Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 1023: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup Changsheng (5)


Ninety-ninth bowl of Changsheng soup (5)

Yes, Qiu Guangquan is very handsome. Su Xi, I am a dead face, and I have a natural liking for good-looking people, so there are basically no ugly people in her novels. Qiu Guangquan, as an important supporting role in Rebirth, is of course also set as Zhilan Yushu. On the contrary, the lady who was only mentioned in the article looks better than Su Xiwo imagined.

But being handsome and handsome, this cannot conceal Qiu Guangquan's own shortcomings. In this story, the past life remembered by the reborn Qiu Guangquan and his direction after rebirth are completely two worlds. The things he remembered from the previous life are of no use. Those who oppose the Lord will eventually lose their temper.

Qiu Guangquan's portrayal is a person who thinks that he has the chance to win and is omnipresent. In this life, all his ideas are disrupted, and he is finally led by the dog.

Qiu Shuyuan died short-lived in Qiu Guangquan's past life memory because his wife committed suicide after Qiu Guangquan took a concubine. But this time the wife didn't die, so Qiu Shuyuan also lost his life—Su Xi, I don't understand the current direction, she automatically regards all unexplained bugs as normal phenomena. If Madam died, Qiu Shuyuan would die young, but if Madam didn't die - she didn't set it that way.

This world is not fictional, at least everything she feels is real, so Su Xi and I boldly guess that it is the world itself, or someone else, who helped her fill in the loopholes so that the world can continue to maintain go down.

I have to say, Su Xi is very perceptive, and most of her guesses are correct.

It doesn't matter whether there are bugs in the story, but if the story becomes a real world, then all the loopholes will be automatically repaired, thus extending the logic and law, but it may be the opposite of the story itself.

But these are not very important to Su Xi and me. The important thing is that once Qiu Guangquan comes, she and Qiu Shuyuan have to go back to the room and give up the space to other couples. Su Xi and I stood in the corridor and refused to leave. She was really worried that my wife would be taken advantage of. Even though some things have changed, Qiu Guangquan's desire for his wife has not changed... After rebirth, Qiu Guangquan did not go to Ran Yingqin's side anymore, but because of this, his desire for his wife became stronger.

This point can be seen from Su Xi when I saw the details of Qiu Guangquan getting along with his wife for the first time. Qiu Guangquan's eyes are like those of a beast that hasn't eaten meat for a long time. If the two of them can reconcile, it would be a good thing for most people, but Su Xiwo is not from this era, and she can't accept her cheating husband, both physically and mentally, suddenly turning back with a prodigal son.

Qiu Shuyuan was as unhappy as her. He didn't leave either, but instead of standing in the corridor like Su Xiwo, he sat on the swing in the yard, staring at the closed door, wondering What's going on inside.

The two of them waited for about half a stick of incense, when suddenly the door opened, and Qiu Guangquan came out from the inside, with a suppressed and angry expression on his face. Qiu Shuyuan immediately jumped off the swing, and Su Xi and I also rushed in. Both of them were worried about seeing the scene where Madam was crying or being bullied. How could they know that Madam was drinking tea leisurely, and if they saw them enter the door, they would be forgiven. Interested invitation: "Would you like to try this tea?"

"Ma'am, are you... all right?" Su Xiwo asked cautiously, while Qiu Shuyuan looked at her with great concern even though he didn't speak.

Qing Huan chuckled: "What can I do, is it possible that I still have to fight with the master?"

That's not the case. There is another way of fighting between men and women. A man with a strong and domineering personality like Qiu Guangquan should like to use it very much. I thought about Su Xi, who was familiar with □□perception□□, and then went to Qing Huan's side for a cup of tea. It was almost the Chinese New Year, and there was a big stone on her heart, and she couldn't relax no matter what.

Qiu Shuyuan sat on the chair next to Qing Huan, and quietly picked up a cup of tea. His eyes are black and shiny. Su Xi, I always feel that the reason why I am afraid of this child as an adult is because of these eyes-these are not childish eyes, they seem to be old and persistent after living for an unknown amount of time. soul. Being watched by him, I always feel that I can't hide anything in my heart, and the whole person panics.

They were drinking tea and chatting here, the weather is very cold now, Su Xi and I rub Qing Huan's blanket at night, Qiu Shuyuan has disliked her for a long time because of this. I originally planned to play games together after drinking tea, but I didn't expect that there was still half of the teacup left, so I heard the servants rushing to report that something happened to Ran Yingqin. Covered in blood! Wake up and be silly! Seeing that no one speaks, it seems like a lost soul!

As the mistress, Qing Huan had to ask about this matter, and heard that Qiu Guangquan had also passed by, so she got up to go and have a look, Qiu Shuyuan naturally wanted to follow, but Su Xi and I froze in place, like a bolt from the blue , split her into a fossil.

God damn slippery feet!

This is the arrival of the heroine!

Su Xi and I have been prepared for a long time, because she found that the world is a little different from her novels, and these differences are getting bigger and bigger, so she has a hunch that what she knows may not necessarily come true, and the timeline is also different. It is not necessarily accurate, it can only be used as a general direction, and it cannot be carefully deliberated. For example, the heroine originally traveled because the original body was choked while eating chicken during the Chinese New Year, and she woke up with her neck stuck and changed herself. The hostess is very sensitive, and when she arrived in a new environment, she didn't know the details, and happened to be injured, so she put on such a look.

Su Xi, the big rock in my heart finally fell—and hit the back of my foot.

She followed sadly. Ran Yingqin's yard was overcrowded and messed up. There was a lot of cries, shouts, walking, and reprimands. Ran Yingqin attached great importance to this daughter who had inherited her beauty. Now that something happened to her daughter, she might be disfigured. If her appearance is ruined, her life will be over, how can she not be in a hurry

But in Qiu Guangquan's memory, his daughter did not have this disaster, so he was not very worried. Unlike Su Xiwo, Su Xiwo soon realized that the development of the world was different from what I knew, and I couldn't regard the memory in my mind as the truth. But Qiu Guangquan is not. Qiu Guangquan believes in his previous life very much, and thinks that he can make a comeback with this momentum. He never imagined that the world he was reborn in has long been changed beyond recognition.

The masters were all in front, Su Xi and I squeezed in with all our strength, and saw the silent little girl on the bed.

Ran Yingqin's daughter is Qiu Subai. The heroine has no name but code name 419. At the beginning, this code name was Su Xi's bad taste, but now she feels her legs are trembling. The heroine she wrote is ruthless and murderous every day. In ancient times, he was even more like a fish in water, using his superb assassination skills to show off, eradicate dissidents, and finally marry Gao Fushuai to reach the pinnacle of life. All those who were sorry for 419 were killed by 419.

She is not the real Qiu Subai, so of course she doesn't have any feelings for the cheap parents. If it wasn’t for the future male protagonist’s tenderness and tolerance to impress her, this story would have no CP, but what’s the point? The hostess has to change the map, after fighting the best governor's mansion, go to the palace and finally enter the palace, right? Only in this way can I continue writing!

But now Su Xi I feel like an idiot. Although this world is somewhat different, the general setting has not deviated. For example, now, she feels that she sees the cold light in 419's eyes. Especially when Ran Yingqin was holding Qiu Subai and crying, 419 didn't feel soft-hearted or moved at all, only the disgust and killing intent of being surrounded by so many people.

As a killer, no one likes to be watched.

Su Xi and I nestled into an inconspicuous little shrimp, and in the end I was depressed on the way back with Qing Huan. When Qing Huan asked her what was wrong, she didn't dare to say, and her heart was full of sadness. The role of "Su Xi Wo" is a cannon fodder. After her parents died, she borrowed from her uncle's house, and then accidentally fell into the pool and drowned not long after. The Lord killed it!

Since he is a killer, of course he will not have any good traditions of respecting the old and loving the young, nor will he recite the core socialist values! For 419, those who stand in the way must be killed, those who provoke her must be killed, and those who dislike her must be killed! Her killing methods are high-end and varied, killing a little girl is not a big deal.

Su Xi, I feel cold.

She couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, and when it was almost dawn, she finally squinted her eyes. After not sleeping for a long time, she dreamed that 419 pointed a pistol at her, and then she died. 419 was still not satisfied, and continued to chug indiscriminately. That scene was too scary, scarier than the long hair in the toilet.

As a result, Su Xi and I will not have a good appetite in the next few days, and I can't eat anything. Before the new year is over, her chubby face has already lost a little bit.

Finally, when she propped her chin to consider the countermeasures, Qiu Shuyuan passed by her, holding the Jiulianhuan given by Qing Huan in her hand. Even Su Xi, it was difficult for me to untie this thing quickly, but in the end it was like a piece of paper in the hands of this big villain, and it was like a wind and water when I played with it. Su Xi, I suddenly had a flash of inspiration!

Who can deal with 419 and the hero

Qiu Shuyuan!

Only Qiu Shuyuan!

He is the biggest villain in the story. He put the hero and heroine to death several times, but was saved by Su Xiwo's golden finger!

Su Xi, I almost knelt down and begged Qiu Shuyuan for help, but then I thought about it, how should she tell Qiu Shuyuan

It will be regarded as a snake spirit disease...