Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 1033: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup on the other side (5)


Ninety-ninth bowl of soup on the other side (5)

Both Qi Fuming and the emperor were adults who were enlightened and taught by Prime Minister Jing. They have different attitudes towards their mentors than their parents. They trust Prime Minister Jing more and are more considerate of Prime Minister Jing.

But things in the world, everyone insists on their own side, so how can we be strong enough to judge right from wrong.

Qing Huan was noncommittal to Qi Fuming's words, just offered him a cup of tea, and said with a slight smile: "I think that there is no empathy in the world, and the hurt that girl suffered is real. She was heartbroken, it's true that Xiangye was trapped by hatred, but what he said to that girl was also wrong, these are all facts. Now that so many years have passed, that girl has long since died, why bother to ask endlessly."

Seeing that Qing Huan was different from what he thought, Qi Fuming couldn't help but retort: "But—"

"Brother drinking tea." Qing Huan interrupted him, "This is a matter between them, it has nothing to do with you and me, so we brothers and sisters should not argue about it."

It is embarrassing that she has spent so much effort for such a small past. It would be great if someone in this world sells regret medicine, then there may be room for redemption, but those pasts are facts and cannot be erased, so arguing about right and wrong, regretting the past, and heartbroken—

It's all meaningless things, it's just that the person has a strong obsession and refuses to let go, so this goodbye. But Qing Huan felt that no matter how much she told Yun Yan in the past, the person who was still alive in this world would not listen.

If a person insists on living in the past, others cannot pull him out.

In fact, Qing Huan knew a long time ago that even if she returned to this world, she would not be able to change that person's mind, otherwise how could she have the bloody flowers on the other side of Huangquan Road. It's just that he didn't understand it when he was alive, and he finally understood it after his death. Everything is just wishful thinking, and no matter how lost it is, it is hard to recover.

Naturally, Qi Fuming didn't want to start a verbal dispute with his sister, so he quickly changed the subject, and the two chatted for a few more words, and then stopped mentioning the matter of Mrs. Jing.

So you see, only the person involved will continue to be immersed in the memory, and others just say a few words during the chat, and then they don't care anymore.

The Empress’s Chrysanthemum Appreciation Garden Party, all the noble ladies received the posts, so it was extremely lively on that day. It was said that it was a chrysanthemum appreciation, but it was actually to find the future princes and concubines. All the girls know that today is very important. She puts all her efforts into dressing up, trying her best to outshine others at the Chrysanthemum Appreciation Garden Party and make a good future for herself. Today, there are three sons in the Holy Spirit, all of whom have reached the age of marriage. In the future, it is not certain who will be able to achieve great fortune.

So halfway through the chrysanthemum appreciation, the emperor came over with his sons, and he said nicely: "I heard that the queen is here to appreciate the chrysanthemum, so I brought the emperor's sons to join in the fun."

The queen nodded with a smile and let the princes sit down. Dasong's folk customs are open, and there are even more female officials in the court. There are not too many restrictions on women, so when the princes are seated, there are many shy and timid eyes. Tall and straight, with a good-looking talent, if he gets such a good son-in-law, his life will not be in vain.

Regardless of what they think about, but the emperor is now in his prime, and he must continue to reign for decades, that is to say, they will not break this delicate balance in a short period of time. According to their age, it is indeed time to start a family, so for today's Chrysanthemum Appreciation Garden Party, the princes did not resist, and even started to look at the beauties present with great interest.

The ring is fat, the swallows are thin, each has its own merits, and beauty is better than flowers. Even the emperor is bathed in a sea of beauties—he has always loved beautiful people and things, but he is not the protagonist of this one, otherwise he would have seen a few beautiful people. eye edge.

"Where are the people from Chang'an?" Outside, the emperor didn't like to shout too affectionately, so he called Qing Huan the title. When he came, he immediately wanted to admire the beauty of his little cousin, but after looking around, he was not there at all. "Is it coming?"

The queen replied: "The princess just sat with the concubine for a while, and the concubine saw that she looked a little tired, so she asked the maid to take her to the concubine's palace to have a rest for a while."

The emperor understood, "The empress has a heart."

If it wasn't for sure that Qing Huan would not be able to enter the palace, the queen would not be so amiable. She was always easy to talk to women who would not enter the palace, not to mention that Qing Huan was indeed like a spring breeze when getting along, and the queen would be a little bit like Qing Huan. It means to treat it as one's own family. The Holy Majesty is close to King Qing's family, how could she neglect King Qing's daughter? Different from the group of women in the harem who only know how to fight for favor, she is the emperor's virtuous helper, and she must consider the overall situation in everything.

Said it was a nap, but Qing Huan didn't really rest on the empress's phoenix couch. Earlier, Qi Fuming sent her to the palace and went to work by herself. This is a good opportunity. His Hugh Mu was over, and he could no longer keep an eye on her. The Chrysanthemum Appreciation Garden will last at least until the afternoon, and she has enough time to go to a place.

Zhifeng Zhixue had already prepared the carriage according to Qing Huan's instructions. Although the two of them were with them, they were still very nervous: "Girl, don't we really need to talk to the son? The servant feels that he will hate danger. The girl is a daughter of a thousand dollars." ,just in case-"

"It's okay, I know what's going on." After telling Qi Fuming, he might as well not go. "When I get to the place later, I'm just a girl from an ordinary family, remember?"


The place they were going to was Xiangguo Temple, where incense was flourishing and there were many pilgrims. The sound of Sanskrit singing could be heard from afar, and countless people came here to pray. There were fewer people today. Two little novice monks folded their hands together at the gate of the temple. After Qing Huan entered, the main hall now had some money added with sesame oil. Instead of worshiping Buddha, they walked around to the scripture storage pavilion of Xiangguo Temple, where the abbot lived. Pilgrims have never been allowed to enter this place. The Sutra Pavilion is the most important thing. There are masters guarding it inside and out. It is not easy for Qing Huan to get in.

She has always been curious about one thing, so she wanted to see it for herself.

The Sutra Pavilion is heavily guarded, so Zhifeng Zhixue is responsible for leading away the guarding monk, so Qing Huan sneaks in. The two maids don't know why their girl did such a thing, but they are only loyal to her, as long as the girl orders They must do it.

After the guards of the pavilion were lured away by Zhifeng Zhixue dressed as a man in black, Qing Huan closed the door of the Sutra Pavilion with his backhand. Between the bookshelves, at the end, I found a masked monk wearing a monk's robe and leaning against the wall. He didn't sit upright like other monks, but placed his limbs casually. When he heard any movement, he only moved his ears. He didn't even lift his head. "Why did the benefactor come?"

If it was a girl from an ordinary family, she would probably be frightened, but at most, the girl from an ordinary family would worship Buddha and pray for blessings in front, so how could she come to the Buddhist scripture pavilion? Qing Huan smiled with her hands behind her back: "Master, I want to ask you something."

"What is it?"

The masked monk raised his head, his eyes were black and deep, he couldn't help being taken aback when he saw Qing Huan's face, and then showed a bit of interest: "Your face reminds me of an acquaintance."

Qing Huan's face looked a bit like "Tang Qing Huan", but it was more like Qing Wang and his wife, especially his mother. "Nie Jing, are you still alive?"

The masked monk suddenly said coldly: "You know who I am."

Use affirmative sentences instead of interrogative sentences.

"I know, otherwise why would I come?" She smiled, "I just want to see what is the important thing that allows the sixth master to return to Yanliang at such a risk."

The Nie clan attempted to rebel decades ago, and they had already been killed, leaving only Nie Jing who was in poor health. In the Nie family, Nie Jing was the most feared even though he had the poorest health. The Nie family was executed, but Nie Jing was nowhere to be found. The court had been searching for him for so many years, but he never expected that he would return to Yanliang and become a monk in Xiangguo Temple.

The masked monk also smiled, "It's her daughter after all, the green is the blue."

Qing Huan didn't want to talk nonsense with him, so she asked straightforwardly: "What agreement did you reach with Prime Minister Jing?"

The masked monk's eyes turned cold immediately, and Qing Huan suddenly felt the coldness around her body, and she knew that the other party had murderous intentions, so she said calmly: "I'm just curious, don't be nervous, there is no other person besides me who knows This matter, otherwise my parents would have rushed back, what do you think?"

This is true. The masked monk narrowed his eyes and looked Qing Huan up and down: "You little girl, how did you know that?"

Qing Huan did not answer, but asked instead: "What do you want to do?"

"Jing Shaoyou has always wanted to kill me, but now he can only cooperate with me, do you think it's interesting?" The masked monk laughed, "He clearly hates me to the bone, but he can only watch me and help me enter the capital. Cover up my whereabouts and send me to Xiangguo Temple, tsk tsk, tell me, what do we want to do?"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly sighed: "Time is fate. For this, I have tried my best. Guess what I am going to do, and why does he help me so much?"

What is the reason why a person who has nothing to worry about and regards the people of the country as more important than his life violates the principle and assists the remnants of the Nie family

No wonder Qi Fuming said that the group of men in black were very strange and there was no trace. They might all belong to Nie Jing and were caught by Qi Fuming. The ones who had died were also dead—there was no doubt that Prime Minister Jing was responsible for it. Since he was on the same boat as Nie Jing because of some kind of interest, he would definitely guarantee Nie Jing's safety.

Seeing that Qing Huan was silent, the masked monk smiled even more: "You are young, if you have heard my name, you should know that my master Hongshang Zhenren once said that I have a short life, but you see, I am now The year of destiny has passed, don't you wonder why I didn't die and lived to this age?"