Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 1026: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup Changsheng (8)


Ninety-ninth bowl of Changsheng soup (8)

It's been a while since Su Xi and I came to this strange world, but she still couldn't figure out what kind of person Qiu Shuyuan was. Although she is not very old, her scheming is much higher than that of an adult like her. Many times, she feels that instead of being afraid of Qiu Subai, it is better to be wary of Qiu Shuyuan.

Then Qiu Shuyuan didn't intend to join hands with her, he just told her not to worry about her, and then he didn't ask Su Xiwo anything. Su Xi, I was a little worried at the beginning, but then I completely let go of it - anyway, Qiu Shuyuan didn't want her to take care of it, and she couldn't take care of it, she just had to work hard every day to make money for her wife, and money is good Life is going well. Seeing that what she eats and wears is more exquisite and luxurious than in modern society. It would be even better if there is wireless network and flush toilet. It is perfect.

The depraved life of ancient aristocrats...

Qiu Shuyuan has already learned everything he wants from Su Xiwo, but Su Xiwo naturally cannot say that he is not good in front of him. After thinking about it, I know that the "Qiu Shuyuan" in Su Xiwo's mouth is After brainless beautification, the real Qiu Shuyuan must be more terrifying than what Su Xi described to me.

There is nothing wrong with making people afraid and not approaching them, as long as they are afraid of being a good person and causing people to be bullied and exploited, it is sad.

Su Xi, I said that Ran Yingqin would make plans on him and get rid of him, so as not to compete with her son for the family business, so Qiu Shuyuan paid great attention to his own safety. He not only asked his wife to learn martial arts, but also secretly Cultivate a loyal servant who is only loyal to himself—my wife trusts him too much, and entrusts him to take care of everything outside. Qiu Shuyuan has money and connections. He is extremely smart, even in desperate situations, he can kill Sifang, not to mention having such a hole card in his hand.

Su Xi and I also said that Qiu Subai would be the biggest trouble, and they would all die in the hands of her and her man in the end.


When Qiu Shuyuan first arrived at the Governor's Mansion, he had the impression of Qiu Subai as an unruly and arrogant young lady who was spoiled by her mother. That brother is also useless. What is there to be afraid of such a person? But Su Xiwo said that Qiu Subai is no longer the former Qiu Subai, and now there is another soul in her body.

Another soul.

Qiu Shuyuan never underestimated any enemy. Su Xiwo solemnly said that my wife would die, so it is better to let Qiu Subai die first. Qiu Shuyuan didn't doubt Su Xiwo's words, not because of how much he trusted Su Xiwo, but because he had a very good eye for seeing people. A simple-minded person like Su Xiwo can see that he is living in I grew up in a carefree environment, so I don't have much greed or bad intentions, and of course I don't lie. Even because he was afraid that he would not believe it, he would downplay the serious matter.

No matter how powerful Qiu Subai is, she is just a little girl now, and she is still a concubine. Ran Yingqin was favored in the governor's mansion a few years ago, and she walked like a wind. In the past few years, she was indifferent by Qiu Guangquan for some reason, and her treatment in the mansion was also worse.

Without money and freedom, can Qiu Subai descend to earth as a fairy? No matter how she used to call the wind and rain and kill people like hemp, in this governor's mansion, she is just a grasshopper pinched in the palm of his hand by Qiu Shuyuan.

It's hard to be a clown.

If Qiu Subai wants to succeed, she must not rely on her aunt who has been despised by Qiu Guangquan. Qiu Shuyuan only needs to suppress Ran Yingqin's servants in the yard to know Qiu Subai's actions like the back of his hand. Life is not killing people, it takes a long time, and it always makes him know what he wants to know. Not to mention Qiu Subai's older brother, who was fed up with fat in his stomach at a young age, and was so roundabout that he couldn't even learn the three-character scriptures. It was just a dream come true to think that he would inherit the Governor's Mansion in the future.

The only person Qiu Subai can rely on is Qiu Guangquan. Only with Qiu Guangquan's love can she do something, otherwise, the impenetrable Governor's Mansion will allow her to come and go freely as a little girl

She used to be a peerless master, but even in such a child's body, she couldn't use her abilities. Qiu Shuyuan secretly asked people to strengthen the guards in the mansion, and the servants watched closely, not to mention Qiu Subai, even a fly would not want to fly out.

It's not that Qiu Subai met the unfavored prince who will force the palace in the future when he was out. The two cooperated to establish an organization to collect news. On the surface, they sold news to make money, but secretly they were recruiting soldiers and buying horses for the prince to accumulate strength— This is an idea, Qiu Shuyuan has already done it first, keeping it from everyone.

Even if Qiu Subai successfully hooked up with the prince and prepared to cooperate, he still has to weigh it if he wants to grab business with him.

When Su Xi and I didn't know, Qiu Shuyuan controlled everything in his hands. His scheming and his city are beyond Su Xi's description. She just mentioned in the article that this person is a great talent. At that time, he was already powerful, but he never thought of establishing such a power. Even if Qiu Subai had the memory of modern society, how could he compete with such a person.

Qiu Subai has too many golden fingers, but the reality is different from the story. In the real world, Qiu Shuyuan is the one who really controls life and death behind the scenes.

He doesn't need opportunities, and he doesn't need pity, because even if he is humbled into the dust, he can still stand tall on his own.

Su Xi, I think that if I tell Qiu Shuyuan what I know, then he should be able to prevent Qiu Subai from growing in power, and go to the highest peak of power without hindrance as in the story, but she forgot, since here and her The story of Qiu Shuyuan is different, so this Qiu Shuyuan is naturally different. He became more unpredictable, more unpredictable, and more dangerous.

To be against him is to suffer greatly.

But Su Xi, I am very lucky. She is on the list that Qiu Shuyuan wants to protect. Although she is honored by his wife, she can be drawn into his own camp by Qiu Shuyuan. So what am I afraid of, Su Xi!

Although she is a bit nervous and super optimist, she still has very keen sensory nerves, especially as an author, she has a very sensitive sense of smell for all unusual things, for example, In the next few years, Qiu Guangquan changed from coming to harass his wife every now and then to not coming once for ten days and a half months. Not only that, he also treated Ran Yingqin much better, and he treated rouge, gouache and Lingluo much better. The silk, satin, gold, silver and jewels were all sent to Ran Yingqin's yard, and there was another point - Qiu Subai became the apple of his eye!

It's really the kind of love that I'm afraid of melting in my mouth, and I'm about to lose it when I hold it in my hand. Su Xi, I once saw Qiu Subai lose his temper, and Qiu Guangquan tried every means to please her, and even gave her a ride! This makes Su Xi I have to give in, and she is also very worried, Qiu Subai has been favored by Qiu Guangquan, so what else can I not do? If things go on like this, won't everything go according to the original direction? Except that Qiu Shuyuan was not sold by someone sent by Ran Yingqin, basically everything was moving towards the plot.

This is very uncomfortable.

Su Xi, I have the courage to ask Qiu Shuyuan, who is already fifteen years old and looks calmer. The older he grows, the more handsome and upright he looks. Su Xi, I can’t help being fascinated by his face every time I see it—it’s so beautiful Even if she knows that this person is very powerful and cannot be provoked, she can't help but want to take a second look. Everyone has a love for beauty. Recently, she is rewriting the book of Longyang, and every time she writes about how beautiful the protagonist is Outstanding, the first thing that comes to mind is Qiu Shuyuan's face.

Of course she didn't dare to let Qiu Shuyuan know. Fortunately, he didn't read her books, but Madam read two meaningful books, which scared Su Xi and I thought I had been seen through.

"...don't worry." Qiu Shuyuan was dressed in a moon white robe, sitting behind the desk reading, seeing Su Xiwo's head was burning with anxiety, and finally expressed compassion and comforted her.

Over the past few years, he has become more and more unpredictable, and Su Xi and I dare not provoke him. Fortunately, they can still talk to each other, but Su Xi and I are not good at doing business. Kua Qiu Shuyuan is great, don't worry about anything. But now the relationship between Qiu Subai and Qiu Guangquan is so good, can I not worry about Su Xi? "What do you mean don't worry? You didn't see that Qiu Guangquan asked her to ride a big horse! How old is this? It stands to reason that in this era, you can get married. Qiu Guangquan still spoils her like this. At first I thought Are you going to stop him, only to watch Qiu Subai attack Qiu Guangquan?"

Qiu Shuyuan turned a page of the book, still with a calm expression on his face: "He has a deep affection, why should I stop him?"

Su Xi, I deeply doubt that what I said before has been fed to the dog. "??? You are really not afraid."


After saying these two words, Qiu Shuyuan suddenly glanced at her with a half-smile, which made Su Xi's scalp tingle: "What are you doing...you, what look in your eyes, I didn't do anything bad."

Qiu Shuyuan asked her: "Do you know why I keep turning a blind eye to Qiu Subai?"

"Huh?" Su Xi was at a loss. "how could I know."

In fact, she thought he was cowardly, but of course she didn't dare to say it.

"Because." Qiu Shuyuan smiled suddenly, his face was handsome, and the room was full of brilliance, "I need her to help me get rid of people I don't like."

Su Xi, my first reaction was to ask him, is there anyone in this world that you like? But on second thought, even she knew that Qiu Shuyuan didn't like Qiu Guangquan the least, but what did this have to do with Qiu Subai

It doesn't matter, Su Xi, I soon found out, because Qiu Shuyuan didn't intend to hide it from her, not to mention that Su Xi, although I am a bit stupid, has a flexible mind and can always think of strange things. One point Qiu Shuyuan can still give full affirmation.