Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 1019: The ninety-ninth bowl of long life soup (1)


Ninety-ninth bowl of Changsheng soup (1)

Autumn is getting stronger, and the wind blows the yellow and fallen leaves all over the place. In the boundless autumn scenery, I saw a bloated woman blocking the door of the governor's mansion and yelling. She was holding a half-sized child in her hand. The child was wearing loose clothes, because she was too thin and was being pulled by the woman. Shaking in the wind, but he remained silent, not like a living thing.

Seeing the carriage approaching from a distance, the woman jumped up, grabbed the child, dragged it, and blocked it in front of the carriage. Then she burst into tears and sat down on the ground, clutching her ankles with both hands and howling. : "It's unreasonable! I don't recognize my son! There are new people and forget the old ones! The neighbors and neighbors came to judge. This Governor Qiu slept with my man's sister nine years ago. My sister worked hard to give birth to him. It's good for him to give birth to such a child, he turns his face away and doesn't recognize anyone. Now this child is at my house, eating my food and drinking mine. My aunt has worked so hard to bring him to this age and send him back to recognize his ancestors. This Governor's Mansion doesn't recognize it! God, you can open your eyes and see, how can there be such a cruel father in this world!... "

There were quite a lot of people around, the woman also watched the carriage approaching, she calculated the time when the man came back and made trouble on purpose, she just wanted money, and by the way threw away this oil bottle - it was for others to raise children, this She wouldn't do such a stupid thing. Now that the child's mother is dead, she can finally send the child back. By the way, it's not an exaggeration to make a fool of the Governor's Mansion, right? After all, during the years when my sister was not married, she took her children to live in her house and ate at her house, so she had to compensate them, right

The carriage that drove over belonged to the governor's wife, and of course the governor Qiu Guangquan, who was going to offer incense with his wife, was also on board. He is 30 and 2 this year, which is the year of the dragon and the tiger. He always has a straight face on weekdays, and even his children dare not get close to him. The color of joy. Qiu Guangquan glanced at Madam first, and said, "Madam—"

"The master should handle this matter by himself. If it's really the blood of the Qiu family, it's not easy to let him go outside." Qing Huan raised the curtain of the car to take a look, and said calmly. "The timing is right. The child's mother should be the maid Lu E who was expelled from the mansion nine years ago. That girl has a deep affection for the master, so it is not surprising that she secretly gave birth to the child."

Qiu Guangquan couldn't hold his head up because of what she said. Although he was tricked by that girl nine years ago, it was his fault that he couldn't control himself. Now he has no face to face his wife. Every time he thinks about it, he feels guilty.

Qing Huan entered the mansion in the carriage, and Qiu Guangquan took care of his own affairs. She was not Luo Ruying, who worked desperately to be his good wife, and even watched him accept the woman he liked as a concubine. This kind of thing doesn't exist in Qing Huan.

The day when Luo Ruying gave up her heart happened to be when Qiu Guangquan was taking a concubine. It was also from that day that Luo Ruying knew that Qiu Guangquan had a cousin who liked him before marrying her. After giving birth to a son and a half daughter for Qiu Guangquan, his cousin's mother, also Qiu Guangquan's aunt, forced Qiu Guangquan to accept his cousin to start a family with death, and Qiu Guangquan told her about it. Luo Ruying seemed to have eaten a fly, unable to vomit or swallow, so she could only watch helplessly as her husband, who was gradually becoming indifferent to her, welcomed her cousin as a noble concubine.

Luo Ruying hanged herself that night. She died, and her body remained for Qing Huan to use. She refused to get close to Qiu Guangquan from that day on, which is strange to say, probably Qiu Guangquan has some elements of lowliness in his bones. Over the past ten years, he had a child with his cousin, but he showed "Luo Ruying" to Qing Huan. "He became more and more concerned, and in recent years, he stopped going to his cousin at all. It seemed that he wanted to make up for his wife who had been neglected for many years. To be reasonable, Qing Huan felt that he was crazy.

Like Shangxiang today, she stayed in the governor's mansion for a long time and wanted to go out for a walk, but Qiu Guangquan insisted on following, acting like a loving couple along the way, which deceived many people's envy. Those people didn't even think about it, if they were really loving couples, where did Qiu Guangquan's concubine come from? Who was his son and daughter born to

When he asked to marry Luo Ruying, he had promised Luo Ruying's father that he would never take a concubine in his life. But after only three years, Luo Ruying failed to conceive, so he became anxious. At that time, he was only eighteen or nineteen years old, and this vow of eternal love lasted for three years.

After Luo Ruying learned that Qiu Guangquan was going to take a concubine, she hated the once beautiful three years. How loving and happy the memories of these three years were, they were so fake and disgusting to her.

After Qing Huan returned to her yard, she stretched and breathed a sigh of relief. She had waited in the governor's mansion for all these years, and he finally came.

Those who are imprisoned here should have an end.

Qiu Guangquan didn't know how to deal with his illegitimate son. Anyway, at dinner time, he announced to the whole family that there was a second young master in the house, and with Qing Huan's consent, he handed over the second young master Qiu Shuyuan to her. temporary support.

This was Qing Huan's initiative request. When Qiu Guangquan heard it, he repeatedly confirmed whether she was sincere, and was very hesitant, but thinking that Qing Huan had no children under his knees, and that he owed her a lot, he finally nodded and agreed. It doesn't matter whether she is sincere or not, anyway, he has no expectations for this child, and this child is a short-lived ghost, he can't tell when he will die, so he is too lazy to waste time and energy on Qiu Shuyuan.

His concubine Ran Yingqin was very surprised, and there was a trace of uncontrollable anger. She didn't want to see the master have other sons, and neither did her two children. But now the governor's mansion is not their world. A few years ago, the master suddenly changed his attitude towards them, but he became better towards his wife who had fallen out of favor. I do not know where the problem lies. Obviously the past was fine, right? Why did it suddenly become cold

But Qiu Guangquan doesn't see her very much now, whenever she asks the master why he is so indifferent, she always sees the mocking smile on the corner of the master's mouth.

But she did nothing wrong, and her children did nothing wrong!

Of course Qiu Guangquan would not tell her, how could he tell his biggest secret, even Ruying who died for him, let alone Ran Yingqin who betrayed him

No one has lived in Qinghuan's yard for eight hundred years, and a little boy suddenly came, which is quite new. It's just a bit dirty, the bath water was changed several times before he was washed clean, and after putting on new clothes, he realized that the child was frighteningly thin, with protruding ribs, and when Qing Huan bathed him, he felt it was exaggerated - this is the same as What is the difference between refugees? It was also because he was too thin, so his facial features were too large, and his face appeared extremely small. It was pretty to look at, but it was extremely pale and unhealthy. His aunt kept saying how his sister raised the child after her death, maybe he didn't starve to death.

Qiu Shuyuan didn't have much oil in his stomach, so Qing Huan asked someone to make him some light food again. The child seemed crazy when he was served, and he was afraid that he wouldn't have anything to eat. Qing Huan was amazed at the way he ate. .

It's amazing, such a thin and small thing can be so edible, and the stomach is not bulging, but the food on the table is about to disappear.

Qiu Shuyuan ate a table full of food, and Qing Huan watched him fill his stomach after eating too much. I'm afraid it's because of habit. He usually doesn't eat enough, and he can't restrain himself when he encounters something to eat. By eating more, you can last longer and suffer less hunger. When she ordered the dishes to be put away, Qiu Shuyuan grabbed a half-eaten plate and licked away the last bit of juice.

Qing Huan reached out and touched his stomach, it was so hard, it was really ugly.

"You won't be hungry again in the future. Eating like this is bad for your health. It's a bad habit. You have to change it."

Qiu Shuyuan was just like a little wolf cub, disobedient and disobedient, so his aunt tied him with a rope in an empty pigsty, only threw some leftovers when he remembered, and turned a blind eye the rest of the time. Looking at several cousins in his family, they all knew how to throw stones and bricks at him. Even now he still doesn't know how to speak very much. If his aunt finally found out who his biological father was, she hurriedly put on clothes for him and sent him to "recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors", he should still be chained in the pigsty now.

But he couldn't help but obey and trust what the woman in front of him said. When taking a bath, no one else was allowed to get close to her, but she was allowed to touch her, and she didn't bite her when she reached out, but sat obediently in the bathtub and let her rub soap on her body and wash hot water.

Qiu Shuyuan lowered his head and clenched the corner of his clothes tightly. The clothes were slippery and soft, which he had never touched before, and the person in front of him was gentle and warm, which he had never seen in his life.

Qing Huan touched the child's head. His hair was long and dirty before. Qing Huan simply cut it off. Now Qiu Shuyuan's hair reaches behind the ears, neat and clean, very pleasing. The hair on her head felt soft and slippery, like touching a small furry animal, and Qing Huan's mood immediately improved. She had been doing nothing in the governor's mansion for these years, and finally waited until the beginning of the story.

Next, is the debut of the protagonists. But these have little to do with her, she is doing it for Qiu Shuyuan, and she is not planning to get involved in this story.

Qiu Shuyuan wanted that hand to continue to touch her, but she quickly let go and held his little hand instead. Although Qiu Shuyuan is nine years old, but because he is too thin, he looks at most five or six years old on the outside. He is severely stunted. In addition, he can't speak fluently, and he doesn't even know the pronunciation of many characters. It feels even smaller.