhuan deal with Wen Fenglin. What is this called sitting on the mountain to fight?"

"Wait," the amount of information is slightly larger, and Xianzong's brain needs to process it for a while.

Yu Xiaoxiao anxiously said, "Do I have to wait again?"

"Have you seen Wuhuan?" Xianzong asked.

"Yeah," Yu Xiao: "Didn't I say it?"

"Where did you see Wuhuan?"

"In the palace," Yu Xiaoxiao pointed her hand in the direction of Wanglou and said, "He stood on the roof of that building, and I followed him out of the palace."

Through the window on the right side of the upper study, you can see the watchtower standing in the dark from a distance. Xianzong was about to urinate and asked his daughter, "Are you sure he didn't come to kill me?" I didn't even say it.

"He didn't kill anyone," Yu Xiaoxiao patted Xianzong's stiff shoulder and said, "Relax."

"What are you doing in the palace?" Xianzong then shivered.

"I met a bear named Bear today..."

"Cough cough cough..." Gu Xinglang coughed desperately on the bed, if his daughter-in-law told the truth, then either they died, or his father-in-law died!

"Xiao Gu?" Yu Xiaoxiao jumped up from the chair, ran over to the bed, and said, "What's wrong with you, Xiao Gu?"

Gu Xinglang said weakly, "Water."

"Oh, wait a minute," Yu Xiaoxiao ran to the table and poured water for Gu Xinglang.

Xianzong shrank in the back chair and shivered. It was over. The time of death was imminent. Can the queen kill Mo Wen's two apprentices at once? Or will they split after these two goods leave Fengtian? If Wuhuan and Wen Fenglin both died in Fengtian, Mo Wen would come by himself, right? At this time, Xianzong suddenly felt that it was better to die early and be reborn early.

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