Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 1020: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup Changsheng (2)


Ninety-ninth bowl of Changsheng soup (2)

Qiu Guangquan found that the relationship between himself and his wife has improved a lot recently. When he talked to her, she would always respond to two or three out of ten sentences. , This is really great news for Qiu Guangquan. This is what he has been longing for in the past few years. Even if he can't get too close to her now, he is already very satisfied if she is willing to pay attention to him.

And all this is due to Qiu Shuyuan. Qiu Guangquan thought about it carefully, probably because he and Ruying had no children, Qiu Shuyuan's appearance filled the vacancy, so Ruying slowly changed.

Even Qiu Guangquan's attitude towards Qiu Shuyuan has improved a lot. You must know that although he was not so indifferent before, he still turned a blind eye, because for Qiu Guangquan, Qiu Shuyuan was a big stain in his life . Qiu Shuyuan's mother was just one of Qiu Guangquan's maidservants, but this maidservant was so bold as to scheme against him and gave birth to his child, which really made Qiu Guangquan have no good impressions of Qiu Shuyuan, especially since he didn't know who this child looked like , was so good-looking that he even doubted whether Qiu Shuyuan was his own flesh and blood.

But since Ruying likes it, it's okay to keep him for now. Qiu Guangquan slowly felt that not everything is going according to the previous track, for example, there is no wife who died early, and Qiu Shuyuan, maybe if you teach him well, this child will not be short-lived, or have some promise. He has no request for Qiu Shuyuan to be famous. If the existence of this child can make his wife who is depressed all day long raise her eyebrows, Qiu Guangquan is still willing to raise her, but this is a later story, so let's not mention it for now.

Anyway, it was just a joke, and he didn't intend to count on Qiu Shuyuan.

Qiu Shuyuan is only eight years old, still under his age, and he is not doing well. His mother gave birth to him to seek wealth, but who knew that he didn't get wealth, so she was kicked out first. Not long after returning home, she found out that she was pregnant. She was overjoyed and thought that she could return to the Governor's Mansion. Unexpectedly, her greedy brother and sister-in-law sold her to an old bachelor in a neighboring village without telling her. She took the child to that house, and the old man The bachelor watched her very closely, so she took all her grievances on Qiu Shuyuan. It was not easy for the old bachelor to support himself and his wife, but he also had to support other men's sons, which was even more abusive to Qiu Shuyuan. When Qiu Shuyuan's mother died of torture, the old bachelor immediately threw Qiu Shuyuan back.

His uncle and aunt naturally wouldn't raise him, and because he was wild, like a wolf cub, they simply tied him up in the abandoned pigsty at home, and gave him some rotten leftovers whenever he thought of it. If you can't think of it, just throw it there, even the children of their family know that there is a strange thing raised in their pigsty, and they bring their friends to throw stones at him.

It can only be God's blessing to live until now.

Layers upon layers of Qiu Shuyuan's body were old wounds, some places festered and festered, and several places were rotten. Although he was chained in a pigsty, his aunt had something amiss on weekdays. You have to vent your anger on him for everything, but even though Qiu Shuyuan is young, he can hold on to this anger no matter how much he is beaten and abused.

He refused to be approached by anyone. The doctor wanted to treat his wound, but he crawled under the bed on all fours, roaring like a beast, as if he could rush out and bite the enemy's throat in the next second. Qing Huan bent down to look under the bed, only to see a pair of sparkling eyes. She sighed and said to the doctor: "Keep the medicine, you can go."

Then she asked all the servants in the room to back out, and then she stretched out her hand under the bed: "Okay, come out quickly, I'm the only one here now."

Qiu Shuyuan was still lying on his body. Although he didn't trust other people, he was very dependent on Qing Huan. After hesitating for a while, he really didn't hear any other voices, and immediately rushed out, using all four limbs, tightly entangled Qing Huan His body refused to let go.

Fortunately, he was small and thin, and he didn't weigh a few catties. Qing Huan supported him with both hands, hugged him to the table and sat down. She felt that the child in her arms was like a monkey, skinny and personless. She was not A person with a heart of stone must have some pity.

But although she is small, she is quite strong, and her bones hurt from being hooped. Qing Huan coaxed her softly for a long time before letting Qiu Shuyuan let go and let her examine the wound. After taking a shower not long ago and changing into clean clothes, he crawled around under the bed and got a little dust, Qing Huan directly stripped him naked, revealing his particularly defeated body that hadn't seen the sun.

What a child.

Whether it's the maidservant, his brother-in-law, or the old bachelor, if he makes things difficult for such a child, he can really do it. He is eight years old, and he has never even been taught to speak, and he does not regard Qiu Shuyuan as an adult at all.

Qiu Shuyuan stretched out his arms to help Qing Huan treat the pus and necrosis on his body. Her body was soft and fragrant, but she didn't dislike him at all. No one in this world treats him well, but he knows that if there is this person in front of him, he doesn't care at all how the world treats him. Such tenderness, I really want to keep it until the end of my life.

Right now he is still ignorant, but he already understands in his heart that the person who appears at this moment is his dream. He had to be the best of himself to have the chance to stay by her side forever.

After treating the wound, Qiu Shuyuan was basically wrapped up like a mummy, only a pair of black eyes were exposed, and there was no good skin on his body. Qing Huan cleaned the wound, disinfected it, applied medicine, and then bandaged it. Finally, he was wrapped into this pair of zongzi Yes, it's cute. She found clean clothes for him to put on again, put him into her bed, and called the servants to come in to clean up.

For the first time in his life, Qiu Shuyuan had enough food and warm clothes. Although his body ached, he was much better than before. He was lying on the soft blanket, not daring to move, until Qing Huan went to bed and hugged him into his arms, Qiu Shuyuan still looked at her with round eyes, the eyes were dark, and only her figure was there.

"Be good, I will protect you from now on." Qing Huan patted his head. "The medicine will be delivered in a while. After drinking the medicine, go to bed."

Although the medicine is very bitter, Qiu Shuyuan thinks it is sweet.

He fell asleep in such tenderness, and when he woke up the next morning, he thought he was dreaming. When he was locked in the pigsty, he never fantasized about it, because he never knew that there were people in the world Can eat enough, can not be beaten, can be pitied.

Qing Huan had already woken up, and was sitting on the bed embroidering. Seeing him open his eyes, his small body was still clinging to her, and chuckled lightly: "Are you awake? Are you hungry?"

He must be hungry. According to his appetite yesterday, he might have digested it long ago.


After breakfast, Qiu Shuyuan ate his belly again. This kind of eating is very inelegant. If Qiu Guangquan saw it here, he would be disgusted, but Qing Huan didn't care. He was just worried that he ate too fast and stopped him. The behavior of still wanting to stuff the leftovers into the stomach after eating.

Ran Yingqin has been very worried after learning that Qiu Shuyuanji is under Qing Huan's name, but the master is not focused on her now, and Ran Yingqin does not dare to act rashly in a short time, and can only wait and see - she does not believe that someone can love others Your child is like your own. The master took a concubine, Luo Ruying's reaction was so big, can she really treat the master's illegitimate child

Just wait, sooner or later the fox's tail will show.

When the first snow fell, the Governor's Mansion also welcomed a little guest. This little guest is the only daughter of Qiu Guangquan's younger sister. Qiu Guangquan's younger sister and brother-in-law were killed by robbers on the way back to Beijing. I was able to stay at my uncle's house. Although the Qiu family is a noble family, they are sparsely populated. Qiu Guangquan's mother died of illness a few years ago, and he only had such a younger sister. Now that the younger sister is gone, it is his duty and responsibility to raise his niece.

Qiu Guangquan has only one younger sister, and the siblings have a good relationship. His younger sister and his wife Luo Ruying are very good friends in the boudoir, but after Qiu Guangquan took Ran Yingqin as his concubine, the younger sister had a big fight with him and his mother, opposing their plans. Afterwards, because he had no face to face his friends, he and his husband asked to leave Beijing to work in the south of the Yangtze River. Because of their outstanding political achievements, they were recalled to the capital by the emperor. Unexpectedly, this kind of thing happened halfway.

In his previous life, Qiu Guangquan was used to living without a younger sister, but after his rebirth, he completely forgot about it! When he remembered, it was already the time when the bad news of his sister's family came.

When he came back from rebirth, he had been a concubine for a few years, and since then he has focused on the things he missed in his previous life. He wanted to use his memory to make a good turnaround, but he forgot that his sister and brother-in-law would meet. die!

But it's too late to regret now, the only thing Qiu Guangquan can do is to take good care of the daughter left behind by his younger sister.

The girl is six years old, her surname is Su, and her last name is Xiwo. After Qiu Guangquan dealt with his younger sister's affairs, he brought her to the governor's mansion. The little girl was still wearing mourning, with a timid face, hiding behind her uncle uneasily. To her, her uncle is strange, the capital city is strange, and everything here is strange.

Before she was born, her mother severed ties with her family and left for the south of the Yangtze River. Now that her parents are dead, she can only rely on her uncle.

Qiu Guangquan only told Qing Huan about this matter, and asked her if she would like to take this child. Qing Huan had nothing to do, and saw that this little girl was very cute, and he liked her very much. The main reason was that her hair was fluffy, and she seemed to be easy to rub.

She waved: "Come here."

Su Xiwo walked over timidly, she has a pair of beautiful eyes, black and white, clean like spring water. "Hello, Auntie."

"Good boy." Sure enough, it was just as she imagined, fluffy and cute.

Then his right hand was taken off Su Xiwo's head, and he put it on the other hairy head. Qing Huan laughed, and rubbed Qiu Shuyuan who was jealous but refused to speak: "You are good too."

Su Xi and I saw Qiu Shuyuan along the line of sight. At first, I didn't know who this brother was, but when Qiu Guangquan told her his name, my face immediately turned pale!

How could it be him!

This is the biggest villain! The kind of newspaper office every minute!