Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 1035: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup on the other side (7)


Ninety-ninth bowl of soup on the other side (7)

Everything has its own law of growth, one ebbs and another grows, but it will eventually come to an end. Many joys and sorrows in life will be forgotten after death. If you don't want to forget, if you don't want to forget, you have to pay a huge price.

If a body is completely damaged, it is impossible to repair it, because what is broken is what is broken. But now, someone has learned the method of repairing the body, and for this method, Jing Xiang has done something he shouldn't have done.

He was alone in this huge room, forgetting to eat and sleep, day and night, just trying to find out a method that could be implemented from ancient books. Even if there is only a little hope, he will do it.

He had already made a decision. Qing Huan is here, like an outsider watching a movie. The movie has been filmed and is being shown. Everything here has happened before. It is an established fact and cannot be reversed. What cannot be changed, even the people here are all gray, they are like old records, the dust flying from the pages in the sun, the pages faded in memory, they are breathing and living, but they have long since passed away.

Here even time is empty and fleeting.

Jing Xiang has been busy for most of his life, but now that he is getting older, the emperor respects him, so he steals these few days of leisure.

"Don't be afraid, you will leave here unscathed."

After hearing this, Qing Huan raised her head to look at his back. He was sitting in front of the desk, like a black mountain, and the curtain would never end even if he was not startled. "Then how long are you going to keep me locked up?"

"It won't be long. When Nie Jing dies, you will be free." He said flatly, "I have sent someone to the palace to inform the eldest son, saying that I invite you to stay here for a while and accompany Auntie. Auntie The person who is old and always wants to die, you are somewhat similar to that person, she likes you very much."

Qing Huan does not doubt this, Qi Fuming trusts this mentor very much and will never doubt it, but how long will this so-called "a period of time" be? And he simply locked her in this room and never let her out. After letting her out, whether it's Nie Jing or the different skills, I'm afraid they will all be dealt with by him.

Nie Jing shouldn't think that he was still the person who was a bit scrupulous when he was young, but Jing Xiang is now on the verge of madness. What he wants to do is beyond the imagination of the world, and it is even beyond the tolerance of heaven. For this, He is about to pay a very painful price.

Qing Huan originally thought it would take a lot of time, but what she didn't expect was that Qi Fuming would come to pick her up in just seven days, but this time, she didn't want to leave. Qi Fuming's heart is about to break, how many days has his sister lived here? Already so nostalgic? For the past seven days, he has been to the Xiangfu every day, but the door of the Xiangfu is always closed. The Xiangye said to keep his sister for a few days, and Qi Fuming didn't know what he wanted to stay. Definitely won't worry about it.

But this does not include the fact that my sister refused to go with me seven days later!

The matter of the man in black has been investigated, and it is Nie Jing, the remnant of the Nie family, who is behind the manipulation. Nie Jing and his subordinates have been executed this morning, and Qi Fuming is completely free. I wanted to take my younger sister to play around again, but I didn't expect the little girl to say that she would continue to live in Xiangfu for a few more days!

Jing Xiang said: "Take her away."

Hearing this, Qing Huan is not happy yet, but Qi Fuming has already picked her up without saying a word, rushed to the gate of the Xiangfu and quickly stuffed her into the carriage, lest she would stay behind if she made a noise, and she would leave with a wave of the whip The house is far away.

"... Xiang's mansion is not fun at all, it is lifeless, Wang's mansion is much more fun, or do you want to go to grandpa's house to play?" Qi Fuming asked seriously. The person's whereabouts are treacherous, and the skill is superb. If the younger sister stays in the palace, it may not be safe. Qi Fuming cannot guarantee that the princess will protect her sister with all her might, so she agrees to put Qing Huan in the Xiangfu, at least it is absolutely safe here.

"I don't even want to go." Qing Huan opened the curtain and looked back, the door of the Xiangfu was closed, she frowned slightly, Nie Jing must be dead, otherwise Qi Fuming would not have time to take her around to play.

If Nie Jing died, what would Prime Minister Jing do next? Qing Huan always felt that the Xiangfu had other secrets, but she didn't know what it was.

"Sister Huan." Qi Fuming was suddenly worried. He held his sister's face looking back forcefully, turned it back, and forced her to look at him: "You won't be a matchmaker..."

Qing Huan froze for a moment, then laughed: "Of course not."

"Then why pay so much attention to him?" Qi Fuming still did not relax. "Brother tells you, Master Xiang is a family man, and what's the difference in age between him and you, don't think about it."

"I know, he has a ghost lady."

"Know that you still—"

"I really haven't." Qing Huan said seriously, "I just think Xiangfu is very strange."

"It's normal to be strange. There is no trace of vitality. Everyone is like stagnant water. Isn't it strange?"

In fact, what Qing Huan was talking about was not this, she thought the strangest thing was the room, but before she could speak again, Qi Fuming told her again and again: "The girl in our family can live a chic life without getting married all her life." Be comfortable, don't fall in love with someone you shouldn't like."

Girls from other families started dating early at this age, but Qing Wang and his wife are not pedantic. The youngest daughter is smart and cute since she was a child. . As the daughter of their husband and wife, of course she has the right to choose her life freely. Even if she doesn't marry, she is still the princess of Chang'an that everyone admires and pleases. Besides, parents are not in a hurry, so where do we need others to make up their minds

Qing Huan nodded to show that she knew that she would naturally not marry, nor would she like anyone, but she still wanted to stay in the Xiangfu. Where did Xiang Xiang go when she was sleeping in that room every night? That should be his room, shouldn't it? He didn't sleep on the ground or go out, where did he go? But every next morning, he would start reading early.

"Brother, can I really not stay in Xiangfu for a few more days?"

"No." Qi Fuming refused simply and neatly.

Oh well.

Since she can't stay, she can always go and see Qingnu and Auntie, right

Within two days of returning to the palace, Qing Huan prepared a thank you gift and went to the Xiangfu in person to thank the Xiangye for his care these past few days.

Auntie's condition is deteriorating, and she can't live long. At this age, she has gradually forgotten a lot, and sometimes she doesn't even recognize the young slave who has taken care of her for so many years, let alone the fact that she once had a daughter .

It's great to be able to forget, never to miss or sad again. What I am most afraid of is that I can't forget it. A blunt knife will cut my heart and flesh, and this is not enough.

For Qing Huan's coming again, Jing Xiang's reaction was very cold, as if he didn't know her. After watching Qing Huan, his aunt followed behind him, "Master Xiang still refuses to tell me what kind of deal he made with Nie Jing Is it?"

"Nothing to do with you."

"Who said it has nothing to do with me, do you know my name?"

He really doesn't know yet.

He and Qing Wang and his wife trust each other, but this does not prevent their relationship with each other. For so many years, Qing Wang and his wife have lived happily and happily, but his lonely family is so miserable. He only heard about the birth of the little princess, and then learned that the Supreme Emperor bestowed the word Chang'an on the little princess as a title, and he never paid attention to it after that. No matter what her name is, it has nothing to do with him. The little princess hadn't been to Yanliang for many years, and those who knew her affectionately called Bao'er in front of Prime Minister Jing, so he didn't know her name.

A few days ago, he also called her the princess, and he never even asked her name.

Qing Huan watched him walk forward quickly, and said loudly, "My name is Qing Huan!"

Jing Xiang's footsteps stopped, he turned around slowly, as if he didn't hear clearly, he asked her again: "What did you say is your name?"

"Qing Huan."

She repeated again, "The taste in the world is Qinghuan's Qinghuan."

Jing Xiang's eyes, which were always as dry as stagnant water, finally had some fluctuations. He hadn't heard this name again for many years. The lively girl in front of him stood in front of him, making his whole body tremble.

"What exactly does Master Xiang want?" Qing Huan took a step forward. "Maybe she doesn't want to see you do this, why bother?"

But Jing Xiang's loss of control was only in the blink of an eye, he quickly returned to his usual appearance, turned and left.

Qing Huan did not catch up this time, but sighed. If he knew it earlier, he would not be moved no matter what, because all of this is an established fact, and she is in it and cannot change it.

She was different from her before she was alive, completely, she became two completely different people.

All kinds of things yesterday are like death yesterday.

After Jing Xiang returned, he sat alone in the room for a long time. For the first time, he did not spend time on reading. He held a brush in his hand, and the ink dipped in the tip of the pen dripped on the fine rice paper, leaving a A muddy ink dot. How long has it been

How long has he lived

How long has she been gone

Over the years, he had tried many methods, but he could neither recall her soul nor put her into a dream. But he didn't want to die like this. If he died too late, he might not be able to catch up with him in the underworld. He didn't want to forget what happened before his death, so he thought of a ridiculous and whimsical method.

Since you can't die, then don't die.

People in the world seek longevity for the sake of wealth and glory, emperors seek longevity for the sake of eternity, but he just wants to see her again, it doesn't matter if we can't recognize each other, he will be the mud under her feet, the wind in her ears, and the tree in front of her eyes , that's enough.

He didn't have such an idea to continue the frontier.