Heroic Wife Reborn

Chapter 217: 217 Two men and women stabbed guests


Gu Xingnuo stood in the palace in the upper study room, wishing he could beat up his younger brother, go to the palace to set fire, and exchange corpses for living people? Gu Dashao raised his hand to fight, but he couldn't.

Gu Xinglang sat down on the bed with his head down. He looked a little pitiful. No matter how good he was, he couldn't be better than his elder brother.

"The princess is ignorant, so are you ignorant?" Gu Xingnuo asked Gu Xinglang's ear.

Gu Xingnuo grinned in pain and muttered, "This will also solve the problem."

Gu Xingnuo stomped his feet in hatred. If he continued to do this, he wouldn't have to worry about the Yongsheng Temple for this younger brother. The sage could take care of his younger brother.

Gu Xinglang glanced at Yu Ziyi, who was still being held by his eldest brother, and whispered, "Don't wake up the Seventh Highness."

"I owe you in my last life!" Gu Xingnuo shoved Yu Ziyi into Gu Xinglang's arms, turned and ran outside the palace.

Gu Xinglang hurriedly said, "Where are you going?"

"Looking for your daughter-in-law!" Gu Dashao said angrily: "You just let her and Xiaowei look around in the palace like this? Aren't you afraid that others won't know about this? If you really do, how can you forget about them? !" Gu Dashao really never felt that his little brother had such a big heart!

Gu Xingnuo hugged Yu Ziyi at a loss and did not speak.

"Wait here with His Highness the Seventh," Gu Xingnuo explained to his younger brother: "Master Guo Shi has not left, he will take care of you."

Gu Xinglang wanted to say that he didn't need anyone to look after him, but before he could speak, his eldest brother had already pushed out the door.

"Yeah," Yu Ziyi kicked his little fleshy leg.

"Good," Gu Xinglang hurriedly patted his brother-in-law's back, his expression so gentle that if his brothers in the army saw him, they would definitely be scared to death.

Gu Xingnuo didn't have time to say hello to the national teacher Chengguan, so he went out of the study, and like gambling luck, he grabbed a passing little eunuch and asked where Her Royal Highness was.

The little eunuch really saw where Yu Xiaoxiao and Xiao Wei were going, pointed in the direction of the imperial study, and said, "Your Highness Princess is going there."

Gu Xingnuo said politely, "This little father-in-law, where is that direction going?"

Gu Xingnuo looked like a noble son. The little eunuch was flattered by Gu Xingnuo's politeness, and hurriedly said, "Go straight in this direction. After leaving the inner palace gate, you will find the imperial study room."

When Gu Xingnuo heard that it was the imperial study, his heavy heart was a little better. It would be fine if the two dead goods went to the imperial study, otherwise he could not walk around in the harem as a foreign minister. How could he find this place? Two goods? "Thank you," Gu Xingnuo said hurriedly to the little eunuch, and walked quickly to the imperial study.

At this time, Zhao Qiuming and Dali Siqing received Xianzong's will to let them enter the palace.

"Let's go," Zhao Qiuming said quietly to Dali Siqing.

Dali Siqing waved to the guards standing behind him.

"Honestly move forward!" The imperial guards pushed the two men with their hands tied behind their backs and black hoods to the palace gate.

The guards inside and outside the palace gate looked at these two assassins. Although they couldn't see their faces, they could see from their bodies that they were two assassins, one male and one female.

After Zhao Qiuming entered the palace gate, he looked back at the two assassins.

Dali Siqing caught up and whispered: "Master Xiang, Xiaguan is very flustered."

"Let the rapist be dealt with by the Sage," Zhao Qiuming said coldly, "What are you panicking about?"

Dali Siqing said: "I don't know the identity of that woman, and I feel uneasy."

"Can the truth hurt you?" After Zhao Qiuming left these words to Dali Siqing, he turned and walked forward.

Dali Siqing bravely followed behind Zhao Qiuming. The woman obviously didn't know how to use martial arts. How could she be an assassin? Dali Siqing didn't know what Zhao Xiangye was thinking, and was anxious, but he didn't dare to ask.

Gu Xingnuo went to the imperial study, Zhao Qiuming and his party also went to the imperial study, and finally they met at a well-shaped intersection.

"Master Xiang," Gu Xingnuo gave Zhao Qiuming a salute, not letting anyone pick out the wrong thing.

Zhao Qiuming received the gift from Gu Xingnuo and said, "It turns out that Eldest Young Master Gu has also entered the palace."

"Yes," Gu Xingnuo looked behind Zhao Qiuming and said, "Master Xiang, who are they?"

Zhao Qiuming said: "They are the stingers who were presumptuous in the imperial palace last night."

Gu Xingnuo said, "Female assassin?"

Zhao Qiuming looked back at the two struggling assassins and said, "Yes, the truth is also surprised that there is still a female assassin."

Gu Xingnuo looked at the male assassin who was being carried by the two guards, and the black cloth headgear made Gu Xingnuo not know whether this man was one of Xiaozhuang and the head of the family.

"Young Master Gu came just in time," Zhao Qiuming said, "Let's go to face the saint with the truth."

Gu Xingnuo nodded with a smile, looked at Dali Siqing and said, "Your Excellency has made a great contribution this time."

Dali Qing also smiled at Gu Xingnuo, but the smile was reluctant.

"Then let's go, don't let the saint wait for a long time," Zhao Qiuming urged impatiently.

Gu Xingnuo looked at the two assassins, and his wickedness turned to courage. No matter who these two were, should he kill them at this time

Although Zhao Qiuming urged him to leave, he stood still.

Dali Siqing saw Gu Xingnuo's murderous expression on his face, and wanted to shout, but Zhao Qiuming grabbed his sleeve.

Gu Xingnuo's eyes stopped on the waist knives carried by the imperial guards, and estimated how much chance he had of taking the knives and killing them.

Yu Xiaoxiao and Xiao Wei were standing in the woods beside the road at this time, and both stretched their heads to look at the intersection.

Xiaowei said, "I can't tell who it is with the hood on. Princess, where is the eldest young master?"

Yu Xiaoxiao looked at the two assassins and said, "Damn, it's Xiong Xiong and true love."

Xiaowei froze forward and said in surprise, "Really?"

"You can't see the face, look at the bones," he said.Yu Xiao: "It's a bear and his true love. What did I say? Zhao Qiuming can't do good! My brother should just hit that old boy. Hey, why don't you talk?"After Yu had several words, I couldn't hear David's answer, and I looked at David, "My God."When Yu Xiaoxiao saw David's face this time, he was startled.

At this moment, Xiaowei is like being hit by five thunders, and a voice resounds in his head, Concubine Li has been discovered, and we are dead!

Yu Xiaoxiao shook Xiaowei's shoulder and said, "What's wrong with you?" How could a good person be like this all of a sudden? In evil

Xiaowei looked at Yu Xiaoxiao blankly and said, "Princess, are we going to die?"

"Ah?" Yu Xiaoxiao didn't have Xiaowei's sense of crisis, and they lived well, why would they die for Mao

Xiaowei burst into tears and helped the concubine Hongxing get out of the wall. They also set fire to a Buddhist hall in the imperial palace, a bookstore, or the bookstore that was the sage’s favorite. Will their end be Ling Chi or five horses

Note to readers:

The third watch will be served, and an hour later, the fourth watch will be served.