Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 970: The ninety-ninth bowl of Tang Qianchen (8)


Although I really want to kill all these disgusting perverts, it is obviously not feasible in the current situation, and those children who are treated as playthings must also be taken into consideration. He tiptoed Lin Yusheng, who looked like a dead dog, and then hugged the little Qing Huan: "Come on, let's go back first, and take you to meet someone."

"Who is it?"

"You don't know, but it doesn't matter."

Lin Yusheng had already woken up. Yan Wuju looked down at him and asked, "You know what to do, right? This is in my hands."

He was referring to the pornographic photos of Lin Yusheng on his phone. Lin Yusheng is a face-saving person. He will never let his reputation be ruined. When these things get out, his reputation will be gone, so no matter what, he will not resist Yan Wu.

Yan Wu is a very smart person, he can easily see through people's hearts. Just like at this moment, when he learned that Lin Yusheng obviously didn't like his wife but still forced him to marry and have children, he basically understood how vain this person was. Lin Yusheng has always maintained the image of a good husband and father outside, and he doesn't want to ruin it just like that.

And this person is very cautious, as long as he catches him, he can threaten him for a long time. Qing Huan looks like a child now, so she probably won't be able to take her out, and will inevitably be asked to stay, but Lin Yusheng is a high-ranking VIP in this place, and if he asks, it won't be a problem to take Qing Huan away.

It's easy to get in here, but you have to go through strict interrogation when you go out. Because of Lin Yusheng's long-standing familiarity, he even let Yan Wu, who was behind him holding the child, let him go. The door to go out is different from the one when you came in. There are men in black clothes wearing masks standing at the door. They first scanned Lin Yusheng's fingerprints, then looked at Yan Wu, and then at the delicate and tender little girl in the arms of disgust.

When Yan Wu beat Lin Yusheng with skill, even if there were traces, they were all under the clothes, and the exposed parts were all intact. He still looked like that pious middle-aged rich businessman. At this time, he smiled at the bodyguard who was interrogating him: "Although ordinary guests are not allowed, this person was introduced by me. Don't worry, we have already paid the money."

But several guards looked at each other, still a little uncertain, Yan Wu really didn't look like someone on their way, and the posture of holding the child was also very normal, not at all like someone who likes tenderness. The leader said: "We need to prove that this person is really our companion."

"How to prove it?" Yan Wu asked.

"This little girl is so beautiful, sir must have paid a lot of money to ask you to fuck her here. If other guests find out, our brother's job will be gone." The masked man in black smiled. "Tongue kiss, isn't this too much to ask?"

Yan Wu: "..." Fuck your mother.

Qing Huan tugged at his clothes in his arms, feeling a little annoyed that she had suddenly turned into a child. Although it was a good thing to get Lin Yusheng, it was too much a sacrifice. However, the guards were staring at them. Fortunately, she was an adult at heart, and Yan Wu knew this, otherwise no one would be able to make such a request.

When I went out, I found that I had left the farmhouse on a country road. There are greenhouse vegetables planted all around, or it is a farm, who would have thought that there is another terrible world underground.

Lin Yusheng had an idea when he was blocked, he wanted to ask those people to arrest Yan Wu and deal with him, so that he would be safe. But when they walked out of the corridor, the mobile phone signal was not blocked. He remembered that he had seen Yan Wu pressing his mobile phone a few times before, and he didn't know if it had something to do with his photos and videos. After weighing again and again, he still chose to come out with Yan Wu and the others.

There are also many people who meet satisfactory items and spend money to buy them and don't continue to play inside, so the guards have no doubts. Most of them are familiar faces here. Although the guests have never met each other, as for the staff at the venue, the guests who have been here several times know each other. Lin Yusheng's unshakable patronage over the past twenty years has already accumulated a good reputation, otherwise Yan Wu would not have been able to get out so smoothly.

But his face was ugly, especially after kissing Qing Huan. If it was that beautiful girl, of course he wouldn't be like this, and he would even feel like he was taking advantage of it like a sneaky cat, but when she was in the form of a child, he really couldn't convince himself to do such a thing. Looking back and seeing Lin Yusheng cowering, he immediately got angry and kicked him over again: "Damn pervert!"

Lin Yusheng didn't dare to move. When he came, he came with two other comrades, and now he went back first, and the car had to be left for others, so he took Yan Wu's second-hand Santana.

For Lin Yusheng, whose family is rich, he has never been in such a classic car that can run two meters to catch his breath in his life. Seeing this man's swiftness, he must have been caught up with him a long time ago. He is very careful every time, how could he be exposed? Thinking of this, Lin Yusheng almost vomited to death.

He didn't think there was anything wrong with liking children at all. He didn't feel ashamed or guilty, only the annoyance and regret of being accidentally caught.

But seeing the car's driving route getting more and more strange, Lin Yusheng became anxious: "Hey! You, where are you going! You, you take me to the golf course, or just let me go down, and I will give you a sum of money. You can give as much as you want, let me go, quick! Don’t you just want money! I’ll give it! I’ll give it!”

Yan Wu didn't bother to talk to him. Sitting in the co-pilot, Qing Huan looked back at Lin Yusheng who was bound hands and feet with pity: "Don't move around, I'll take you to a good place."

Good place

Is this a fucking good place? !

Although Yan Wu is a very down-and-out private detective, he is very powerful, formidable, and invincible. What's more, the captain of the police force used to be his comrade-in-arms. Although they were not in the same team, they had friendship. He was different from him. He was retired from the army, and he voluntarily changed his career to become a policeman. Because of his high rate of solving crimes and his good skills, he soon became the captain.

Seeing that he was sent to the police station, Lin Yusheng was in despair. What made people even more desperate was that Yan Wu refused to take his check, but touched all the cash on his body, and even got out of the car halfway to take his card to withdraw a sum of money—if the relationship was equal at this moment, Lin Yu might have already He yelled.

Saying so high-spiritedly that he doesn't want his money, what's the difference between this behavior and robbery

The captain of the police force is called Gao Yu, a very handsome man who seems easy to get along with, but when he heard what Yan Wu said, he became serious, and immediately sent someone to go to the farmhouse to arrest people and raided the old den.

When I saw Qing Huan, I wanted to pinch her face: "Hey, it's been a while since I saw you. Where did you kidnap this little girl? She's quite cute."

Yan Wu kicked it over: "Get out, don't touch my baby with your dirty hands."

"Look at you baby." Gao Yu heheed his face, "I'm going to arrest someone."

But Yan Wu's expression was not so relaxed. He didn't think it was useful to call the police over there at all. Those people inside are already familiar with doing these things. No matter what Gao Yu finds out, what they have played with has already been disposed of, and even if they are caught, it is useless.

Qing Huan actually knew this, especially those people inside were rich and powerful, and Gao Yu was just a captain of criminal investigation, so he couldn't handle this big case.

But that's okay.

She was originally held by Yan Wu in her hand. She was small in child mode, probably only reaching Yan Wu's thigh. Qing Huan tugged Yan Wu's fingers, his cold expression only slightly improved when he saw her. "What's wrong with Huanbao, are you hungry?"

"do not be angry."

He accommodated her, knelt down to look at her, eyes level with her, Qing Huan smiled at him, and wiped the frown between his brows with white and tender fingers. "Do you believe in retribution?"

To be honest, Yan Wu didn't believe it.

But he didn't hit the little girl: "I believe it."

"That's good." Qing Huan touched his eyes, they were very beautiful. "They will be punished."

Yan Wu thought, really, what punishment can he get then? This case won't even be announced to the public. It's too much trouble, and the superiors will only want to suppress it, just like the kidnapping case before he retired from the army. Humans are really strange creatures. As long as they don't hurt themselves, they can always use various reasons to consider the "big picture".

Qing Huan wasn't just talking to him for fun, she really thought it would be easiest for that disgusting pervert to die. They won't repent, just like Lin Yusheng, even if they are caught, they will only regret that they didn't be more careful to miss, and once they feel safe, they will immediately continue that disgusting game again. So she decided to let them have something to do, so that they would not always think about children in the future.

Don't you like tenderness? Don't you like sadism and abuse? In that case, it must be interesting to inflict on the victims ten times the pain they suffered

People's lives were on their hands, and if they "accidentally" died playing, she would find some companions for them. The souls of innocent victims deserve a chance for revenge.

Just as Yan Wu imagined, this case has not been made public since then, and he no longer has any news about it. Of course, someone was caught, but after some dredging at home, it didn't take long for him to come out again. Including Lin Yusheng.

Lin Yusheng's wife learned the truth of the matter, and after paying the final payment, she even asked them to sign a non-disclosure agreement, promising that this matter would never be told to anyone else.

No matter what her husband looks like, this kind of life, this kind of identity, and the family that looks happy and harmonious to outsiders, she must continue.

It is said that evil spirits are scary, but sometimes Qing Huan thinks that people are much scarier than ghosts.