Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 981: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup Yao Miao (9)


In the end, Lu Zhihan took his children into the carriage with a smile on his face, and brought back some good things in the carriage. The Duke saw him off with a smug face, waved to him impatiently, and then lay down on the window to ask Qing Huan. "Aren't you really going to stay? It will be Lantern Festival in more than ten days, and your brothers will go to see the lanterns. Didn't you say that you want to go out and have a look? Just go back after watching the lanterns, okay?"

His family is full of sons, and the entire Duke's mansion is full of yang and yin, and he can't wait to exchange all his sons for a Nan to come back.

Qing Huan shook her head and grabbed Lu Yangzhi's finger: "I'll go with my brother."

The hearts of the cousins who heard this were broken. How many years have they been friends... How long has it been since this little boy became her brother? This is too old and new!

Lu Zhihan didn't dare to procrastinate any longer, he was really afraid that the old man would come out and force him to keep his daughter, so he simply told the coachman to hurry up, and didn't dare to stay longer for half a second. The Duke of the State looked at his ass-burning virtue, and couldn't help but want to say, it wasn't like this when you came to ask my sister to marry me, and you didn't leave when you were chased away, do you remember!

The old man who successfully saw his precious granddaughter brought back was also happy. The old lady even praised her eldest grandson in front of everyone. Lu Yangzhi was a little embarrassed when he praised him. In his eyes, he looked like a little fairy.

After the first day of the new year, she can move around freely. Qing Huan still stays at home when she is not in good health. She promised to go out to watch lanterns during the Lantern Festival. Lu Yangzhi was taken to study by the old man after a few years, and she followed her every day when she had nothing to do, but her energy was limited, and she couldn't sit at the desk for hours like Lu Yangzhi did.

The old man was once again amazed by the talent of this grandson. He said before that his handwriting was as ugly as ghosts, but who knew that Lu Yangzhi could sit at the desk and study without distraction. practice calligraphy! It only took more than ten days to write a good character with a strong character, and even my granddaughter learned a few more fonts. The old man has a lot of peaches and plums in the world. He has taught countless students. Some are stupid, some are diligent, and some are extremely smart. But the two juniors in his family are as intelligent as the other. The old teacher really has no sense of accomplishment.

Especially the little granddaughter, it's a pity that she gave birth to a daughter, otherwise the Lu family would be glorious, and she might not be able to live without her. The old man has not accepted disciples for many years, but in the past few years, there have been people who hoped that he could accept disciples, so he also went to meet a few, but none of them could compare with his own aunt, but he looked up to him, which really taught him to look at him with admiration. It is really a great blessing for Zhihan to have a son and a daughter.

Playing piano, chess, calligraphy and painting every day, and soon the Lantern Festival, after eating a bowl of glutinous rice balls alone, Lu Yangzhi went to change his clothes for going out, and was going to take the little girl who had never been to Flower Street to go out. Except for the two elderly people, the entire Lu family was "out in force". Lu Zhihan was worried about his son and daughter, so he followed him in person. Seeing Lu Yangzhi take the initiative to carry Anan one step ahead of him, his heart suddenly felt sore.

This son is good in everything, smart, sensible and filial, but there is one thing, he always competes with his father for his daughter. If this can be improved, then he is a real good son!

Qing Huan lay on Lu Yangzhi's back, wearing a hat, and a pair of white rabbit fur gloves on her little hands, she wasn't cold at all. The street was very lively with people coming and going, lanterns were hung all over the long street, and the riverside was full of girls and boys putting up lanterns. Everyone was happy and happy. She breathed on Lu Yangzhi's back, and he walked very steadily step by step, asking her from time to time if she was tired, hungry and thirsty, if she wanted to rest, if there was anything she liked, and asked Dad to buy it for her.

Why did he have no money

It was really tiring halfway through the stroll, so Lu Zhihan took them to a well-known restaurant. It is said that the grilled chicken here is a must. He had eaten here several times during Tianzi Weifu's private visits. They came just in time, the guests at the previous table had just left, and happened to vacate a side room, which was still near the riverside bridge. Looking down from here, you can just see people putting up lanterns by the river not far away, the sound of silk and bamboo can be heard from the boats on the river, and there are faint women singing, which makes the Lantern Festival even more lively.

The grilled chicken is the signature dish, so naturally it will be served first. The outer skin has been roasted until it is browned and crispy, and when the skin is pulled away with chopsticks, the steaming and fragrant meat is revealed. Lu Zhihan unpacked the chicken himself, two fat and tender chicken legs, one for each child, he poured wine for himself, but suddenly saw a woman coming from the small bridge with an umbrella and a lantern in her hand, she just stood on the bridge, surrounded by people. Mottled, but she is full of loneliness and frustration. It is the excitement of others that sets off the desertedness. The joy of others makes her loneliness more obvious, which is very artistic.

Qing Huan also saw it. She ate the drumstick meat that Lu Yangzhi tore open, and she couldn't get her hands dirty at all. The oil-paper umbrella blocked the woman's face, but that figure and sadness did not need a beautiful appearance to embellish it at all. She even popped her head out to look, but was patted on the arm by Lu Yangzhi. It was a coincidence that she showed her head. Someone also popped up from the side room, and she was quite surprised when they met: "You, aren't you A girl from Taifu Lu's family!"

Lu Zhihan heard it, took a look and laughed, "You bastards, you've never been so clever in reading." The last time they saw Ah Nan was half a year ago, and they still remembered it.

In the next room were the sons of the current emperor, who were all taught by Lu Zhihan. Seeing Lu Zhihan now, they rushed over to greet him. This court pays great attention to respecting teachers and morals. If the emperor knows that they did not say hello when they met Taifu Lu, they might have their legs broken.

Sitting on Lu Yangzhi's lap, Qing Huan was not interested in these princes, but rather in the only little girl among them.

It was not only the princes who came to greet them, but also their companions. Among them, the companion of the seventh prince brought a younger sister, the only little girl. She was generous and unafraid of strangers. After the others greeted her, she saluted Lu Zhihan in a proper manner, which was quite like everyone else.

After careful questioning, he found out that she was the younger sister of the Seventh Prince's companion, and her father was Yushi Zhongcheng, whose surname was Ni, and her single name was "Ya".

... That strange feeling came again, when being watched by Ni Ya, it was no different from being watched by Lu Chunrong. Although they tried their best to cover it up, such a young child could hide anything, and if their eyes were wrong, people would immediately notice it.

Was there something about her that they were aiming for

If there is, then only Lu Yangzhi is there. Qing Huan knew that Lu Yangzhi had a bright future because she knew this person and his abilities, but whether it was Lu Chunrong or Ni Ya, how did they know? How can you predict the future at a young age

The answer is almost there.

But nothing happened right now, so Qing Huan didn't speak, she still went to look at the woman standing on the bridge, surrounded by crowds of people, but the woman stood still, as if all the happiness in the world had nothing to do with her. Qing Huan suddenly remembered a poem, pulled Lu Yangzhi's hand and said, "Brother, have you seen that sister?"

Lu Yangzhi glanced at it casually, hummed, but was unmoved.

"I have a poem, brother, do you want to listen to it?" Qing Huan asked Lu Zhihan again, "Where's daddy?"

"Ah Nan wants to compose lyrics?" Lu Zhihan's eyes lit up, "Then daddy has to order someone to bring a pen and paper to record it."

"It doesn't have to be like this, it's just this situation, I think of a poem I read in an ancient book. If there is such a poem, no matter how I do it, it's just a trick."

The princes also looked at her with great interest. They saw the woman in the next room just now, and they thought it was very artistic, and they wrote poems one after another. Unfortunately, they were all a bit short. It's the first time, I can't help but want to listen to it.

Qing Huan has been to many worlds, met many people, and naturally read many books. But the scene in front of her reminded her of a man named Ouyang Xiu in a world. This person is good at writing prose, and has a very high achievement in poetry. Because she likes it, she memorized all of them.

In detail, it is a poem called "Sheng Chazi".

On the night of last year's Yuan Dynasty, the lights of the flower market were as bright as day. Willow head slightly on the moon, people make an appointment after dusk.

On the night of the Yuan Dynasty this year, the moon and lights remain the same. I don't see the person from last year, and the sleeves of the spring shirt are wet with tears.

If you look carefully, the woman is wiping her tears with her sleeves. Compared with the doggerel poems written by the princes, this situation is several times higher. Even Lu Zhihan liked it very much when he heard it, so he asked Xiaoer to bring a pen and paper to write down the words, but the poet Ouyang Xiu had never heard of it, and it probably has been lost, but this one alone is enough to be famous. Later generations will remember it.

Qing Huan propped her chin, her father is extremely elegant, she really wanted to bring all the poetry collections from other worlds for him to study, it was a huge food for thought.

"Huh?" The paper with words and sentences was circulated to the Seventh Prince, and he was stunned. "This poem..." He looked at Niya. "Didn't Ya'er do it?"

Um? ?

Qing Huan was stunned for a moment, and the others were also stunned for a moment, Qi Qi looked at Ni Ya.

Ni Ya suddenly yelled that she was not good, her face changed, and she quickly explained: "Your Highness, I am afraid that you have misremembered, this poem was also read by Ya'er by accident, and she thought it was quite beautiful, so she wrote it down, maybe It's the same person who read the girl from the Lu family."

This explanation is quite reasonable, only Qing Huan knows that she is just farting.

How could there be Ouyang Xiu in this world