Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 1022: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup Changsheng (4)


Ninety-ninth bowl of Changsheng Soup (4)

The anxious Su Xiwo, after living in the Governor's Mansion for a month, firmly believed: No matter what, Madam must be saved! Since Madam didn't commit suicide as planned, she definitely won't let her die in the future!

There is no way, Su Xi and I have felt the warmth of spring in this month, she didn't even know that there is such a beautiful and gentle person in the world! Originally, it was a terrible thing to be in another world, separated from her parents, and both of her parents died tragically in another world. Su Xiwo has not had a mental breakdown yet, all thanks to her relatively large nerves, but she is still afraid in the dead of night , I was scared to death, hurt to death, and sad to death.

But after living in the Governor's Mansion, Qing Huan quickly noticed the emotions of this poor and innocent girl, not to mention that in her opinion, Su Xiwo was indeed a child, and she was only in her early thirties combined in her past and present lives , such a thing will never be experienced by ordinary people in their lifetime, but Su Xi, who has never done a bad thing, happened to me.

She treats Su Xi me as she did to Qiu Shuyuan. If Qing Huan is willing, she is simply the most touching person in the world. Su Xi and I quickly trusted her and stayed by her side every day without going anywhere. Although I thought I was covering it up very well, Qing Huan It can still be seen that the child is afraid that she will escape those few years like her parents in this world, but she will not be able to escape the end.

Qing Huan has no prejudice against people who have been reborn or time-traveled. These people are deeply favored by God. How many people spend their lives in pain and sorrow, and finally swallow the bitterness in their stomachs. Therefore, most of those who can get such an opportunity are enviable. Regardless of some special cases, whether it is to live a new life or start anew as someone else, it is an opportunity given by God. But God only offers free shipping, no after-sales.

If you are given a chance, it is impossible to teach you how to go on step by step, all with one heart, but there is a destiny in the dark, and no one can run away if you plant whatever cause and get what result. For a lovely girl like Su Xiwo, there is nothing wrong with being able to do it all over again. She is dead in real life, and she deserves to be able to come to a new world and start again.

However, the relationship between Su Xiwo and Qiu Shuyuan is not so harmonious. To be precise, Su Xiwo is unilaterally afraid of Qiu Shuyuan, and Qiu Shuyuan is unilaterally loathing Su Xiwo. Qing Huan finds it funny that the hairy boy pretends to be harmonious in front of her even though he is incompatible with each other. It was probably because of this kind of bad taste that she kept seeing through without telling the truth, watching them perform quietly, adding a little fun to the peaceful life in the Governor's Mansion.

Su Xi, I don't know what Madam is thinking, anyway, she likes to cook delicious food and cares about her Madam, which makes her feel safe in this strange world, but what she is most afraid of is not this, but her present It belongs to boarding. In this world, girls start dating when they are twelve or thirteen years old, and they can only stay at home until they are sixteen or seventeen at the latest. After that, they will marry and have children to take care of the housework. Thinking of this makes her scalp tingle.

She is still a modern person in her bones, and she has no way to accept that after becoming an ancient person, she will take such a path. Such a small body didn't grow well, marry and have children? God, no wonder the mortality rate of dystocia was so high in ancient times. Besides, she still wants to continue writing novels... But it must not work here, right

Heart tired.

Fortunately, she is only eight years old now, and she can live for a few more years.

Besides, there is the problem of the big boss. Su Xi and I have no way to restrain my fear of Qiu Shuyuan. Every time she and Qiu Shuyuan look at each other, I feel that the big villain will copy a forty The meter-long machete made her run thirty-nine meters first, so in private, she could stay as far away from Qiu Shuyuan as she could. But after a long time, Su Xi, I found that Qiu Shuyuan didn't like her very much—Su Xi and I were about to collapse when I realized this problem, the big villain hates her! Hostile to her! What about her life? ? ? Although this is not the era she likes, she doesn't want to die either!

Fortunately, even though Qiu Shuyuan didn't like her, he wouldn't bully her, and would even act like he had a good relationship with her in front of his wife when they knew each other well. Su Xi, I don't know what went wrong. Although Qiu Shuyuan is not talkative and has a cold personality, he doesn't seem to have any abnormal aura, and he doesn't feel that he wants to report to the office. Is it because someone raised him and cared about him? he

Su Xi, I can't do that kind of thing to curry favor with Qiu Shuyuan. She pities this person very much, and she also liked this character very much when she created this character. After all, characters and reality cannot be compared. A person like Qiu Shuyuan deserves sympathy, but he should not be admired.

Then again, Su Xi, I think, while Qiu Shuyuan is still young, he should find a way to prevent him from being tricked by Ran Yingqin. In this way, he will certainly not be sold to that kind of place, where he will suffer humiliation and torture and take revenge point of no return. Moreover, Qiu Shuyuan in the plot is a genius of the sky, especially a master at calculating people's hearts. If he goes to the scientific examination, he will definitely become a blockbuster, and thus embark on a glorious and upright road and dedicate his life to the cause of socialism.

My wife can live in peace and health all the time, and Qiu Shuyuan can become the successor of socialism in the new era. This is Su Xi's goal!

She will watch carefully! Nothing will happen to these two! In the future, Qiu Shuyuan will definitely be an extremely human minister. In this case, having a wife as a mother and a big villain as an elder brother, Su Xi, I think that even if I don't get married all my life, I will still be protected by others, wouldn't it be beautiful!

She secretly formulated such a rescue plan, hiding it in her heart and not saying anything to anyone. When Qing Huan taught Qiu Shuyuan to study, she worked harder and showed the appearance of a talented girl. Su Xi worked so hard, Qiu Shuyuan naturally didn't want to lose to her, both of them wanted to compete for the first place in front of Qing Huan, so they made rapid progress like cheating. But it didn't take long for Su Xi to get tired. She... really... really doesn't like memorizing those stereotyped essays... Forget it, let Qiu Shuyuan study alone, can't she admit defeat

In the beginning, she was able to win Qiu Shuyuan, relying on the soul in her body who graduated from a key university in her twenties, but after a long time, the articles Qiu Shuyuan studied were of course different from those she had learned in elementary school. Su Xi and I She doesn't intend to be a female champion, so it's over to arouse Qiu Shuyuan's competitive psychology, and she is obsessed with code words every day.

Yes, even though her writing with a calligraphy brush is the same as that of a turtle, Madam actually supports her in writing the script, and even helps her to copy it herself, and then take it out and print it for people to sell in the shop!

God! This advanced consciousness, precise vision!

Qing Huan has also done writing scripts herself, but her writing is much more subtle than Su Xiwo's, Su Xiwo's is more cruel and bloody. She comes from modern society, and she has a lot of stalks in her stomach. She has experienced both the ancient and modern worlds. Of course, Su Xiwo will also make meticulous changes according to local conditions. In short, she has completely caught the attention of the world. Qing Huan has all the middle gifts of the Governor's Mansion. When she married Qiu Guangquan, she brought a lot of dowry, and there was a bookstore in the dowry. After arriving in this world, Qing Huan has nothing to do, and has specially improved the printing technique to sell a large number of books. Now that Su Xiwo contributes, she earns more and more money, and the pseudonym "Yangliu Yiyi" gradually becomes popular.

Su Xi, I am good at writing long novels, so it’s not a problem, so she publishes one volume a month. This big suspense can be said to whet the reader's appetite. In addition, Qing Huan sent people everywhere to promote her, and now the price of her book has increased by more than ten times!

Su Xi, I am having a great time!

In contrast, Qiu Shuyuan was not very happy. He studies desperately, no matter how good he is at reading, it is impossible for him to win the throne and rise to the top immediately, but he just doesn't like Qing Huan treating him the same way as Su Xiwo, touching his head and pinching his face, can't he just do it to him

Of course, he would not say this kind of thought. Fortunately, Su Xiwo spent much less time clinging to his wife because he was addicted to code words. This was probably the only thing Qiu Shuyuan felt after Su Xiwo entered the mansion. Happy thing.

Qing Huan will cook by herself every now and then. There are not many dishes, but her craftsmanship is excellent. Only at this time, Su Xi, I dare to provoke the big villain, because she really can't let go of the last piece of delicious pork ribs—the head can break the blood It can flow, but the ribs should not let go.

With these two people around, Qinghuan's life is much more interesting. Qiu Guangquan was sent to monitor the river embankment for a while, and he couldn't come back for a while. Without that man showing courteousness in front of her, life was indeed much more interesting.

But what should come will always come. Qiu Guangquan went out for about a month, and when he came back, he found that his wife had a good relationship with the two children who were raised by him, as if they were a family, and completely eliminated him.

He came just in time, and Qiu Shuyuan snatched the last piece of ribs, Su Xiwo almost cried angrily, but Qiu Guangquan kicked her away with Qiu Shuyuan as soon as he came, and she was even more upset.

Although I know that I am in a feudal society, Su Xi and I just feel that Qiu Guangquan is not worthy of his wife, even if he is reborn once and knows that he has made a mistake and wants to make it up, he is still not worthy. A man, when he married his wife, promised not to take a concubine, and the vow would only be changed after three years. Even if he got a wrong understanding, so what? Wasn't it because of the loss of the daughter born to the concubine? True love is out of the question.

It's a little too much to ask the ancients with the moral standards of the modern people, but the ancients paid attention to a word of promise, and they couldn't do what they promised others. Su Xi, I don't like Qiu Guangquan.

Even if this person is actually very handsome.