Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 1024: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup Changsheng (6)


Ninety-ninth bowl of Changsheng soup (6)

While the mansion was in a hurry because of Qiu Subai's accident, Su Xi and I grabbed Qiu Shuyuan and told him what I was worried about. Of course, it was impossible for her to tell him that she was not from this world, and heretics would be burned to death. She explained that she had a vague dream and always felt that Qiu Subai was not Qiu Subai anymore. Su Xi was not sure how things would develop in the future, so she only told Qiu Shuyuan the general possibility.

Qiu Shuyuan looked at her coldly as usual, without blinking his eyes. He has always been an alienated person, and his relationship with Su Xiwo is really not good, so he is very strange. "Why did you tell me?"

"Because I can't solve it by myself." Su Xi said naturally. "You are different." A villain with high IQ, as long as the protagonist does not have a golden finger, he can turn the tables in minutes. He is a centipede who is dead but not stiff. I can rest assured that Su Xi is in charge of Qiu Shuyuan's work.

Even though he is only nine years old now, Su Xi, I always feel that there is a mysterious and long-lasting soul living in this young body. She didn't think about the reason why Qiu Shuyuan was different from ordinary people, but she just thought that as an author, she could wear books, Qiu Guangquan could be reborn, and 419 could time travel—these are the plots that she knew, but who can guarantee that when she doesn't know When did no one else get the adventure

Qiu Shuyuan didn't agree, but he didn't refuse either. After all, Su Xi and I repeatedly emphasized to him to be careful of Qiu Subai and take good care of his wife. Although Qiu Shuyuan didn't get along with Su Xiwo, they both treated Qinghuan the same. With someone they want to protect together, even if the relationship is mediocre, they can barely cooperate.

The conversation between the two ended in ambiguity. Su Xi and I don't know why I am so confident that Qiu Shuyuan will be able to deal with 419, but she really has no other way. Maybe she can control the love and hatred of the characters in the book and shape the laws of heaven, but once she is in it, she will realize that she is ridiculously weak. It was the first time she had encountered such a thing as a story coming true, and she panicked. It was Madam who helped her get out of this predicament, so no matter what, Su Xi and I are a kind and upright person.

Now everything has become an uncontrollable plot, she can do too little, if Qiu Shuyuan refuses to believe her, then she can only bite the bullet and do it herself.

Are you scared

Of course.

How could it be possible not to panic? In fact, she was so scared that she couldn't sleep at night, and she missed her chic life of staying at home with the air conditioner and taking out snacks and games every day. She wrote such amazingly talented characters as Qiu Shuyuan, wrote 419 that was cruel and ruthless without moral and legal concepts, and even wrote countless fascinating and touching stories-but when she was in the middle of it, she realized that she was useless.

The IQ and appearance of the characters are not possessed by the author, so when these characters come true, Su Xiwo has no ability to fight against them.

Very absurd.

Ridiculous again.

But there is no way.

She still has to live, and she wants others to live with her. So even if you are afraid, you have to do it. There is a big flying cockroach in the house. Does it not exist if it cannot be hidden under the quilt? Don't you have to grit your teeth and pick up the slippers to shoot it down-horrific!

The above is what Su Xi and I thought in my head when I was wandering around the Governor's Mansion, until she turned a corner and met 419 who was resting in the house and felt bored, and was taken out for a walk by Ran Yingqin. Fortunately, Su Xiwo reacted quickly and held onto the arch to hide for a while, otherwise I would have bumped into it.

Then she looked at 419 with a cold gaze, all the lofty ambitions in her heart just now were gone, and her subconscious reaction was to raise one hand and show the cutest smile to say hello: "Hi."

God damn it.

Qiu Subai has already figured out her situation in the shortest possible time, she is not someone who would wrong herself, not to mention that Su Xiwo is just a boarder, so she didn't even look at Su Xiwo. On the contrary, Ran Yingqin said a few words to her, Su Xi, my legs were trembling, I always felt that I would be knocked off in the next second, and I left after exchanging greetings, the speed was as fast as a dog chasing after my butt.

She ran back all the way, Qing Huan was sitting in the room embroidering, Su Xi and I rushed in and hugged her waist and almost knelt down: "Mrs, madam!"

"What's wrong?" Qing Huan put down her needle and thread and touched Su Xiwo's head. The little girl looks very cute, with chubby cheeks like a doll. "Did something happen?"

"No more." Su Xi touched her nose guiltyly, does she often get into trouble? "I'm just having another nightmare."

Su Xi and I often had nightmares during this time, and Qing Huan got used to it. The doctor showed Su Xi me and said she was worrying too much—an eight-year-old child is worrying too much, how can I break it? "What did you dream about?"

Qing Huan's strategy is to first ask Su Xi about my dream, and then analyze it carefully with her, so as to relieve the knot in her heart. Su Xi and I began to tell the story intermittently, but I described 419 as a tiger descending the mountain, and she was a villager in a small mountain village. As soon as the tiger arrived in the village, the tiger began to massacre, and everyone else died, leaving only her and myself The younger brother and mother who was sick in bed said that she only had a shovel in her hand, and she didn't know what to do when the tiger was knocking on the door outside. When I was hesitating and panicking, I suddenly woke up and the dream was gone.

This dream... is very interesting. How could Qing Huan not know what Su Xi I wanted to say, she smiled, untied the little girl's somewhat messy bun, and tied it up again. "Then what do you think should be done?"

"I'm sure I can't beat a tiger." Su Xi looked anxiously at me. "I am afraid."

"Everyone is afraid. It's not something to be ashamed of." Who is born fearless? "However, even if you are afraid, you still insist on doing what you think is right. It is only natural."

Su Xi, I'm a little confused.

Qing Huan asked her: "If you don't resist, will the evil tiger leave?"


"That's it. Not only will the evil tiger not go away, but it will kill you and your loved ones one by one. Even if you cover your head and pretend to be ignorant, the evil tiger will smell the human scent and kill you." You want to eat people. You have important people you want to protect, so do it according to your heart. But, be careful, if you don’t keep the shovel in your hand, you can stab the tiger in the heart. It is difficult, but there is a chance. But if you give up from the beginning, you can only let me take advantage of it."

Su Xi, I actually thought the same way, but she just panicked, she didn't even dare to look at 419 outside just now.

As soon as Qiu Shuyuan came in, he saw Su Xiwo throwing herself into Madam's arms. He was usually expressionless, but now he was even more depressed. First, he saluted Qing Huan: "Madam."

Qing Huan also patted Qiu Shuyuan's head, and asked him, "What would you do if you met an evil tiger?"

"Kill it."

"But you can't beat it!" Su Xi called me.

"I have a way."

"What can you do?" Su Xi couldn't believe it. "The vicious tiger doesn't go down the mountain for a long time, and when it's hungry, it eats anyone it sees. You're so big, what can you do? You can only be eaten with us!"

Qiu Shuyuan didn't speak anymore, he didn't want to say what he would do, he said that, as if he was not a normal child. Most importantly, he was worried that his wife would dislike him because of this. A sullen and taciturn child, most people will not like it. In this Governor's Mansion, probably only his wife treats him well.

Qiu Shuyuan didn't say anything, and Qing Huan didn't ask, as a child, I always feel that I punched the tiger in Nanshan and kicked the dragon in East China Sea. But after a while, when Qiu Shuyuan and Su Xiwo were practicing handwriting together, Su Xiwo quietly looked back at the lady who was embroidering outside, and asked in a low voice, "How do you beat the tiger?"

Qiu Shuyuan wrote big characters seriously and ignored her.

Su Xiwo was discouraged: "Hey... can't I say it?"

Then she saw Qiu Shuyuan stop writing, put down the brush, looked at her indifferently, and said, "I will cut off a piece of my own flesh and throw it to it, then take a weapon, even a branch, and stab it blind eye, and cut its throat."

It's just an example of how a tiger attacking people and how to save oneself, Su Xi, I thought Qiu Shuyuan would say something in the second grade, but she never expected that Qiu Shuyuan's method would be so cruel and realistic. Since the evil tiger has not eaten humans for a long time, it must be coveted by human flesh. He cuts his own flesh as bait, even if he does not have the ability to kill the evil tiger, because of the little time he buys, he will get a chance to turn the tables. Thus turning defeat into victory.

Such a person, there is no need to doubt that he has the most perseverance and patience, and he will never fail in anything he does.

Su Xi, I knew from the very beginning that Qiu Shuyuan was a villain with a softer heart than 419, but she never knew her more deeply than at this moment. Rather than being afraid of 419, maybe she should be more afraid of Qiu Shuyuan.

419 has already taken shape, which is what it looks like now, but Qiu Shuyuan has never grown up. 419's character and means come from the advanced modern society and harsh training, but Qiu Shuyuan - he is truly honed from the cruel world, on this basis, he also has a strong heart, and indelible soul.

Su Xi, I don't think I need to be cold anymore. If she works hard, maybe she can still warm up.

Who can guarantee that 419 will win? After all, this world is not exactly the same as her story. Even if Qiu Shuyuan didn't experience what Ran Yingqin caused, he could become incomparable only by relying on his own ability. powerful.

I beg the boss to take me!

After Qiu Shuyuan finished speaking, he continued to practice calligraphy. He didn't take this issue seriously, but he felt that Su Xi's worries were not groundless. It's just that he doesn't trust Su Xiwo. It may be useful to deceive a three-year-old child with the idea of dreaming and predicting, but it is childish and ridiculous for him. Su Xiwo was always afraid of him, Qiu Shuyuan didn't know why, but judging from Su Xiwo's words, he should be a daunting person in the future, but how did Su Xiwo know this

Qiu Shuyuan knew that he would definitely cooperate with Su Xiwo, but the prerequisite was that he would only give her a little help if he had to drain all of Su Xiwo's value.

If you don't tell him the truth, how can you succeed