Heroic Wife Reborn

Chapter 240: 240 Xiao Gu, I found that I like you more and more


It’s neither big nor small, but there are no pedestrians in the alley that walks a single horse-drawn carriage, and there are no birds in the sky that is sandwiched by the courtyard walls on both sides in a straight line. The entire alley can be heard quietly. And the sound of passing.

Gu Xinglang was still staring blankly, with the blue cloudless sky above his head, sitting in the back seat of the carriage, even in a deserted alley, Gu Xinglang was still frightened by this kiss under the blue sky and the sun .

Yu Xiaoxiao recalled the taste of the kiss just now, her family's Xiao Gu's lips were very soft, not like a general at all, she pressed Gu Xinglang's dry lips with her fingers, Yu Xiao said, "Xiao Gu , I found that I like you more and more."

Gu Xinglang looked at his little daughter-in-law and suddenly laughed. They are husband and wife. If you want to kiss, you can kiss. Generally ask Yu Xiaoxiao.

Yu Xiaoxiao thought about it, she only wanted to leave the palace before, and then arranged for Wang and the others, and then she would leave this place where the cruel empress would live her life. In her previous plan, there was no Gu Xing. Lang's location. But now, Yu Xiaoxiao also looked at Gu Xinglang and asked her to leave this person here and leave alone, Yu Xiaoxiao was sure that she couldn't do it.

Seeing Yu Xiaoxiao looking at him so seriously, Gu Xinglang couldn't help but get serious and said, "Did you really dislike it before?"

Yu Xiaoxiao said honestly: "I have never seen you before, how can I know if you like it or not?"

"Then you..." Gu Xinglang wanted to make sure that his wife liked him now, right? Although he has always had difficulty communicating with his wife, Gu Xinglang felt that no matter how difficult it was, he had to communicate with Yu Xiaoxiao.

But Yu Xiaoxiao didn't wait for Gu Xinglang to finish speaking, she hugged Gu Xinglang's neck and kissed Gu Xinglang again. Her Royal Highness believes that love is something that needs to be done. Bullshit.

It is impossible for Gu Xinglang to let his daughter-in-law take the initiative every time. He hugged Yu Xiaoxiao's waist with his backhand, and licked his tongue carefully on Yu Xiaoxiao's lips. 's response.

Yu Xiaoxiao opened her closed lips without thinking.

Gu Xinglang got the invitation and put his tongue into Yu Xiaoxiao's mouth. Some tastes need to be tasted carefully. Gu Xinglang and his daughter-in-law are entangled between their lips and teeth. He had never kissed, but this time, he didn't know that it was after a night and a day of chaotic tension. Under the fatigue, this moment of lingering made Gu Xinglang so addicted. Gu Sanshao's seventeen-year-old life suddenly had another door, and behind the door was a new world, marked with the three words Yu Xiaoxiao.

Yes, Yu Xiaoxiao, Gu Xinglang recites these three words vaguely. Compared with Yu Linglong, Princess Linglong, and princess names and titles, Gu Xinglang prefers the name Yu Xiaoxiao, and he never shows it. He has never confided to anyone, but subconsciously, Gu Sanshao already understands that only Yu Xiaoxiao belongs to him in this world.

Yu Xiaoxiao bit the tip of Gu Xinglang's tongue wickedly, and then felt the trembling of her own Xiao Gu's body. She had to bring Xiao Gu with her. There was no food, and she could still find a way to earn it, but there was only one Gu Xinglang in this world, and if she lost it, she would never be able to find it again.

Jing Mo and Xiaowei went up to the wall, and what they saw were two people who were kissing each other outside the wall.

After all, Xiaowei was still a first-time brother who didn't ask for his wife. After looking at his princess and his concubine, he hurriedly turned his head to the side and didn't dare to look at it.

Jing Mo has already tasted the taste of many women, unlike Xiao Wei who panicked as if he was caught kissing someone, but Jing Mo still had a dark face and kissed, these two guys just went to bed like this, Jing Mo Modu thinks it's not a problem, but now a bunch of eminent monks from Ziyongsheng Temple are unconscious in his yard, Wuhuan is also standing in front of him, and there is an old man like a beggar lying on the ground. These two people brought people here. Now, hug each other and kiss each other, does that sound like a word? Do you want to take Yongsheng Temple seriously? Eternal Life Temple!

Jing Mo's subordinates stood under the wall and looked at the master squatting on the wall. Standing on the wall and squatting on the wall were two completely opposite images. Jing Mo's current image made his subordinates unable to look directly.

Jing Mo bumped Xiao Wei's shoulder and whispered, "What's going on? Are the two of them like this elsewhere?"

No matter how embarrassed Xiaowei was, he had to speak out at this time, clearing his throat very hard.

Gu Xinglang heard Xiaowei's voice, and Gu Sanshao, who had been addicted to the wonderful taste of his daughter-in-law a moment ago, immediately stiffened.

Yu Xiaoxiao still hugged Gu Xinglang's neck, looked up at Jing Mo, who was squatting on the wall, and said, "Hi, we meet again."

Jing Mo felt that he had no choice but to meet this shameless person.

At this time, Xiaowei explained to Jing Mo for his princess and concubine, saying, "There was no one in the alley just now."

Jing Mo resisted not rolling his eyes at the little guard beside him, how could he hug and kiss him when no one was around? Gu Xinglang is a military man, but Yu Xiaoxiao is a dignified princess. Is there such a shameless princess? Jing Mo looked at the two goods under the wall. This must have been Yu Xiaoxiao's first choice. Gu Xinglang, a military man, really wouldn't have the courage.

Gu Xinglang turned his head to look at Jing Mo at this time.

Jing Mo watched Gu Xinglang turn back and smiled meaningfully at Gu Xinglang.

Gu Sanshao suddenly felt his face get hot.

"Jing Mo, I brought Wu Huan," Yu Xiaoxiao said to Jing Mo, because she wanted to raise her head to talk, so Yu Xiaoxiao didn't see her family Xiao Gu and was shy again.

Jing Mo smiled bitterly, he had already seen the person, but he didn't want to see this person at all.

"I told you..." Yu Xiaoxiao then reported the situation to Jing Mo.

Jing Mo waved at Yu Xiaoxiao and interrupted Yu Xiaoxiao's words: "Princess, do we have to talk like this?" He crouched against the wall, Yu Xiaoxiao stood outside the wall, is it easy to talk like this? Also, Jing Mo thought very embarrassedly, is this a scene like a red apricot coming out of the wall

Tian Xingzi was standing beside Wuhuan at this moment, looking at Jing Mo's back squatting on the wall with his buttocks, and whispered to Wuhuan: "It seems that the first prince Jing is very familiar with the princess, but why do they want to Talk like that?"

Wuhuan didn't speak, and he couldn't say anything now.

"Let's go in," Gu Xinglang patted Yu Xiaoxiao's arm on his shoulder and whispered.

"Bah," Yu Xiaoxiao kissed Gu Xinglang's forehead again, pulled Gu Xinglang, and Her Royal Highness took her family Xiao Gu to the wall of the proud winery.

Note to readers:

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