Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 980: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup Yao Miao (8)


Upon hearing that the eldest son is coming, Lu Chunrong, who has a grudge against him, is actually more excited and looking forward to it than Qing Huan.

Supper is a bowl of hot dumplings. Because Qing Huan likes sweets, most of the fillings are sweet and fruity. I am afraid that she will eat too much food and it will be difficult to overcome it. In a small white porcelain bowl, there is at most Only five or six of them were filled, and all of them were very small, only enough for one bite.

After Lu Yangzhi came in, he found that Lu Chunrong was also there. He didn't mean to say hello, and he didn't even look at him. Lu Chunrong wanted to smile and rush over to talk to him, but in the end he was turned back by his indifferent face. Standing by the side for a while, watching Lu Yangzhi finish feeding Lu Qinghuan a bowl of dumplings, the envy and jealousy in his heart really can't be expressed in words. Even if I came back a few days earlier, corrected my mistake earlier, and stopped ill-treating him, the relationship between brother and sister would not be so ugly now. Lu Yangzhi didn't just dislike her, he simply hated her to the extreme, probably because of Lu Qinghuan's face, he was willing to give him a look when he greeted her.

Faced with Lu Yangzhi's indifference, Lu Chunrong didn't blame Lu Yangzhi, but instead blamed Lu Qinghuan. Really, why come back so early, don't you have to stay in the Duke's mansion for a few more days? It doesn't matter if you come back, what kind of brother are you robbing yourself, Lu Yangzhi is your own brother in the first place!

How dare she blame Lu Yangzhi, you must know that this is the prime minister who will have power over the government and the public in the future, the lintel of the Lu family needs him to shine, and she can occupy a place in the prince's back residence because of this talented elder brother. Lu Chunrong hated herself more than once, why didn't she have a good relationship with this powerful brother when she was young, otherwise she wouldn't lose to that bitch.

Yes, until Lu Chunrong died, Lu Yangzhi was still Zuo Cheng who was under one man and above ten thousand. In the future, this young man will go to a height that the Lu family has never reached, so that the Lu family, which only has the name of great Confucianism, will truly produce a powerful minister. If he had a deep relationship with his brother and sister, Lu Chunrong felt that he would have become the prince's concubine long ago! Even if it doesn't work, she will definitely let that bitch think twice before framing her, whether she dares to offend her elder brother.

Therefore, after being reborn, the first sentence Lu Chunrong said was to ask: Where is Lu Yangzhi

Seeing that the servants around her were confused, she remembered that the name Lu Yangzhi was only named later. When he first entered the mansion, everyone despised him and called him a bastard. Lu Chunrong's joy suddenly turned into apprehension. You must know that she is also one of those people who bullied him. It is not easy to establish a good relationship. Asked again, Lu Chunrong was immediately disappointed, she came back a bit late, and Lu Yangzhi was already considered the eldest son by his uncle.

But she has always been good at regulating her emotions, and she will never allow herself to admit defeat easily, so she immediately found the best green jade pendant at hand, and wanted to use it as a gift of apology. As the saying goes, don't reach out and don't hit the smiling face. She still remembers how cold and ruthless her all-powerful elder brother was in her previous life. Unfortunately, once Lu Yangzhi even went to the palace to warn her. After that, Lu Chunrong was full of fear of him.

So even if the Lu Yangzhi in front of her is only a thirteen-year-old boy, instead of the top student in high school at the age of fourteen, and the top student in the new department praised by the emperor in the Golden Luan Hall, she can't hide her fear in her heart.

The future Lu family is supported by him alone, everyone looks up to him, Lu Chunrong doesn't want to have an affair with him, but now that everyone has become the eldest son of the big family, how can I get close to him again. For the current plan, we can only get close as much as possible. Of course it is good to be able to cultivate feelings, but if we can't cultivate them, at least we can't make him hate himself.

Lu Chunrong didn't dare to offend a persevering person who was about to become a blockbuster. She didn't dare to say things like ruining Lu Yangzhi, she knew she didn't have that ability, some people were born to be superior to others, but she wasn't. Her only wish is to return to the prince's side again, and besides that, to become Lu Yangzhi's favorite younger sister. If there is such a brother who escorts her, she will definitely be able to stand up!

In this life, she has taken the lead, so will she still lose

Lu Chunrong didn't take Lu Qinghuan into consideration at all. In her opinion, he was just a short-lived ghost who died at the age of twelve. No matter how much she loved the natural beauty and intelligence, it would not change the fact of his early death. Lu Chunrong has already figured out what to do. During the period before Lu Qinghuan's death, she often came over to make love with them. When Lu Qinghuan died, her brother's dislike for her should be gone. At that time, wouldn't she just be Is he his closest sister

According to his love for Lu Qinghuan, Lu Chunrong would never do anything rude to Lu Qinghuan. She has a clear mind and knows what to do to maximize her own interests.

After feeding Xiao Yuanzi, Lu Yangzhi told her to go to bed early so that she would not be unable to wake up tomorrow morning, and then said to Lu Chunrong, "You can go."

Lu Chunrong hurriedly ran out on short legs, Lu Yangzhi wanted to leave, but someone grabbed his clothes: "Brother, don't be angry with the sixth sister."

His eyes softened, "Okay."

After going out, Lu Chunrong really greeted him at the door: "Big Brother..."

"Don't call me that." Lu Yangzhi looked at her coldly. "I can't afford Miss Six to call me brother."

Lu Chunrong knew that he must hate herself in his heart, but she would be a fool if she just gave up like this, and she shed tears in the blink of an eye, and the beautiful little girl was especially painful when she cried: "I'm sorry, big brother... I, I shouldn't have bullied you like that before, and I won't in the future, can you forgive me?" As if he was afraid that he would see him crying, he quickly wiped it with his hands, but the more he wiped the tears, the more tears flowed. controlled.

Anyone who is not hard-hearted would not bear it, but Lu Yangzhi kept silent and let her cry, crying and crying, Lu Chunrong couldn't continue. Only then did Lu Yangzhi speak: "You don't need to play tricks in front of me. If you don't come to A'nan in the future, I will naturally not make you unhappy."

When he said that, it was very similar to the time when he personally went to the palace to warn her.

At that time, she was rejected by the prince, and the reason why she still retained the side concubine's position was because of this elder brother. Even if he didn't protect her, no one dared to bully the Lu family. Lu Chunrong was desperate at the time, so he set his mind on the dead Lu Qinghuan, and under the guise of offering incense to Lu Qinghuan, invited a villain to go home. Paste the concubine's birthday horoscope. Let Lu Yangzhi know about this, and after that, Lu Chunrong was really defeated.

She is afraid of him.

Seeing that Lu Chunrong finally stopped showing a bright smile and pretended to be affectionate and wanted to talk to him, Lu Yangzhi turned around and left without paying any more attention to her.

He didn't know why Lu Chunrong approached him, maybe because he was now the eldest son of the big house and was afraid of his revenge, so he wanted to curry favor, but Lu Yangzhi didn't intend to give her this chance. Could it be that Lu Chunrong felt sorry and felt guilty, came to please him and begged him to forgive, and he would accept it? What's more, this girl is young, but she has more scheming than adults. She thinks she is well hidden, but before entering Lu's house, what kind of life did Lu Yangzhi live? He has contacts with people from all walks of life. Lu Chunrong thought he was hiding well, but he couldn't hide from his eyes.

As long as he doesn't make trouble in front of his daughter, it's none of his business even if the second room is tossing about to death.

Qing Huan really didn't wake up the next day. She pestered Sprite last night and wanted to eat another small bowl. Sprite couldn't make up her mind, so she went to ask Lu Yangzhi. It was the hard-hearted who didn't intend to ask her to eat it, but she acted coquettishly and foolishly, which made him unable to resist, and finally ate almost ten more in a row. This is good, the glutinous rice is not easy to digest, and I fell asleep after playing on the bed for half a night .

Lu Yangzhi was used to getting up early, but she was spoiled and pampered. He came to pick him up after washing up, and the maids said with a tearless expression that they couldn't call Miss. Lu Yangzhi personally woke her up to dress, wash her face and comb her hair. After changing her clothes, having breakfast and getting into the car, it seemed that she was about to arrive at the Duke's mansion, and the little girl woke up seven or eight minutes later. .

The reason why she snoozes to sleep is nothing more than physical reasons. Lu Yangzhi heard from the elders that she may not be able to run and jump like a healthy child in her life, and she will easily lose energy, so she needs someone to follow her, and no one can guarantee when she is tired and will fall asleep as soon as she tilts her head past.

Why can't such a good little girl live a long life

Lu Yangzhi thought so.

The old lady and the old man, before going out in the morning, repeatedly told Lu Zhihan and Lu Yangzhi, who were going to pay New Year's greetings together, never to leave A'nan behind, no matter how much the two old men from the Duke's Mansion messed around, they would definitely not promise!

This is not without a criminal record. When I visited the Duke's mansion for New Year's greetings last year, the old Duke took advantage of Lu Zhihan's conversation with the Duke and secretly hid the little girl, no matter what Lu Zhihan wanted. That's his old father-in-law, what can Lu Zhihan say? In the end, when they returned home in disgrace, they would be scolded by the elders of the family. Therefore, this time, the hopes of the old lady and the old man were pinned on Lu Yangzhi: no matter what happened, never leave Ah Nan's side. She will take her home again!

Lu Yangzhi complied solemnly, no matter how coaxed the old lady and the old man were, or how coerced and lured by the cousins, he would stand by and stare at him without any slack. The most irritating thing is that as long as he calls Ah Nan, no matter whose arms Ah Nan is in, he will run to Lu Yangzhi's place, but it makes all the masters of the Duke's Mansion very angry!