Heroic Wife Reborn

Chapter 223: 223 thousand years of poetry are all empty


When Yu Xiaoxiao saw Xianzong's mouth full of blood, he felt distressed immediately. No matter how bad his father was, he was still his father, "Who beat you?" Her Royal Highness asked Xianzong angrily.

It's a good thing to be cared about by your daughter, but Yu Xiaoxiao's words made Xianzong's face get hot, who hit you? When a prince of a country is asked such a question, he loses all his face.

Yu Xiaoxiao didn't need Xianzong to answer her, Wen Fenglin was here, who else could the murderer be

Gu Xingnuo put Zero on the ground and bowed to Xianzong first.

Xianzong waved his hand impatiently and said, "Why haven't you brought them out of the palace?" This man asked for an order to enter the palace, and the reason he said was to take the princess and the concubine out of the palace. How long has it been? Still in the palace!

The imperial physician came at this time and was busy stopping the bleeding for Xianzong.

Gu Xingnuo saw that Yu Xiaoxiao was going to Master Fenglin's place, she reached out and grabbed Yu Xiaoxiao, and shook her head at Yu Xiaoxiao.

Master Fenglin looked at the person who was pressed by the pine tree. He could see that Zhao Qiuming was under the tree, but he couldn't save this person now. The young master looked indifferent, but he was not at peace. Zhao Qiuming's injury, Concubine Li and the pirate must have been rescued. The person who can do this, Master Fenglin looked at Yu Xiaoxiao, there should be no one else except this person.

Yu Xiaoxiao said to Gu Xingnuo, "He still looks at me."

Gu Xingnuo took Yu Xiaoxiao to Gu Xinglang's side, possessed himself and whispered to Gu Xinglang, "My daughter-in-law is in charge of herself."

Gu Xinglang looked around and saw that everyone was looking at Xianzong, so he quietly reached out and took Yu Xiaoxiao's hand.

Yu Xiaoxiao's little hand was pulled by Gu Xinglang, and she felt better. She asked Gu Xinglang, "Does your head still hurt?"

Gu Xingnuo's ears perked up immediately.

Gu Xinglang shook his head lightly and said, "It's alright, it doesn't hurt at all."

Yu Xiao: "Where's the ankle?"

"It doesn't hurt," Gu Xinglang rubbed his fingers on the back of Yu Xiaoxiao's hand, and asked Yu Xiaoxiao without moving his mouth, "Where's Xiao Wei?"

Xianzong watched the interaction between his daughter and his son-in-law. He was hurt at the moment. The daughter's reaction was to ask him who was beaten, and then he didn't look at him again, raising a daughter's mood for nothing, not feeling it personally For a moment, others will not understand. "What happened to our dark guard?" Xianzong asked Gu Xingnuo angrily.

Gu Xingnuo immediately told Xianzong: "This person wants to assassinate Her Royal Highness Princess."

As soon as Gu Dashao said this, everyone present was shocked. Her Royal Highness Princess Xingla? Is there such a blind person in this world

Xianzong looked at his dark guard leader and said, "Is he not crazy?"

Yu Xiaoxiao took out the dagger under Gu Dashao's gesture and said, "Yes, Father, he wants to kill me, this is the evidence of the crime."

Xianzong glanced at the green blade, and his expression became solemn. This is a dark guard who only listened to his orders. How could he stab his daughter

"Your Majesty," Gu Xingnuo said at this time, "this person was following the princess and the ministers before, and after being discovered by the princess, he tried to assassinate the princess."

Xianzong also frowned and said, "Following you?"

"Yes," Gu Xingnuo responded.

"Come out," Xianzong shouted beside him.

A dark guard appeared in response, knelt in front of Xianzong, and said, "Your Majesty, Leader Zero is on duty at night."

A dark guard who should rest, running to follow the princess? Xianzong walked up to Zero and couldn't believe that the person who grew up with him would betray him.

"Your Majesty," Gu Xingnuo said, "there must be an envoy behind this person. I think you should try him carefully."

"Take him down," Xianzong said in a cold voice, "I personally examine him."

Two more dark guards appeared in the backlight, dragging the unconscious Zero down.

A palace servant ran past the two secret guards and was stopped by the two inner guards, then knelt down on the ground and said to Xianzong: "Sir, Concubine Zhao is worried when she hears that Zhao Xiang is injured. Father, I would like to ask the sage's permission to let Niangniang come to visit Zhao Xiang."

Xianzong is annoyed when he hears Concubine Zhao now, but Zhao Qiuming is still under the tree, and he doesn't know his life or death. If Concubine Zhao is not allowed to take a look, he can't justify it. A word of filial piety is greater than heaven. "Let her come," Xianzong waved at the palace servant.

Yu Xiaoxiao asked Gu Xingnuo in a low voice, "Is that the case with the dark guard?"

Gu Xingnuo said, "If someone grabs it, then don't worry, let the sage judge."

"Can he do it?" Yu Xiaoxiao has always had no confidence in Xianzong's IQ.

"They have their own set of secret guards," Gu Xingnuo said with a smile: "You can rest assured, princess." This matter concerns Xianzong's own life, and Gu Dashao does not believe that his sage is not serious. Sometimes, they say thousands of sentences by others, but they are not as useful as the results of His Majesty the Emperor's own trial.

"Then let's go," Gu Xinglang said at this time.

"It's alright, let's take a look," Gu Xingnuo put on a posture of watching a play. Zhao Qiuming brought Concubine Li and Xiong Xiong into the palace, and Master Fenglin also entered the palace. There is no relationship, Gu Dashao doesn't believe it at all.

Concubine Zhao came quickly, sitting on a soft sedan chair, far away, and the cry reached Xianzong's ears.

With sharp eyes, Yu Xiaoxiao saw the girl following Concubine Zhao at a glance, "Er Qiu?" Yu Xiaoxiao immediately said in surprise.

Master Fenglin also turned around and saw the third young lady of Zhao's house at a glance. It was difficult for Master Fenglin to express the feeling in words.

"Zhao Qiuming's youngest daughter," Gu Xinglang whispered to his eldest brother at this time.

Gu Xingnuo glanced at Miss Zhao San, and immediately walked in front of Xianzong, who was still covering his mouth and endured the pain, and whispered, "Your Majesty, I have something to report."

Xianzong said, "What else do you have to do?"

"The sage is right there," Zhao Fei cried a lot, but she didn't forget to whisper to Zhao Yingqin when she was approaching the intersection: "It will be sad for a while, remember that you are the third young lady of the Zhao family, not a country woman. ."

Zhao Yingqin replied yes, walking in the imperial palace, the scenery everywhere, the palace towers and pavilions, has already fascinated Miss Zhao San’s wealth and honor, she doesn’t know where to put her hands and feet, and she looks helpless and panicked.

Concubine Zhao disliked this country girl's manners, but she also knew that the frightened appearance of this beauty was exactly what Xianzong liked. Coupled with the appearance of this woman, Concubine Zhao's eyes dimmed. This woman is indeed beautiful.

Master Fenglin looked at Miss Zhao San, who was wearing a plain white dress, with a few pearl hairpins in her hair, no powder on her face, and pale but lustrous complexion. Master Fenglin finally thought of something at this time. His master once described a woman as a woman. If you are beautiful, a thousand-year-old poem will be empty.

Xianzong didn't have time to look at Concubine Zhao at this time. His Majesty the Emperor asked Young Master Gu impatiently: "You have talked so much with me, what do you want to tell me?"

Note to readers:

Today's first one is offered.