Heroic Wife Reborn

Chapter 214: 214 The Indispensability of the Consort



Xiaowei took a look at his own princess. The daughters of the saints can be like this. The princes, Xiaowei thinks about the fleshy Seventh Highness, the Sixth Highness who always flashes a pair of big eyes, Xiaowei is silent. , slandering His Majesty the Emperor is also a death penalty, so he should not think about it any more.

"Where do you think Xiao Zhuang and Xiong Xiong can go?" Yu Xiaoxiao asked Xiao Wei as she walked forward, "The palace is so big, do I want to find a high place to shout?"

"Don't, this won't work," Xiaowei hurriedly shook his head at Yu Xiaoxiao, and when he shouted, could the Sage still let them live

"My God," Yu Xiaoxiao said bitterly, "then do we have to find it room by room?" The palace, when will she have to find it

Xiaowei also felt very hard.

"Otherwise," Yu Xiao: "Let's wait for Xiaowei and the others to be arrested, and then we can save people. Do you think my method will work?"


Every time he acts alone with the princess, Xiaowei deeply feels the necessity of the concubine. When the princess is crazy, the concubine is always the one who can keep the princess from going crazy, although the success is not many times. , but someone pulling is better than nobody pulling, isn't it

Once again, Gu Xinglang, who was deeply missed by Xiaowei, was lying on the bed at this time, worrying about Xiaozhuang and Da Dang's family. The night has passed, and I don't know what happened to these two. Thinking about it, Gu Sanshao is worried about his own. My father-in-law is worried, if Wen Fenglin is determined to oppose Fengtian, what will they do with Fengtian? Can you really count on Wuhuan to help deal with Wen Fenglin? Gu Xinglang had a headache just thinking about it, he raised his hand and rubbed his gooey head vigorously.

Guo Shi Chengguan entered the room and saw Gu Xinglang holding his head, his face sank, and he walked quickly to the bed without saying a word.

Gu Xinglang noticed that there was another figure in front of him, then turned his head to look, only to find that it was the national teacher Chengguan who was in front of him.

Guo Shi Chengguan attached himself slightly, and looked at Gu Xinglang worriedly.

Gu Xinglang was taken aback by Guo Shi Chengguan's worried expression, and immediately suspected that the big boss had been arrested, and the fact that they set fire to save people was revealed.

The national teacher Chengguan said, "Consort, the poor monk heard that you had a headache last night, and that you were kidnapped by the assassins?"

Gu Xinglang said: "It should be, Master Guo Shi, I can't quite remember what happened last night."

Guo Shi Chengguan reached out and touched Gu Xinglang's head, a very meticulous groping.

Gu Xinglang was made to stand on end by the national teacher Chengguan. His grandfather and brothers never touched his head like this, "Guo, national teacher?" Gu Sanshao stammered.

Chengguan Guoshi said with a serious expression: "When you have a headache, do you still feel anything?"

Gu Xinglang shook his head and said, "Guo Shi, I was in pain for a while, but now I'm fine."

Guo Shi Chengguan patted Gu Xinglang's head once, but he felt that Gu Sanshao's hair was smooth and black, but he didn't feel anything else. The national teacher sat on the round stool beside the bed and looked at Gu Xinglang thoughtfully.

Gu Xinglang was horrified by the sight of Guo Shi Chengguan, and said, "Guo Shi, is there something wrong with me?"

After a long while, the national teacher Chengguan smiled at Gu Xinglang and said, "It's nothing, the concubine must be careful about your body."

Gu Xinglang's face darkened, Chengguan Guoshi looked at him as if Gu Xinglang was terminally ill, and he was going to be buried in the ground tomorrow. Now he smiled and told him that he was all right? Is this playing him

"The princess hates Yongsheng Temple very much," Chengguan Guoshi suddenly said to Gu Xinglang again.

Gu Xinglang hurriedly spoke for his daughter-in-law: "Guo Shi, the princess respects the national teacher very much."

National Master Chengguan smiled and shook his head, and said, "Although I come from Yongsheng Temple, I have been away from the temple for many years, and it is said that Yongsheng Temple has nothing to do with me."

Gu Xinglang looked at Chengguan, did he mean to tell the princess so that the princess would not hate him because of Yongsheng Temple? Gu Xinglang had a bitter face. He struggled to talk to his wife, and now he couldn't understand what the national teacher said. So, the one who caused the problem was actually him

"Stay away from Yongsheng Temple," Chengguan Guoji leaned towards Gu Xinglang and whispered, "The farther away, the better."

Gu Xingnuo blinked.

Master Chengguan said: "I have good intentions. Since you can marry the princess, then live your life well. I hope that you will be full of children and grandchildren in the future. Being flat is not necessarily a bad thing.”

Gu Xinglang was moved at first, of course he wanted to go from green silk to white head with Yu Xiaoxiao, but then Gu Sanshao became embarrassed again, following his daughter-in-law, can this day be smooth

"Xinglang?" Gu Xingnuo's voice came from outside the door.

"Big brother?" Gu Xinglang responded.

Gu Xingnuo pushed open the door and came in, and when he saw Chengguan, his footsteps stopped.

Cheng Guan got up and said to Gu Xingnuo, "Master Gu, the poor monk just happened to be looking for you. Let's go out and talk."

Gu Xingnuo agreed with Cheng Guan, but he still walked to the bed first, looked down at his younger brother, and said, "How is it? Is there any discomfort in your body?"

Gu Xinglang was tired of hearing this question, why did everyone ask him when they saw him? He just had a headache, but he was not seriously ill! "It's okay," Gu Sanshao said to his eldest brother somewhat impatiently, "eldest brother, why are you here again?"

Gu Xingnuo said, "Have you eaten breakfast? Tell eldest brother what you want to eat."

Gu Xinglang looked at his eldest brother, and then at National Teacher Chengguan, and suddenly asked, "Am I seriously ill? What did the imperial doctor tell you?"

Gu Xingnuo felt a pain in her heart like being stabbed by a needle when asked by Gu Xinglang, but a smile appeared on her face, she tapped on Gu Xinglang's forehead lightly, and said, "Stinky boy, I'm just worried that you are hungry. Stomach, don't be ignorant."

"Big brother?"

"Where's the princess?" Gu Xingnuo asked.

"Uh," Gu Xinglang said, "she took Xiaowei to the imperial kitchen."

National Teacher Chengguan frowned, and the words didn't match. It seemed that both the princess and the concubine lied.

Yu Xiaoxiao's passion for eating, Gu Dashao has seen many times with his own eyes, so he did not doubt that he was in this review, he pulled the quilt up for Gu Xinglang, and whispered: "You are here. Wait for me here, and we'll go home together later."

Gu Xinglang nodded.

Gu Xingnuo walked out of the palace behind Gu Xingguan, and looked at the people standing in the courtyard. Gu Xingnuo did not dare to say more.

"Come with me," Guo Shi Chengguan took Gu Xingnuo into another unmanned palace in the courtyard.

After Gu Xingnuo entered the palace, he watched Guo Shi Chengguan close the door and kneeled in front of Guo Shi Chengguan with his knees bent.

National Teacher Chengguan hurriedly stretched out his hand to help Gu Xingnuo.

Gu Xingnuo took advantage of the situation and grabbed Guo Shi Chengguan's hands, knelt on the ground and asked the teacher in a low voice, "Don't ask what you did to my brother?"

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