Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 971: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup before dust (9)


Yan Wu didn't take Qing Huan's words to heart. In his opinion, she is just a little girl, even if she can become a human being, she is so delicate and beautiful that she needs his protection, and she will never believe what retribution she said. It wasn't until the third day after the incident that Lin Yusheng was hospitalized with a strange disease.

He didn't think so at first, but then it became even more strange, because people with the same strange disease suddenly appeared, and even newspapers published the news, saying that it was a strange disease caused by a sudden virus infection in this city. Citizens should pay attention to travel and diet to increase immunity. For a while, people were panicking, and they didn't know what the source of the disease was. If it was a virus, what was it carrying? The newspaper didn't say anything, and the hospital couldn't do anything about it. So when I go out these days, everyone on the street covers their faces with masks, and they dare not shake hands when speaking.

Anyway, people who are sick say it hurts. Where does it hurt? Unspeakable place. There is no way to stop this terrible pain, neither sedatives nor painkillers are effective, if the pain is not unbearable, they will not shame to go to the hospital. In this way, the sick are all rich people anyway, they live in high-grade wards and are isolated, and all experts have come to see them, but there is no need for eggs.

Two days later, several seriously ill patients went crazy! They were always uttering some unintelligible words in their mouths. One of them was so crazy that he poked his eyes blind, and another pierced his eardrum with a spoon.

Yan Wu looked at the newspaper, and his first reaction was: Fuck, is there really such a thing as retribution

But when he saw Qing Huan who had turned back into a young girl, he thought it was impossible. Her expression was very calm, and she didn't seem surprised at all. Yan Wu thought for a while, and tentatively said, "Do you think this disease... can be cured?"

"Yes." Qing Huan nodded, she was still very kind, and of course she would not deny them a chance to heal. It's just that they would rather be tortured than cured.

"...how can it be cured?"

"First, tell the people of the country what they did, then spend all their money and go to jail - that's the only cure that doesn't cost money, but you see that, don't you, none of them choose to do that." Desperate in pain, and unwilling to tell the truth, even if you can't see the abnormality, you have to face it. They all like to treat children who are powerless to resist in this way, so when this kind of pain appears on them ten times, since they like it, they should keep it, anyway, it hurts and hurts... and they will die. Qing Huan propped her chin, feeling a little lost, "Look, there are still many people living in darkness in this world."

Yan Wu became silent.

But in the end, there are still some people who can't bear it anymore, and the little devil who haunts them will tell them how to get rid of it, but there are only a few people who choose to plead guilty. Qing Huan didn't care much about the consequences. Yan Wu received a call from Gao Yu, telling him that the police had rescued dozens of children that day, and this was only in the farmhouse. They also had a stronghold full of children. They were kidnapped, some were sold by their parents, and most of them were girls. After saving these children, it would be best if they could be sent home, but what the sold children would face after returning home might be to be sold again.

So the second time, can he still be saved

The two big men on the phone were silent for a while, what a fucking world.

Why can it be so beautiful and yet so cruel.

In the evening, the detective agency collectively went to pick up skewers, and it happened to be the boss from last time. Seeing their tears almost falling, the boss suddenly trembled with his hands turning over the skewers, feeling very sad. Are you going to contribute your turnover again today

But to his surprise, the hooligans left after eating the barbecue and paid the money honestly. He was in a daze when a new customer came again. As soon as I looked up, I was really about to cry this time - why is my head bald!

The bald head brought dozens of people here this time. He was scared of being beaten last time, and he thought it was because he had too few younger brothers. First, he asked the boss aggressively for the protection fee, and it was doubled. When the boss was trembling to change the money, his bald head was thrown to the ground, and his nose bleeds. He wiped the blood off his face, and couldn't help but explode: "Fuck! It's you again! Brothers, teach me a lesson! Damn I made you run away last time, this time you have to beat me and call you daddy!"

Too many people have a fart. Yan Wu was in a bad mood these days, and just wanted to vent his clenched fists. Qing Huan leisurely ordered another grilled eggplant, and watched the battle while eating. With an aggrieved face, he grilled eggplant for Qing Huan.

Several other people surrounded her to protect her, but anyone who tried to catch her was beaten badly. Yan Wu finally beat the gangsters to the ground, and then he shook his hands, and the others praised: "Brother Wu is awesome!"

"Brother Wu's sword is not old!"

"Brother Wu is covering me!"

"Brother Wu pays, your daughter-in-law has eaten grilled eggplant."

The last sentence won Brother Wu's heart, and he waved his hand: "Eat whatever you want tonight, I'm hungry again after exercising!"

So they ordered another wave, and the boss roasted them sadly and brought them to the table, and then offered to double the protection fee after they settled the bill—he understood now that these people in front of him were the most hooligans. Unexpectedly, Yan Wu threw the money back again: "I gave it last time."

Huh? ? ? The boss was dumbfounded. It turns out that there is really a saying in this world that you can be protected if you pay a protection fee? ? ? A few seconds later, he took out his mobile phone and called his wife at home: "Wife, wife! Let's go to the old place to set up a stall tomorrow!... What are you talking about? No, you don't have to be afraid of the gangsters before! I know a group Even more powerful!... No, no, I didn't hang out with them, I paid the protection fee, we can get the booth back, and we don't have to run around anymore!... "

After he was done, he took out the business card that he had thrown in the cash bag before, looked up at the number of the detective agency on it carefully, and carefully added it to the phone address book.

I should ask, how long will it take to pay a protection fee? Will the price increase next time

In the evening, Yan Wu's mobile phone suddenly received a call from a stranger. He glanced at it, and answered it inexplicably. There was a familiar voice on the other end, but there was no room for him to speak: "Brother Wu! Let Qing Huan escape! Be careful—"

Just such a sentence, followed by a gunshot, and then the muffled sound of a heavy object falling to the ground, Yan Wu shouted: "Xiao Zheng! Xiao Zheng!"

"Is that woman in your hands?" The person who answered the phone changed, and because the voice was changed, it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman. "If you are smart, hand her over, otherwise..."

"If you have the ability, come and challenge me one-on-one." Yan Wu said coldly, and then hung up with a snap. Looking up again, she saw Qing Huan standing at the door after taking a shower, her eyes were on the phone in his palm, "...something happened to Xiao Zheng, right?"

If I heard correctly, Xiao Zheng is already dead. Yan Wu watched her approach him, pulled her to sit on his lap, "Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

"Xiao Zheng could have escaped with me, but he didn't. He said he would go back to get the evidence."

Yan Wu said: "He is a soldier. We have sworn an oath together and are willing to sacrifice for this country and its people."

He wasn't too sad, because he knew he'd snap those guys' necks and make them pay.

Yan Wu, who was trying to mobilize her after taking a bath, let Qing Huan go to bed first tonight. Qing Huan knew that he was discussing something with other people. Xiao Zheng died. As brothers and comrades-in-arms, they would never stand idly by. Even if a tiger is dormant, it is still a beast once released.

She was lying on Yan Wu's 1.2 meter bed. In fact, she knew exactly what was going to happen and what the future would hold. For Qing Huan, this is probably a movie or a novel, and she already knew the ending in advance. But be it this kind of identity or this kind of direction, it was all arranged for her by that person. Her appearance may change the fate of others, but it cannot change his.

Whether it is life or death, only his fate is unchangeable.

Sometimes she feels that after such a long time, she probably understands what that person is thinking, so she is willing to accompany him to finish this dream, walk through these worlds, and fulfill his last obsession. But what I think in my heart is slightly different from what I feel in reality.

That person has calculated and prepared everything, just waiting for her to open and arrive. But, people will change, no one will remain the same forever, especially for the existence of eternal life.

But from Qing Huan's decision, she knew that she would never regret it.

How long is a person's obsession and how far is his persistence? Maybe countless, maybe just an instant. Just like love, there is ephemerality and eternity. Deceit and honesty, hypocrisy and sincerity, betrayal and steadfastness... have always been inseparable, and it is precisely because of this that human beings can reproduce for a long time.

The good always outweighs the bad, and this is what fascinates all things about "people". Otherwise, why do gods always want to go down to earth, and spirits always want to become adults

The electric fan was creaking. A group of big men outside were discussing something. Maybe they were afraid of disturbing him. Everyone spoke very quietly, so although the sound insulation effect was poor, Qing Huan still couldn't hear anything clearly. The small bed under her was hard, and there was still the refreshing smell of soap from Yan Wu's body between the mats. Qing Huan closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

Yan Wu didn't know when he came back, anyway, when Qing Huan opened his eyes dazedly at night, she was already in his arms.

Such a solid chest, sleeping outside, is like a wall, hoping that he can protect her from the wind and rain.