Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 1029: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup on the other side (1)


Ninety-ninth bowl of soup on the other side (1)

— Do you know how many parts a person is divided into

—body, desire, emotion, heart, memory, soul, obsession.

— roughly so.

Dasong Jian'an seven years.

A plainly decorated carriage drove into the gate of the capital. It was not very eye-catching in this magnificent capital. It seemed that there was something important. The carriage was driving fast and there were not many pedestrians on the street, but the autumn wind picked up and the curtains of the carriage It was blown away violently, revealing a beautiful and beautiful face. The owner of the face happened to be looking out, so the glimpse was all the more amazing.


Suddenly someone blocked the way with a horse in front. The groom who drove the horse was frightened, and quickly pulled up the rein. The horse was well-trained, but he couldn't stand the startled hoof. He quickly pulled the rein to comfort the horse. The son stopped restless and stood still, and immediately turned around to ask the charming woman in the carriage: "How is the girl?"

"No problem."

The moment the carriage was startled, Qing Huan had already grasped it firmly, so she was not injured or frightened, but the piece of hibiscus cake she was holding in her hand was smashed to pieces. Her bodyguard team entered Beijing first, and the journey was uneventful, but unexpectedly, something happened when they arrived in Yanliang. The driver was not an ordinary groom, but the uncle of the chief guard who had watched her grow up since she was a child, a general of the fourth rank. When Da Song was not peaceful in the past, he followed his father to fight everywhere. He became her bodyguard.

Tianshu's face was cold, he was not wearing Xuanyiwei's black dragon red gold robe, he was dressed like ordinary people, and deliberately restrained his breath along the way so as not to attract people's attention. The young men who rode the horses were described as frivolous, and they were not good things at first sight.

He watched the girl grow up. Because of his calm personality, the princess appointed him and Yuheng to lead the Xuanyi Guard. The only requirement is to protect the girl. The girl is a golden branch and jade leaf. How could anyone dare to be so rude to her

"I don't know who is sitting in the carriage, can I come out and meet you?" The leading man teased, they planned to go out of the city for horse racing, when they stopped by the side of the road just now, one of their playmates said that there was a peerless man sitting in the carriage. Beauty, these people can gather together to play, they are all from rich or noble backgrounds, they have a good sex at a young age, and seeing that the carriage is very inconspicuous, they have the desire to flirt. "Look at the two prodigal servants, aren't they natives of Yanliang? I'm not talented, a native of Yanliang, who is willing to take the girl to enjoy the beautiful scenery of Yanliang, I wonder if the girl is willing to show her face?"

Tianshu scolded: "Bold! Do you know who is in the carriage!"

Several people looked at each other and laughed loudly: "I know, beauty!"

It's really a lifeless thing, Tianshu's face is stern, he has passed his thirties, he is more serious and deep than when he was young, and he is about to speak, but he sees a group of people galloping behind these people, the leader is not the son and Who is it, Tianshu was overjoyed, jumped out of the carriage and bowed his hands to salute: "See the humble son."

Shi, Shizi? !

There are not many princes in Yanliang, and even fewer sons, the only one who is still in Yanliang... Several people trembled and looked back tremblingly. Who is Ming again!

The man in the carriage is...

"elder brother."

As soon as the beauty opened her mouth, several people went limp and slid off the horse, kneeling on the ground trembling.

Qi Fuming ignored them, instead rode to the side of the car, first raised the curtain, and said softly: "Long time no see, sister Huan, how is it?"

"Alright." Qing Huan smiled sweetly. This brother was more than ten years older than her, more than enough to be a father. He loved her like a daughter since childhood. "Why did my brother come in person? I'll be there in a while."

"Yuheng said that Tianshu was leading you behind, and I was thinking about it, so I came here to welcome you." Qi Fuming smiled very nicely, walked to the carriage, opened the curtain and stretched out his hand: "Come on, brother will take you to ride a horse."

Qing Huan is not hypocritical, she has never been a delicate boudoir girl, she often competed with her father when she was in the Southland, she was very heroic. It's just that she has a beautiful and pure face, and she is still young, and she is still the daughter of her parents, so she is held in the palm of her hand and cared for, fearing that she will be wronged in the slightest.

Qi Fuming held his younger sister's slender hands, hugged her in front of him with a little force, sat sideways on the horse, and wrapped her with his cloak, one to block the autumn wind, and the other to prevent others from seeing her Face.

When driving the horse forward, he said to the guard behind him: "Ask me which family this belongs to, and ask the person in charge of their house to come and see me."

When those people heard this, they were completely speechless. There were 11 million regrets in their hearts. How could they be so blind and offend this master! The eldest son is the commander-in-chief of the imperial forest army, he is cold and upright, never favoritism, who else can be called his brother, isn't it the legendary princess of Chang'an who is loved by thousands of people! They were blind, and they even took the initiative to seduce the county. Who knew that the princess would take such an inconspicuous carriage when he came to Beijing!

Qi Fuming took Qing Huan all the way back to Prince Qing's Mansion. As early as he knew that she was coming to Yanliang, he had already ordered her yard to be tidied up and arranged it himself. There was no way. , Who would have thought that after all the way to the south of the Yangtze River, my mother would grow old! The scenery in the south of the Yangtze River is beautiful and the people are outstanding, so the parents simply settled down there and raised their younger sister in the south of the Yangtze River. The younger sister is now fourteen years old, and it is the first time she has come back to Yanliang.

This time, he said that he wanted to keep her longer, so that his parents could feel what it means to miss a daughter but have to travel thousands of miles from Nandi to Yanliang to see her!

Qing Huan first met the concubine Shi Zi and several nephews and nieces who were about the same age as her, and then was taken to her own yard by Qi Fuming. He can only come to visit relatives by himself when he is fourteen years old, even so, his father is still worried and insists that the whole Xuanyiwei should accompany him.

Xuanyiwei was originally the guard of her parents. She became her personal guard after she was born. She grew up with her since she was a child, and she was not much different from her relatives.

Because she is a daughter, there are four other women in Xuanyiwei, who usually serve her as maidservants, probably because she is an old woman, and both her parents and elder brothers regard her as fragile. So fragile.

In the girl's boudoir, Qi Fuming didn't want to stay too long. The concubine Shizi was very considerate, and then she came to talk with Qing Huan, and by the way, see if there were any gaps. With two faces, I couldn't help but admire them in my heart. She and the prince respect each other as guests, but they are not close enough. The prince is still accompanied by a beautiful concubine, and the concubine sometimes envies the love between the father and the mother that only has each other.

Too bad there aren't many couples like that.

But fortunately, the eldest son is not obsessed with beauty, and there are only two or three concubines, and they are all accepted by the imperial concubine after she married in. There are not many concubine children, and the children born by the imperial concubine account for all the elders. She didn't care too much, after all, in the heart of Shi Ziye, the concubine could not be compared with her at all.

Just seeing how loving and gentle Shi Ziye is to the princess, the concubine Shi Zi is really envious. In her impression, the eldest son is serious, heroic and serious. She has never seen him smile so heartily, even to his children.

Qing Huan has never met the concubine Shizi, she grew up in the South, and Qi Fuming never brought her family with her when she went to visit her in the South, and she only knew that the concubine Shizi was from a famous family, and she was not familiar with anything else. . However, the imperial concubine is gentle, considerate and considerate, and Qing Huan quickly established a good sister-in-law relationship with her.

She first took a bath to wash away the dust from the road, put on clean clothes and had dinner with her brother and sister-in-law, and then she was ready to rest. The maid Zhifeng Zhihua waited on her to change her pajamas, saw that she was in a very happy mood, and was also happy in her heart, but she still reminded her: "Miss, go to bed early, tomorrow I have to go to the Jingguo Palace and the University Scholars' Palace. "

The Jingguo Mansion and the Grand Scholars' Mansion are both her mother's natal family. Her parents, aunts and uncles are all in Nandi, accompanying her to grow up, but her uncles, aunts and other elders stay in Yanliang. Most of the elders are young She is too old to run quickly, and she is too young, her parents are reluctant to leave her for too long, so they haven't come back for a long time, and now they come back, naturally they have to come to the door one by one. It should take a long time just to visit. My brother is afraid that he will die of pain. Tomorrow night, she will not be able to go home to sleep, so she will definitely stay overnight.

Tonight is Zhixue Zhiyue's vigil. If she tosses and turns, these young ladies will worry that she will not acclimatize to the environment or sleep well in bed, and they will fly pigeons back to the Southland immediately. They will come back together, and bring back the emperor's uncle and the queen mother's aunt by the way... During the fourteen years of growing up, she was loved by them like a precious glass bead.

Generally speaking, it is also because of the name "Qing Huan".

But no one would have guessed that she did not inherit the name, she is herself, although there has been a long, long time between them, so far away that she has long been able to calmly view and accept the suffering she suffered during her lifetime up.

But these people still haven't forgotten her. The Qingwang couple even named their newborn daughter after her, treating her like jewels like jewels, holding the best things in the world in front of her, and making her happy.

Qing Huan turned over, the window was slightly opened with a crack, a sliver of autumn wind swirled in through the crack, and fell lightly and delicately on the hanging curtain, bringing a sense of tenderness.