Heroine’s Road to Becoming Scum

Chapter 983: The ninety-ninth bowl of soup Yao Miao (11)


Lu Yangzhi naturally didn't know what was going on in Ni Ya's mind, and even if he knew, he wouldn't care - no, maybe he would think that Ni Ya had some brain problems, what kind of eight-year-old girl would think about such things? What will happen in the future? It hasn't happened yet. Why should he wrong himself for liking such a girl for the sake of an illusory future.

Time flies like running water, and in the next year, Qing Huan was nine years old, Lu Yangzhi was fourteen, and spring was coming. The old man and Lu Zhihan were very optimistic about his exam, but they didn't put too much pressure on him, and they also I can't get nervous, how should I put it, Lu Yangzhi is not only a genius, but also extremely flexible, whether it is an examination essay or a current policy theory, he can handle it with ease. They don't even need to estimate the questions, anyway, no matter what type Lu Yangzhi can write it.

When signing up, Qing Huan also followed to watch the excitement. There are not many people as old as Lu Yangzhi. To be safe, most people will take the exam when they are fifteen years old, so this exam is more for candidates who have failed. They finally waited for this opportunity and vowed to be named on the gold list. Some people take the exam for a lifetime, Qing Huan just saw an old man with white beard and hair, he was still a boy at his age, he still refused to give up after failing the exam for decades.

Talent is really cruel.

She leaned on the car window and looked out, the carriage was parked outside the registration place, Chun Wei's registration is very important, no one will let their own servants do it, fearing that mistakes will be made, they will sign up by themselves and sign up to ensure that it is a personal exam. Lu Yangzhi came early, and now he is almost in line. The younger brothers in the second and third bedrooms are still young, and it is far from the time of the exam, but Lu Chunrong heard that he was going out, so he insisted on begging for nothing. and. This year, Qing Huan has been entangled enough by her. When Lu Yangzhi is around, Lu Chunrong doesn't dare to bother her. When Lu Yangzhi is away, she sticks to her like a dog's skin plaster. What is the name... We are sisters, so be careful get along.

There is also that Ni Ya, who has often visited her in the name of a friend this year, the most annoying thing is that she has come so many times, and she doesn't bring any gifts. Doesn't this mean that she wants to rely on her to get a position but is reluctant to spend money! Where is such a good thing! After coming and going, Qing Huan complained of being sick or absent, and Ni Ya gradually understood what she meant, and the number of visits decreased, and she brought gifts back. Qing Huan only saw her then.

It's a coincidence that Lu Chunrong and Ni Ya haven't met each other until now. Lu Chunrong chose to come when Lu Yangzhi was not around, and Ni Ya chose to come when Lu Yangzhi was around, and the two missed it perfectly.

But today... Qing Huan even saw Yushifu's carriage, look... da da da da da, it stopped in front of them. Between the high gates, there were signs on the carriages of each government, Qing Huan lowered the window curtains and waited for the king to see the king.

Sure enough, Ni Ya's voice was soon heard from outside: "Is it Sister Qinghuan in there? My brother also came to sign up today, thinking about not seeing Sister Qinghuan for a few days, and I miss her very much. I happened to meet here, worried My sister is bored in the carriage, so I am here to talk to my sister."

It's a lie, the carriage from Yushi's mansion came late, and when the queue was exhausted, Lu Yangzhi would be back soon, the drunkard's intention was not to drink.

But Qing Huan was in a good mood today, especially when Ni Ya came in and had a face-to-face meeting with Lu Chunrong, the two looked at each other with exactly the same expressions. Surprised—disgusted—thoughtful—back to normal.

Qing Huan doesn't like being called sister and sister, no matter what Ni Ya calls her sister, she insists on calling Ni Ya Miss Ni. At this moment, the facial expressions of the two people were very stiff, but she smiled: "Miss Ni, this is my sixth younger sister, Lu Chunrong, Chunrong, this is the girl from the Ni family of Yushifu, who is one year older than me , you can just call me sister."

In the previous life, she was called sister for many years, but now she wants to call her again? But Lu Chunrong was afraid that something might be seen, so he tried hard to suppress the jealousy in his heart, and smiled a little distortedly: "Sister Ni."

Ni Ya was also afraid of being seen out, so she also tried her best to be generous and gentle: "Sister Chunrong."

Isn't it the name of the older sister in the previous life! Most of them didn't expect that the other party could do it all over again like themselves, and they were all criticizing in their hearts.

Oh my god, Ni Ya was so scheming when she was a child, no wonder I have never been able to compete with her for favor!

Lu Chunrong, a stupid bitch, will never let her have an easy life in this life!

The two cursed each other a thousand or eight hundred times in their hearts, but on the surface they were all affectionate, but their dislike for each other was really indescribable, so you started talking one sentence at a time, and every sentence sounded normal , but they all carry guns and sticks. It can be said to be a little girl's version of a house fight. Qing Huan quietly listened to their coming and going, took a sip of tea, and ate pastries. Although there was no TV, the live-action version was much better than the TV. Especially these two little girls, one is gentle and beautiful, the other is delicate and bright, it is really a big show.

Ah... I knew that I would carry some sunflower seeds when I went out, how comfortable it is to eat now.

Ni Ya and Lu Chunrong were enemies in the previous life, and once again in this life, they both disliked each other very much, and they were either ridiculed or ridiculed. Ni Ya laughed at Lu Chunrong as a concubine, and Lu Chunrong laughed at Ni Ya's familiarity; Ni Ya laughed at Lu Chunrong as an embroidered pillow, and Lu Chunrong laughed at Ni Ya's pretending. In short, the two have contacts with each other, and this round of talk is more interesting than cross talk.

This scene lasted until Lu Yangzhi came back, just in time to hear the unhealthy conversation between the two, and when the curtain was lifted, the good baby who shouldn't be listening turned out to be wonderful! He suppressed his anger, and said in a cold voice: "If you two want to debate, you can go to the street to find someone to reason with, don't bother Ah Nan here."

He walked silently, lightly and quickly, Ni Ya and Lu Chunrong didn't pay attention, and immediately blushed, Ni Ya was worried about his impression of her, so she quickly said: "Brother Lu, listen to my explanation—"

Lu Chunrong didn't know how she was going to explain it, but she knew that Ni Ya, a bastard, had a clever mouth. It was like this in her previous life. If she was given a chance to clean up, even if it was not her fault, the prince would not stand by her side. It's useless to reason with a bitch like Ni Ya, because you can't talk to her, the best way is to speak louder than her, just overtake her! "Big Brother! Big Sister! Let's go home after registration!"

Ni Ya has the posture of a lady, so naturally she doesn't speak loudly, she speaks softly and softly, but Lu Chunrong doesn't have this concern, anyway, she just wants to hug Lu Yangzhi's thigh, as long as she doesn't die, uncle, grandparents and Lu Qinghuan They are all so kind to Lu Yangzhi, and he is still a member of the Lu family, so Lu Yangzhi will not leave him dead. Now she only knows that Lu Yangzhi's good impression of Ni Ya must be destroyed!

Never allow Ni Ya to hug this thick thigh that she didn't even hug!

Although Qing Huan was one year older, she didn't grow much taller, she didn't get heavier, and she was lighter. Lu Yangzhi was the same as usual, basically not letting her feet touch the ground when he saw her. After glancing at the two of them indifferently, he hugged Qing Huan into his arms: "You two do your own thing."

After finishing speaking, he turned around and left without any regrets. Because before going out, he promised to take her to buy orange candy after signing up, and he didn't plan to bring those two annoying people inside.

Ni Ya and Lu Chunrong hated each other, they didn't expect each other to have a new life, and they thought they couldn't get used to each other, but now that Lu Yangzhi was gone, they didn't care about fighting, and hurriedly got out of the car to follow.

Lu Yangzhi is particularly annoying to them, and Lu Chunrong doesn't know why, he used to be so bad to him, but now he is trying to please him, so is that Ni Ya, who obviously only met once in Yuanxiao a year ago, and they stick together like brown candy. Do the two think he is a fool? Their words and deeds were full of flattery and fear. Lu Yangzhi didn't know what was going on, but he could probably guess it.

What did he have to please them? Even though he is talented, he obviously hasn't made a career yet. They flattered him, obviously not because they sensed his charisma (Lu Yangzhi himself doubted whether he had this thing), but because they had something in mind. But what did he have for them to plot? It didn't exist in the past, and it doesn't exist now, so only the future will exist.

But in the past year, the little girl has not been busy with her job, and she has not studied the piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, and poetry. Instead, she likes to read some short stories, especially those who tell strange stories. In order to please her, she has some chats with her. Zhi also watched a lot of them, and the one that impressed me the most was the one that little Anan liked best. A person, because of some opportunities, went back to his childhood, so the scholar rose to the sky, the lady found a good relationship, and the fox demon Becoming a fairy... Probably because she read too much, she started to write it enthusiastically, took it out and sold it under the pseudonym of Lao Wang next door...Don't tell me, she has a flexible mind, a rich imagination and a lot of books. , the plot of the short story book written is tortuous and fascinating, and Lao Wang next door has become the best-selling short story book list.

Thanks to her poor health and lack of energy, she only wrote one book. If she was given some more time, the short stories she wrote could have circled the capital.

Seeing this a lot, Lu Yangzhi will inevitably think about it, the more he thinks about it, the more right he is. Be it Ni Ya or Lu Chunrong, they both flattered him too much, and he couldn't help being suspicious.

But regardless of whether this is the case, he will keep the maximum distance from them. Let them have any plans, and if he doesn't respond, don't even try to take advantage of them.

Lu Yangzhi didn't know what height he would reach in the future, but he knew one thing very well, that is, no matter what kind of person he became, he hoped that this honor would be dedicated to only one person.