Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 972: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup before dust (ten)


Xiao Zheng failed to come back, if Yan Wu wanted to find out what was going on, it was not enough to just ask Qing Huan, so he contacted Gao Yu.

Gao Yu works in the police station and is the captain of the brigade with authority. Qing Huan has limited knowledge and must need Gao Yu's help. After Gao Yu learned about it, he chose to join without saying a word, but Yan Wu was not going to let him go with him, but handed Qing Huan to him and asked him to take good care of her. After all, if everyone went, only Gao Yu could be trusted by him.

Gao Yu was silent for a few seconds, looked at Qing Huan, and sighed: "I know, you should be careful." Then scratched his head, "I have no experience in taking care of children." He is a bachelor, feeding the whole family by himself Those who are not hungry, usually work and forget to eat, take care of children...

Yan Wu kicked him: "As long as you have a lot of shit, it's hard for you to bring a child, right?"

After speaking, she hugged Qing Huan on her lap: "Huan Bao, good boy, follow this strange uncle for a few days, and I will be back soon."

Others also squatted aside and looked at the little girl helplessly. Qing Huan glanced around and said seriously: "I will wait for the uncles to come back."

"So cute~"

"That's so cute!"

"Come on, uncle—"

The bearded beards who wanted to ask for a kiss were kicked far away by the group. Qing Huan found that they were not afraid at all. Get excited. Of course, the life of the detective agency can also be subsisted, but they who were born and died under the hail of bullets, love the kind of blood-boiling battles more. After hibernating for a long time, the tiger is about to turn into a kitten, its bones are itchy all over, and it can't wait to move around.

Gao Yu watched them pack their bags and prepare their weapons, and began to develop a relationship with Qing Huan: "Come on, call me Uncle Gao... no, I'd better call you Brother, call me Brother Gao, come~"

Seeing this, Yan Wu wanted to kick him to death, and repeated orders to Qing Huan: "Don't pay attention to this pervert, take care of yourself, you know? It's useless to count on him, just hope he can take good care of you."

Qing Huan nodded: "I see."

Now she is sitting on the chair by herself, her legs are close together, and her two little hands are placed on her knees. Daily life is not too difficult. When Yan Wu and the others packed up, they all put on the same black vest, camouflage trousers and military boots and got into the jeep. Yan Wu, who was sitting in the co-pilot, suddenly got down again, went to Gao Yu, picked up the little girl and kissed her hard. Ask her in a voice that no one else can hear: "Will you fuck me when I come back?"

Qing Huan looked at him quietly, "Be careful all the way."

Yan Wu was a little frustrated when he didn't get her answer. He looked at this girl who made him fascinated once he saw her. No matter how big or small she was, he was fascinated by it. This time, he kissed her tenderly. Pink face: "Be good."

Gao Yu wanted to take the little girl from his arms, but Yan Wu refused. Qing Huan refused to let Gao Yu hug her, and stood beside him quietly, not even letting him hold hands. The jeep slowly disappeared from Qing Huan's sight, and she didn't look back for a long time. Gao Yu bent down and said to her: "Come on, brother will take you to the police station to play~"

He came in a car, and now he had opened the car door and was waiting for the little girl to get in. Qing Huan glanced at him and asked, "Can they come back?"

Gao Yu smiled: "Don't underestimate them, they are the most ferocious Black Tiger commandos."

"That's why you told them the address of the laboratory?" Qing Huan raised her eyes. "If I have made enough money, I want to wash my name? How can there be such a good thing in the world?"

Gao Yu's expression changed instantly. He stared at Qing Huan: "The little girl is not bad."

"Accepted." Qing Huan looked at his left index finger: "When you killed Xiao Zheng, didn't you notice that he marked you?"

What? !

Gao Yu quickly looked at his index finger, and there was a small black spot in the shape of lightning where he pulled the trigger. What is this? When did you get it up? Qing Huan sat in the co-pilot and fastened the seat belt by herself: "You don't have to worry about how you got it up, and I won't tell you."

Originally thought that this was a woman who had turned into a child. Gao Yu was a core member of the Longevity Organization. As the captain of the criminal investigation, he was able to keep those missing cases secret several times, so of course he had read Qing Huan's information. A girl with no father and no mother who does part-time jobs during the summer vacation to pay for college tuition, such a person will not be cared even if he disappears. But it never occurred to her that she knew everything. "you… "

Qing Huan didn't need to look to know that Gao Yu wanted to kill her. She smiled slightly: "Do you want to kill me? Silence me, and you won't be able to escape unscathed."

"Really?" Gao Yu also laughed. He got into the car, locked the door, and looked at the cute little girl with a smile. "You are at most five years old now. Do you think... a person like me who has been a special soldier can cut off such a fragile little neck in a few seconds?"

He likes money, he likes it very much, he likes it so much that he is willing to give everything, which is why, when the Longevity Organization found him, he hesitated for a few days before agreeing. It's really poor, who doesn't want to become rich

Now that he is rich enough, he doesn't want to continue with those lunatics anymore. It's boring. Gao Yu likes money, but he doesn't pursue the illusory longevity. He needs to be happy in life, and there is no use for living so long without money. So after he got an astronomical sum, he began to plan to destroy everything. Only by letting all the insiders die can he not be exposed. Everything was planned well, including the experimental products such as Qing Huan, but the ignorant Xiao Zheng sneaked into the organization. He thought he was perfect, but in fact Gao Yu was secretly You knew it the first time you saw him.

After this guy escaped, he even wanted to come back to steal evidence, but was discovered by Gao Yu. Unfortunately, when he was about to die, he was called by Xiao Zheng. Although he killed him before the other party said his name, but—Gao Yu saw Looking at the lightning mark on his finger, he spat, this ghost thing got there somehow, it was really a bad move.

"Do you think your plan is perfect, Yan Wu and the others are all dead?" Qing Huan gave him a sympathetic look. "You are so old, why are you so naive? Since you are a policeman, you should know that there is no perfect crime in the world."

Gao Yu shrugged: "Really?"

"Yes." Qing Huan told him. "They'll expose you."

"Expose me?" Gao Yu laughed. "How can the dead expose me?" He had already prepared bombs all over the laboratory, and Yan Wu and the others would definitely contact him when they arrived at their destination, when the time came...boom! Everything will be over, I will be the richest criminal investigation captain in the world, rich and famous, tsk tsk, what a bright future, you don't know, the leaders of the bureau are very optimistic about me, they are going to let me go again Go up a liter. "

On a pretty face, the smile is disgusting. Qing Huan said lightly: "Then I'm afraid you will be disappointed. I have to tell you that they will come back with evidence and their comrades. If I were you, I suggest that you pack up your belongings immediately and prepare to escape, or make a business trip." The false appearance of being killed in the line of duty may still leave a good reputation."

Regarding Qing Huan's words, Gao Yu didn't believe a word, he said impatiently: "Whether they will come back or not, you don't even think about running away today." As he spoke, he grabbed her by the neck.

Qing Huan did not resist, because she had already left her body and stood outside the car.

Today's sunshine is very good, she watched Gao Yu strangled her and hid her body in the trunk with a calm expression on her face, as if she was doing something good.

He let his former comrades-in-arms go to die without the slightest sense of guilt. He did things in collusion with the wicked, and he had no intention of repenting. Until now, he still has another life on his hands. Qing Huan sighed, and after Gao Yu drove the car away, he took off the camera at the alley. This was installed by Yan Wu to protect her safety. It was fresh. Gao Yu probably didn't expect that there would be a camera in this kind of dilapidated alley.

Everyone will come back, including Yan Wu and Xiao Zheng of course. Just as Xiao Zheng wanted to inform them of the danger before he died, Yan Wu would not hesitate to give up the chance of survival to his comrades in the face of terrible destruction, and the ones who came back in the end were those innocent victims. The people who are the experimental subjects, and the six heroes. Only four survived, and two lay in small jars as ashes.

When the time comes, with all the witnesses and material evidence, Gao Yu will not be able to fly even with wings. Qing Huan sighed, the body she used would be discovered too, but Yan Wu would never see it again.

This man is still the same as before.

This is just a real fantasy dream, some people are drunk, some are sober, some are willing to sink, some are willing to transcend.

Qing Huan gently took off the bell that was always on her wrist, and in this world, like a strange dream, bit by bit, it turned into a ball of light, fainted, and disappeared. She turned around, helped the kid who was playing on the side of the street, licking a lollipop in his mouth and accidentally knocked his left foot into his right foot, causing him to fall, and then continued to move forward.

The sun was just rising in front of her, and she was shining brightly. She was wearing a beautiful little skirt, revealing her white limbs and beautiful face. With a fresh girly breath, she walked in the opposite direction from the shoulder-to-shoulder crowd, step by step, step by step, Go to where the sun is, all the way forward, never stop.