Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 1013: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup and tea (6)


Ninety-ninth bowl of soup and tea (6)

When others envy Chen Lan for having a beautiful and obedient daughter with good grades, Chen Lan always talks about her daughter's shortcomings and deficiencies habitually, and never praises her outside. Even if Qing Huan has no place to find fault, she will complain to outsiders that her daughter always disrespects her mother, never asks her opinion on what she does, or that her daughter is spoiled by her father, eats well, dresses well and is coquettish Quite, in short, Qing Huan has some problems, she always talks about it.

Of course, this outsider would not keep her a secret. She has already corrupted her daughter outside, so why should others speak good words for her? Later, when Chen Lan remarried, Qing Huan found out through observation and research that Chen Lan didn't treat Xu Jiao and Xu Yuan like this. Could it be that they were biological and related by blood, so they had to be treated like this

That would be too miserable, she would rather not be Chen Lan's biological daughter, but a stepdaughter.

A mother like Chen Lan is really not very pleasing, so Qing Huan doesn't like her. Instead, she has a good relationship with her father who has a carefree personality but is exceptionally transparent. In fact, Meng Fan has long wanted to start his own business. He originally worked in a state-owned enterprise, and his salary was not much, not as much as Chen Lan's, so he basically did all the housework, even Qing Huan. He brought it up with his own hands, and Chen Lan didn't even have to wash a sock at home.

Not long after she got married, Chen Lan felt that it was not bad for him to work steadily like this, and he could take care of the family. After all, she was busy with work, and sometimes she was too busy to take care of anything. But after a long time, when the child was born and grew up, she felt that Meng Fan was incompetent. But Meng Fan is not always like this, he has wanted to quit his job to start a business since before, because he is flexible and adaptable, Qing Huan thinks that people like Meng Fan are very suitable for business, and always sitting in the office can only give him a beer belly , might as well go for a break and live your life according to your own will.

But Chen Lan wasn't happy at that time, Chen Lan thought it was a good job, why are you messing around? Although she always complained about Meng Fan's incompetence, she didn't think Meng Fan could succeed in business at all. She has always felt that Meng Fan lacks certainty and is always fluffy and whimsical. After such a long period of time, the relationship between husband and wife naturally broke down, and with Xu Wei's appearance, the two divorced soon, and Meng Fancai was finally able to do what he liked.

He has long taken a fancy to the seafood business in this city, and he wants to start transportation. This city is close to the sea, and the price of seafood is low, but as soon as he leaves this city, the price of seafood doubles, and places a little further away are even more expensive. . Meng Fan took a fancy to the business opportunity here, and gathered a few close friends to try it together. He had saved a lot of money over the years, but most of it was given to Chen Lan when he divorced, leaving only a small half. The few friends are ordinary people who just want to make a small profit. If they want to cooperate to start a company together in the future, it will definitely not work, so Meng Fan has other considerations.

Qing Huan made a good guess. He was indeed born into this profession. If his parents hadn't forced him to take the civil service exam when he just graduated from university, and he passed the exam, he wouldn't have missed so much sitting in the office for so many years. good chance.

Whether Meng Fan is successful or not can be seen from the money he sends to Qing Huan every now and then. At first it was only a few hundred, then it became a few thousand, and then it became more and more scary. Now Qing Huan is a little rich woman, very rich.

That's why she's not afraid that Chen Lan doesn't care about her. In this world, she doesn't have to make money by herself, how easy it is.

During the evening self-study, the head teacher came into the classroom and called her, saying that she had something to do at home. As soon as Qing Huan arrived at the office, she saw Meng Fan sitting on the sofa. Her father had been staring at the door, and when he saw her, he jumped up in surprise, picked her up and turned her around several times, and kissed her pink cheeks. Face: "Good baby! I don't think Dad is there!"

"Think about it." Qing Huan also kissed back, immediately confused Meng Fanmei, and giggled.

Chen Lan couldn't understand his way of spoiling his daughter without losing his temper. Didn't Meng Fan get used to her daughter being so disobedient now that she dared to fall in love in high school? ! She couldn't get angry: "Have you guys had enough trouble? I have something to talk about today, so don't make such a fuss."

It was the same when the three of them lived together before. Chen Lan couldn't help but be strict with her children. She didn't give them delicious food or good clothes. She asked Qinghuan to be simple and simple. The eyes are high and the hands are low. Even in the first year of high school, all the students had mobile phones, and Chen Lan refused to buy them for her because it would delay her studies—God knows that in this day and age, junior high school students already have a mobile phone, and she only had it in high school, and it was Meng Fan who insisted This is one of the reasons why the couple quarreled.

Most of Meng Fan's salary is spent on Qing Huan. He is a father who loves his daughter very much. He especially likes to buy toys and new clothes for his daughter, and dress up his daughter in different ways. Chen Lan didn't like him very much. She felt that he didn't have a plan, and their family's conditions were above average. Why couldn't they save the money and enroll their daughter in piano and art classes? You know that you take it around crazy all day long

The educational philosophies of the two are completely opposite, and life is even more difficult.

Perhaps Chen Lan's education method is also beneficial, but Qing Huan prefers parents like Meng Fan, who can play together. Chen Lan's worry at the beginning was reasonable, but as she grew up, Chen Lan didn't understand her at all, and still asked her according to her own rules, but although Meng Fan played with her and made trouble with her, But she can accurately realize that her daughter has the ability to make independent judgments and take care of herself, so she will not ask her too much, but let her make her own decisions—on this point, Qing Huan feels that most parents should ask Meng Fan's father, let's learn.

Chen Lan is now a stepmother, and she can't demand discipline from her stepchildren like she does to her, so this distance is just right, and it is also the reason why Xu Yuan and Xu Jiao like her and are willing to accept her. But when it comes to Qing Huan, because she is Chen Lan's biological child, Chen Lan will not be so polite.

Before the divorce, Meng Fan was definitely a good-tempered husband. He didn't get annoyed at what Chen Lan said, and he didn't blush much except for quarreling about his daughter's education. But now that he's divorced, why does he still spoil his ex-wife? Just kidding! "What's there to say? I'll come and see my baby." He patted Qing Huan's head. "Dad will come during the winter vacation and celebrate the New Year with you, okay?"

"Okay." Qing Huan smiled.

At this moment, all the teachers in the office have gone to class, only the head teacher and two or three sub-subject teachers are there, and the rest is their family of three.

Chen Lan was annoyed seeing Meng Fan like this. Is it okay to educate children like him? I can't blame my daughter for falling in love at such an early age! The loose and immoral appearance is exactly the same as Meng Fan!

She turned her head and said to the teacher in charge, "It's such a teacher, how is my daughter doing during this time at school?"

The homeroom teacher still doesn't know why Qing Huan's parents came here... He just met Chen Lan once when Qing Huan just transferred here. Chen Lan had to go to work that day, so she hurried to sign and left. What about Qinghuan's father? After looking at it, I found that the student is not like any of the parents. "Very good. She has always been a good child with good grades. The teachers all like her."

Especially this good child, she was very supportive in class, no teacher liked to ask questions, and the audience was silent, she was always the first to give a response, and the most valuable thing was that she was completely unbiased.

The politics teacher next to him also smiled and said: "Yes, Meng Qinghuan is a good student. How did you raise such a smart child? She can memorize all the contents of my new class in a few minutes."

"Family education is still very important, and parents have a great influence on their children. You should teach your children well."

Chen Lan never expected such a result, she frowned: "But I heard that my child is in love at school..." She originally wanted to come here to transfer Qing Huan, but Jiaojiao said that she was in love with her It's the same classmate, or the same table, it seems to be the one who came to help with the luggage.

Chen Lan met him once, the child was really good-looking, it was normal for Qing Huan to like him, so she believed it immediately.

Meng Fan laughed so hard that he saw his teeth but couldn't see his eyes: "A teacher is a teacher. You have eyes. This baby in my family has never been taught since she was a child. She can learn everything quickly and never passed the second place in the exam!"

He heard people praise his daughter, and he was happier than the company's smooth listing.

Chen Lan can't ask any more questions now, if her daughter really fell in love, the teacher should be the first to be anxious. She always knew that her daughter had good grades, but she never knew that the teachers gave her such high marks. It stands to reason how long has she been here? Just let the teacher praise her all the time and say nothing bad

Because Qing Huan has always been closer to Meng Fan and has a better relationship with Meng Fan, Chen Lan actually has a knot in her heart, thinking that the father and daughter are in the same tune, and the mud can't support the wall. When she had a stepdaughter like Xu Jiao, who was cute and had good grades and could play the piano, guzheng, grade ten and dance, she immediately felt that Qing Huan couldn't compare to her, and she even blamed Meng Fan in her heart. If she didn't spend money to buy some small skirts Yes, it would be great to enroll in a class. All musical instruments and dances have to be children's skills. Now that my daughter is sixteen or seventeen, it's too late to learn.

Isn't it all Meng Fan's fault that he lost at the starting line

Qing Huan blinked, wondering what the two of them were here for, especially Chen Lan, she would come to school for her too

Sure enough, after a while, the get out of class bell rang, and all the teachers in class returned to the office. Chen Lan went to Xu Jiao's head teacher to find out about the child's situation. Meng Fan wished that she would not come to bother her, so she took a leave of absence with the head teacher, and planned to take Qing Huan out for a good meal.

But Qing Huan asked, "Can I bring a classmate with me?"