Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 1036: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup on the other side (8)


Ninety-ninth bowl of soup on the other side (8)

Nie Jing is dead, no one in this world knows what Xiang Xiang will do. What's more, Nie Jing's death was so silent that no one would find out even if he went to investigate. Qi Fuming trusted Prime Minister Jing very much. Since Prime Minister Jing had brought the incident of the man in black to an end, neither he nor the emperor would ask any more questions.

Jing Xiang is old, the emperor allowed him not to come to the morning court every day, Jing Xiang is alone, has no relatives and no reason, he has devoted most of his life to the country, the country, the people, and the common people, and has never lived for himself . But now that he is about to die, at this age, he can finally do what he wants to do.

My aunt did not make it to the end of the year, and everyone said that the elderly are most afraid of winter. Many elderly people can survive the winter and their spirits will be much better. As a result, he has never been married in his life, and has no children under his knees. Now that he is finally going, he is actually relieved.

With such a humble background, she would be trampled into the dust, let alone a lowly concubine. She has lived her life in a daze, blindly submissive, and needs her daughter to protect her and take care of her.

Before she died, the aunt looked back, clutching the corner of the quilt, talking brokenly about the guilt she had pent up in her heart for decades.

How could there be such a weak and deceitful mother like her in the world.

All she knew was crying, dodging, and patience, and she pushed her daughter into the fire pit, making her life in that house worse than death. After her daughter died, she dragged Jing Xiang down for decades. In this life, she had never done anything for her daughter.

As a mother, she doesn't even have the right to blame Xiang Jing for her daughter. My aunt often had dreams when she was old, and she never saw her daughter again in her dreams. She didn't know if she was not sincere enough, or because her daughter blamed her and refused to sleep.

Now, she can finally let go.

Jing Xiang sat by the bed and watched quietly. A cloudy tear flowed from the corner of Auntie's eyes, and then she closed her eyes. He stretched out his hand, covered her with the quilt, got up and let others handle it. It was because of her that he took care of his aunt, and he didn't feel too sad when his aunt went away—he was still such a person after decades of hard-heartedness.

The funeral of the Prime Minister's Mansion was very simple. Yan Liang knew that the Prime Minister's mother-in-law had passed away, and there were many people who wanted to come to express their condolences, but unfortunately none of them could enter the Prime Minister's Mansion. The news didn't even inform the Qingwang couple and the Empress Dowager who are far away in the south of the Yangtze River. Jing Xiang has always lived like this. After he buried his aunt, he was in a trance, but he didn't know if he was in a trance because of the absence of an elder. in the past time.

At that time, he was still young, about twenty years old, his heart was full of hostility and hatred, and he couldn't complain about one wrong step, one wrong step. Now that he has read thousands of sails, he is lonely and cold, and he seems to have returned to that time.

His aunt died, and the last link between him and her was broken. After that, who else could recall her appearance with him

How wonderful, she is always young, but his head is full of frost and snow, and his hair is premature. She was afraid that she would not like it if they met each other.

It's better to be more handsome, just as he was when he was a teenager, if she sees him, maybe she will look at him more.

The white flags of the Xiangfu hanged until the Lantern Festival. During the festival, everyone was happy and joyful, but the Xiangfu was deserted. In the yard, with the breeze blowing through the bamboo grove, he poured himself to the moon, dimly, but he couldn't get drunk no matter what.

Living soberly is torture.

He laughed lowly, drank the last glass of wine, got up and went back to the room. It was still the same room that Qing Huan used to stay in, but instead of going to sleep on that bed, he twisted an inkstone on the desk, the inkstone turned slowly, and the big bed shifted its direction, revealing a dark hole in the ground instantly. Come.

Jing Xiang walked down the steps, and then the cave door was closed. The aisle was not long, and he walked step by step to the locked room at the end, unlocked the door with the key he carried, and walked in.

The four walls and the ground of the room are made of ice-blue stones, which are cold to the bone, and are used for preservation. On a jade bed, there is a pair of dense human bones.

The bone was dressed in a wedding dress, with two dark holes for its eyes, and the wedding dress was empty on its body, without the ups and downs that a human body should have. Jing Xiang walked over slowly, as if thinking about it, but didn't dare, touched the bone lightly, then bowed his head and kissed: "My wife, don't worry, soon, my husband will create a complete bone for you. Flesh, soon..."

Then, he took the dagger at the side, first put it against his arm, cut off a piece of flesh and blood, then bandaged the wound, and then pasted his own flesh and blood on the white bones to reshape her jade body.

Her icy muscles and bones disappeared because of him, so he compensated her with his own flesh and blood. In the future, he could follow his flesh and blood to find her and take care of her.

"I'm afraid you're going too fast..." He said softly, sticking the flesh and bones together. It was strange to say that the bones were stained with the flesh and blood of a living person, and it seemed that they had spiritual energy, and slowly combined with it, giving birth to A jade-like half lotus root arm. And Jing Xiang took off the cloth strips that he had bandaged his wounds, and fed his missing flesh and blood with the cold jade under the body of the bones. His face became whiter and whiter, almost transparent, and his arms returned to their original shape, but There is no trace of blood, as if carved out of jade, without any smoke or smoke.

Nie Jing was able to maintain his youthful appearance because of this method. He read all over the ancient books, found the book of continuation of life, and rebuilt his body with the flesh and blood of others, so that even if he died, he could still live. So Nie Jing's voice is old, but his appearance is the same as before.

Jing Xiang found this out after capturing him. Nie Jing made no secret of his ambition. He wants to live for a long time, but it is not beautiful to be like this now. If the eye is damaged, another eye must be replaced, and if the skin is rotten, the skin must be replaced. If this goes on like this, he finds it troublesome.

Jing Xiang wanted to recreate a jade body for his dead wife, so he secretly reached an agreement with Nie Jing. Nie Jing taught him how to repair it, and he gave Nie Jing convenience to keep him safe. Nie Jing was surprised to find that his body could be maintained well without killing people, but he didn't know how Jing Xiang did it.

There is no way of longevity in the world, Jing Xiang just wants to use his own flesh and blood to repair the body of his dead wife, and pay the price with his own soul, so as to keep her safe from now on. Nie Jing found out that Jing Xiang refused to tell the law of longevity, so he wanted to turn his face, but he was captured and beheaded by Qi Fuming's troops, and a generation of wizards lost their lives. way.

There is such a legend in the distant ancient country of the Western Regions. After the mysterious queen died of old age, the rebel believers dug up her coffin, only to find that the old queen had returned to her youthful and glamorous appearance. That is a magical method, which can replace dry skin and flesh with cold jade that has been tempered and processed, so that it can present the most beautiful years.

Jing Xiang used his own flesh and blood to reshape a body of bones, and then transformed it into his own body with cold jade. He studied all kinds of strange books for such a day. After that, it doesn't matter if he has no memory anymore, and it doesn't matter if he disappears. Find her, meet her, see her live well, neither recognize nor love each other, let alone know each other.

What he did wrong is irreversible, but he can't just let it go.

What happens after a person dies

Nobody knew, and neither did he.

If he can choose, he is willing to exist in this weird and cruel way until one day, it is completely eliminated. That day may be soon, or it may never come.

Now it can't be done in one go. After finishing today's work, Xiang Jing left the secret room. In the far south, he chose a treasured place of geomantic omen, where the mountains and rivers are beautiful, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and there are few people. He quietly built a jade tomb underground. After a hundred years, his confidants will send their husband and wife there, and they will not be discovered and disturbed for at least a thousand years. Maybe he can really do something for her again.

However, what can we do to ensure that the soul will not die after death? Jing Xiang knew that it was not easy. He had to repair it and arrange the affairs of his death, but he didn't know how to keep his soul in the world. Even if he has prepared everything, if it dissipates after death, all of this will become an illusion.

It was the only answer he didn't have.

But his time is running out, he has passed his destiny, how long can he live? Can he get the secret that he has never found in his entire life in the remaining years of his life

Will God bless him

This is the full moon festival, and he should be accompanied by his wife and children, but he has been alone for many, many years, so long that he has gotten used to it and has no expectations.

The shadow of the candle was flickering, and Jing Xiang spread out a book. Until the tears of the candle fell and the golden rooster crowed, he still didn't stop, let alone rest or eat, and he didn't even take a sip of water. He is afraid that there is not enough time, so he can't waste it. Every minute and every second needs to be cherished, and he has very little left.

From spring to autumn, his life is like this.

Could it be that Master Xiang is going out, but for such a big event as the establishment of a prince, he still needs to sit in charge in person. The emperor had discussed with him and had his own considerations, and finally decided to make the eldest prince the East Palace. The eldest prince is born of the empress, who occupies both the elder and the heir, so no matter what, it is justified. As for what his other sons were thinking, I don't know. Anyway, they were all celebrating. The emperor can live for at least another few decades. As long as he is alive, the princes will still be afraid and won't think too much.

At this moment, the emperor began to envy the monogamous emperor and queen mother. They only had one son, so there was nothing to think about and worry about. How could there be so many sons like him... After a few years, the young princes will also grow up Now, what could go wrong if it is not in order

The emperor completely forgot that when he favored one beauty after another, he didn't think so in his heart.