Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 1001: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup dream (4)


Ninety-ninth bowl of soup dream (4)

Zhang Wen was rolling around on the ground, rolling out the dust, Qing Huan raised his hand and slapped it, and asked, "Does General Zhang still want to kill the prince now?"

"No, I dare not! My lord, spare my life! My lord, spare my life! Ouch, it hurts to death, Ouch, it hurts to death!"

He screamed terribly, and Qing Huan blew a quick whistle, and the pain disappeared instantly. Zhang Wen was throbbing on the ground in pain, and it took him a while to get up, this time he no longer dared to look at Qing Huan with lewd eyes, and spoke in a flattering tone.

He also has the same attitude towards the Hu people, otherwise why haven't the Hu people really occupied Western Xinjiang for so many years? Because they know that with Zhang Wenzheng, Xijiang is their supply area, but if Da Zhou withdraws Zhang Wenzheng and replaces someone, then there is no guarantee, it is better to let Zhang Wenzheng stay, at least they can handle it Can live. And now in Xijiang, Hu talents are noble people, etc., who can do whatever they want.

It's so fast.

Qing Huan smiled and said: "General Zhang, there is no need to be afraid, as long as you are obedient, the little bug is also very good, and will not do anything to you."

"Then, can the young master take it out for me?" Zhang Wenzheng was so frightened that his calves were trembling. Of course he's not afraid of bugs, but that doesn't mean he's not afraid of the bugs in his body! Especially when the red spot was still rushing left and right curiously, he felt a chill on his back, and his whole body was numb, and he didn't know what kind of poison this bug was.

"I'm sorry." Qing Huan gave him a regretful look. "I'm afraid not."

"Why, why?! Whatever you want, I'll give it to you! Help me get the bugs out!"

"What we want, we don't need you to give, we can get it ourselves, but I think you still have something to use, so I didn't kill you for the time being."

What he said is very clear. Although Zhang Wenzheng doesn't know how to fight and has no brains, but at the critical moment of life and death, he understood Qing Huan's meaning in seconds. He knelt down and kowtowed to Song Jin: "The subordinates are willing to do the work of dogs and horses for the prince." I beg your lord to be magnanimous and spare this subordinate! This subordinate will never dare again!"

"Why does General Zhang talk like that?" Song Jinxu gave a hand and was bowed down by Zhang Wenzheng. He sat on the chair with a calm expression. "In the future, this king will not be able to use your place. You just need to follow this king's order, and you will be fine. Get up."

"Yes, yes!" Zhang Wenzheng wiped the sweat from his forehead, his life was in his hands, he didn't dare to be arrogant anymore, he stood obediently on the side, lowered his head and waited for orders, without saying a word. Dare to say.

"Since General Zhang has surrendered to the lord, should these soldiers...should be withdrawn too?" Qing Huan asked. "After all, Xiaosheng has never seen anything in the world. How scary it is to hold a real sword and arrow in his hands."

You are not afraid of bugs! Still afraid of this! Zhang Wenzheng had ten thousand rebuttals in his mind, but he didn't dare to say a word, so he hurriedly asked the soldiers to retreat.

He likes to have fun, and naturally he is most afraid of death. Now that his own life is in someone else's hands, let alone let him do some work, he is willing to let him eat shit, as long as he doesn't die, as long as he lives!

Zhang Wenzheng was arrogant and respectful, and his attitude changed too much. When Song Jin and the others left, he humbly sent him outside the barracks, and then he met a smiling old man with white beard and a cold-faced young man in armor.

"General Zhang works hard every day. These two are the king's internal ministers. In the future, let them stay in the barracks to assist General Zhang in handling affairs, so as not to tire the general."

The king of Xijiang has said this to him, so what can Zhang Wenzheng do? He can only thank you bitterly, and he has to welcome with a smile on his face, and for his own life, he has to do his best to obey in the future—the king of Xijiang is going to take his military power away. It's not easy to provoke, Zhang Wenzheng regretted it to death, he lived a good life, and the king of Xijiang did not interfere with the water, but for the sake of a new emperor, he actually put himself in it!

He just has no brains. If he hadn't attacked Song Jin, Song Jin would not have let him go because of the 200,000 troops. If Zhang Wenzheng can really succeed in killing Song Jin, the new emperor will definitely settle accounts with him afterwards. The charges are all sent by Zhang Wenzheng himself - murdering the former emperor's eldest grandson, now the king of Xijiang, do you think this crime is enough to punish his nine clans?

Only Zhang Wenzheng himself saw the momentary ease, but could not see the hidden danger behind the ease.

With Mr. Zhou around, given time, the 200,000 troops will never be just strong in numbers. If you want to go back to the capital, you have to figure it out slowly, and you can't rush it. On the carriage back home, Song Jin chatted with Qing Huan: "Zhang Wenzheng is obedient, Feng Ruyuan doesn't know if he can sit still."

Those two were working together, one was in love with sex and the other was greedy for money, they were really congenial, working together, disregarding the life and death of the people, in the future, he would definitely settle accounts with them.

Qing Huan poured herself a cup of tea: "I can't sit still, and I probably can't sleep. Zhang Wenzheng is obedient, Feng Ruyuan has only two choices, either surrender to the prince, or send someone to notify the court immediately. The old people guarded the passage out of the city. Once Feng Ruyuan sent a messenger, he would be stopped immediately. He could not receive a reply from the court, nor could he get instructions. He would naturally know that everything was under the control of the prince. In order to survive, he would take the initiative Delivered to the door."

Like Zhang Wenzheng and Feng Ruyuan, they don't have any thoughts of loyalty, patriotism, unyielding and unyielding. They can associate with barbarian people for the sake of money and sex. To put it bluntly, it is evidence of collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country. Therefore, it is impossible to expect them to persevere. Feng Ruyuan will come to surrender soon.

Song Jin handed her a piece of pastry. In Xijiang, having pastries is really a luxury. Even in the Song and Jin Dynasties, every meal is only two dishes and one soup, and it is never wasted. The poverty and backwardness in Xijiang exceeded his imagination, and it became the biggest difficulty in returning to the capital.

Military power can be seized, power can be seized, but with the situation in Xijiang, it is difficult to become his base, it is also difficult to supply military supplies, and it may even be delayed.

Qing Huan propped her chin: "It's too early to think about this matter now, the prince should wait until Feng Ruyuan comes to the door."

As Qing Huan said, after Feng Ruyuan heard about Zhang Wenzheng's incident, he hesitated for a few days before writing a secret letter and sending it to the capital in eight hundred miles, but the letter was stopped by Mr. Fan's people as soon as it left the city. down. Feng Ruyuan, who waited and waited until the messenger came back, wrote several secret letters one after another, but nothing happened. Only then did he understand that the king of Xijiang might not be as good as the new emperor's secret edict said. Dealing with it, and even my every move is under the control of dealing with it.

He thought about it, and still didn't know who to pledge allegiance to. Allegiance to the new emperor, he may not be able to walk out of Xijiang alive, but he is loyal to the king of Xijiang - compared with the scheming new emperor, the king of Xijiang is still a young man in his twenties, can he really regain the throne? If you fail at that time, you will still be dead waiting for you!

Feng Ruyuan would never believe that the king of Xijiang would stay in Xijiang for the rest of his life and be an idle prince. The king of Xijiang's things were taken away, can the king of Xijiang not hate it? But he is young and has little experience, how can he be the opponent of the new emperor? Just seeing that the new emperor can hide silently for so many years, and then become a blockbuster among the princes who seized the throne, and forced the palace to ascend the throne at a lightning speed, it can be seen how deep he is. Against the new emperor, isn't that courting death?

But if he fights against the king of Xijiang, he will die now.

Under all kinds of difficulties, Feng Ruyuan, a slick old fox, still decided to pay a visit to the king of Xijiang first, and then make a decision.

Back then, he was the top three in the palace, he was valued by the late emperor, and appointed as an official in the Ministry of Officials, but unfortunately he was born with a love of money, because he sold his official status, he was demoted to the poor and desolate western border by the late emperor to suffer. But the first emperor probably didn't expect that Feng Ruyuan loved money to the core, not to mention Xijiang, even if he was killed and turned into a ghost, he would have to trick other ghosts into burning paper money with smooth words after his death.

I just love money, there is no way, so I stayed in Xijiang for almost 20 years. I am used to living here. The sky is high and the emperor is far away. When it reached the emperor's ears, his own head was gone.

Feng Ruyuan lived comfortably these days, it was the people who couldn't eat, not him, so he lived well.

But right now, Master Feng's beautiful life has finally been disrupted because of the arrival of the King of Xijiang, and he began to feel distressed, confused, and hesitant. To be honest, he has long since lost the vigor and ambition he had when he was young. He only wants money, a lot of money, and then he can live a comfortable life. It is best here in Xijiang, and he has been forgotten by the court since then. clean.

Anyway, if you give the Hu people some cloth, grain, grass and good horses every year, they will not come to fight, and they will not fight. His seat in the Western Xinjiang Taifu will be safe.

Feng Ruyuan, before meeting him, Song Jin had already heard the news that he loves money. He thought that Feng Ruyuan would be a man full of philistines, but when Feng Ruyuan took the initiative to come to see him, he summoned Feng Ruyuan, only to find out about this person There is no philistine in him, not only no, but also full of bookishness!

Unlike Zhang Wenzheng, who was tall and burly, Feng Ruyuan was seven feet tall, with delicate features and a beautiful beard, and he was able to speak with ease. If Song Jin didn't know the true face of this fellow, Song Jin felt that he would be deceived into thinking that he was a man. A high-spirited and upright official—was Grandpa Huang also deceived by Feng Ruyuan's appearance back then? No wonder people say that people should not be judged by their appearance.