Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 982: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup Yao Miao (10)


... It's really interesting, even Qing Huan herself finds it interesting. Originally, I thought that one Lu Chunrong would be enough, but I didn't expect that there would be another Ni Ya. I really wanted to ask these two people to meet and talk to each other to see what kind of chemical reaction they could have. Everyone else was studying the poem, but Qing Huan asked Ni Ya: "Where did you read this poem?"

Ni Ya was taken aback for a moment, then hesitated for a moment and said: "...I don't remember clearly either, I can't tell where I read it, haha." Finally, she laughed dryly.

Qing Huan also smiled: "I see."

Ni Ya didn't seem to want to talk to her very much, but was more interested in Lu Yangzhi who was holding her. She looked at Lu Yangzhi timidly: "Is this the elder brother of the Lu family? It's my first time See you, Brother Lu."

Lu Yangzhi nodded to her, his expression was very cold, and he didn't pay much attention to her.

In fact, a girl like Ni Ya is very eye-catching among her peers. How can I say it, it's like Meng Po, who is now pretending to be a child, but has no flaws at all, but Ni Ya is steady and gentle at a young age. , plus she is pretty, boys like to play with her, and the several princes in this house have a good relationship with her. Qing Huan is different, at first glance, she is delicate and untouchable, and boys may think she is cute, but they will never want to make friends with her.

However, while being friends with the princes, Ni Ya also has a considerate and careful character, which other boys do not have, so she seems to have a kind of backbone in it, as if such a small group, the princes are also good, The accompanying readers are also good, they all value her.

But now she seems to be targeting Lu Yangzhi. But Lu Yangzhi is different from other people, he didn't grow up with rich clothes and good food, he was immersed in the market when he was young, his mind is much deeper than that of adults, how could he be moved by such a little girl. It would be ridiculous if he really cut his heart and lungs at Ni Ya with a few words. And in order to maintain the delicate side of the little girl, Ni Ya always opened her watery eyes slightly, which made her look more beautiful and innocent, making it easier for people to be defenseless.

It's not surprising that Ni Ya kicked the iron plate on Lu Yangzhi, but she didn't give up, instead she continued to talk to Lu Yangzhi. She seemed to be smarter than Lu Chunrong. After a few words, she found that Lu Yangzhi ignored her, so she cleverly shifted the focus to Qing Huan. The younger sister is older than the younger sister, so she happens to be a year older than Qing Huan. At the age of six, she regarded herself as her elder sister, and she took care of Qing Huan in every conversation, which made people feel good about her.

But Lu Yangzhi doesn't like people approaching Qing Huan, and even less like people trying to curry favor with her, no matter what the purpose is. Seeing that he couldn't avoid Ni Ya, he asked Qing Huan, "Do you want to take you to release the river lantern?"

Qing Huan nodded: "That girl is gone."

The girl with the umbrella and the lantern is no longer there, but the moon is still there, unmoved by the love and hatred of ordinary people.

Lu Yangzhi got up with Qing Huan in his arms. They hadn't finished their roast chicken yet, but there were so many people in the room that it was hard to breathe. Lu Zhihan was a little worried, but Lu Yangzhi repeatedly assured that he was outside, and he could see it clearly when he sat by the window, and his youngest daughter watched eagerly. Lu Zhihan couldn't bear to disappoint her, so he agreed.

The thirteen-year-old boy is taller than his peers. He eats well and sleeps well these days. He has gained some flesh and looks much better. Even the younger girls couldn't help but stare. He first bought a rabbit river lantern for Qing Huan, then carefully put her on his back, and walked up the steps to the river with her on his back. The vendor who sold the river lantern provided paper and pens for writing. Everyone has their own wish, Qing Huan. Huan didn't want it.

She put the river lantern by the river and let it go away. Seeing her happy, Lu Yangzhi asked, "Don't you have any wishes?"

Qing Huan shook her head and smiled at him.

What people in the world want to keep are nothing more than time, affection and money. These three things are meaningless to her. She needs to hold on tightly and refuse to let go, and it is inevitable that she will get hurt.

However, Lu Yangzhi wanted to keep this moment forever, or in other words, he hoped...every year to have today, every year to have today. I hope that every year during the Lantern Festival, I can accompany her and watch her release the river lanterns. He touched Qing Huan's head, and let go of his own river lantern. The river lantern meandered down along the water, and soon disappeared among the crowd of river lanterns.

When she got up, she saw Ni Ya standing behind her at some point. She seemed a little embarrassed: "Brother Lu, I want to set off a river lantern, but I can't write a few words well. Can you help me?"

When the little face was lifted up, it looked like a spring flower, full of immature anticipation, one couldn't bear to refuse.

But Lu Yangzhi thought in his heart, my family's Anan Hedeng doesn't even write wishes, if you want to write, just figure out your own way, what does it have to do with me

But he still knew it was too impolite to say this, so he pretended not to know, and walked up to avoid Ni Ya with Qing Huan in his arms, and then suddenly heard a cry of pain, and the little girl in his arms tugged at him, "Brother, The girl from the Ni family is on the street."

It was really rushing on the street, maybe they wanted to chase them, but they didn't catch up, they ran too fast, and they fell on the side of the street. Lu Yangzhi turned around to look, and saw Ni Ya timidly wiping his tears with his hands, and seeing him looking at him, he immediately smiled with tears in his eyes, very strong: "Brother Lu, I, I'm fine, you take my sister first Go back, I can do it myself..."

"Where's your brother?" Lu Yangzhi asked.

Ni Ya rubbed her eyes again, although she was very strong, but her tears kept rolling in her eyes. When Lu Yangzhi asked this question, she couldn't hold back her tears anymore, she fell down, and said pitifully, "Brother, brother is talking to Mrs. Lu and the others. I really want to set off the river lantern, so I ran out by myself." It's over... Brother Lu, don't tell them, I, I don't want them to worry. "

Qing Huan didn't speak all the time, watching Ni Ya's performance quietly, she sang and composed so well, it really made people feel affectionate, I'm afraid only a hard-hearted person would not hate this caring and sensible but slightly naughty girl, right


oh? ? ? Just one sound? ? ? Sitting on the ground, Ni Ya was stunned. She knew what kind of person Lu Yangzhi was, but it was many years later. This man who became more and more cold and powerful stood at the top of power, but Why was he so unapproachable when he was young? Or did you say you used the wrong method? As long as Lu Qinghuan is still alive, will no one be able to be the softest place in his heart

Qing Huan asked Lu Yangzhi: "Don't you care about the girl from the Ni family?"

"She can get up." Lu Yangzhi said lightly. "And the mood is so particular about crying, the injury is naturally not serious."

Even when she was crying, she found the right angle, she really didn't look like an eight-year-old girl, but rather like Lu Zhenxing's concubines who were flirting with each other.

Sure enough, after a while, Ni Ya came back by herself. The soil on her body was not wiped clean, and her face was full of tears. She was very wronged and pitiful. Jump feet. Qing Huan shook her head, this rank is so high, I can't blame Lu Chunrong for not being able to beat it, it would be a surprise if he could beat it. Now that both of them have been reborn once, they are both full of ambitions for the future. Qing Huan didn't plan to intervene and let the two fight each other.

Anyway, it's not the first time.

When surrounded by people who were concerned about her, Ni Ya unconsciously looked towards Lu Yangzhi, and saw that the pair of brothers and sisters were still very close, and Lu Zuocheng, who would later become powerful in the future, was gently undressing the girl in his arms. Chicken, bowing his head and talking softly from time to time, doesn't look like he was talking to himself just now.

She touched her neck, and it seemed that it still hurt a little, more because of her fear of Lu Yangzhi and her unstoppable desire to please. Now she is surrounded by princes who care about her, why doesn't Lu Yangzhi care? Under normal circumstances, no matter what, he would feel that he was a very special girl worth chasing, right? There is also Lu Qinghuan in his arms, even though he is loved by thousands of people, but her family is not in the room right now, these handsome, intelligent and noble princes are all around her, why is she not jealous

The scene of being beheaded in the previous life is still fresh in my memory. Sometimes Ni Ya envies Lu Chunrong, that brainless slut who died in childbirth. At least she saved a bit of dignity. It’s better than being tied up in a prison car and being beheaded in broad daylight. strong.

What kind of glory and status, Ni Ya didn't realize until after her death. In her previous life, the Seventh Prince who fought with Lu Chunrong, how could she compare with Lu Yangzhi? In this life, she no longer wants to be the concubine of a traitor, but Zuo Cheng's wife.

It doesn't matter if Lu Yangzhi doesn't like her now, she has plenty of ways to make him like her. As for Lu Qinghuan... a short-lived ghost, don't worry about it. But it is more important to have a good relationship with Lu Qinghuan, otherwise Lu Yangzhi will not be able to make Lu Yangzhi look up to him.

It's a pity, if only she had come back half a year earlier, Lu Yangzhi hadn't entered the Lu residence at that time, so she could use her status as the daughter of the censor to favor him. Isn't the reason why Lu Qinghuan was favored by Lu Yangzhi because she saved him from the fire and water

She can give more, she knows a lot of things that will happen in the future, Lu Yangzhi is not a thing in the pool, next year in Chunwei, he will become a blockbuster, the top student in high school, and since then he has been on the rise, becoming a powerful prime minister.

Unlike the princes who were born into the royal family, Lu Yangzhi really made it up by relying on his own ability, he didn't bend his spine, he didn't flatter, let alone flatter, such a man was worthy of her.

God gave me a chance to start again, isn't it to make up for this regret