Heroic Wife Reborn

Chapter 224: 224 Yu Linglong, stop me!


Gu Xingnuo and Xianzong talked about things, from the military pay of Wangxiang Pass to the reinforcement of the city of Wangxiang Pass. I can't think of how to make Xianzong not go to see beautiful women. Draw His Majesty's attention to him.

And when Master Fenglin was looking at Zhao Yingqin, Yu Xiaoxiao was looking at him, and seeing how Master Fenglin looked at Miss Erqiu, Yu Xiaoxiao couldn't help sighing, is this the power of true love? "That Erqiu is very beautiful?" Yu Xiaoxiao asked Gu Xinglang.

Gu Xinglang shook his head in a hurry, not to mention that this Miss Zhao San looks like a fairy, she is really a fairy, as long as this is Zhao Qiuming's daughter, it is impossible for Gu Sanshao to see this young lady. Looking at Miss Zhao San who was getting closer and closer to them, Gu Xinglang said to Yu Xiao, "It looks like she is sick." His wife looked petite, but she felt fleshy to the touch. This Miss Zhao San, Gu Xing No matter how Lang looked at it, it was just a handful of bones. Thinking of this, Gu Xinglang looked at Miss Zhao San a few more times, and felt that this person did not look like Concubine Zhao at all, maybe what his wife said was true, this Miss Zhao San is not Zhao Qiuming at all 's daughter.

Gu Xinglang took a few more glances at Zhao Yingqin, which made Yu Xiaoxiao unhappy. Her Royal Highness stepped forward and walked forward. Gu Xinglang wanted to ask the princess what you were doing, but before he could say a word, his wife She had already stood in front of Concubine Zhao's sisters.

When Concubine Zhao saw that Yu Xiaoxiao was standing in front of her, her cries were choked. Now Concubine Zhao has a shadow on Yu Xiaoxiao. Since the Queen's death, she has never been able to end up with this Yu Linglong.

The palace eunuchs who followed Concubine Zhao did not dare to go any further. Her Royal Highness's fierce name was there, who would dare to provoke it

"To see your father?" Yu Xiaoxiao asked Concubine Zhao.

Concubine Zhao said with tears: "Princess, how is my father?"

"I don't know," Yu Xiao said, "you have to break your leg if you don't die. Are you really sad for your father?"

Concubine Zhao said, "What does the princess mean by this?"

"Just look at your father. Why did you bring Erqiu here?" Yu Xiaoxiao raised her chin towards Miss Zhao San and asked Concubine Zhao.

When Zhao Yingqin heard that Her Royal Highness had spoken out her original name, she was scared to death. Bullying the king is a death penalty. How could a young girl of twenty-eight years be willing to die

Concubine Zhao was also panicked, but she couldn't see it on her face and said, "I don't quite understand what the princess is talking about. Who is Erqiu?"

"You," Yu Xiaoxiao knew that Concubine Zhao was pretending to herself again. When encountering such a person who could pretend, it was actually the best choice to do it, but since Big Brother Gu meant it, now is not the time to do it.

Concubine Zhao looked at Yu Xiaoxiao's expressionless face, and said that you have nothing to write down, and Concubine Zhao wondered if Yu Xiaoxiao had any other tricks waiting for her. Since the princess knew about Erqiu, Concubine Zhao took a look at Zhao Yingqin beside her, did the princess wait for their Zhao family to sacrifice this woman, and then confirmed that this was just a rural woman, leaving their Zhao family dead without a place to be buried? ? This girl can't be kept anymore. Concubine Zhao was already jealous of Erqiu's beauty, but now she has murderous intentions.

Yu Xiaoxiao was thinking, if you know the plot, you know the plot, how can you prove it? Am I going to Erqiu's hometown to find a witness? I'm going, where is Erqiu from

Concubine Zhao and Yu Xiaoxiao were thinking about their own thoughts, and they were stuck in a stalemate. Zhao Yingqin was tortured, and Erqiu girl is now thinking about everything in her head. The matter is exposed, I am going to die, and I don't want to die, what should I do

"Father!" Concubine Zhao suddenly covered her face and started crying again. After such a short time, Concubine Zhao had already calculated her gains and losses. Since the woman beside her came to see her in the name of Miss Zhao's Third Lady, she would now We can only let this woman continue to play this Miss Zhao San. In this matter, their Zhao family has already opened the bow and has not turned back.

Zhao Yingqin also cried. Compared with Concubine Zhao's pretending to cry, Miss Erqiu thought of her own destiny. This heartbreak came from the bottom of her heart.

Xianzong was finally annoyed by Gu Dashao at this time. This guy was asking him for money after all. "You hand me a discount." Twisted, the cry of the two women, one of them Xianzong is very familiar with, it belongs to Concubine Zhao, and the other sounds like the soft cry of an oriole, this voice is not very pleasant, Xianzong has to look at this woman no matter what who is it.

Gu Xingnuo saw that he couldn't stop the sage from looking at the beauty, and was a little discouraged. With one beauty, a family could be brought back to life. The matter of chicken and dog ascending to the sky is hard to say in the five kingdoms of Zhuri, but it will definitely happen in their Fengtian.

"Linglong," Xianzong didn't see the person clearly, so he shouted to Yu Xiaoxiao: "Don't bully Concubine Zhao!"

Concubine Zhao glanced at Xianzong, and whispered to Zhao Yingqin: "Go to the holy place."

Zhao Yingqin was panicked at this moment, her legs were also soft, she just stood crying and didn't move.

"Go!" Concubine Zhao yelled at Zhao Yingqin.

Concubine Zhao spoke in a low voice, but Yu Xiaoxiao could still hear her. Going to Sheng Shang? Her Royal Highness tapped the toes on the ground, and people came to Concubine Zhao and Zhao Yingqin, and asked Concubine Zhao, "You want her to go..."

"What are you doing?!" Concubine Zhao shouted loudly before Yu Xiaoxiao could finish her sentence. If everyone saw that the eldest princess was just standing and talking, everyone would think that the eldest princess wanted to kill Concubine Zhao. What about the lady.

Yu Xiaoxiao glanced at Concubine Zhao blankly, and then looked at Miss Erqiu's face, a normal human face, stretched out her hand to compare it, her face seemed to be one size smaller than a normal person, her eyes were quite big, but there was no Xiaoliu's face. Big, compared to Wen Fenglin's true love and the cruel empress, Yu Xiaoxiao couldn't see how good this person was.

Seeing Yu Xiaoxiao stretch out her hand to face Zhao Yingqin's face, Concubine Zhao is even more nervous, is this bitch trying to ruin this woman's face? "Princess!" Concubine Zhao cried out to Yu Xiaoxiao, "If you are still angry with me, you should just let go of this anger at me, this is my sister, she is still young, please let her go, princess. ."

After Zhao Yingqin heard what Concubine Zhao said, looking at Yu Xiaoxiao was like looking at a flood of beasts, she started to step back, she didn't want to die.

Yu Xiaoxiao ignored Concubine Zhao, what can I say to a woman who pretends to be pitiful? Yu Xiaoxiao reached out and grabbed Miss Erqiu's dress and said, "Where's your sister? Why did you come into the palace alone?"

When Erqiu girl heard Yu Xiaoxiao asking Dadong, she was even more frightened like a bird in the bow. Did the princess want to put both their sisters to death? Erqiu girl is desperately shrinking back.

Yu Xiaoxiao frowned and said, "If you don't say anything, I'll do it."

Xianzong was approaching Concubine Zhao at this time. Miss Erqiu kept her head down because she was afraid of Yu Xiaoxiao, so Xianzong never saw Erqiu's face clearly, but looking at her figure, Xianzong thought it was predictable. Seeing that his daughter was grabbing the collar of the girl's clothes, Xianzong hurriedly shouted: "Yu Linglong, stop me!"

Note to readers:

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